Re: Removing shar(1)

From: Cy Schubert <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 22:13:23 UTC
In message <>, Kyle Evans 
> Hi,
> I was reminded the other day that shar(1) exists, though it's use is no 
> longer recommended in ports.  The same functionality can be found in 
> tar(1) instead, so I think we should deorbit /usr/bin/shar and stop 
> promoting it entirely.  sh(1) archives are really problematic from a 
> user standpoint for at least one reason best explained by the manpage:
>   It is easy to insert trojan horses into shar files.  It is strongly
>   recommended that all shell archive files be examined before running
>   them through sh(1).  Archives produced using this implementation of
>   shar may be easily examined with the command:
>        egrep -av '^[X#]' shar.file
> It's hard to advocate for their use in good conscience, much like it's 
> hard to advocate curl|sh pipes.
> Review:

I use it at $JOB, produce a shar file, cut/paste into a terminal.

Should it be removed I'll perform the repo surgery to base a port on it.

Cy Schubert <>
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