Re: sshd signal 11 on -current

From: bob prohaska <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 01:51:37 UTC
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 05:09:32PM -0800, Mark Millard wrote:
> So far it sounds like the problem requires pi4 RasPiOS
> workstation behavior to be involved to get the problem.
> Can you do something to avoid all use of RasPiOS, possibly
> using a different OS on that RPi4B for some experiments?
I just tried a Windows 10 laptop wired into the LAN. Ssh to and  running 
grep -i /var/log/messages produces five lines of grep matches, 
then "corrupted MAC on input....." 

I'm not sure which MAC (as in ethernet MAC) is being referred
to. Might a different kind of MAC exist, unrelated to ethernet? 

Running top, or cat /var/log/messages, produces the error
immediately. It seems safe to use ls. Meanwhile, the serial 
console session served by  is still up 
and usable. 

I'm increasingly confused about where the error starts.

Thanks for reading!

bob prohaska