git: 2dd63c8b65a5 - main - devel/py-DateTime: remove leaf zope port that have no sense in absence of zope itself

From: Ruslan Makhmatkhanov <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 13:38:50 UTC
The branch main has been updated by rm:


commit 2dd63c8b65a5a6fb6019a799e20fe004ba134871
Author:     Ruslan Makhmatkhanov <>
AuthorDate: 2025-01-11 13:38:19 +0000
Commit:     Ruslan Makhmatkhanov <>
CommitDate: 2025-01-11 13:38:19 +0000

    devel/py-DateTime: remove leaf zope port that have no sense in absence of zope itself
 MOVED                              |   1 +
 devel/Makefile                     |   1 -
 devel/py-DateTime/Makefile         |  22 --
 devel/py-DateTime/distinfo         |   2 -
 devel/py-DateTime/files/patch-2to3 | 526 -------------------------------------
 devel/py-DateTime/pkg-descr        |   3 -
 6 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 554 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED
index 2d973f4a8cca..c0ffeb732c1d 100644
--- a/MOVED
+++ b/MOVED
@@ -4011,3 +4011,4 @@ devel/py-repoze.sphinx.autointerface||2025-01-11|Remove leaf zope ports that hav
 devel/py-ExtensionClass||2025-01-11|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sense in absence of zope itself
 security/py-RestrictedPython||2025-01-11|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sense in absence of zope itself
 sysutils/py-zdaemon||2025-01-11|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sense in absence of zope itself
+devel/py-DateTime||2025-01-11|Remove leaf zope ports that have no sense in absence of zope itself
diff --git a/devel/Makefile b/devel/Makefile
index c6abcdda0f61..c3aa360cc25f 100644
--- a/devel/Makefile
+++ b/devel/Makefile
@@ -4340,7 +4340,6 @@
     SUBDIR += pushmi
     SUBDIR += py-Automat
     SUBDIR += py-BTrees
-    SUBDIR += py-DateTime
     SUBDIR += py-Dumper
     SUBDIR += py-Faker
     SUBDIR += py-IBMQuantumExperience
diff --git a/devel/py-DateTime/Makefile b/devel/py-DateTime/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 98cea4acaa03..000000000000
--- a/devel/py-DateTime/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-CATEGORIES=	devel python zope
-COMMENT=	Zope 2 DateTime data type
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}zope.interface>=0:devel/py-zope.interface@${PY_FLAVOR}
-USES=		python zip
-USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist
-.include <>
diff --git a/devel/py-DateTime/distinfo b/devel/py-DateTime/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa4f0793db4..000000000000
--- a/devel/py-DateTime/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (zope/ = 076155f509ac122effb2be32576540ba4a5cca56de557c4bc206980e4017a8c3
-SIZE (zope/ = 85359
diff --git a/devel/py-DateTime/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-DateTime/files/patch-2to3
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a0c56539121..000000000000
--- a/devel/py-DateTime/files/patch-2to3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
---- src/DateTime/	2013-01-20 10:51:06 UTC
-+++ src/DateTime/
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- #
- ##############################################################################
--import copy_reg
-+import copyreg
- import math
- import re
- from time import altzone
-@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ from time import timezone
- from time import tzname
- from datetime import datetime
--from pytz_support import PytzCache
-+from .pytz_support import PytzCache
- from zope.interface import implements
--from interfaces import IDateTime
--from interfaces import DateTimeError
--from interfaces import SyntaxError
--from interfaces import DateError
--from interfaces import TimeError
-+from .interfaces import IDateTime
-+from .interfaces import DateTimeError
-+from .interfaces import SyntaxError
-+from .interfaces import DateError
-+from .interfaces import TimeError
- default_datefmt = None
-@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ to_year = int(i * 365 + i / 4 - i / 100 + i / 400 - 69
- to_month = tm[yr % 4 == 0 and (yr % 100 != 0 or yr % 400 == 0)][mo]
- EPOCH = ((to_year + to_month + dy +
-     (hr / 24.0 + mn / 1440.0 + sc / 86400.0)) * 86400)
--jd1901 = 2415385L
-+jd1901 = 2415385
- _TZINFO = PytzCache()
-@@ -201,14 +201,14 @@ def _calcDependentSecond(tz, t):
-     # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
-     # from the timezone-independent second.
-     fset = _tzoffset(tz, t)
--    return fset + long(math.floor(t)) + long(EPOCH) - 86400L
-+    return fset + int(math.floor(t)) + int(EPOCH) - 86400
- def _calcDependentSecond2(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc):
-     # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
-     # from the date given.
-     ss = int(hr) * 3600 + int(mn) * 60 + int(sc)
--    x = long(_julianday(yr, mo, dy) - jd1901) * 86400 + ss
-+    x = int(_julianday(yr, mo, dy) - jd1901) * 86400 + ss
-     return x
-@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ def _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms):
-     # Derive the timezone-independent second from the timezone
-     # dependent second.
-     fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(tz, 0.0)
--    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
-+    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms
-     # nearTime is now within an hour of being correct.
-     # Recalculate t according to DST.
--    fset = long(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))
-+    fset = int(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))
-     d = (x - fset) / 86400.0 + (ms / 86400.0)
--    t = x - fset - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
-+    t = x - fset - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms
-     micros = (x + 86400 - fset) * 1000000 + \
--             long(round(ms * 1000000.0)) - long(EPOCH * 1000000.0)
-+             int(round(ms * 1000000.0)) - int(EPOCH * 1000000.0)
-     s = d - math.floor(d)
-     return (s, d, t, micros)
-@@ -250,41 +250,41 @@ def _calcYMDHMS(x, ms):
- def _julianday(yr, mo, dy):
--    y, m, d = long(yr), long(mo), long(dy)
--    if m > 12L:
--        y = y + m / 12L
--        m = m % 12L
--    elif m < 1L:
-+    y, m, d = int(yr), int(mo), int(dy)
-+    if m > 12:
-+        y = y + m / 12
-+        m = m % 12
-+    elif m < 1:
-         m = -m
--        y = y - m / 12L - 1L
--        m = 12L - m % 12L
--    if y > 0L:
--        yr_correct = 0L
-+        y = y - m / 12 - 1
-+        m = 12 - m % 12
-+    if y > 0:
-+        yr_correct = 0
-     else:
--        yr_correct = 3L
--    if m < 3L:
--        y, m = y - 1L, m + 12L
--    if y * 10000L + m * 100L + d > 15821014L:
--        b = 2L - y / 100L + y / 400L
-+        yr_correct = 3
-+    if m < 3:
-+        y, m = y - 1, m + 12
-+    if y * 10000 + m * 100 + d > 15821014:
-+        b = 2 - y / 100 + y / 400
-     else:
--        b = 0L
--    return ((1461L * y - yr_correct) / 4L +
--        306001L * (m + 1L) / 10000L + d + 1720994L + b)
-+        b = 0
-+    return ((1461 * y - yr_correct) / 4 +
-+        306001 * (m + 1) / 10000 + d + 1720994 + b)
- def _calendarday(j):
--    j = long(j)
--    if (j < 2299160L):
--        b = j + 1525L
-+    j = int(j)
-+    if (j < 2299160):
-+        b = j + 1525
-     else:
--        a = (4L * j - 7468861L) / 146097L
--        b = j + 1526L + a - a / 4L
--    c = (20L * b - 2442L) / 7305L
--    d = 1461L * c / 4L
--    e = 10000L * (b - d) / 306001L
--    dy = int(b - d - 306001L * e / 10000L)
--    mo = (e < 14L) and int(e - 1L) or int(e - 13L)
--    yr = (mo > 2) and (c - 4716L) or (c - 4715L)
-+        a = (4 * j - 7468861) / 146097
-+        b = j + 1526 + a - a / 4
-+    c = (20 * b - 2442) / 7305
-+    d = 1461 * c / 4
-+    e = 10000 * (b - d) / 306001
-+    dy = int(b - d - 306001 * e / 10000)
-+    mo = (e < 14) and int(e - 1) or int(e - 13)
-+    yr = (mo > 2) and (c - 4716) or (c - 4715)
-     return (int(yr), int(mo), int(dy))
-@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ def safegmtime(t):
-     '''gmtime with a safety zone.'''
-     try:
-         t_int = int(t)
--        if isinstance(t_int, long):
-+        if isinstance(t_int, int):
-             raise OverflowError # Python 2.3 fix: int can return a long!
-         return gmtime(t_int)
-     except (ValueError, OverflowError):
-@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ def safelocaltime(t):
-     '''localtime with a safety zone.'''
-     try:
-         t_int = int(t)
--        if isinstance(t_int, long):
-+        if isinstance(t_int, int):
-             raise OverflowError # Python 2.3 fix: int can return a long!
-         return localtime(t_int)
-     except (ValueError, OverflowError):
-@@ -453,15 +453,15 @@ class DateTime(object):
-     def __setstate__(self, value):
-         if isinstance(value, tuple):
-             self._parse_args(value[0], value[2])
--            self._micros = long(value[0] * 1000000)
-+            self._micros = int(value[0] * 1000000)
-             self._timezone_naive = value[1]
-         else:
--            for k, v in value.items():
-+            for k, v in list(value.items()):
-                 if k in self.__slots__:
-                     setattr(self, k, v)
-             # BBB: support for very old DateTime pickles
-             if '_micros' not in value:
--                self._micros = long(value['_t'] * 1000000)
-+                self._micros = int(value['_t'] * 1000000)
-             if '_timezone_naive' not in value:
-                 self._timezone_naive = False
-@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-                     tz = self._calcTimezoneName(x, ms)
-                 s, d, t, microsecs = _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms)
--            elif (isinstance(arg, basestring) and
-+            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and
-                   arg.lower() in _TZINFO._zidx):
-                 # Current time, to be displayed in specified timezone
-                 t, tz = time(), _TZINFO._zmap[arg.lower()]
-@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-                 x = _calcDependentSecond(tz, t)
-                 yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc = _calcYMDHMS(x, ms)
--            elif isinstance(arg, basestring):
-+            elif isinstance(arg, str):
-                 # Date/time string
-                 iso8601 = iso8601Match(arg.strip())
-@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-                 sc = sc + ms
-         elif ac==2:
--            if isinstance(args[1], basestring):
-+            if isinstance(args[1], str):
-                 # Seconds from epoch (gmt) and timezone
-                 t, tz = args
-                 ms = (t - math.floor(t))
-@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-                 x_float = d * 86400.0
-                 x_floor = math.floor(x_float)
-                 ms = x_float - x_floor
--                x = long(x_floor)
-+                x = int(x_floor)
-                 yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc = _calcYMDHMS(x, ms)
-                 s, d, t, microsecs = _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms)
-         else:
-@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-                 tz = self._calcTimezoneName(x, ms)
-             s, d, t, microsecs = _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms)
--        self._dayoffset = int((_julianday(yr, mo, dy) + 2L) % 7)
-+        self._dayoffset = int((_julianday(yr, mo, dy) + 2) % 7)
-         # Round to nearest microsecond in platform-independent way.  You
-         # cannot rely on C sprintf (Python '%') formatting to round
-         # consistently; doing it ourselves ensures that all but truly
-@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         # self._micros is the time since the epoch
-         # in long integer microseconds.
-         if microsecs is None:
--            microsecs = long(math.floor(t * 1000000.0))
-+            microsecs = int(math.floor(t * 1000000.0))
-         self._micros = microsecs
-     def localZone(self, ltm=None):
-@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         if not _multipleZones:
-             return _localzone0
-         fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(_localzone0, 0.0)
--        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
-+        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms
-         # nearTime is within an hour of being correct.
-         try:
-             ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)
-@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-             yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc = _calcYMDHMS(x, 0)
-             yr = ((yr - 1970) % 28) + 1970
-             x = _calcDependentSecond2(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc)
--            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
-+            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms
-             # nearTime might still be negative if we are east of Greenwich.
-             # But we can asume on 1969/12/31 were no timezone changes.
-@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         long integer microseconds.
-         """
-         if isinstance(t, float):
--            return self._micros > long(t * 1000000)
-+            return self._micros > int(t * 1000000)
-         try:
-             return self._micros > t._micros
-         except AttributeError:
-@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         long integer microseconds.
-         """
-         if isinstance(t, float):
--            return self._micros >= long(t * 1000000)
-+            return self._micros >= int(t * 1000000)
-         try:
-             return self._micros >= t._micros
-         except AttributeError:
-@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         long integer microseconds.
-         """
-         if isinstance(t, float):
--            return self._micros == long(t * 1000000)
-+            return self._micros == int(t * 1000000)
-         try:
-             return self._micros == t._micros
-         except AttributeError:
-@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         long integer microseconds.
-         """
-         if isinstance(t, float):
--            return self._micros < long(t * 1000000)
-+            return self._micros < int(t * 1000000)
-         try:
-             return self._micros < t._micros
-         except AttributeError:
-@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         long integer microseconds.
-         """
-         if isinstance(t, float):
--            return self._micros <= long(t * 1000000)
-+            return self._micros <= int(t * 1000000)
-         try:
-             return self._micros <= t._micros
-         except AttributeError:
-@@ -1543,13 +1543,13 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         # pass them to strftime and convert them back to unicode if necessary.
-         format_is_unicode = False
--        if isinstance(format, unicode):
-+        if isinstance(format, str):
-             format = format.encode('utf-8')
-             format_is_unicode = True
-         ds = datetime(zself._year, zself._month, zself._day, zself._hour,
-                zself._minute, int(zself._nearsec),
-                microseconds).strftime(format)
--        return format_is_unicode and unicode(ds, 'utf-8') or ds
-+        return format_is_unicode and str(ds, 'utf-8') or ds
-     # General formats from previous DateTime
-     def Date(self):
-@@ -1737,7 +1737,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-         omicros = round(o * 86400000000)
-         tmicros = self.micros() + omicros
-         t = tmicros / 1000000.0
--        d = (tmicros + long(EPOCH*1000000)) / 86400000000.0
-+        d = (tmicros + int(EPOCH*1000000)) / 86400000000.0
-         s = d - math.floor(d)
-         ms = t - math.floor(t)
-         x = _calcDependentSecond(tz, t)
-@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
-     def __long__(self):
-         """Convert to a long-int number of seconds since the epoch (gmt)."""
--        return long(self.micros() / 1000000)
-+        return int(self.micros() / 1000000)
-     def __float__(self):
-         """Convert to floating-point number of seconds since the epoch (gmt).
-@@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@ class DateTime(object):
- # Provide the _dt_reconstructor function here, in case something
- # accidentally creates a reference to this function
--orig_reconstructor = copy_reg._reconstructor
-+orig_reconstructor = copyreg._reconstructor
- def _dt_reconstructor(cls, base, state):
---- src/DateTime/	2011-12-09 05:59:48 UTC
-+++ src/DateTime/
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import pytz
- import pytz.reference
- from pytz.tzinfo import StaticTzInfo, memorized_timedelta
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
--from interfaces import DateTimeError
-+from .interfaces import DateTimeError
- EPOCH = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
-@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def _static_timezone_factory(data):
-     return cls()
- _numeric_timezones = dict((key, _static_timezone_factory(data))
--                           for key, data in _numeric_timezone_data.items())
-+                           for key, data in list(_numeric_timezone_data.items()))
- class Timezone:
-@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class PytzCache:
-     _zlst = pytz.common_timezones + _old_zlst # used by DateTime.TimeZones
-     _zmap = dict((name.lower(), name) for name in pytz.all_timezones)
-     _zmap.update(_old_zmap) # These must take priority
--    _zidx = _zmap.keys()
-+    _zidx = list(_zmap.keys())
-     def __getitem__(self, key):
-         name = self._zmap.get(key.lower(), key) # fallback to key
-@@ -248,4 +248,4 @@ class PytzCache:
-             try:
-                 return Timezone(_numeric_timezones[name])
-             except KeyError:
--                raise DateTimeError,'Unrecognized timezone: %s' % key
-+                raise DateTimeError('Unrecognized timezone: %s' % key)
---- src/DateTime/tests/	2013-01-20 10:50:50 UTC
-+++ src/DateTime/tests/
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- #
- ##############################################################################
--import cPickle
-+import pickle
- import math
- import os
- import time
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from DateTime.DateTime import _findLocalTimeZoneName
- from DateTime import DateTime
- from datetime import date, datetime, tzinfo, timedelta
- import pytz
--import legacy
-+from . import legacy
- try:
-     __file__
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-     def testBug1203(self):
-         # 01:59:60 occurred in old DateTime
-         dt = DateTime(7200, 'GMT')
--        self.assert_(str(dt).find('60') < 0, dt)
-+        self.assertTrue(str(dt).find('60') < 0, dt)
-     def testDSTInEffect(self):
-         # Checks GMT offset for a DST date in the US/Eastern time zone
-@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-         dt = DateTime()
-         dt1 = DateTime(float(dt), dt.timezone())
-         self.assertEqual(str(dt), str(dt1), (dt, dt1))
--        dt1 = DateTime(float(dt), unicode(dt.timezone()))
-+        dt1 = DateTime(float(dt), str(dt.timezone()))
-         self.assertEqual(str(dt), str(dt1), (dt, dt1))
-     def testConstructor6(self):
-@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-         # Fails when an 1800 date is displayed with negative signs
-         dt = DateTime('1830/5/6 12:31:46.213 pm')
-         dt1 = dt.toZone('GMT+6')
--        self.assert_(str(dt1).find('-') < 0, (dt, dt1))
-+        self.assertTrue(str(dt1).find('-') < 0, (dt, dt1))
-     def testSubtraction(self):
-         # Reconstruction of a DateTime from its parts, with subtraction
-@@ -212,22 +212,22 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-     def test_pickle(self):
-         dt = DateTime()
--        data = cPickle.dumps(dt, 1)
--        new = cPickle.loads(data)
-+        data = pickle.dumps(dt, 1)
-+        new = pickle.loads(data)
-         for key in DateTime.__slots__:
-             self.assertEqual(getattr(dt, key), getattr(new, key))
-     def test_pickle_with_tz(self):
-         dt = DateTime('2002/5/2 8:00am GMT+8')
--        data = cPickle.dumps(dt, 1)
--        new = cPickle.loads(data)
-+        data = pickle.dumps(dt, 1)
-+        new = pickle.loads(data)
-         for key in DateTime.__slots__:
-             self.assertEqual(getattr(dt, key), getattr(new, key))
-     def test_pickle_with_micros(self):
-         dt = DateTime('2002/5/2 8:00:14.123 GMT+8')
--        data = cPickle.dumps(dt, 1)
--        new = cPickle.loads(data)
-+        data = pickle.dumps(dt, 1)
-+        new = pickle.loads(data)
-         for key in DateTime.__slots__:
-             self.assertEqual(getattr(dt, key), getattr(new, key))
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-             '\x1bM\xd2\x07U\x08_nearsecq\x1cG\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
-             '\x00U\x07_pmhourq\x1dK\x08U\n_dayoffsetq\x1eK\x04U\x04timeq'
-             '\x1fG?\xd5UUUV\x00\x00ub.')
--        new = cPickle.loads(data)
-+        new = pickle.loads(data)
-         for key in DateTime.__slots__:
-             self.assertEqual(getattr(dt, key), getattr(new, key))
-@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-             '\x04_dayq\x19K\x02U\x05_yearq\x1aM\xd2\x07U\x08_nearsecq'
-             '\x1bG\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00U\x07_pmhourq\x1cK\x08U'
-             '\n_dayoffsetq\x1dK\x04U\x04timeq\x1eG?\xd5UUUV\x00\x00ub.')
--        new = cPickle.loads(data)
-+        new = pickle.loads(data)
-         for key in DateTime.__slots__:
-             self.assertEqual(getattr(dt, key), getattr(new, key))
-@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-         dsec = (dt.millis() - dt1.millis()) / 1000.0
-         ddays = math.floor((dsec / 86400.0) + 0.5)
--        self.assertEqual(ddays, 3000000L, ddays)
-+        self.assertEqual(ddays, 3000000, ddays)
-     def test_tzoffset(self):
-         # Test time-zone given as an offset
-@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-     def test_calcTimezoneName(self):
-         from DateTime.interfaces import TimeError
--        timezone_dependent_epoch = 2177452800L
-+        timezone_dependent_epoch = 2177452800
-         try:
-             DateTime()._calcTimezoneName(timezone_dependent_epoch, 0)
-         except TimeError:
-@@ -556,8 +556,8 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-     def testStrftimeUnicode(self):
-         dt = DateTime('2002-05-02T08:00:00+00:00')
--        ok = dt.strftime('Le %d/%m/%Y a %Hh%M').replace('a', u'\xe0')
--        self.assertEqual(dt.strftime(u'Le %d/%m/%Y \xe0 %Hh%M'), ok)
-+        ok = dt.strftime('Le %d/%m/%Y a %Hh%M').replace('a', '\xe0')
-+        self.assertEqual(dt.strftime('Le %d/%m/%Y \xe0 %Hh%M'), ok)
-     def testTimezoneNaiveHandling(self):
-         # checks that we assign timezone naivity correctly
-@@ -615,11 +615,11 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-         t1 = time.mktime(datetime(2002, 1, 1).timetuple())
-         t2 = time.mktime(datetime(2002, 7, 1).timetuple())
--        for name in legacy._zlst + legacy._zmap.keys() + legacy._data.keys():
--            self.failUnless(name.lower() in _TZINFO._zidx, 'legacy timezone  %s cannot be looked up' % name)            
-+        for name in legacy._zlst + list(legacy._zmap.keys()) + list(legacy._data.keys()):
-+            self.assertTrue(name.lower() in _TZINFO._zidx, 'legacy timezone  %s cannot be looked up' % name)            
-         failures = []
--        for name, zone in legacy.timezones.iteritems():
-+        for name, zone in legacy.timezones.items():
-             newzone = _TZINFO[name]
-             # The name of the new zone might change (eg GMT+6 rather than GMT+0600)
-             if[:2] !=[:2] or[:2] !=[:2]:
-@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-         real_failures = list(set(failures).difference(set(expected_failures)))
--        self.failIf(real_failures, '\n'.join(real_failures))
-+        self.assertFalse(real_failures, '\n'.join(real_failures))
-     def testBasicTZ(self):
-         #psycopg2 supplies it's own tzinfo instances, with no `zone` attribute
diff --git a/devel/py-DateTime/pkg-descr b/devel/py-DateTime/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b543430d525..000000000000
--- a/devel/py-DateTime/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope 2.
-Unless you need to communicate with Zope 2 APIs, you're probably
-better off using Python's built-in datetime module.