South Korean cultural exchange --a beautiful paradise we would like to share with our associates
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Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 23:54:16 UTC
An urgent message for the world! Introducing a place with... A wonderful solution for the worsening global food crisis. A place that is covid-free, mask-free, and provides the answer to man's survival; truly the happiest place on earth! Please watch this brief video which provides hope for the world! Click here to see the Youtube video Wishing you, your family, and your country happiness in the new year! Facebook Youtube Link For questions or comments: Tel. +55 77 99700 3800 E-mail: Address: Estrada Formosa km 38 Sao Marcelo, Formosa do Rio Preto Bahia, Brazil 47990-000 This is a one time email and you will not be contacted any further. Thank you for your time. . cancele a sua inscrição aqui. Se você não deseja mais receber nossos e-mails, cancele sua inscrição através do link %{link}