git: 4680b0d8d0f1 - main - mail/faces: [NFC] regen patches at unified diffs

From: Brooks Davis <>
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 20:12:45 UTC
The branch main has been updated by brooks:


commit 4680b0d8d0f16ee626d12567d3264bfac02b2b1a
Author:     Brooks Davis <>
AuthorDate: 2024-09-30 18:11:10 +0000
Commit:     Brooks Davis <>
CommitDate: 2024-10-01 20:11:45 +0000

    mail/faces: [NFC] regen patches at unified diffs
    PR:             281783
    Approved by:    portmgr (build fix blanket), mikael
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_arith.c      | 758 +++++++++++----------------
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_cmain.c      | 489 +++++++----------
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_compface.1   |  32 +-
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_compface.c   |  66 +--
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_compface.h   | 539 ++++++++-----------
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_compress.c   | 525 ++++++++-----------
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_file.c       | 541 ++++++++-----------
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_gen.c        | 308 +++++------
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_uncmain.c    | 495 +++++++----------
 mail/faces/files/patch-compface_uncompface.c |  67 +--
 mail/faces/files/        |  28 +-
 11 files changed, 1580 insertions(+), 2268 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_arith.c b/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_arith.c
index b76ad572de07..7da58d04e68c 100644
--- a/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_arith.c
+++ b/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_arith.c
@@ -1,447 +1,313 @@
-*** compface/arith.c	Tue Jan 15 23:58:46 2002
---- /home/lkoeller/tmp/ports/mail/faces/work/faces/compface/arith.c	Thu Oct 24 03:28:07 1991
-*** 17,33 ****
-  #include "compface.h"
-  void
-! RevPush(Prob *p)
-  {
-!     if (NumProbs >= PIXELS * 2 - 1) {
-          longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
--     }
-      ProbBuf[NumProbs++] = p;
-  }
-  void
-! BigPush(Prob *p)
-  {
-      static WORD tmp;
---- 16,32 ----
-  #include "compface.h"
-  void
-! RevPush(p)
-! Prob *p;
-  {
-! 	if (NumProbs >= PIXELS * 2 - 1)
-  		longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
-  	ProbBuf[NumProbs++] = p;
-  }
-  void
-! BigPush(p)
-! Prob *p;
-  {
-  	static WORD tmp;
-*** 36,76 ****
-      BigAdd(tmp + p->p_offset);
-  }
+--- compface/arith.c.orig
++++ compface/arith.c
+@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@
+ #include "compface.h"
+ void
+-RevPush(Prob *p)
++Prob *p;
+ {
+-    if (NumProbs >= PIXELS * 2 - 1) {
++	if (NumProbs >= PIXELS * 2 - 1)
+         longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
+-    }
+     ProbBuf[NumProbs++] = p;
+ }
-  int
-! BigPop(Prob *p)
-  {
-      static WORD tmp;
-!     int i;
-      BigDiv(0, &tmp);
-      i = 0;
-!     while ((tmp < p->p_offset) || (tmp >= p->p_range + p->p_offset)) {
-          p++;
-          i++;
-      }
-      BigMul(p->p_range);
-      BigAdd(tmp - p->p_offset);
-!     return(i);
-  }
-  #ifdef DEBUG
-  void
-! BigPrint()              /* Print a BigInt in HexaDecimal. */
-  {
-!     int i, c, count;
-!     WORD *w;
-      count = 0;
-      w = B.b_word + (i = B.b_words);
-!     while (i--) {
-          w--;
-          c = *((*w >> 4) + HexDigits);
-          putc(c, stderr);
-          c = *((*w & 0xf) + HexDigits);
-          putc(c, stderr);
-!         if (++count >= 36) {
-              putc('\\', stderr);
-              putc('\n', stderr);
-              count = 0;
---- 35,79 ----
-  	BigAdd(tmp + p->p_offset);
-  }
-  int
-! BigPop(p)
-! register Prob *p; 
-  {
-  	static WORD tmp;
-! 	register int i;
-  	BigDiv(0, &tmp);
-  	i = 0;
-! 	while ((tmp < p->p_offset) || (tmp >= p->p_range + p->p_offset))
-! 	{
-  		p++;
-  		i++;
-  	}
-  	BigMul(p->p_range);
-  	BigAdd(tmp - p->p_offset);
-! 	return i;
-  }
-  #ifdef DEBUG
-+ /* Print a BigInt in HexaDecimal
-+  */
-  void
-! BigPrint()
-  {
-! 	register int i, c, count;
-! 	register WORD *w;
-  	count = 0;
-  	w = B.b_word + (i = B.b_words);
-! 	while (i--)
-! 	{
-  		w--;
-  		c = *((*w >> 4) + HexDigits);
-  		putc(c, stderr);
-  		c = *((*w & 0xf) + HexDigits);
-  		putc(c, stderr);
-! 		if (++count >= 36)
-! 		{
-  			putc('\\', stderr);
-  			putc('\n', stderr);
-  			count = 0;
-*** 78,110 ****
-      }
-      putc('\n', stderr);
-  }
-! #endif /*DEBUG*/
-  /* Divide B by a storing the result in B and the remainder in the word
-!  * pointer to by r.
-   */
-  void
-! BigDiv(WORD a, WORD *r)
-  {
-!     int i;
-!     WORD *w;
-!     COMP c, d;
-      a &= WORDMASK;
-!     if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0)) {
-          *r = 0;
-          return;
-      }
-! /* Treat this as a == WORDCARRY and just shift everything right a WORD */
-!     if (a == 0)    {
-          i = --B.b_words;
-          w = B.b_word;
-          *r = *w;
-!         while (i--) {
-              *w = *(w + 1);
-              w++;
-          }
---- 81,112 ----
-  	}
-  	putc('\n', stderr);
-  }
-! #endif
-  /* Divide B by a storing the result in B and the remainder in the word
-!  * pointer to by r
-   */
-  void
-! BigDiv(a, r)
-! register WORD a, *r;
-  {
-! 	register int i;
-! 	register WORD *w;
-! 	register COMP c, d;
-  	a &= WORDMASK;
-! 	if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0))
-! 	{
-  		*r = 0;
-  		return;
-  	}
-! 	if (a == 0)	/* treat this as a == WORDCARRY */
-! 	{			/* and just shift everything right a WORD */
-  		i = --B.b_words;
-  		w = B.b_word;
-  		*r = *w;
-! 		while (i--)
-! 		{
-  			*w = *(w + 1);
-  			w++;
-  		}
-*** 113,154 ****
-      }
-      w = B.b_word + (i = B.b_words);
-      c = 0;
-!     while (i--) {
-          c <<= BITSPERWORD;
-!         c += (COMP) *--w;
-!         d = c / (COMP) a;
-!         c = c % (COMP) a;
-!         *w = (WORD) (d & WORDMASK);
-      }
-      *r = c;
-!     if (B.b_word[B.b_words - 1] == 0) {
-          B.b_words--;
--     }
-  }
-! /* Multiply a by B storing the result in B. */
-  void
-! BigMul(WORD a)
-  {
-!     int i;
-!     WORD *w;
-!     COMP c;
-      a &= WORDMASK;
-!     if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0)) {
-          return;
-!     }
-! /* Treat this as a == WORDCARRY and just shift everything left a WORD */
-!     if (a == 0) {
-!         if ((i = B.b_words++) >= MAXWORDS - 1) {
-              longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
--         }
-          w = B.b_word + i;
-!         while (i--) {
-              *w = *(w - 1);
-              w--;
-          }
---- 115,153 ----
-  	}
-  	w = B.b_word + (i = B.b_words);
-  	c = 0;
-! 	while (i--)
-! 	{
-  		c <<= BITSPERWORD;
-! 		c += (COMP)*--w;
-! 		d = c / (COMP)a;
-! 		c = c % (COMP)a;
-! 		*w = (WORD)(d & WORDMASK);
-  	}
-  	*r = c;
-! 	if (B.b_word[B.b_words - 1] == 0)
-  		B.b_words--;
-  }
-! /* Multiply a by B storing the result in B
-!  */
-  void
-! BigMul(a)
-! register WORD a;
-  {
-! 	register int i;
-! 	register WORD *w;
-! 	register COMP c;
-  	a &= WORDMASK;
-! 	if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0))
-  		return;
-! 	if (a == 0)	/* treat this as a == WORDCARRY */
-! 	{			/* and just shift everything left a WORD */
-! 		if ((i = B.b_words++) >= MAXWORDS - 1)
-  			longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
-  		w = B.b_word + i;
-! 		while (i--)
-! 		{
-  			*w = *(w - 1);
-  			w--;
-  		}
-*** 158,239 ****
-      i = B.b_words;
-      w = B.b_word;
-      c = 0;
-!     while (i--) {
-          c += (COMP)*w * (COMP)a;
-          *(w++) = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
-          c >>= BITSPERWORD;
-      }
-!     if (c) {
-!         if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS) {
-              longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
--         }
-          *w = (COMP)(c & WORDMASK);
-      }
-  }
-! /* Subtract a from B storing the result in B. */
-  void
-! BigSub(WORD a)
-  {
-!     int i;
-!     WORD *w;
-!     COMP c;
-      a &= WORDMASK;
-!     if (a == 0) {
-          return;
--     }
-      i = 1;
-      w = B.b_word;
-!     c = (COMP) *w - (COMP) a;
-!     *w = (WORD) (c & WORDMASK);
-!     while (c & WORDCARRY) {
-!         if (i >= B.b_words) {
-              longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
-!         }
-!         c = (COMP) *++w - 1;
-!         *w = (WORD) (c & WORDMASK);
-          i++;
-      }
-!     if ((i == B.b_words) && (*w == 0) && (i > 0)) {
-          B.b_words--;
--     }
-  }
-! /* Add to a to B storing the result in B. */
-  void
-! BigAdd(WORD a)
-  {
-!     int i;
-!     WORD *w;
-!     COMP c;
-      a &= WORDMASK;
-!     if (a == 0) {
-          return;
--     }
-      i = 0;
-      w = B.b_word;
-      c = a;
-!     while ((i < B.b_words) && c) {
-!         c += (COMP) *w;
-!         *w++ = (WORD) (c & WORDMASK);
-          c >>= BITSPERWORD;
-          i++;
-      }
-!     if ((i == B.b_words) && c) {
-!         if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS) {
-              longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
-!         }
-!         *w = (COMP) (c & WORDMASK);
-      }
-  }
-  void
-  BigClear()
-  {
---- 157,238 ----
-  	i = B.b_words;
-  	w = B.b_word;
-  	c = 0;
-! 	while (i--)
-! 	{
-  		c += (COMP)*w * (COMP)a;
-  		*(w++) = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
-  		c >>= BITSPERWORD;
-  	}
-! 	if (c)
-! 	{
-! 		if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS)
-  			longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
-  		*w = (COMP)(c & WORDMASK);
-  	}
-  }
-! #if 0
-! /* Subtract a from B storing the result in B
-!  */
-  void
-! BigSub(a)
-! WORD a;
-  {
-! 	register int i;
-! 	register WORD *w;
-! 	register COMP c;
-  	a &= WORDMASK;
-! 	if (a == 0)
-  		return;
-  	i = 1;
-  	w = B.b_word;
-! 	c = (COMP)*w - (COMP)a;
-! 	*w = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
-! 	while (c & WORDCARRY)
-! 	{
-! 		if (i >= B.b_words)
-  			longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
-! 		c = (COMP)*++w - 1;
-! 		*w = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
-  		i++;
-  	}
-! 	if ((i == B.b_words) && (*w == 0) && (i > 0))
-  		B.b_words--;
-  }
-+ #endif
-! /* Add to a to B storing the result in B
-!  */
-  void
-! BigAdd(a)
-! WORD a;
-  {
-! 	register int i;
-! 	register WORD *w;
-! 	register COMP c;
-  	a &= WORDMASK;
-! 	if (a == 0)
-  		return;
-  	i = 0;
-  	w = B.b_word;
-  	c = a;
-! 	while ((i < B.b_words) && c)
-! 	{
-! 		c += (COMP)*w;
-! 		*w++ = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
-  		c >>= BITSPERWORD;
-  		i++;
-  	}
-! 	if ((i == B.b_words) && c)
-! 	{
-! 		if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS)
-  			longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
-! 		*w = (COMP)(c & WORDMASK);
-  	}
-  }
-  void
-  BigClear()
-  {
+ void
+-BigPush(Prob *p)
++Prob *p;
+ {
+     static WORD tmp;
+@@ -36,41 +36,45 @@
+     BigAdd(tmp + p->p_offset);
+ }
+ int
+-BigPop(Prob *p)
++register Prob *p; 
+ {
+     static WORD tmp;
+-    int i;
++	register int i;
+     BigDiv(0, &tmp);
+     i = 0;
+-    while ((tmp < p->p_offset) || (tmp >= p->p_range + p->p_offset)) {
++	while ((tmp < p->p_offset) || (tmp >= p->p_range + p->p_offset))
++	{
+         p++;
+         i++;
+     }
+     BigMul(p->p_range);
+     BigAdd(tmp - p->p_offset);
+-    return(i);
++	return i;
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG
++/* Print a BigInt in HexaDecimal
++ */
+ void
+-BigPrint()              /* Print a BigInt in HexaDecimal. */
+ {
+-    int i, c, count;
+-    WORD *w;
++	register int i, c, count;
++	register WORD *w;
+     count = 0;
+     w = B.b_word + (i = B.b_words);
+-    while (i--) {
++	while (i--)
++	{
+         w--;
+         c = *((*w >> 4) + HexDigits);
+         putc(c, stderr);
+         c = *((*w & 0xf) + HexDigits);
+         putc(c, stderr);
+-        if (++count >= 36) {
++		if (++count >= 36)
++		{
+             putc('\\', stderr);
+             putc('\n', stderr);
+             count = 0;
+@@ -78,33 +82,32 @@
+     }
+     putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+-#endif /*DEBUG*/
+ /* Divide B by a storing the result in B and the remainder in the word
+- * pointer to by r.
++ * pointer to by r
+  */
+ void
+-BigDiv(WORD a, WORD *r)
++BigDiv(a, r)
++register WORD a, *r;
+ {
+-    int i;
+-    WORD *w;
+-    COMP c, d;
++	register int i;
++	register WORD *w;
++	register COMP c, d;
+     a &= WORDMASK;
+-    if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0)) {
++	if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0))
++	{
+         *r = 0;
+         return;
+     }
+-/* Treat this as a == WORDCARRY and just shift everything right a WORD */
+-    if (a == 0)    {
++	if (a == 0)	/* treat this as a == WORDCARRY */
++	{			/* and just shift everything right a WORD */
+         i = --B.b_words;
+         w = B.b_word;
+         *r = *w;
+-        while (i--) {
++		while (i--)
++		{
+             *w = *(w + 1);
+             w++;
+         }
+@@ -113,42 +116,39 @@
+     }
+     w = B.b_word + (i = B.b_words);
+     c = 0;
+-    while (i--) {
++	while (i--)
++	{
+         c <<= BITSPERWORD;
+-        c += (COMP) *--w;
+-        d = c / (COMP) a;
+-        c = c % (COMP) a;
+-        *w = (WORD) (d & WORDMASK);
++		c += (COMP)*--w;
++		d = c / (COMP)a;
++		c = c % (COMP)a;
++		*w = (WORD)(d & WORDMASK);
+     }
+     *r = c;
+-    if (B.b_word[B.b_words - 1] == 0) {
++	if (B.b_word[B.b_words - 1] == 0)
+         B.b_words--;
+-    }
+ }
+-/* Multiply a by B storing the result in B. */
++/* Multiply a by B storing the result in B
++ */
+ void
+-BigMul(WORD a)
++register WORD a;
+ {
+-    int i;
+-    WORD *w;
+-    COMP c;
++	register int i;
++	register WORD *w;
++	register COMP c;
+     a &= WORDMASK;
+-    if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0)) {
++	if ((a == 1) || (B.b_words == 0))
+         return;
+-    }
+-/* Treat this as a == WORDCARRY and just shift everything left a WORD */
+-    if (a == 0) {
+-        if ((i = B.b_words++) >= MAXWORDS - 1) {
++	if (a == 0)	/* treat this as a == WORDCARRY */
++	{			/* and just shift everything left a WORD */
++		if ((i = B.b_words++) >= MAXWORDS - 1)
+             longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
+-        }
+         w = B.b_word + i;
+-        while (i--) {
++		while (i--)
++		{
+             *w = *(w - 1);
+             w--;
+         }
+@@ -158,81 +158,81 @@
+     i = B.b_words;
+     w = B.b_word;
+     c = 0;
+-    while (i--) {
++	while (i--)
++	{
+         c += (COMP)*w * (COMP)a;
+         *(w++) = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
+         c >>= BITSPERWORD;
+     }
+-    if (c) {
+-        if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS) {
++	if (c)
++	{
++		if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS)
+             longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
+-        }
+         *w = (COMP)(c & WORDMASK);
+     }
+ }
+-/* Subtract a from B storing the result in B. */
++#if 0
++/* Subtract a from B storing the result in B
++ */
+ void
+-BigSub(WORD a)
++WORD a;
+ {
+-    int i;
+-    WORD *w;
+-    COMP c;
++	register int i;
++	register WORD *w;
++	register COMP c;
+     a &= WORDMASK;
+-    if (a == 0) {
++	if (a == 0)
+         return;
+-    }
+     i = 1;
+     w = B.b_word;
+-    c = (COMP) *w - (COMP) a;
+-    *w = (WORD) (c & WORDMASK);
+-    while (c & WORDCARRY) {
+-        if (i >= B.b_words) {
++	c = (COMP)*w - (COMP)a;
++	*w = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
++	while (c & WORDCARRY)
++	{
++		if (i >= B.b_words)
+             longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
+-        }
+-        c = (COMP) *++w - 1;
+-        *w = (WORD) (c & WORDMASK);
++		c = (COMP)*++w - 1;
++		*w = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
+         i++;
+     }
+-    if ((i == B.b_words) && (*w == 0) && (i > 0)) {
++	if ((i == B.b_words) && (*w == 0) && (i > 0))
+         B.b_words--;
+-    }
+ }
+-/* Add to a to B storing the result in B. */
++/* Add to a to B storing the result in B
++ */
+ void
+-BigAdd(WORD a)
++WORD a;
+ {
+-    int i;
+-    WORD *w;
+-    COMP c;
++	register int i;
++	register WORD *w;
++	register COMP c;
+     a &= WORDMASK;
+-    if (a == 0) {
++	if (a == 0)
+         return;
+-    }
+     i = 0;
+     w = B.b_word;
+     c = a;
+-    while ((i < B.b_words) && c) {
+-        c += (COMP) *w;
+-        *w++ = (WORD) (c & WORDMASK);
++	while ((i < B.b_words) && c)
++	{
++		c += (COMP)*w;
++		*w++ = (WORD)(c & WORDMASK);
+         c >>= BITSPERWORD;
+         i++;
+     }
+-    if ((i == B.b_words) && c) {
+-        if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS) {
++	if ((i == B.b_words) && c)
++	{
++		if (B.b_words++ >= MAXWORDS)
+             longjmp(comp_env, ERR_INTERNAL);
+-        }
+-        *w = (COMP) (c & WORDMASK);
++		*w = (COMP)(c & WORDMASK);
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ BigClear()
diff --git a/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_cmain.c b/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_cmain.c
index 31f64942af3b..c3f144a65ad0 100644
--- a/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_cmain.c
+++ b/mail/faces/files/patch-compface_cmain.c
@@ -1,292 +1,197 @@
-*** compface/cmain.c	Thu Feb 21 16:42:54 2002
---- /home/lkoeller/tmp/ports/mail/faces/work/faces/compface/cmain.c	Thu Oct 24 03:28:07 1991
-*** 13,89 ****
-   *  to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
-   */
-- #include <stdlib.h>
-- #include <unistd.h>
-  #include <fcntl.h>
-  #include "compface.h"
-! #define  STRCAT        (void) strcat
-! #define  STRCPY        (void) strcpy
-! #define  WRITE         (void) write
-! /* The buffer is longer than needed to handle sparse input formats */
-  #define FACEBUFLEN 2048
-  char fbuf[FACEBUFLEN];
-  /* IO file descriptors and their names */
-  int infile    = 0;
-  char *inname  = "<stdin>";
-  int outfile   = 1;
-  char *outname = "<stdout>";
-! char *cmdname;            /* Basename of executable */
-! /* Error handling definitions follow */
-  extern int errno, sys_nerr;
-  extern char *sys_errlist[];
-  #define ERR         ((errno < sys_nerr) ? sys_errlist[errno] : "")
-! #define INITERR(s)  { \
-!                         STRCPY(fbuf, cmdname); \
-!                         STRCAT(fbuf, ": "); \
-!                         STRCAT(fbuf, (s));\
-!                     }
-! #define ADDERR(s)   STRCAT(fbuf, (s));
-! #define ERROR       { \
-!                         STRCAT(fbuf, "\n"); \
-!                         WRITE(2, fbuf, strlen(fbuf)); \
-!                         exit(1); \
-!                     }
-! #define INITWARN(s) { \
-!                         STRCPY(fbuf, cmdname); \
-!                         STRCAT(fbuf, ": (warning) "); \
-!                         STRCAT(fbuf, (s)); \
-!                     }
-! #define ADDWARN(s)  STRCAT(fbuf, (s));
-! #define WARN        { \
-!                         STRCAT(fbuf, "\n"); \
-!                         WRITE(2, fbuf, strlen(fbuf)); \
-!                     }
-  int
-! main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  {
-      cmdname = *argv;
-!     while (**argv) {
-!         if (*((*argv)++) == '/') {
-!             cmdname = *argv;               /* Find the command's basename */
-!         }
-!     }
-!     if (argc > 3) {
-          INITERR("usage: ")
-          ADDERR(cmdname)
-          ADDERR(" [infile [outfile]]")
-          ERROR
-      }
-!     if ((argc > 1) && strcmp(*++argv, "-")) {
-          inname = *argv;
-!         if ((infile = open(inname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
-              INITERR(inname)
-              ADDERR(": ")
-              ADDERR(ERR)
---- 15,78 ----
-   *  to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
-   */
-  #include <fcntl.h>
-  #include "compface.h"
-! /* the buffer is longer than needed to handle sparse input formats */
-  #define FACEBUFLEN 2048
-  char fbuf[FACEBUFLEN];
-  /* IO file descriptors and their names */
-  int infile    = 0;
-  char *inname  = "<stdin>";
-  int outfile   = 1;
-  char *outname = "<stdout>";
-! /* basename of executable */
-! char *cmdname;
-! /* error handling definitions follow */
-  extern int errno, sys_nerr;
-  extern char *sys_errlist[];
-+ extern void exit P((int)) ;
-  #define ERR ((errno < sys_nerr) ? sys_errlist[errno] : "")
-! #define INITERR(s) {(void)strcpy(fbuf, cmdname); (void)strcat(fbuf, ": ");\
-! 					(void)strcat(fbuf, (s));}
-! #define ADDERR(s) (void)strcat(fbuf, (s));
-! #define ERROR {(void)strcat(fbuf, "\n");\
-! 				(void)write(2, fbuf, strlen(fbuf)); exit(1);}
-! #define INITWARN(s) {(void)strcpy(fbuf, cmdname);\
-! 					(void)strcat(fbuf, ": (warning) ");\
-! 					(void)strcat(fbuf, (s));}
-! #define ADDWARN(s) (void)strcat(fbuf, (s));
-! #define WARN {(void)strcat(fbuf, "\n"); (void)write(2, fbuf, strlen(fbuf));}
-  int
-! main(argc, argv)
-! int argc;
-! char *argv[];
-  {
-    cmdname = *argv;
-!   while (**argv)
-!     if (*((*argv)++) == '/')
-!       cmdname = *argv;               /* find the command's basename */
-!   if (argc > 3)
-!     {
-        INITERR("usage: ")
-        ADDERR(cmdname)
-        ADDERR(" [infile [outfile]]")
-        ERROR
-      }
-!   if ((argc > 1) && strcmp(*++argv, "-"))
-!     {
-        inname = *argv;
-!       if ((infile = open(inname, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
-!         {
-            INITERR(inname)
-            ADDERR(": ")
-            ADDERR(ERR)
-*** 91,100 ****
-          }
-      }
-!     if (argc > 2) {
-          outname = *++argv;
-!         if ((outfile = open(outname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | 
-!                                      O_TRUNC, 0644)) == -1) {
-              INITERR(outname)
-              ADDERR(": ")
-              ADDERR(ERR)
---- 80,90 ----
-          }
-      }
-!   if (argc > 2)
-!     {
-        outname = *++argv;
-!       if ((outfile = open(outname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) == -1)
-!         {
-            INITERR(outname)
-            ADDERR(": ")
-            ADDERR(ERR)
-*** 103,109 ****
-      }
-      (void) ReadBuf();
-!     switch (compface(fbuf)) {
-          case -2 : INITERR("internal error")
-                    ERROR
-          case -1 : INITERR(inname)
---- 93,100 ----
-      }
-    (void) ReadBuf();
-!   switch (compface(fbuf))
-!     {
-        case -2 : INITERR("internal error")
-                  ERROR
-        case -1 : INITERR(inname)
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