Wow: Building the likes of devel/llvm16 now requires building rust first (when rust is out of date). . .
- Reply: Marcin Cieslak : "Re: Wow: Building the likes of devel/llvm16 now requires building rust first (when rust is out of date). . ."
- Reply: John F Carr: "Re: Wow: Building the likes of devel/llvm16 now requires building rust first (when rust is out of date). . ."
- Reply: Charlie Li : "Re: Wow: Building the likes of devel/llvm16 now requires building rust first (when rust is out of date). . ."
- Reply: Mark Millard : "Re: Wow: Building the likes of devel/llvm16 now requires building rust first (when rust is out of date). . . A WORKAROUND"
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Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 06:20:58 UTC
Note: py39 is in use in my context. Building devel/llvm16 requires building textproc/py-recommonmark@py39 Building textproc/py-recommonmark@py39 requires building textproc/py-sphinx@py39 Building textproc/py-sphinx@py39 requires building www/py-requests@py39 Building www/py-requests@py39 requires building net/py-urllib3@py39 Building net/py-urllib3@py39 requires building security/py-openssl@py39 Building security/py-openssl@py39 requires building security/py-cryptography@py39 Building security/py-cryptography@py39 requires building devel/py-setuptools-rust@py39 Building devel/py-setuptools-rust@py39 requires building lang/rust Building devel/llvm16 and the like just got more resource intensive for those not already building lang/rust . Building lang/rust in my context uses system-clang ( not a devel/llvm* ). So no loop in my context. I normally build rust anyway. But other folks may have been avoiding such. === Mark Millard marklmi at