Re: FreeBSD-base update & make delete-old issues

From: Roger Marquis <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 12:48:27 UTC
On Thu, 20 Jun 2024, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
>>   1) 'pkg ver' shows both 14.0 and 14.1 packages and no version status
> Can you show some example ?

   # pkg ver
   FreeBSD-acct-14.0p4                ?
   FreeBSD-acct-dbg-14.0p4            ?
   FreeBSD-acpi-14.0p4                ?
   FreeBSD-acpi-dbg-14.0p4            ?
   FreeBSD-apm-14.0p4                 ?
   FreeBSD-apm-dbg-14.0p4             ?
   FreeBSD-at-14.0p4                  ?
   FreeBSD-at-dbg-14.0p4              ?
   FreeBSD-autofs-14.0p4              ?
   FreeBSD-autofs-dbg-14.0p4          ?

>>   2) cd /usr/src && yes | make delete-old delete-old-libs
>>   ...
>>   *** Error code 1
> You probably don't have FreeBSD-clang installed as 'cc' isn't found.
> But you don't need to make delete-old with pkgbase, pkg will remove the
> files that are no longer part of the packages. You also don't need
> etcupdate/mergemaster in case that was something that you still use.

Do you mean the non-base version of clang?  In either case this does not
seem to be documented (anywhere under /usr/src at least) and should be
considered a bug in the top-level Makefile targets.
