Re: RBPI3/4 onboard Wifi status

From: Stefan Parvu <>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 13:55:22 UTC
Im testing RBPI 3/4 capturing data from some sensors using MODBUS 
running FreeBSD and default Raspberry PI OS (Debian). 
> Didn't read any news on this for a long time. So I think nobody is working on RBPI WiFi. Sorry.

Its too bad we dont have support for on-board wifi.

Bjoern, if Im not wrong started the work on this part. Havent heard anything.

FreeBSD seems more stable for my tests than Debian/Raspberry PI OS. I have several
crashes from Debian using Wifi. No crashes from FreeBSD but using wired connection.

Really appreciated if anyone else can share any light on this.
