git: 08ca3eb6db2e - stable/12 - MFC: Merge commit '28fbd2825d216dafca4d991ad96d05b312f4f9a3'

From: Gregory Neil Shapiro <>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2023 03:27:21 UTC
The branch stable/12 has been updated by gshapiro:


commit 08ca3eb6db2e04b38e9786d9d787e6a36074ac35
Author:     Gregory Neil Shapiro <>
AuthorDate: 2023-01-15 21:20:22 +0000
Commit:     Gregory Neil Shapiro <>
CommitDate: 2023-02-01 03:19:44 +0000

    MFC: Merge commit '28fbd2825d216dafca4d991ad96d05b312f4f9a3'
    Merge vendor sendmail 8.17.1 into HEAD
    (cherry picked from commit 2fb4f839f3fc72ce2bab12f9ba4760f97f73e97f)
 contrib/sendmail/CACerts                           | 148 ++---
 contrib/sendmail/KNOWNBUGS                         |   8 +
 contrib/sendmail/Makefile                          |  16 +-
 contrib/sendmail/PGPKEYS                           | 177 +++++-
 contrib/sendmail/README                            |   5 -
 contrib/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES                     | 139 ++++-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/README                         |  79 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/cf/Makefile                    |  29 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/cf/                   |  39 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/cf/                   |   3 +
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/check_cert_altnames.m4 |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/check_other.m4         |  46 ++
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/delay_checks.m4        |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/dnsbl.m4               |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/enhdnsbl.m4            |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/nopercenthack.m4       |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/nouucp.m4              |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/feature/sts.m4                 |  19 +
 contrib/sendmail/cf/m4/cfhead.m4                   |   8 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/m4/proto.m4                    | 338 +++++++++--
 contrib/sendmail/cf/m4/version.m4                  |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/cf/mailer/local.m4                |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/contrib/AuthRealm.p0              |  17 +-
 contrib/sendmail/contrib/cidrexpand                |  77 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/contrib/           |   0
 contrib/sendmail/contrib/              |   0
 contrib/sendmail/contrib/              |   0
 contrib/sendmail/doc/op/                      | 216 ++++++-
 contrib/sendmail/editmap/editmap.8                 |  22 +-
 contrib/sendmail/editmap/editmap.c                 |  13 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/libmilter/mfapi.h         |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/libsmdb/smdb.h            |   6 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sendmail/pathnames.h      |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/bdb.h                  |   4 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/conf.h                 |   1 +
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/gen.h                  |  12 +
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/ixlen.h                |  43 ++
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/notify.h               |   5 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/os/sm_os_freebsd.h     |   5 +
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/os/sm_os_openbsd.h     |  20 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/rpool.h                |  10 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/sem.h                  |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/sendmail.h             |  24 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/shm.h                  |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/sysexits.h             |   4 +
 contrib/sendmail/include/sm/time.h                 |   2 -
 contrib/sendmail/libmilter/docs/overview.html      |   3 +-
 .../sendmail/libmilter/docs/smfi_setmlreply.html   |  24 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libmilter/engine.c                |  48 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libmilter/listener.c              |  26 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libmilter/sm_gethost.c            |   4 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/Makefile.m4                 |  12 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/cf.c                        |   3 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/clock.c                     |  79 +--
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/config.c                    |   4 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/heap.c                      |  27 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/ilenx.c                     |  40 ++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/ldap.c                      |  66 +--
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/lowercase.c                 | 162 ++++++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/makebuf.c                   |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/mbdb.c                      |  54 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/memstat.c                   |   4 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/niprop.c                    |  20 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/notify.c                    |  65 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/refill.c                    |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/rpool.c                     |  29 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/sem.c                       |  16 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/shm.c                       |   8 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/signal.c                    |  76 +--
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/strcaseeq.c                 | 114 ++++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/string.c                    |   3 -
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/stringf.c                   |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/t-ixlen.c                   | 105 ++++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/                  |  41 ++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/t-notify.c                  | 128 ++--
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/t-qic.c                     |  31 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/t-sem.c                     |   9 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/t-shm.c                     |   1 +
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/t-str2prt.c                 |  64 ++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/t-streq.c                   |  77 +++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/                  |  29 +
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/utf8_valid.c                | 104 ++++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/util.c                      |  60 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/uxtext_unquote.c            | 204 +++++++
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/vasprintf.c                 |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/vfprintf.c                  |   7 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/vprintf.c                   |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/vsnprintf.c                 |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsm/xleni.c                     |  43 ++
 contrib/sendmail/libsmdb/smcdb.c                   |  21 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsmdb/smdb2.c                   |  10 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsmutil/Makefile.m4             |   6 +
 contrib/sendmail/libsmutil/cf.c                    |   3 +
 contrib/sendmail/libsmutil/safefile.c              |  60 +-
 contrib/sendmail/libsmutil/         |  70 +++
 contrib/sendmail/libsmutil/t-lockfile.c            | 351 +++++++++++
 contrib/sendmail/libsmutil/          | 111 ++++
 contrib/sendmail/mail.local/mail.local.c           | 114 ++--
 contrib/sendmail/mailstats/mailstats.8             |  26 +-
 contrib/sendmail/makemap/makemap.c                 |  69 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/praliases/praliases.8             |   6 +-
 contrib/sendmail/praliases/praliases.c             |   7 +-
 contrib/sendmail/rmail/rmail.8                     |  30 +-
 contrib/sendmail/smrsh/smrsh.c                     |   4 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/README                        |  68 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/src/TRACEFLAGS                    |   8 +
 contrib/sendmail/src/alias.c                       |  76 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/src/aliases.5                     |  66 +--
 contrib/sendmail/src/collect.c                     |   9 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/conf.c                        | 596 ++++++++++---------
 contrib/sendmail/src/conf.h                        |   4 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/control.c                     |  23 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/convtime.c                    |   3 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/daemon.c                      | 131 ++++-
 contrib/sendmail/src/deliver.c                     | 529 +++++++++++++----
 contrib/sendmail/src/domain.c                      | 106 +++-
 contrib/sendmail/src/envelope.c                    |  57 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/err.c                         |  77 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/src/headers.c                     | 183 ++++--
 contrib/sendmail/src/helpfile                      |   8 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/macro.c                       |  22 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/mailq.1                       |  36 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/main.c                        | 278 ++++++---
 contrib/sendmail/src/map.c                         | 643 ++++++++++++---------
 contrib/sendmail/src/mci.c                         |  14 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/milter.c                      |  96 +--
 contrib/sendmail/src/mime.c                        |  27 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/parseaddr.c                   | 111 ++--
 contrib/sendmail/src/queue.c                       | 562 +++++++++++-------
 contrib/sendmail/src/ratectrl.c                    |  18 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/readcf.c                      | 502 ++++++++++------
 contrib/sendmail/src/recipient.c                   |  67 ++-
 contrib/sendmail/src/savemail.c                    |  48 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.8                    | 359 ++++++------
 contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.h                    | 188 ++++--
 contrib/sendmail/src/sfsasl.c                      |  34 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/sm_resolve.c                  | 148 +++--
 contrib/sendmail/src/sm_resolve.h                  |   1 -
 contrib/sendmail/src/srvrsmtp.c                    | 408 +++++++++----
 contrib/sendmail/src/stab.c                        |  25 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/stats.c                       |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/tls.c                         |  54 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/tls.h                         |  29 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/tlsh.c                        |  11 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/trace.c                       |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/udb.c                         |  32 +-
 contrib/sendmail/src/usersmtp.c                    | 347 +++++++----
 contrib/sendmail/src/util.c                        | 232 ++++++--
 contrib/sendmail/src/version.c                     |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_dropgid.c                  |  17 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_exclopen.c                 |   5 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_pathconf.c                 |   6 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_seteuid.c                  |   5 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_setgid.c                   |  15 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_setreuid.c                 |   5 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_setuid.c                   |   3 +-
 contrib/sendmail/test/t_snprintf.c                 |   2 +-
 contrib/sendmail/vacation/vacation.1               |  10 +-
 contrib/sendmail/vacation/vacation.c               |  17 +-
 159 files changed, 7657 insertions(+), 2919 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/sendmail/CACerts b/contrib/sendmail/CACerts
index 630707555657..5e3b5ee084c7 100644
--- a/contrib/sendmail/CACerts
+++ b/contrib/sendmail/CACerts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # This file contains some CA certificates that are used to sign the
 # certificates of mail servers of members of the sendmail consortium
-# who may reply to questions etc sent to
-# It is useful to allow connections from those MTAs that can present
+# who may reply to questions etc sent to
+# It is useful to allow connections from those MTAs which can present
 # a certificate signed by one of these CA certificates.
@@ -9,92 +9,92 @@ Certificate:
         Version: 3 (0x2)
         Serial Number:
-            81:9d:41:0f:40:55:ac:4a
-    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
-        Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=CA/
+            92:a1:3b:d3:90:0b:ea:a7
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=CA/
-            Not Before: Feb 27 02:30:55 2018 GMT
-            Not After : Feb 26 02:30:55 2021 GMT
-        Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=CA/
+            Not Before: Feb 25 17:44:02 2021 GMT
+            Not After : Feb 25 17:44:02 2024 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=CA/
         Subject Public Key Info:
             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                 Public-Key: (2048 bit)
-                    00:b8:a3:8d:79:28:c1:1f:9c:11:74:43:26:e1:3b:
-                    cc:14:87:5b:6b:64:4c:ed:79:1b:7f:2a:03:d0:7b:
-                    ef:9e:88:b0:64:36:ee:58:ef:fd:d9:c7:20:b3:71:
-                    e9:6d:1e:a7:bc:c1:7c:3b:fe:2a:e4:16:2f:bc:d6:
-                    2c:f5:98:f9:c4:21:1c:ca:c3:7e:57:89:c8:a9:2f:
-                    da:6b:9b:52:d6:c9:9d:98:97:6d:08:7c:a6:37:4e:
-                    d4:26:bb:db:73:b0:38:ef:7d:1e:dd:8e:dd:8e:17:
-                    2f:a0:3d:a9:0e:4d:f0:2b:b8:14:23:33:ad:c8:a0:
-                    e5:9d:0f:27:ad:83:a2:78:90:05:ec:29:06:91:07:
-                    45:6c:5f:ba:8e:1d:f1:d7:1b:2d:f9:99:ba:2e:27:
-                    e1:03:7d:e9:d2:54:35:cc:39:79:07:83:d8:93:9b:
-                    d6:ef:72:ab:d4:63:8e:6b:f7:00:66:5f:77:e8:b6:
-                    bc:de:5f:8c:d0:ce:1a:c4:db:03:9d:e4:ee:0a:ec:
-                    77:c5:f2:30:69:7e:70:12:e5:c2:4a:28:3f:e7:19:
-                    eb:af:41:fb:e6:a6:1d:b5:fd:2b:99:03:f5:20:90:
-                    38:73:bd:43:70:da:cf:1f:34:5d:ab:17:4b:73:cf:
-                    f9:3d:e1:a2:79:14:de:d8:40:85:82:c4:5a:84:82:
-                    32:f1
+                    00:cc:8c:39:bd:cf:55:4f:66:2a:78:c7:65:47:81:
+                    dd:d1:3f:08:12:4b:87:40:48:95:5c:24:52:65:a1:
+                    82:1c:f4:90:a1:7c:f7:27:8f:02:e5:cb:ac:89:ae:
+                    b8:25:4e:26:da:14:20:07:29:a4:59:03:61:b4:44:
+                    ae:45:55:b4:72:7d:66:9a:88:de:59:bf:6f:31:23:
+                    06:29:ab:c2:b9:a0:6c:6a:5d:d0:ac:e6:b8:ac:8a:
+                    6f:5e:bb:f3:19:b5:8d:e1:df:2e:d1:7f:1a:bc:2c:
+                    13:10:65:46:7f:68:c7:60:49:c6:30:4e:a0:24:ed:
+                    d4:a8:27:cf:b2:d0:c5:7c:96:47:82:b6:f1:17:0a:
+                    5a:35:82:0b:85:0f:17:71:a9:bd:3a:4c:e6:32:95:
+                    3e:68:f7:3d:f5:04:33:16:19:1e:4c:0a:04:c3:1f:
+                    9e:ba:db:e2:0d:29:c8:3f:29:cf:47:cb:11:db:d2:
+                    cd:d0:26:2f:35:eb:7d:a2:60:18:e7:7b:a2:43:15:
+                    59:d7:ea:9d:38:60:f1:48:df:57:54:df:8a:50:b9:
+                    e3:5c:72:82:51:b7:05:78:c2:14:08:71:71:1c:06:
+                    44:4a:85:73:08:a8:49:50:b2:d2:fb:da:a2:a5:5a:
+                    36:49:a8:4b:38:56:f6:67:0f:12:34:39:cc:fb:9c:
+                    bd:d3
                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
         X509v3 extensions:
-            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
-                42:37:75:E7:8F:12:CF:D9:EB:21:22:7D:8A:E8:49:21:FD:E2:3A:3A
-            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
-                keyid:42:37:75:E7:8F:12:CF:D9:EB:21:22:7D:8A:E8:49:21:FD:E2:3A:3A
-                DirName:/C=US/ST=California/L=Berkeley/O=Endmail Org/OU=MTA/CN=CA/
-                serial:81:9D:41:0F:40:55:AC:4A
-            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
+                86:F0:F9:7A:CD:66:A9:16:CC:A3:26:08:3D:B3:B2:42:C2:E5:A9:13
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
+                keyid:86:F0:F9:7A:CD:66:A9:16:CC:A3:26:08:3D:B3:B2:42:C2:E5:A9:13
+                DirName:/C=US/ST=California/L=Berkeley/O=Endmail Org/OU=MTA/CN=CA/
+                serial:92:A1:3B:D3:90:0B:EA:A7
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
-            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
-            X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name: 
-    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
-         0b:4c:e5:c2:ed:0a:e5:7b:95:29:22:d4:8f:5f:cb:1b:b1:e3:
-         4c:fc:90:e7:2e:97:87:87:a2:63:0d:6d:4d:f0:1f:0d:84:11:
-         dc:df:b7:fa:c3:c6:2e:07:e9:a0:e9:a6:9f:54:17:ad:1a:d0:
-         36:be:31:cc:a5:85:a0:45:4a:87:45:80:7e:de:ea:97:68:e0:
-         2b:09:5d:9a:31:6f:f5:78:22:c5:66:2a:99:70:9e:6d:c4:ab:
-         f6:90:01:70:53:07:66:6c:a6:b5:ce:4b:36:05:83:87:0c:a7:
-         e0:1e:34:d0:5e:76:a4:20:71:cd:9d:c1:ae:82:27:e0:6f:16:
-         57:74:e7:63:9f:d0:3d:72:91:6d:97:a4:82:23:84:dd:6e:0d:
-         da:43:00:a7:ce:2f:f8:79:04:67:6a:e5:b0:ab:30:d8:f1:90:
-         10:43:3b:09:77:27:34:a4:d4:c0:25:4e:21:32:a3:ab:60:1c:
-         9d:6e:e2:65:39:51:7f:cd:9f:88:3a:7e:f4:38:af:7b:5b:a7:
-         bb:7b:70:97:21:59:fc:5c:55:a1:db:74:0a:37:1e:33:97:5f:
-         70:32:98:b3:d9:99:4e:08:3c:de:01:82:17:9b:49:d7:fa:c9:
-         45:8d:93:cc:42:d6:36:f2:39:3a:47:28:3f:6f:6a:e5:23:f3:
-         5c:d4:a3:1b
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
+            X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name:
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         41:14:09:49:01:5f:51:ff:20:7b:c2:41:79:9d:11:3c:7c:48:
+         d6:43:d4:c6:0d:55:e6:76:bb:2c:c7:fb:dd:10:53:79:30:1a:
+         35:64:2c:d0:64:b6:5a:fd:a9:d3:e3:09:8c:7d:22:81:b7:71:
+         a6:7d:bf:80:24:79:24:c1:61:6d:54:ab:14:4b:5a:54:cb:75:
+         47:2e:e5:51:6f:cb:91:b6:a7:e8:aa:8d:78:c5:7e:05:56:3b:
+         31:02:bd:0c:e4:af:78:27:7d:6d:bf:fd:0f:0d:2a:00:1d:cc:
+         a2:34:4d:a3:9e:70:45:89:56:2d:d2:35:ee:26:ea:0f:9d:fc:
+         c0:2c:64:f6:55:af:de:e0:72:64:e2:20:8f:e2:f2:e9:e2:6c:
+         3a:0c:45:23:dd:80:57:25:fa:18:bb:25:f8:7e:3c:3b:a7:ef:
+         40:f0:ba:6f:ce:b1:eb:f9:14:03:04:34:3d:e0:43:a6:8d:95:
+         d0:a4:dc:df:e4:79:ce:8d:e2:1e:30:ff:55:0c:e6:9d:e4:1d:
+         62:cc:a5:4f:9a:6f:c0:b4:1f:05:7c:a7:c7:b1:72:58:98:ad:
+         2f:f9:8a:41:0c:48:d5:78:ad:af:eb:ff:59:0b:4a:99:26:5b:
+         e8:8c:e3:e5:6b:01:d9:a0:db:a2:1b:d8:8e:f1:82:38:58:ba:
+         8c:11:65:36
diff --git a/contrib/sendmail/KNOWNBUGS b/contrib/sendmail/KNOWNBUGS
index d3c0a2ff416d..b44f931af585 100644
--- a/contrib/sendmail/KNOWNBUGS
+++ b/contrib/sendmail/KNOWNBUGS
@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ This list is not guaranteed to be complete.
   then it will be truncated which may result in a syntactically
   invalid address.
+* Berkeley DB map locking problem with fcntl().
+  For Linux the default is to use fcntl() for file locking.  However,
+  this does not work with Berkeley DB 5.x and probably later.
+  Switching to flock(), i.e., compile with -DHASFLOCK fixes this
+  (however, the have been problems with flock() on some Linux
+  versions). Alternatively, use CDB or an earlier BDB version.
 * Delivery to programs that generate too much output may cause problems
   If e-mail is delivered to a program which generates too much
diff --git a/contrib/sendmail/Makefile b/contrib/sendmail/Makefile
index daf20f288f8b..1cb6b56d6a3b 100644
--- a/contrib/sendmail/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/sendmail/Makefile
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ OPTIONS= $(CONFIG) $(FLAGS)
 all: FRC
 	@for x in $(SUBDIRS); \
 	do \
-		(cd $$x; echo Making $@ in:; pwd; \
-		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS)); \
+		(cd $$x && echo Making $@ in: && pwd && \
+		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS)) || exit; \
 clean: FRC
@@ -24,22 +24,22 @@ clean: FRC
 install: FRC
 	@for x in $(SUBDIRS); \
 	do \
-		(cd $$x; echo Making $@ in:; pwd; \
-		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS) $@); \
+		(cd $$x && echo Making $@ in: && pwd && \
+		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS) $@) || exit; \
 install-docs: FRC
 	@for x in $(SUBDIRS); \
 	do \
-		(cd $$x; echo Making $@ in:; pwd; \
-		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS) $@); \
+		(cd $$x && echo Making $@ in: && pwd && \
+		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS) $@) || exit; \
 fresh: FRC
 	@for x in $(SUBDIRS); \
 	do \
-		(cd $$x; echo Making $@ in:; pwd; \
-		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS) -c); \
+		(cd $$x && echo Making $@ in: && pwd && \
+		$(SHELL) $(BUILD) $(OPTIONS) -c) || exit; \
diff --git a/contrib/sendmail/PGPKEYS b/contrib/sendmail/PGPKEYS
index 03476f63a5ed..0d0b0d5a766c 100644
--- a/contrib/sendmail/PGPKEYS
+++ b/contrib/sendmail/PGPKEYS
@@ -188,6 +188,182 @@ mk6wxhyuojEHuR7it6IU5BP8vaAGrL1jb1c2EeAe+pdJwpAb1Aq6MU6uWqOGup8t
+pub   4096R/4BEE1BEE 2021-01-24
+      Key fingerprint = F4CE 2263 2102 53D6 A9F9  79B0 4C66 EA8D 4BEE 1BEE
+uid                  Sendmail Signing Key/2021 <sendmail@Sendmail.ORG>
+sub   4096R/A9C0321B 2021-01-24
 pub   rsa4096/0xD583210EF51471A7 2020-04-08 [SC]
       Key fingerprint = ADFD B709 FE1E A682 E585  5971 D583 210E F514 71A7
 uid                   [  full  ] Sendmail Signing Key/2020 <sendmail@Sendmail.ORG>
@@ -3715,4 +3891,3 @@ Nq5nZ04BGHdVToZvUf2ABdQnWx94uOCRJp2bLJiEepNtaL2OPqe2EQVF7ia2Y0PT
diff --git a/contrib/sendmail/README b/contrib/sendmail/README
index 5b11d025b866..50cbce25e169 100644
--- a/contrib/sendmail/README
+++ b/contrib/sendmail/README
@@ -371,11 +371,6 @@ for a response.  As of 8.10.0, the default Timeout.ident is 5 seconds
 as many sites have adopted the practice of dropping IDENT queries.
 This has lead to delays processing mail.
-No ident server is included with this distribution.  It is available
diff --git a/contrib/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES b/contrib/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES
index 6a0f0c52f844..d8186f05e0f4 100644
--- a/contrib/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES
+++ b/contrib/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES
@@ -5,6 +5,121 @@ This listing shows the version of the sendmail binary, the version
 of the sendmail configuration files, the date of release, and a
 summary of the changes in that release.
+8.17.1/8.17.1	2021/08/17
+	Deprecation notice: due to compatibility problems with some
+		third party code, we plan to finally switch from K&R
+		to ANSI C. If you are using sendmail on a system
+		which does not have a compiler for ANSI C contact us
+		with details as soon as possible so we can determine
+		how to proceed.
+	Experimental support for SMTPUTF8 (EAI, see RFC 6530-6533)
+		is available when using the compile time option USE_EAI
+		(see also devtools/Site/site.config.m4.sample for other
+		required settings) and the cf option SMTPUTF8.
+		If a mail submission via the command line requires
+		the use of SMTPUTF8, e.g., because a header uses UTF-8
+		encoding, but the addresses on the command line are all
+		ASCII, then the new option -U must be used, and
+		the cf option SMTPUTF8 must be set in
+		Please test and provide feedback.
+	Experimental support for SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security
+		(MTA-STS, see RFC 8461) is available when using
+		- the compile time option _FFR_MTA_STS (which requires
+		- FEATURE(sts), which implicitly sets the cf option
+		  StrictTransportSecurity,
+		- postfix-mta-sts-resolver, see
+	New ruleset check_other which is called for all unknown SMTP
+		commands in the server and for commands which do not
+		have specific rulesets, e.g., NOOP and VERB.
+	New ruleset clt_features which can be used to select features
+		in the SMTP client per server.  Currently only two
+		flags are available: D/M to disable DANE/MTA-STS,
+		respectively.
+	Avoid leaking session macros for an envelope between
+		delivery attempts to different servers.  This problem
+		could have affected check_compat.
+	Avoid leaking actual SMTP replies between delivery attempts
+		to different servers which could cause bogus logging
+		of reply= entries.
+	Change default SMTP reply code for STARTTLS related problems
+		from 403 to 454 to better match the RFCs.
+	Fix a theoretical buffer overflow when encountering an
+		unknown/unsupported socket address family on an
+		operating system where sa_data is larger than 30
+		(the standard is 14).  Based on patch by Toomas Soome.
+	Several potential memory leaks and other similar problems
+		(mostly in error handling code) have been fixed.
+		Problems reported by Tomas Korbar of RedHat.
+	Previously the commands GET, POST, CONNECT, or USER terminate
+		a connection immediately only if sent as first command.
+		Now this is also done if any of these is sent directly
+		after STARTTLS or if the 'h' option is set via
+		srv_features.
+	CDB map locking has been changed so a sendmail process which
+		does have a CDB map open does not block an in-place
+		update of the map by makemap.  The simple workaround
+		for that problem in earlier versions is to create
+		the map under a different name and then move it
+		into place.
+	On some systems the rejection of a RCPT by a milter could
+		silently fail.
+	CONFIG: New FEATURE(`check_other') to provide a default
+		check_other ruleset.
+	CONFIG: FEATURE(`tls_failures') is deprecated and will be
+		removed in future versions because it has a fundamental
+		problem: it is message oriented but STARTTLS is
+		session oriented.  For example, having multiple
+		RCPTs in one envelope for different destinations,
+		with different temporary errors, does not work
+		properly, as the persistent macro applies to all
+		RCPTs and hence implicitly to all destinations (servers).
+		The option TLSFallbacktoClear should be used if needed.
+	MAIL.LOCAL: Enhance some error messages to simplify
+		troubleshooting.
+	Portability:
+		Add support for Darwin 19 & 20.
+		NOTE: File locking using fcntl() does not interoperate
+		  with Berkeley DB 5.x (and probably later).  Use
+		  CDB, flock() (-DHASFLOCK), or an earlier Berkeley
+		  DB version.  Problem noted by Harald Hannelius.
+	New Files:
+		cf/feature/check_other.m4
+		cf/feature/sts.m4
+		devtools/OS/Darwin.19.x
+		devtools/OS/Darwin.20.x
+		include/sm/ixlen.h
+		libsm/ilenx.c
+		libsm/lowercase.c
+		libsm/strcaseeq.c
+		libsm/t-ixlen.c
+		libsm/
+		libsm/t-streq.c
+		libsm/
+		libsm/utf8_valid.c
+		libsm/uxtext_unquote.c
+		libsm/xleni.c
+		libsmutil/t-lockfile.c
+		libsmutil/
+		libsmutil/
+8.16.2/8.16.2	202X/XX/XX
+	New compile time option NO_EOH_FIELDS to disable the special
+		meaning of the headers Message: and Text: to denote the
+		end of the message header.
+	CONTRIB: AuthRealm.p0 has been modified for 8.16.1 by Anne Bennett.
+	CONTRIB: Added cidrexpand -O option for suppressing duplicates from
+		a CIDR expansion that overlaps a later entry and -S option
+		for skipping comments exactly like makemap does.
+	Portability:
+		Add support for Darwin 19 (Mac OS X 10.15).
+		Use proper FreeBSD version define to allow for cross
+			compiling.  Fix from Brooks Davis of the FreeBSD
+			project.
+	New Files:
+		devtools/OS/Darwin.19.x
 8.16.1/8.16.1	2020/07/05
 	SECURITY: If sendmail tried to reuse an SMTP session which had
 		already been closed by the server, then the connection
@@ -114,14 +229,22 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 		changes in sys/sem.h
 		On Linux set MAXHOSTNAMELEN (the maximum length
 		of a FQHN) to 256 if it is less than that value.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
+		cf/feature/check_cert_altnames.m4
+		devtools/OS/Darwin.17.x
+		devtools/OS/Darwin.18.x
+		include/sm/notify.h
+		libsm/notify.c
+		libsm/t-notify.c
+		sendmail/tls.h
+		sendmail/tlsh.c
 8.15.2/8.15.2	2015/07/03
 	If FEATURE(`nopercenthack') is used then some bogus input triggered
@@ -335,7 +458,7 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 		On Linux use socklen_t as the type for the 3rd argument
 		for getsockname/getpeername if the glibc version is at
 		least 2.1.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
@@ -416,7 +539,7 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 		Add support for Darwin 11.x (Mac OS X 10.7).
 		Add support for SunOS 5.12 (aka Solaris 12). Patch from
 		John Beck of Oracle.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
@@ -601,7 +724,7 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 		Chris Behrens of Concentric.
 		Add support for SCO OpenServer 6, patch from Boyd Gerber.
 	DEVTOOLS: Clarify that confSHAREDLIBDIR requires a trailing slash.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
@@ -1825,7 +1948,7 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 		Use strerror(3) on Linux.  If this causes a problem on
 			your Linux distribution, compile with
 			-DHASSTRERROR=0 and tell about it.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
 8.12.9/8.12.9	2003/03/29
@@ -3987,7 +4110,7 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 		have a From line.
 	VACATION: Read all of the headers before deciding whether or not
 		to respond instead of stopping after finding recipient.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
@@ -4004,7 +4127,7 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 		Purczynski of
 	SECURITY: Add more vigilance around set*uid(), setgid(), setgroups(),
 		initgroups(), and chroot() calls.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
 8.10.1/8.10.1	2000/04/06
@@ -4109,7 +4232,7 @@ summary of the changes in that release.
 	VACATION: Fix -t option which is ignored but available for
 		compatibility with Sun's version, based on patch from
 		Volker Dobler of Infratest Burke.
-	Added Files:
+	New Files:
 	Deleted Files:
diff --git a/contrib/sendmail/cf/README b/contrib/sendmail/cf/README
index 983aa2821a1a..cfabe5eefe45 100644
--- a/contrib/sendmail/cf/README
+++ b/contrib/sendmail/cf/README
@@ -1120,9 +1120,8 @@ local_procmail	Use procmail or another delivery agent as the local mailer.
 		setreuid() call, you may need to add -f $f to the procmail
 		argument vector to pass the proper sender to procmail.
-		For example, this allows it to use the maildrop
-		( mailer instead
-		by specifying:
+		For example, this allows it to use the maildrop mailer
+		instead by specifying:
 		FEATURE(`local_procmail', `/usr/local/bin/maildrop',
 		 `maildrop -d $u')
@@ -1132,7 +1131,7 @@ local_procmail	Use procmail or another delivery agent as the local mailer.
 		FEATURE(`local_procmail', `/usr/local/bin/scanmails')
 		WARNING: This feature sets LOCAL_MAILER_FLAGS unconditionally,
-		i.e.,  without respecting any definitions in an OSTYPE setting.
+		i.e., without respecting any definitions in an OSTYPE setting.
 bestmx_is_local	Accept mail as though locally addressed for any host that
 		lists us as the best possible MX record.  This generates
@@ -1267,6 +1266,12 @@ delay_checks	The rulesets check_mail and check_relay will not be called
 		section.  Note: this feature is incompatible to the versions
 		in 8.10 and 8.11.
+check_other	Enable a default check_other ruleset which terminates
+		an SMTP session when it encounters a command which matches
+		a regular expression given as argument. If no argument
+		is given, then the default (to match potential headers) is:
+			^[[:print:]]+ *:
 use_client_ptr	If this feature is enabled then check_relay will override
 		its first argument with $&{client_ptr}.  This is useful for
 		rejections based on the unverified hostname of client,
@@ -1578,9 +1583,9 @@ require_rdns	Reject mail from connecting SMTP clients without proper
 		Entries such as
 			Connect:		OK
-			Connect:1.2		RELAY
-		will allowlist IP address, so that the rDNS
-		blocking does apply to that IP address
+			Connect:1.3		RELAY
+		will allowlist IP address and IP net 1.3.*
+		so that the rDNS blocking does apply not to those IPs.
 		Entries such as
 			Connect:		REJECT
@@ -1603,6 +1608,14 @@ badmx		Reject envelope sender addresses (MAIL) whose domain part
 		has been compiled with the options MAP_REGEX and
+sts		Experimental support for Strict Transport Security
+		(MTA-STS, see RFC 8461).  It sets the option
+		StrictTransportSecurity and takes one optional
+		argument: the socket map specification to access
+		postfix-mta-sts-resolver (see feature/sts.m4
+		for the default value).
+		For more information see doc/op/
 | HACKS |
@@ -2581,7 +2594,7 @@ top level domain TLD, 192.168.212.* network, and the IPv6 address
 Entries in the access map should be tagged according to their type.
-Three tags are available:
+These tags are applicable:
 	Connect:	connection information (${client_addr}, ${client_name})
 	From:		envelope sender
@@ -2818,7 +2831,7 @@ regex map:
 	# check address against various regex checks
 	R$*				$: $>Parse0 $>3 $1
 	R$+ < @ > $*	$: $(allnumbers $1 $)
-	R@MATCH				$#error $: 553 Header Error
+	R@MATCH				$#error $: 553 Address Error
 These rules are called with the original arguments of the corresponding
 check_* ruleset.  If the local ruleset returns $#OK, no further checking
@@ -3081,8 +3094,8 @@ Darth+20Mail+20+28Cert+29/
 (line breaks have been inserted for readability).
-The  macros  which are subject to this encoding are ${cert_subject},
-${cert_issuer},  ${cn_subject},  and ${cn_issuer}.
+The macros which are subject to this encoding are ${cert_subject},
+${cert_issuer}, ${cn_subject}, and ${cn_issuer}.
@@ -3223,13 +3236,13 @@ options:
 - CertFile, KeyFile: {Server,Client}{Cert,Key}File
 - Flags: see doc/op/ for details.
-If FEATURE(`tls_session_features') is used, then default rulesets
-are activated which look up entries in the access map with the tags
-TLS_Srv_features and TLS_Clt_features, respectively.
-For example, these entries:
+If FEATURE(`tls_session_features') and FEATURE(`access_db') are
+used, then default rulesets are activated which look up entries in
+the access map with the tags TLS_Srv_features and TLS_Clt_features,
+respectively.  For example, these entries:
-	TLS_Srv_features:	CipherList=MEDIUM+aRSA;
-	TLS_Clt_features:	Options=SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2; CipherList=ALL:-EXPORT
+TLS_Srv_features:	CipherList=MEDIUM+aRSA;
+TLS_Clt_features:	Options=SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2; CipherList=ALL:-EXPORT
 specify a cipherlist with MEDIUM strength ciphers that use RSA
 certificates only for the client with the IP address,
@@ -3240,21 +3253,23 @@ their own rulesets which must return the appropriate data.
 If the rulesets are not defined or do not return a value, the
 default TLS options are not modified.
-About 2): the ruleset try_tls (srv_features) can be used together
-with the access map.  Entries for the access map must be tagged
-with Try_TLS (Srv_Features) and refer to the hostname or IP address
-of the connecting system.  A default case can be specified by using
-just the tag.  For example, the following entries in the access map:
+About 2): the rulesets try_tls, srv_features, and clt_features can
+be used together with the access map.  Entries for the access map
+must be tagged with Try_TLS, Srv_Features, Clt_Features and refer
+to the hostname or IP address of the connecting system.  A default
+case can be specified by using just the tag.  For example, the
+following entries in the access map:
 	Try_TLS:broken.server	NO
 	Srv_Features:my.domain	v
 	Srv_Features:		V
+	Clt_Features:broken.sts	M
 will turn off STARTTLS when sending to broken.server (or any host
-in that domain), and request a client certificate during the TLS
-handshake only for hosts in my.domain.  The valid entries on the RHS
-for Srv_Features are listed in the Sendmail Installation and
-Operations Guide.
+in that domain), request a client certificate during the TLS handshake
+only for hosts in my.domain, and disable MTA-STS for broken.sts.
+The valid entries on the RHS for Srv_Features and Clt_Features are
+listed in the Sendmail Installation and Operations Guide.
*** 21876 LINES SKIPPED ***