git: b31c39ad916e - main - games/monsterz: upgrade to 0.8

From: Thierry Thomas <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 10:43:25 UTC
The branch main has been updated by thierry:


commit b31c39ad916e7aec4d620ecfe637b61df56ac41a
Author:     Thierry Thomas <>
AuthorDate: 2025-01-25 17:47:12 +0000
Commit:     Thierry Thomas <>
CommitDate: 2025-01-26 10:43:20 +0000

    games/monsterz: upgrade to 0.8
    Remark: the original site disappeared, this is a fork.
    Release notes at .
 games/monsterz/Makefile                |  20 +-
 games/monsterz/distinfo                |   7 +-
 games/monsterz/files/ | 890 ---------------------------------
 games/monsterz/pkg-plist               |   3 +-
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 909 deletions(-)

diff --git a/games/monsterz/Makefile b/games/monsterz/Makefile
index 28a7023d2674..8588ee291454 100644
--- a/games/monsterz/Makefile
+++ b/games/monsterz/Makefile
@@ -1,34 +1,29 @@
 PORTNAME=	monsterz
-		SF/nemysisfreebsdp/:icons
-		${PORTNAME}.png:icons
 COMMENT=	Arcade puzzle game
+GH_ACCOUNT=	0-wiz-0
 USES=		python shebangfix
 MAKE_ENV=	prefix=${PREFIX}
 SCOREDIR=	/var/games
-		"${PORTNAME}" "Game;ArcadeGame;" false
@@ -45,7 +40,6 @@ post-install:
 		-f ${DATADIR:S;${PREFIX}/;;}	\
 		-f ${DATADIR:S;${PREFIX}/;;})
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${_DISTDIR}/${PORTNAME}.png ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/
 	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/monsterz
diff --git a/games/monsterz/distinfo b/games/monsterz/distinfo
index 5eea709f47c5..4f23c2909e17 100644
--- a/games/monsterz/distinfo
+++ b/games/monsterz/distinfo
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-SHA256 (monsterz-0.7.1.tar.gz) = 50828b8fa26d107bcc2bd134328f83c905b9f5e124846bdf239daf0eed34973d
-SIZE (monsterz-0.7.1.tar.gz) = 1879537
-SHA256 (monsterz.png) = 64f9533f252db001bdaec34e1c4432a6d236a8084899d0adc22ad90d01eedae1
-SIZE (monsterz.png) = 4849
+TIMESTAMP = 1737823301
+SHA256 (0-wiz-0-monsterz-v0.8_GH0.tar.gz) = a4f0c845abc3d3b1ab3d08f404852bc2e1e10d512c23b4098e0d49e679a1f079
+SIZE (0-wiz-0-monsterz-v0.8_GH0.tar.gz) = 2316029
diff --git a/games/monsterz/files/ b/games/monsterz/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6485f6a835b2..000000000000
--- a/games/monsterz/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +0,0 @@
----	2020-06-01 13:24:07 UTC
-@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
-    modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
-    Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
- for more details.
-+ Patch to support Python3 from Reiner Herrmann <>
- """
- import pygame
-@@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ from random import randint
- from sys import argv, exit, platform
- from os.path import join, isdir, isfile, dirname, expanduser
- from os import write, mkdir
-+from functools import cmp_to_key
- # String constants
- VERSION = '0.7.1'
-@@ -108,9 +112,12 @@ def semi_grayscale(surf):
-                 M = int(max(r, g, b))
-                 m = int(min(r, g, b))
-                 val = (2 * M + r + g + b) / 5
--                p[:] = (val + r) / 2, (val + g) / 2, (val + b) / 2
-+                val = (2 * M + r + g + b) // 5
-+                p[0] = (val + r) // 2
-+                p[1] = (val + g) // 2
-+                p[2] = (val + b) // 2
-                 if alpha[y][x] >= 250:
--                    alpha[y][x] = 255 - (M - m) * 3 / 4
-+                    alpha[y][x] = 255 - (M - m) * 3 // 4
-         del pixels
-         del alpha
-         surf.unlock()
-@@ -129,9 +136,11 @@ def semi_transp(surf):
-                 r, g, b = p
-                 M = int(max(r, g, b))
-                 m = int(min(r, g, b))
--                p[:] = (m + r) / 2, (m + g) / 2, (m + b) / 2
-+                p[0] = (m + r) // 2
-+                p[1] = (m + g) // 2
-+                p[2] = (m + b) // 2
-                 if alpha[y][x] >= 250:
--                    alpha[y][x] = 255 - M * 2 / 3
-+                    alpha[y][x] = 255 - M * 2 // 3
-         del pixels
-         del alpha
-         surf.unlock()
-@@ -218,12 +227,12 @@ class Settings:
-         file.close()
-     def get(self, key):
--        if not self.config.has_key(key):
-+        if key not in self.config:
-             return None
-         return self.config[key]
-     def set(self, key, value):
--        if not self.config.has_key(key):
-+        if key not in self.config:
-             return
-         self.config[key] = value
-@@ -241,15 +250,15 @@ class Settings:
-             pass
-         # Add dummy scores to make sure our score list is full
-         for game in ['CLASSIC']:
--            if not self.scores.has_key(game):
-+            if game not in self.scores:
-                 self.scores[game] = []
-             for x in range(20): self._add_score(game, 'NOBODY', 0, 1)
-     def _add_score(self, game, name, score, level):
--        if not self.scores.has_key(game):
-+        if game not in self.scores:
-             self.scores[game] = []
-         self.scores[game].append((name, score, level))
--        self.scores[game].sort(compare_scores)
-+        self.scores[game].sort(key=cmp_to_key(compare_scores))
-         self.scores[game] = self.scores[game][0:19]
-     def new_score(self, game, score, level):
-@@ -264,7 +273,7 @@ class Settings:
-                 msg += type + ':' + name + ':' + str(score) + ':' + str(level)
-                 msg += '\n'
-         if self.outfd is not None:
--            write(self.outfd, msg + '\n')
-+            write(self.outfd, (msg + '\n').encode())
-         else:
-             try:
-                 file = open(self.scorefile, 'w')
-@@ -286,7 +295,7 @@ class Data:
-         self.background = pygame.image.load(join(dir, 'graphics', 'background.png')).convert()
-         self.board = pygame.image.load(join(dir, 'graphics', 'board.png')).convert()
-         self.logo = pygame.image.load(join(dir, 'graphics', 'logo.png')).convert_alpha()
--        self.orig_size = w / 5
-+        self.orig_size = w // 5
-         self.normal = [None] * ITEMS
-         self.blink = [None] * ITEMS
-         self.tiny = [None] * ITEMS
-@@ -316,8 +325,8 @@ class Data:
-         # Create sprites
-         for i in range(ITEMS):
-             self.normal[i] = scale(tile_at(0, i + 5), (t, t))
--            self.tiny[i] = scale(tile_at(0, i + 5), (t * 3 / 4, t * 3 / 4))
--            self.shaded[i] = scale(tile_at(3, i + 5), (t * 3 / 4, t * 3 / 4))
-+            self.tiny[i] = scale(tile_at(0, i + 5), (t * 3 // 4, t * 3 // 4))
-+            self.shaded[i] = scale(tile_at(3, i + 5), (t * 3 // 4, t * 3 // 4))
-             semi_grayscale(self.shaded[i])
-             self.blink[i] = scale(tile_at(1, i + 5), (t, t))
-             self.surprise[i] = scale(tile_at(2, i + 5), (t, t))
-@@ -326,15 +335,15 @@ class Data:
-             #tmp = tile_at(1, 0).copy() # marche pas !
-             tmp = scale(tile_at(1, 0), (t, t)) # marche...
-             mini = tile_at(0, i + 5)
--            mini = scale(mini, (t * 7 / 8 - 1, t * 7 / 8 - 1))
--            tmp.blit(mini, (s / 16, s / 16))
-+            mini = scale(mini, (t * 7 // 8 - 1, t * 7 // 8 - 1))
-+            tmp.blit(mini, (s // 16, s // 16))
-             self.special[i] = scale(tmp, (t, t))
--        self.led_off = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s, 0, s / 2, s / 2)), (t / 2, t / 2))
--        self.led_on = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s + s / 2, 0, s / 2, s / 2)), (t / 2, t / 2))
--        self.led_more = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s, s / 2, s / 2, s / 2)), (t / 2, t / 2))
--        self.led_less = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s + s / 2, s / 2, s / 2, s / 2)), (t / 2, t / 2))
--        self.eye = scale(tile_at(2, 0), (t * 3 / 4, t * 3 / 4))
--        self.shadeye = scale(tile_at(2, 0), (t * 3 / 4, t * 3 / 4))
-+        self.led_off = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s, 0, s // 2, s // 2)), (t // 2, t // 2))
-+        self.led_on = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s + s // 2, 0, s // 2, s // 2)), (t // 2, t // 2))
-+        self.led_more = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s, s // 2, s // 2, s // 2)), (t // 2, t // 2))
-+        self.led_less = scale(self.tiles.subsurface((3 * s + s // 2, s // 2, s // 2, s // 2)), (t // 2, t // 2))
-+        self.eye = scale(tile_at(2, 0), (t * 3 // 4, t * 3 // 4))
-+        self.shadeye = scale(tile_at(2, 0), (t * 3 // 4, t * 3 // 4))
-         semi_transp(self.shadeye)
-         self.arrow = tile_at(4, 0)
-         self.selector = scale(tile_at(0, 0), (t, t))
-@@ -367,7 +376,7 @@ class Data:
-     def screen2board(self, coord):
-         x, y = coord
--        return ((x - 24) / ITEM_SIZE, (y - 24) / ITEM_SIZE)
-+        return ((x - 24) // ITEM_SIZE, (y - 24) // ITEM_SIZE)
- class Sprite:
-     def __init__(self, surf, coord):
-@@ -398,7 +407,8 @@ class System:
-     def blit(self, surf, coords):
-         self.background.blit(surf, coords)
--    def blit_board(self, (x1, y1, x2, y2)):
-+    def blit_board(self, coords):
-+        (x1, y1, x2, y2) = coords
-         x1, y1 = x1 * ITEM_SIZE, y1 * ITEM_SIZE
-         x2, y2 = x2 * ITEM_SIZE - x1, y2 * ITEM_SIZE - y1
-         surf = data.board.subsurface((x1, y1, x2, y2))
-@@ -454,16 +464,16 @@ class Fonter:
-                 self.cache.append((m, s, c, t))
-                 return t
-         font = pygame.font.Font(None, size * 2)
--        delta = 2 + size / 8
-+        delta = 2 + size // 8
-         black = font.render(msg, 2, (0, 0, 0))
-         w, h = black.get_size()
-         text = pygame.Surface((w + delta, h + delta)).convert_alpha()
-         text.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
-         for x, y in [(5, 5), (6, 3), (5, 1), (3, 0),
-                      (1, 1), (0, 3), (1, 5), (3, 6)]:
--            text.blit(black, (x * delta / 6, y * delta / 6))
-+            text.blit(black, (x * delta // 6, y * delta // 6))
-         white = font.render(msg, 2, color)
--        text.blit(white, (delta / 2, delta / 2))
-+        text.blit(white, (delta // 2, delta // 2))
-         text = pygame.transform.rotozoom(text, 0.0, 0.5)
-         self.cache.append((msg, size, color, text))
-         if len(self.cache) > self.size:
-@@ -492,7 +502,7 @@ class Game:
-         self.win_timer = 0
-         self.warning_timer = 0
-         self.switch_timer = 0
--        self.level_timer = SCROLL_DELAY / 2
-+        self.level_timer = SCROLL_DELAY // 2
-         self.board_timer = 0
-         self.missed = False
-         self.check_moves = False
-@@ -527,11 +537,11 @@ class Game:
-         #self.board[randint(3, 4)][0] = ITEM_METAL
-     def fill_board(self):
--        for y in xrange(BOARD_HEIGHT - 1, -1, -1):
--            for x in xrange(BOARD_WIDTH - 1, -1, -1):
-+        for y in range(BOARD_HEIGHT - 1, -1, -1):
-+            for x in range(BOARD_WIDTH - 1, -1, -1):
-                 if self.board[x][y] != ITEM_NONE:
-                     continue
--                for y2 in xrange(y - 1, -1, -1):
-+                for y2 in range(y - 1, -1, -1):
-                     if self.board[x][y2] != ITEM_NONE:
-                         self.board[x][y] = self.board[x][y2]
-                         self.extra_offset[x][y] = (0, ITEM_SIZE * (y2 - y))
-@@ -683,7 +693,7 @@ class Game:
-         system.blit(data.board, (24, 24))
-         # Have a random piece blink
-         c = randint(0, BOARD_WIDTH - 1), randint(0, BOARD_HEIGHT - 1)
--        if randint(0, 5) is 0 and not self.blink_list.has_key(c):
-+        if randint(0, 5) is 0 and c not in self.blink_list:
-             self.blink_list[c] = 5
-         # Handle special scrolling cases
-         if self.level_timer:
-@@ -692,14 +702,14 @@ class Game:
-             timer = self.board_timer
-         else:
-             timer = 0
--        if timer > SCROLL_DELAY / 2:
-+        if timer > SCROLL_DELAY // 2:
-             global_xoff = 0
-             yoff = (SCROLL_DELAY - timer) * (SCROLL_DELAY - timer)
--            global_yoff = yoff * 50 * 50 / SCROLL_DELAY / SCROLL_DELAY
-+            global_yoff = yoff * 50 * 50 // SCROLL_DELAY // SCROLL_DELAY
-         elif timer > 0:
-             global_xoff = 0
-             yoff = - timer * timer
--            global_yoff = yoff * 50 * 50 / SCROLL_DELAY / SCROLL_DELAY
-+            global_yoff = yoff * 50 * 50 // SCROLL_DELAY // SCROLL_DELAY
-         else:
-             global_xoff = 0
-             global_yoff = 0
-@@ -725,15 +735,15 @@ class Game:
-             xoff, yoff = self.extra_offset[i][j]
-             if self.lost_timer:
-                 d = LOST_DELAY - self.lost_timer
--                xoff += (i * 2 - 7) * 4 * d / LOST_DELAY
--                yoff += (j * 2 - 7) * 4 * d / LOST_DELAY
--                xoff += (j * 2 - 7) * 4 * d / LOST_DELAY
--                yoff += (-i * 2 + 7) * 4 * d / LOST_DELAY
-+                xoff += (i * 2 - 7) * 4 * d // LOST_DELAY
-+                yoff += (j * 2 - 7) * 4 * d // LOST_DELAY
-+                xoff += (j * 2 - 7) * 4 * d // LOST_DELAY
-+                yoff += (-i * 2 + 7) * 4 * d // LOST_DELAY
-                 xoff += (randint(0, d) - randint(0, d))
-                 yoff += (randint(0, d) - randint(0, d))
-                 self.extra_offset[i][j] = xoff, yoff
-             elif yoff and self.win_timer:
--                yoff = yoff * (self.win_timer - 1) / (WIN_DELAY * 2 / 3)
-+                yoff = yoff * (self.win_timer - 1) // (WIN_DELAY * 2 // 3)
-                 self.extra_offset[i][j] = xoff, yoff
-             xoff += global_xoff
-             yoff += global_yoff
-@@ -744,17 +754,17 @@ class Game:
-                 shape = data.metal
-             elif n >= ITEM_PUZZLE:
-                 shape = data.puzzle[puzzlevels[self.level - 1][2]][n - ITEM_PUZZLE]
--            elif self.level_timer and self.level_timer < SCROLL_DELAY / 2:
-+            elif self.level_timer and self.level_timer < SCROLL_DELAY // 2:
-                 shape = data.blink[n]
-             elif (i, j) in self.surprised_list \
--              or self.board_timer > SCROLL_DELAY / 2 \
--              or self.level_timer > SCROLL_DELAY / 2:
-+              or self.board_timer > SCROLL_DELAY // 2 \
-+              or self.level_timer > SCROLL_DELAY // 2:
-                 shape = data.surprise[n]
-             elif (i, j) in self.disappear_list:
-                 shape = data.exploded[n]
-             elif n == self.angry_items:
-                 shape = data.angry[n]
--            elif self.blink_list.has_key((i, j)):
-+            elif (i, j) in self.blink_list:
-                 shape = data.blink[n]
-                 self.blink_list[i, j] -= 1
-                 if self.blink_list[i, j] is 0: del self.blink_list[i, j]
-@@ -771,7 +781,8 @@ class Game:
-         if
-             system.blit(data.selector, select_coord)
--    def piece_draw(self, sprite, (x, y)):
-+    def piece_draw(self, sprite, pos):
-+        (x, y) = pos
-         width = ITEM_SIZE
-         crop = sprite.subsurface
-         # Constrain X
-@@ -806,7 +817,7 @@ class Game:
-         # Draw timebar
-         timebar = pygame.Surface((406, 32)).convert_alpha()
-         timebar.fill((0, 0, 0, 155))
--        w = 406 * self.time / 2000000
-+        w = 406 * self.time // 2000000
-         if w > 0:
-             if self.warning_timer:
-                 ratio = 1.0 * abs(2 * self.warning_timer - WARNING_DELAY) \
-@@ -829,15 +840,15 @@ class Game:
-             pass
-         else:
-             for x in range(4):
--                for y, p in enumerate(alpha[x]):
--                    alpha[x][y] = p * x / 4
--                for y, p in enumerate(alpha[406 - x - 1]):
--                    alpha[406 - x - 1][y] = p * x / 4
-+                for y in range(len(alpha[x])):
-+                    alpha[x][y] = alpha[x][y] * x // 4
-+                for y in range(len(alpha[406 - x - 1])):
-+                    alpha[406 - x - 1][y] = alpha[406 - x - 1][y] * x // 4
-             for col in alpha:
-                 l = len(col)
-                 for y in range(4):
--                    col[y] = col[y] * y / 4
--                    col[l - y - 1] = col[l - y - 1] * y / 4
-+                    col[y] = col[y] * y // 4
-+                    col[l - y - 1] = col[l - y - 1] * y // 4
-                 del col
-             del alpha
-             timebar.unlock()
-@@ -846,7 +857,7 @@ class Game:
-             # Print play again message
-             text = fonter.render('GAME OVER', 80)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 192 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 192 - h // 2))
-             if self.score < 5000:
-                 msg = 'YUO = TEH L0SER'
-             elif self.score < 15000:
-@@ -857,13 +868,13 @@ class Game:
-                 msg = 'ZOMFG!!!111!!! YUO PWND!!!%$#@%@#'
-             text = fonter.render(msg, 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 240 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 240 - h // 2))
-         elif self.paused:
-             # Draw pause message
-             system.blit(self.pause_bitmap, (72, 24))
-             text = fonter.render('PAUSED', 120)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 336 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 336 - h // 2))
-         elif self.splash:
-             if self.type == GAME_TRAINING:
-                 msg = 'TRAINING'
-@@ -871,7 +882,7 @@ class Game:
-                 msg = 'LEVEL ' + str(self.level)
-             text = fonter.render(msg, 60)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 144 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 144 - h // 2))
-             if self.needed[0]:
-                 msg = 'MONSTERS NEEDED: ' + str(self.needed[0])
-             elif self.type == GAME_PUZZLE:
-@@ -884,24 +895,24 @@ class Game:
-             if self.lucky != -1:
-                 text = fonter.render('LUCKY MONSTER:', 40)
-                 w, h = text.get_rect().size
--                system.blit(text, (192 - w / 2 - 8, 24 + 288 - h / 2))
--                system.blit(data.normal[self.lucky], (192 + w / 2, 288))
-+                system.blit(text, (192 - w // 2 - 8, 24 + 288 - h // 2))
-+                system.blit(data.normal[self.lucky], (192 + w // 2, 288))
-         elif self.lost_timer != -1:
-             # Draw pieces
-             self.board_draw()
-             # Print new level stuff
--            if self.level_timer > SCROLL_DELAY / 2:
-+            if self.level_timer > SCROLL_DELAY // 2:
-                 if self.type == GAME_PUZZLE:
-                     text = fonter.render('COMPLETED!', 80)
-                 else:
-                     text = fonter.render('LEVEL UP!', 80)
-                 w, h = text.get_rect().size
--                system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 192 - h / 2))
-+                system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 192 - h // 2))
-             # When no more moves are possible
--            if self.board_timer > SCROLL_DELAY / 2:
-+            if self.board_timer > SCROLL_DELAY // 2:
-                 text = fonter.render('NO MORE MOVES!', 60)
-                 w, h = text.get_rect().size
--                system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 192 - h / 2))
-+                system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 192 - h // 2))
-             # Print bonus
-             for b in self.bonus_list:
-                 if b[2]:
-@@ -910,7 +921,7 @@ class Game:
-                     text = fonter.render(str(b[1]), 36)
-                 w, h = text.get_rect().size
-                 x, y = data.board2screen(b[0])
--                system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w / 2, y + 24 - h / 2))
-+                system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w // 2, y + 24 - h // 2))
-             # Print hint arrow
-             if self.show_move:
-                 lookup = [0, 1, 5, 16, 27, 31, 32, 31, 27, 16, 5, 1]
-@@ -918,8 +929,8 @@ class Game:
-                     x1, y1 = data.board2screen(src)
-                     x2, y2 = data.board2screen(dst)
-                     delta = lookup[monsterz.timer % 12]
--                    x = -32 + (x1 * delta + x2 * (32 - delta)) / 32
--                    y = 32 + (y1 * delta + y2 * (32 - delta)) / 32
-+                    x = -32 + (x1 * delta + x2 * (32 - delta)) // 32
-+                    y = 32 + (y1 * delta + y2 * (32 - delta)) // 32
-                     system.blit(data.arrow, (x, y))
-                     break # Only show one move
-         # Print score
-@@ -928,7 +939,7 @@ class Game:
-         system.blit(text, (624 - w, 10))
-         # Print done/needed
-         for i in range(self.population):
--            x = 440 + i / 4 * 90
-+            x = 440 + i // 4 * 90
-             y = 64 + (i % 4) * 38
-             if self.done[i] >= self.needed[i]:
-                 surf = data.tiny[i]
-@@ -954,15 +965,15 @@ class Game:
-                 led, color = data.led_on, (255, 255, 255)
-             else:
-                 led, color = data.led_off, (180, 150, 127)
--            c = map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.psat[0] / 255, r, color)
-+            c = list(map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.psat[0] // 255, r, color))
-             system.blit(led, (440, 298))
-             system.blit(fonter.render('PAUSE', 30, c), (470, 296))
-             color = (180, 150, 127)
--            c = map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.psat[1] / 255, r, color)
-+            c = list(map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.psat[1] // 255, r, color))
-             system.blit(fonter.render('ABORT', 30, c), (470, 326))
-             for x in range(2):
-                 if self.psat[x]:
--                    self.psat[x] = self.psat[x] * 8 / 10
-+                    self.psat[x] = self.psat[x] * 8 // 10
-     def pause(self):
-         # TODO: prevent cheating by not allowing less than 1 second
-@@ -980,7 +991,7 @@ class Game:
-     def update(self):
-         ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
--        delta = (ticks - self.oldticks) * 450 / (12 - self.speed)
-+        delta = (ticks - self.oldticks) * 450 // (12 - self.speed)
-         self.oldticks = ticks
-         # If paused, do nothing
-         if self.paused:
-@@ -990,7 +1001,7 @@ class Game:
-         # Resolve winning moves and chain reactions
-         if self.board_timer:
-             self.board_timer -= 1
--            if self.board_timer is SCROLL_DELAY / 2:
-+            if self.board_timer is SCROLL_DELAY // 2:
-                 self.new_board()
-             elif self.board_timer is 0:
-       'boing')
-@@ -1035,7 +1046,7 @@ class Game:
-             return
-         if self.level_timer:
-             self.level_timer -= 1
--            if self.level_timer is SCROLL_DELAY / 2:
-+            if self.level_timer is SCROLL_DELAY // 2:
-                 self.level += 1
-                 if self.type == GAME_PUZZLE:
-                     if self.level > len(puzzlevels):
-@@ -1055,7 +1066,7 @@ class Game:
-                 for w in self.wins:
-                     for x, y in w:
-                         self.surprised_list.append((x, y))
--            elif self.win_timer is WIN_DELAY * 4 / 5:
-+            elif self.win_timer is WIN_DELAY * 4 // 5:
-       'pop')
-                 self.scorebonus = 0
-                 self.timebonus = 0
-@@ -1076,10 +1087,10 @@ class Game:
-                     for x, y in w:
-                         x2 += x
-                         y2 += y
--                    self.bonus_list.append([(x2 / len(w), y2 / len(w)), points, lucky])
-+                    self.bonus_list.append([(x2 // len(w), y2 // len(w)), points, lucky])
-                 self.disappear_list = self.surprised_list
-                 self.surprised_list = []
--            elif self.win_timer is WIN_DELAY * 3 / 5:
-+            elif self.win_timer is WIN_DELAY * 3 // 5:
-                 for x, y in self.disappear_list:
-                     if self.board[x][y] != ITEM_NONE:
-                         self.done[self.board[x][y]] += 1
-@@ -1095,7 +1106,7 @@ class Game:
-                         self.angry_items = angry
-                 self.disappear_list = []
-                 self.bonus_list = []
--            elif self.win_timer is WIN_DELAY * 2 / 5:
-+            elif self.win_timer is WIN_DELAY * 2 // 5:
-                 self.time += self.timebonus
-                 if self.time > 2000000:
-                     self.time = 2000000
-@@ -1192,7 +1203,7 @@ class Game:
-                             self.will_play = move
-                             min = self.done[color]
-                 self.ai_timer = 15 - self.level
--            if self.ai_timer is (15 - self.level) / 2:
-+            if self.ai_timer is (15 - self.level) // 2:
-                 self.clicks.append(self.will_play[0])
-             elif self.ai_timer is 0:
-                 self.clicks.append(self.will_play[1])
-@@ -1287,10 +1298,10 @@ class Monsterz:
-             pass
-         else:
-             for x in range(10):
--                for y, p in enumerate(alpha[x]):
--                    alpha[x][y] = p * x / 12
--                for y, p in enumerate(alpha[406 - x - 1]):
--                    alpha[406 - x - 1][y] = p * x / 12
-+                for y in range(len(alpha[x])):
-+                    alpha[x][y] = alpha[x][y] * x // 12
-+                for y in range(len(alpha[406 - x - 1])):
-+                    alpha[406 - x - 1][y] = alpha[406 - x - 1][y] * x // 12
-             del alpha
-             scroll.unlock()
-         system.blit(scroll, (13, 437))
-@@ -1321,26 +1332,26 @@ class Monsterz:
-                 led, color = data.led_on, (255, 255, 255)
-             else:
-                 led, color = data.led_off, (180, 150, 127)
--            c = map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.gsat[0] / 255, r, color)
-+            c = list(map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.gsat[0] // 255, r, color))
-             system.blit(led, (440, 378))
-             system.blit(fonter.render('SOUND FX', 30, c), (470, 376))
-             if settings.get('music'):
-                 led, color = data.led_on, (255, 255, 255)
-             else:
-                 led, color = data.led_off, (180, 150, 127)
--            c = map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.gsat[1] / 255, r, color)
-+            c = list(map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.gsat[1] // 255, r, color))
-             system.blit(led, (440, 408))
-             system.blit(fonter.render('MUSIC', 30, c), (470, 406))
-         if settings.get('fullscreen'):
-             led, color = data.led_on, (255, 255, 255)
-         else:
-             led, color = data.led_off, (180, 150, 127)
--        c = map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.gsat[2] / 255, r, color)
-+        c = list(map(lambda a, b: b - (b - a) * self.gsat[2] // 255, r, color))
-         system.blit(led, (440, 438))
-         system.blit(fonter.render('FULLSCREEN', 30, c), (470, 436))
-         for x in range(3):
-             if self.gsat[x]:
--                self.gsat[x] = self.gsat[x] * 8 / 10
-+                self.gsat[x] = self.gsat[x] * 8 // 10
-     def generic_event(self, event):
-         if event.type == QUIT:
-@@ -1398,7 +1409,7 @@ class Monsterz:
-         self.marea = marea
-         # Print logo and menu
-         w, h = data.logo.get_size()
--        system.blit(data.logo, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 96 - h / 2))
-+        system.blit(data.logo, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 96 - h // 2))
-         for x in range(4):
-             if self.msat[x] > 180:
-                 monster = data.surprise[shapes[x]]
-@@ -1407,12 +1418,12 @@ class Monsterz:
-             else:
-                 monster = data.blink[shapes[x]]
-             system.blit(monster, data.board2screen((1, 4 + x)))
--            c = map(lambda a: 255 - (255 - a) * self.msat[x] / 255, colors[x])
-+            c = list(map(lambda a: 255 - (255 - a) * self.msat[x] // 255, colors[x]))
-             text = fonter.render(messages[x], 48, c)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 102, 24 + 216 + ITEM_SIZE * x - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 102, 24 + 216 + ITEM_SIZE * x - h // 2))
-             if self.msat[x]:
--                self.msat[x] = self.msat[x] * 8 / 10
-+                self.msat[x] = self.msat[x] * 8 // 10
-         # Handle events
-         for event in pygame.event.get():
-             if self.generic_event(event):
-@@ -1479,32 +1490,32 @@ class Monsterz:
-         # Print menu
-         text = fonter.render('GAME TYPE', 60)
-         w, h = text.get_rect().size
--        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 24 - h / 2))
-+        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 24 - h // 2))
-         for i in range(4):
--            c = map(lambda a: 255 - (255 - a) * self.nsat[i] / 255, [127, 0, 255])
-+            c = list(map(lambda a: 255 - (255 - a) * self.nsat[i] // 255, [127, 0, 255]))
-             text = fonter.render(messages[i], 48, c)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + ITEM_SIZE * 4 - w / 2, 24 + 120 + ITEM_SIZE * i - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + ITEM_SIZE * 4 - w // 2, 24 + 120 + ITEM_SIZE * i - h // 2))
-             if self.nsat[i]:
--                self.nsat[i] = self.nsat[i] * 8 / 10
-+                self.nsat[i] = self.nsat[i] * 8 // 10
-         for i in range(4, 8):
--            c = map(lambda a: 255 - (255 - a) * self.nsat[i] / 255, [127, 0, 255])
-+            c = list(map(lambda a: 255 - (255 - a) * self.nsat[i] // 255, [127, 0, 255]))
-             if i % 2:
-                 img = data.led_more
-                 x = 320
-             else:
-                 img = data.led_less
-                 x = 88
--            y = 36 + ITEM_SIZE * (6 + (i - 4) / 2)
-+            y = 36 + ITEM_SIZE * (6 + (i - 4) // 2)
-             system.blit(img, (x, y))
-             if self.nsat[i]:
--                self.nsat[i] = self.nsat[i] * 8 / 10
-+                self.nsat[i] = self.nsat[i] * 8 // 10
-         # Print wanted monsterz
-         for i in range(items):
--            system.blit(data.normal[i], (24 + 96 + ITEM_SIZE * 3 * i / (items - 1), 24 + ITEM_SIZE * 6))
-+            system.blit(data.normal[i], (24 + 96 + ITEM_SIZE * 3 * i // (items - 1), 24 + ITEM_SIZE * 6))
-         text = fonter.render('DIFFICULTY ' + str(difficulty), 36)
-         w, h = text.get_rect().size
--        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + ITEM_SIZE * 7 + 24 - h / 2))
-+        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + ITEM_SIZE * 7 + 24 - h // 2))
-         # Handle events
-         for event in pygame.event.get():
-             if self.generic_event(event):
-@@ -1610,18 +1621,18 @@ class Monsterz:
-         # Title
-         text = fonter.render('INSTRUCTIONS (' + str( + ')', 60)
-         w, h = text.get_rect().size
--        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 24 - h / 2))
-+        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 24 - h // 2))
-         if == 1:
-             # Explanation 1
-             text = fonter.render('SWAP ADJACENT MONSTERS TO CREATE', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('ALIGNMENTS OF THREE OR MORE. NEW', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('MONSTERS WILL FILL THE HOLES.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h // 2))
-             # Iter 1
-             system.blit_board((0, 3, 2, 7))
-             system.blit(data.normal[2], data.board2screen((0, 3)))
-@@ -1658,22 +1669,22 @@ class Monsterz:
-             text = fonter.render('10', 36)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
-             x, y = data.board2screen((7, 4))
--            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w / 2, y + 24 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w // 2, y + 24 - h // 2))
-             # Explanation 2
-             text = fonter.render('CREATE CHAIN REACTIONS TO GET TWICE', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 348 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 348 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('AS MANY POINTS, THEN 4x, 8x ETC.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 372 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 372 - h // 2))
-         elif == 2:
-             # Explanation 1
-             text = fonter.render('THE LUCKY MONSTER EARNS YOU TWICE', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('AS MANY POINTS AS OTHER MONSTERS.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h // 2))
-             shape = data.special[self.timer % 7]
-             # Print done/needed
-             system.blit_board((0, 3, 4, 5))
-@@ -1697,15 +1708,15 @@ class Monsterz:
-             text = fonter.render('140', 48, rainbow[monsterz.timer % 6])
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
-             x, y = data.board2screen((2, 6))
--            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w / 2, y + 24 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w // 2, y + 24 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('70', 36)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
-             x, y = data.board2screen((1, 7))
--            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w / 2, y + 24 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w // 2, y + 24 - h // 2))
-             for i in range(4):
-                 surf = data.tiny[i + 1]
-                 count = 3 + i * 2
--                x = 24 + 240 + 4 + i / 2 * 70
-+                x = 24 + 240 + 4 + i // 2 * 70
-                 y = 172 + (i % 2) * 38
-                 for dummy in range(2):
-                     system.blit(surf, (x, y))
-@@ -1722,13 +1733,13 @@ class Monsterz:
-             # Explanation 1
-             text = fonter.render('YOU CAN ALWAYS PERFORM A VALID MOVE.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('WHEN NO MORE MOVES ARE POSSIBLE, YOU', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('GET A COMPLETE NEW BOARD.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h // 2))
-             # Surprised
-             system.blit_board((0, 3, 8, 5))
-             for x in range(8):
-@@ -1736,29 +1747,29 @@ class Monsterz:
-                 system.blit(data.surprise[(x * 7) % 8], data.board2screen((x, 4)))
-             text = fonter.render('NO MORE MOVES!', 60)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 192 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 192 - h // 2))
-             # Explanation 2
-             text = fonter.render('USE THE EYE TO FIND WHERE TO PLAY.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6 + 48, 24 + 300 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6 + 48, 24 + 300 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('EACH 10,000 POINTS YOU GET A NEW', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6 + 48, 24 + 324 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6 + 48, 24 + 324 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('EYE. YOU CAN\'T HAVE MORE THAN 3.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6 + 48, 24 + 348 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6 + 48, 24 + 348 - h // 2))
-             system.blit(data.eye, (24 + 6, 24 + 306))
-         elif == 4:
-             # Explanation 1
-             text = fonter.render('WHEN ONLY ONE KIND OF MONSTER IS', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('NEEDED TO FINISH THE LEVEL, MONSTERS', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('OF THAT KIND GET AN ANGRY FACE.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h // 2))
-             # Print done/needed
-             system.blit_board((0, 3, 4, 5))
-             for i in range(4):
-@@ -1770,7 +1781,7 @@ class Monsterz:
-                     big = data.angry[i + 4]
-                 system.blit(big, data.board2screen((i, 3 + (i % 2))))
-                 system.blit(big, data.board2screen(((i + 2) % 4, 3 + ((i + 1) % 2))))
--                x = 24 + 240 + 4 + i / 2 * 70
-+                x = 24 + 240 + 4 + i // 2 * 70
-                 y = 172 + (i % 2) * 38
-                 system.blit(surf, (x, y))
-                 text = fonter.render(str(i * 3), 36)
-@@ -1778,10 +1789,10 @@ class Monsterz:
-             # Explanation 2
-             text = fonter.render('CLICK ON THE BONUS TO REMOVE ALL', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 252 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 252 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('MONSTERS OF A RANDOM KIND.', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 276 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 276 - h // 2))
-             shape = data.special[self.timer % 7]
-             # Iter 1
-             system.blit_board((0, 6, 3, 8))
-@@ -1802,22 +1813,22 @@ class Monsterz:
-             text = fonter.render('10', 36)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
-             x, y = data.board2screen((4, 7))
--            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w / 2, y + 24 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w // 2, y + 24 - h // 2))
-             x, y = data.board2screen((5, 6))
--            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w / 2, y + 24 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w // 2, y + 24 - h // 2))
-             x, y = data.board2screen((6, 6))
--            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w / 2, y + 24 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (x + 24 - w // 2, y + 24 - h // 2))
-         elif == 5:
-             # Explanation 1
-             text = fonter.render('IN PUZZLE MODE, PUT TOGETHER THE', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 84 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('PUZZLE BY MOVING PIECES AROUND. BE', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 108 - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render('CAREFUL NOT TO GET STUCK!', 24)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 6, 24 + 132 - h // 2))
-             # Iter 1
-             system.blit_board((0, 3, 2, 8))
-             system.blit(data.normal[2], data.board2screen((0, 3)))
-@@ -1876,19 +1887,19 @@ class Monsterz:
-         self.copyright_draw()
-         text = fonter.render('HIGH SCORES', 60)
-         w, h = text.get_rect().size
--        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w / 2, 24 + 24 - h / 2))
-+        system.blit(text, (24 + 192 - w // 2, 24 + 24 - h // 2))
-         # Print our list
-         for x in range(10):
-             name, score, level = settings.scores['CLASSIC'][x]
-             text = fonter.render(str(x + 1) + '. ' + name.upper(), 32)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 24, 24 + 72 + 32 * x - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 24, 24 + 72 + 32 * x - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render(str(score), 32)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 324 - w, 24 + 72 + 32 * x - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 324 - w, 24 + 72 + 32 * x - h // 2))
-             text = fonter.render(str(level), 32)
-             w, h = text.get_rect().size
--            system.blit(text, (24 + 360 - w, 24 + 72 + 32 * x - h / 2))
-+            system.blit(text, (24 + 360 - w, 24 + 72 + 32 * x - h // 2))
-         # Handle events
-         for event in pygame.event.get():
-             if self.generic_event(event):
-@@ -1903,39 +1914,39 @@ class Monsterz:
-                 return
- def version():
--    print 'monsterz ' + VERSION
--    print 'Written by Sam Hocevar, music by MenTaLguY, sound effects by Sun Microsystems,'
--    print 'Inc., Michael Speck, David White and the Battle for Wesnoth project, Mike'
--    print 'Kershaw and Sam Hocevar.'
--    print
--    print 'Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Sam Hocevar <>'
--    print '          (C) 1998 MenTaLguY <>'
--    print '          (C) 2002, 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.'
--    print '          (C) Michael Speck <>'
--    print '          (C) 2003 by David White <> and the'
--    print '              Battle for Wesnoth project'
--    print '          (C) Mike Kershaw <>'
-+    print('monsterz ' + VERSION)
-+    print('Written by Sam Hocevar, music by MenTaLguY, sound effects by Sun Microsystems,')
-+    print('Inc., Michael Speck, David White and the Battle for Wesnoth project, Mike')
-+    print('Kershaw and Sam Hocevar.')
-+    print()
-+    print('Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Sam Hocevar <>')
-+    print('          (C) 1998 MenTaLguY <>')
-+    print('          (C) 2002, 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.')
-+    print('          (C) Michael Speck <>')
-+    print('          (C) 2003 by David White <> and the')
-+    print('              Battle for Wesnoth project')
-+    print('          (C) Mike Kershaw <>')
--    print 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under'
--    print 'the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as'
--    print 'published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.'
--    print 'The sound effects are released under their own licences: applause.wav and'
--    print 'pop.wav are covered by the LGPL, the others are covered by the GPL.'
-+    print('This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under')
-+    print('the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as')
-+    print('published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.')
-+    print('The sound effects are released under their own licences: applause.wav and')
-+    print('pop.wav are covered by the LGPL, the others are covered by the GPL.')
- def usage():
--    print 'Usage: monsterz [OPTION]...'
--    print
--    print 'Options'
--    print ' -h, --help         display this help and exit'
--    print ' -v, --version      display version information and exit'
--    print ' -f, --fullscreen   start in full screen mode'
--    print ' -m, --nomusic      disable music'
--    print ' -s, --nosfx        disable sound effects'
--    print '     --outfd <fd>   output scores to file descriptor <fd>'
--    print '     --data <dir>   set alternate data directory to <dir>'
--    print '     --score <file> set score file to <file>'
--    print
--    print 'Report bugs or suggestions to <>.'
-+    print('Usage: monsterz [OPTION]...')
-+    print()
-+    print('Options')
-+    print(' -h, --help         display this help and exit')
-+    print(' -v, --version      display version information and exit')
-+    print(' -f, --fullscreen   start in full screen mode')
-+    print(' -m, --nomusic      disable music')
-+    print(' -s, --nosfx        disable sound effects')
-+    print('     --outfd <fd>   output scores to file descriptor <fd>')
-+    print('     --data <dir>   set alternate data directory to <dir>')
-+    print('     --score <file> set score file to <file>')
-+    print()
-+    print('Report bugs or suggestions to <>.')
- def main():
-     from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
-@@ -1967,7 +1978,7 @@ def main():
-         elif opt in ('--outfd'):
-             try:
-                 outfd = int(arg)
--                write(outfd, '\n')
-+                write(outfd, b'\n')
-             except:
-                 outfd = None
-         elif opt in ('--data'):
-@@ -1982,7 +1993,7 @@ def main():
-     try:
-         data = Data(sharedir)
-     except:
--        print argv[0] + ': could not open data from `' + sharedir + "'."
-+        print(argv[0] + ': could not open data from `' + sharedir + "'.")
-         raise
-     fonter = Fonter()
-     monsterz = Monsterz()
diff --git a/games/monsterz/pkg-plist b/games/monsterz/pkg-plist
index 53fb909507b9..7c7f758f17be 100644
--- a/games/monsterz/pkg-plist