Re: Please switch freebsd-accessibility@ to open posting

From: Pau Amma <>
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2022 06:23:53 UTC
On 2022-06-30 06:54, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 03:13:09AM +0000, Pau Amma wrote:
>> I meant for it to be when I requested its creation and thought based 
>> on the
>> email I received asking for list information that it would be by 
>> default,
>> but per, 
>> the
>> default was changed silently.
> Yes when you requested you specifically asked for open mailing list it 
> wasn't
> changed silently it was missed in the initial request by myself, 
> otherwise I
> would have answered the following:
> By default we do setup all the mailing list as subscription only
> and/or moderated,
> most mailing list were configured like this long ago and I first
> dropped it for 6
> month this politic while migrating to mlmmj and reinstanciated it back. 
> Why?
> because of the amount of spam that went through the mailing lists and
> creates lot
> of work for us postmaster:
> - dealing with people complaining about spam in the mailing lists
> - monitoring such emails and flagging them as such to cleanup the 
> public
>   archives as much as possible from the spam etc.
> So beside strong arguments

Here's one: "nothing about us without us".

Accordingly, please consider the following:
- post an apology to the list for accidentally not making it open then 
claiming "Subscription is easy" instead of asking us, including those of 
us with cognitive disabilities, how harder that extra hoop to jump 
through makes posting for us.
- acknowledge the list exists primarily for our benefit, not the benefit 
of postmaster members or FreeBSD contributors as a whole (see the note 
at the end of 
for another example of that).
- ask us what we need and want, mention constraints you have that are or 
may be relevant (like the effort curbing spam and any others that you 
think also worth mentioning), then let us hash out the trade-offs and 
what works better for us.

It may be that no clear consensus or decision emerges, or that one 
emerges agreeing with your position. I'm not the only one with a stake 
in this, and will abide by the outcome. That, however, doesn't excuse 
you from reaching out to us or doing due diligence.

Thanks for reading.

> I would prefer it to remain it like it is now.
> Subscription is easy and not moderated, it is possible to subscribe 
> without
> receiving any email at all (+nomail subscription).
> If really it is necessary to open the mailing list to the wild then I 
> would
> prefer that no archives of the list are maintained so we don't have to 
> do the
> cleanup.
> Best regards,
> Bapt

#BlackLivesMatter #TransWomenAreWomen #AccessibilityMatters 
English: he/him/his (singular they/them/their/theirs OK)
French: il/le/lui (iel/iel and ielle/ielle OK)
Tagalog: siya/niya/kaniya (please avoid sila/nila/kanila)