Re: FreeBSD 14: Poll armv6 deprecated or removed

From: Robert Clausecker <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 15:45:31 UTC

I have just bought an armv6 board a few days ago to improve package support
for this platform.  But alas apart from maintaining an assembly code base
with specific support for armv6 FreeBSD [1], that's really the only thing
I'm doing with it.

So not really important for me either way, but if you ask I'm in favour of
keeping armv6 support.

Robert Clausecker


Am Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 09:37:03AM -0600 schrieb Warner Losh:
> Greetings,
> Given that the number of available and useful armv6 boards has fallen to
> almost zero, the time has come to look hard at armv6.
> There's a number of options.
> 1. Keep it as is. This will only happen if there's a lot more users than we
> think (and we think there's nearly zero users of FreeBSD 13 and newer that
> would want to run FreeBSD 14).
> 2. Stop building packages. Given it's small to non-existent user base, it
> makes no sense to provide a package building service for it.
> 2a. We should likely do this anyway for all stable branches since it's a
> net negative in terms of cost/benefit analysis: lots of effort to produce,
> very little use.
> 3. Disconnect it from universe: This will mean it will rot, though. It's a
> necessary step in removal.
> 4. Remove support for armv6 in base entirely. This will orphan any RPiB and
> RPi0 users out there. However, the RPiB hasn't been sold in a few years,
> and the RPI0's connectivity is severely lacking given no SDIO support.
> So, which of these steps do we do before FreeBSD 14 and which before
> FreeBSD 15?
> My vote would be to do 1-4 for 14 including 2a.
> Warner

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