git: b84aaf143c50 - main - daemon: reformat longopts

From: Kyle Evans <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2023 03:13:40 UTC
The branch main has been updated by kevans:


commit b84aaf143c5097e6b2481b9afec66c90deec627f
Author:     Kyle Evans <>
AuthorDate: 2023-03-23 02:39:10 +0000
Commit:     Kyle Evans <>
CommitDate: 2023-03-23 02:39:34 +0000

    daemon: reformat longopts
    Use a single tab instead of eight spaces, these aren't line
 usr.sbin/daemon/daemon.c | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/usr.sbin/daemon/daemon.c b/usr.sbin/daemon/daemon.c
index 4b218c2b53c5..790b0f6fcd0f 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/daemon/daemon.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/daemon/daemon.c
@@ -112,23 +112,23 @@ static volatile sig_atomic_t do_log_reopen = 0;
 static const char shortopts[] = "+cfHSp:P:ru:o:s:l:t:m:R:T:h";
 static const struct option longopts[] = {
-        { "change-dir",         no_argument,            NULL,           'c' },
-        { "close-fds",          no_argument,            NULL,           'f' },
-        { "sighup",             no_argument,            NULL,           'H' },
-        { "syslog",             no_argument,            NULL,           'S' },
-        { "output-file",        required_argument,      NULL,           'o' },
-        { "output-mask",        required_argument,      NULL,           'm' },
-        { "child-pidfile",      required_argument,      NULL,           'p' },
-        { "supervisor-pidfile", required_argument,      NULL,           'P' },
-        { "restart",            no_argument,            NULL,           'r' },
-        { "restart-delay",      required_argument,      NULL,           'R' },
-        { "title",              required_argument,      NULL,           't' },
-        { "user",               required_argument,      NULL,           'u' },
-        { "syslog-priority",    required_argument,      NULL,           's' },
-        { "syslog-facility",    required_argument,      NULL,           'l' },
-        { "syslog-tag",         required_argument,      NULL,           'T' },
-        { "help",               no_argument,            NULL,           'h' },
-        { NULL,                 0,                      NULL,            0  }
+	{ "change-dir",         no_argument,            NULL,           'c' },
+	{ "close-fds",          no_argument,            NULL,           'f' },
+	{ "sighup",             no_argument,            NULL,           'H' },
+	{ "syslog",             no_argument,            NULL,           'S' },
+	{ "output-file",        required_argument,      NULL,           'o' },
+	{ "output-mask",        required_argument,      NULL,           'm' },
+	{ "child-pidfile",      required_argument,      NULL,           'p' },
+	{ "supervisor-pidfile", required_argument,      NULL,           'P' },
+	{ "restart",            no_argument,            NULL,           'r' },
+	{ "restart-delay",      required_argument,      NULL,           'R' },
+	{ "title",              required_argument,      NULL,           't' },
+	{ "user",               required_argument,      NULL,           'u' },
+	{ "syslog-priority",    required_argument,      NULL,           's' },
+	{ "syslog-facility",    required_argument,      NULL,           'l' },
+	{ "syslog-tag",         required_argument,      NULL,           'T' },
+	{ "help",               no_argument,            NULL,           'h' },
+	{ NULL,                 0,                      NULL,            0  }
 static _Noreturn void