Re: Failed to execute custom kernels which where build on a RPi 4 operated by 13.1-RELEASE

From: Mark Millard <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2022 05:01:07 UTC
On 2022-Jul-5, at 08:09, Dr. Rolf Jansen <> wrote:

>> . . .
> That would be the second step. The first step would be that somebody else confirms my finding that building and running a custom kernel on a stock FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE on RPi 4 does not work out. And actually that was my initial question.
> - In case somebody raises her/his hand telling, that this worked flawlessly on their system,
>  then I would have a more in deep look, what might have gone wrong here.
> - In case the issue would be confirmed, then I would submit a bug report, and the discussion
>  may continue in a more productive way on

Summary of the later material:

It would appear that if building any kernels are
broken, it is specific to some custom kernel(s)
in question, not to building kernels in general.
13.1-RELEASE's install is able to build, install,
and boot its own generic kernel on a 8GiByte
RPi4B Rev. 1.4.

How I got to that conclusion . . .
(Written earlier.)

I'm doing (written as I go along):

Establish a USB3 media from FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-RPI.img.xz
and releases/arm64/13.1-RELEASE/src.txz . Set up some basic configuration.

(Note: growfs is broken for the large expansion. I used dump and restore
for the ufs partition from a mounted non-grown dd of the .img file to
other media. I also copied over the msdosfs partition content. I set
up to have partition-based swap space as well. I used gpt partitioning.)

Boot via that media on a 8 GiByte RPi4B Rev. 1.4 .
Do some live setup to finish things off.


root@13R-ufs:~ # cd /usr/src
root@13R-ufs:~ # time make -j4 kernel-toolchain #  630.15 real 2302.72 user  94.36 sys
root@13R-ufs:~ # time make -j4 buildkernel      # 1790.12 real 6488.26 user 526.25 sys
root@13R-ufs:~ # time make -j4 installkernel    #    8.17 real   14.94 user  12.00 sys
root@13R-ufs:~ # diff -rq /boot/kernel/ /boot/kernel.old/ #??? Reproducible builds ???
Files /boot/kernel/kernel and /boot/kernel.old/kernel differ
Files /boot/kernel/kernel.bin and /boot/kernel.old/kernel.bin differ
root@13R-ufs:~ # shutdown -r now
. . .
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Starting sshd.
Starting cron.
Starting background file system checks in 60 seconds.

Wed Jul  6 04:22:01 UTC 
FreeBSD/arm64 (13R-ufs) (ttyu0)

login: root
Jul  6 04:23:28 13R-ufs login[1210]: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyu0
Last login: Wed Jul  6 03:18:32 on ttyu0

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root@13R-ufs:~ # uname -apKU
FreeBSD 13R-ufs 13.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE GENERIC arm64 aarch64 1301000 1301000
root@13R-ufs:~ # freebsd-version -kru
root@13R-ufs:~ # gpart show -pl
=>       40  468862048    da0  GPT  (224G)
         40      32728         - free -  (16M)
      32768     524288  da0p1  13Refi  (256M)
     557056   29360128  da0p2  13Rswp14  (14G)
   29917184    4194304         - free -  (2.0G)
   34111488   33554432  da0p3  13Rswp16  (16G)
   67665920  356515840  da0p4  13Rufs  (170G)
  424181760   44680328         - free -  (21G)

root@13R-ufs:~ # gpart show -p
=>       40  468862048    da0  GPT  (224G)
         40      32728         - free -  (16M)
      32768     524288  da0p1  efi  (256M)
     557056   29360128  da0p2  freebsd-swap  (14G)
   29917184    4194304         - free -  (2.0G)
   34111488   33554432  da0p3  freebsd-swap  (16G)
   67665920  356515840  da0p4  freebsd-ufs  (170G)
  424181760   44680328         - free -  (21G)
root@13R-ufs:~ # df -m
Filesystem      1M-blocks Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/gpt/13Rufs    168604 8159 146956     5%    /
devfs                   0    0      0   100%    /dev
/dev/gpt/13Refi       255   25    230    10%    /boot/efi
root@13R-ufs:~ # ls -Tld /usr/obj/usr/src/arm64.aarch64/sys/*/
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  91136 Jul  6 04:17:59 2022 /usr/obj/usr/src/arm64.aarch64/sys/GENERIC/
root@13R-ufs:~ # 

The build and install seems to have worked just fine,
allowing booting and operation.


The builds were done via being logged in via ssh. The
serial console causes more time to be taken waiting
for the build output as it progresses, so I avoid
it for builds.

This media will be around for some time to possibly
do other experiments with if desired. Provide
explicit instructions if you want a build tried. The
starting context would be as above but the instructions
might say to "rm -fr" various things first, if

Mark Millard
marklmi at