[SOLVED] July 002839 post: u-boot.bin Not Booting on Raspberry Pi 4B? Replace with older working version u-boot.bin

From: Fred Finster <fred_at_thegalacticzoo.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2023 21:17:19 UTC
Yes, I also had problems with booting latest FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT 
snapshot on a Raspberry Pi 4B with 8 GB ram  SoC B0T version 1.2

Your post

https://lists.freebsd.org/archives/freebsd-arm/2023-July/002789.html My 
[SOLVED] answer to replace u-boot.bin with an older working version

How to Audit your directories and files using MD5DEEP or HASH utility.

Read the comments section  verify what the MD5 checksum is on your 
u-boot.bin  file.  Replace that newer u-boot.bin file with an older 
version that does work to boot the RASPBERRY PI.

602552 71287bb1f4d4ceb9dc9cbf1efb0186a8 /media/msdos/u-boot.bin

Look at the size and the MD5 checksum value to determine a working 
version compared to a broken version

        root@Fred_RasPi4B:/mnt/rpifat32 # ls -l u*
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  568960 Oct 21  2021 u-boot.bin
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  602552 Jun 22 07:08 u-bootJune22_broken.bin
        root@Fred_RasPi4B:/mnt/rpifat32 #

        root@Fred_RasPi4B:/mnt/msdos # md5 u-boot.bin   # 568960 Oct 21 2021
        u-boot.bin  Working Older Copy
        MD5 (u-boot.bin) = 4c2998a9bd108775ada821a56e6362a7    # Working Older
        Copy of u-boot.bin

        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   602552 Jun 22 07:08 u-boot.bin
        root@Fred_RasPi4B:/mnt/rpifat32 # md5 u-boot.bin    #
        MD5 (u-boot.bin) = be6c1637a6c775fad754efa723eff516      # Not booting
        June 22 2023 u-boot.bin replaced


I would be glad for your testing assistance on Raspberry Pi 4B with 
FreeBSD software.


See the VCHIQ_AUDIO_PATCH_file.txt , https://reviews.freebsd.org/D37878  
This patch allows HDMI Audio to work on the speakers from your HDMI TV / 

https://reviews.freebsd.org/D37878?download=true  Get the Patch File 
text saved  HDMI_VCHIQ_sound_patch.txt (or filename 

fred@generic-arm64:/usr $ ls -l pat*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel 47621 Jul 30 19:27 patch_vchiq_D37878_diff.txt
fred@generic-arm64:/usr $ md5 patch*
MD5 (patch_vchiq_D37878_diff.txt) = 0d5f9016a8b07c5cdb1966e3486da376
fred@generic-arm64:/usr $ wc patch*
     1694    5413   47621 patch_vchiq_D37878_diff.txt

cd /usr/src

Does this match your usage work flow? I am asking you to verify the 
steps, so that I or others can duplicate those steps and have a working 
kernel to install. please modify, add, or update the steps below:

su root
cd /usr/src
patch -v <HDMI_VCHIQ_sound_patch.txt
time make -j4 buildkernel  KERNCONF=GENERIC-VCHIQ
time make -j4 installkernel  KERNCONF=GENERIC-VCHIQ
reboot FreeBSD operating system and use the newly compiled kernel

uname -aK    What is the presently running kernel version.

ls -l /boot/kernel      Look at the file sizes and file dates FYI

Now I expect that HDMI port #0 sound will work and output to my 
Television connected via HDMI cable to TV's HDMI input #2. So when my tv 
is displaying the Raspberry Pi 4B desktop screen. Opening FireFox 
version 104 browser to youtube.com will play some Video and AUDIO too.


Fred L Finster


Giving a presentation at LinuxFestNorthWest  October 20-22 2023 
Bellingham Washington



      Find Stability Using FreeBSD 14.0 O/S on your ARM64 Raspberry Pi
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