FreeBSD libc++ , ports, and import std or import std.compat : what if potential ports start using them over time?
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 18:08:02 UTC
This is more of an early-warning note than an immediate-action- required note. import std or import std.compat are reported to have the property of cutting build times vs. the historical use of headers. This could lead potential ports to needing to port things that are based on import std or import std.compat upstream, for example. FreeBSD has the property that the only implementation of (modern, clang based) libc++ is the one provided by the system. Having the ports environment have its devel/llvm* contexts use their own libc++ that might not match or be compatibile with the system libc++ is not provided for currently, as I understand. But, as far as I can tell, it looks unlikely that the system libc++ would be configured to allow import std or import std.compat : There looks to be extensive compiler options matching requirements for how the supplied std and std.compat were set up before they can be used. Building FreeBSD itself may have no intended use of the likes of import std or import std.compat . This leads me to wonder if FreeBSD will enable alternate libc++ usage for ports at some point in order to allow ports to use import std and/or import std.compat . Might that need, say, a lang/clang++* separate from the devel/llvm* ? Likely not intended for building FreeBSD itself? A problem here is avoiding he need for any process to have multiple libc++ implementations. This might be messy enough to block use of import std or import std.compat in ports fairly generally, needing a from scratch bulk -a run that is overall based on a specific alternate libc++ for example. (May be only those folks building there own packages/ports get to do such?) Has anyone been looking into the implications of attempting import std and/or import std.compat use for c++ use in a FreeBSD context (with the c++ library, not just the language)? === Mark Millard marklmi at