git: 13b6ffc52c68 - main - converters/gbsdconv: Fix build with Taglib 2.x

From: Jason E. Hale <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 05:29:37 UTC
The branch main has been updated by jhale:


commit 13b6ffc52c687a5cfae752a46c384755550580a9
Author:     Jason E. Hale <>
AuthorDate: 2024-06-06 22:23:06 +0000
Commit:     Jason E. Hale <>
CommitDate: 2024-06-14 05:29:26 +0000

    converters/gbsdconv: Fix build with Taglib 2.x
    PR:             276677
 converters/gbsdconv/Makefile                      |   2 +-
 converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-gbsdconv          |  30 +
 converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.cpp | 873 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.h   | 428 +++++++++++
 4 files changed, 1332 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/converters/gbsdconv/Makefile b/converters/gbsdconv/Makefile
index b595457d0d52..00945c6296e2 100644
--- a/converters/gbsdconv/Makefile
+++ b/converters/gbsdconv/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 PORTNAME=	gbsdconv
 CATEGORIES=	converters python
diff --git a/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-gbsdconv b/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-gbsdconv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a6056a3cede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-gbsdconv
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+--- gbsdconv.orig	2024-06-06 19:33:30 UTC
++++ gbsdconv
+@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ taglib.taglib_mpeg_file.restype=c_void_p
+ taglib.taglib_mpeg_file.argtypes=[c_void_p]
+ taglib.taglib_mpeg_file.restype=c_void_p
+-taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_save3.argtypes=[c_void_p, c_int, c_bool, c_int]
++taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_save3.argtypes=[c_void_p, c_int, c_bool, c_int, c_bool]
+ taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_save3.restype=c_bool
+-taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_strip.argtypes=[c_void_p, c_int]
++taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_strip.argtypes=[c_void_p, c_int, c_bool]
+ taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_strip.restype=c_bool
+ taglib.taglib_file_tag.argtypes=[c_void_p]
+@@ -1281,12 +1281,12 @@ class gBsdConv(object):
+ 						mpeg=taglib.taglib_mpeg_file(mfile)
+ 						if mpeg and builder.get_object('chk_use_id3v2_3').get_active():
+-							taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_save3(mpeg, 0xffff, False, 3)
++							taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_save3(mpeg, 0xffff, False, 3, True)
+ 						else:
+ 							taglib.taglib_file_save(mfile)
+ 						if mpeg and builder.get_object('chk_remove_id3v1').get_active():
+-							taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_strip(mpeg, 0x0001)
++							taglib.taglib_mpeg_file_strip(mpeg, 0x0001, True)
+ 						taglib.taglib_tag_free_strings()
+ 					taglib.taglib_file_free(mfile)
diff --git a/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.cpp b/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3459a63aa34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+--- taglib/tag_c.cpp.orig	2014-02-15 21:45:54 UTC
++++ taglib/tag_c.cpp
+@@ -19,43 +19,82 @@
+  *   USA                                                                   *
+  ***************************************************************************/
++#include "tag_c.h"
++#include <cstdlib>
++#include <cstring>
++#include <sstream>
++#include <utility>
+ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+-#include "config.h"
++# include "config.h"
+ #endif
++#include "tstringlist.h"
++#include "tbytevectorstream.h"
++#include "tiostream.h"
++#include "tfile.h"
++#include "tpropertymap.h"
++#include "fileref.h"
++#include "asffile.h"
++#include "vorbisfile.h"
++#include "mpegfile.h"
++#include "flacfile.h"
++#include "oggflacfile.h"
++#include "mpcfile.h"
++#include "wavpackfile.h"
++#include "speexfile.h"
++#include "trueaudiofile.h"
++#include "mp4file.h"
++#include "aifffile.h"
++#include "wavfile.h"
++#include "apefile.h"
++#include "itfile.h"
++#include "modfile.h"
++#include "s3mfile.h"
++#include "xmfile.h"
++#include "opusfile.h"
++#include "dsffile.h"
++#include "dsdifffile.h"
++#include "tag.h"
++#include "id3v2framefactory.h"
+-#include <stdlib.h>
+-#include <fileref.h>
+-#include <tfile.h>
+-#include <asffile.h>
+-#include <vorbisfile.h>
+-#include <mpegfile.h>
+-#include <flacfile.h>
+-#include <oggflacfile.h>
+-#include <mpcfile.h>
+-#include <wavpackfile.h>
+-#include <speexfile.h>
+-#include <trueaudiofile.h>
+-#include <mp4file.h>
+-#include <tag.h>
+-#include <string.h>
+-#include <id3v2framefactory.h>
++using namespace TagLib;
+-#include "tag_c.h"
++  List<char *> strings;
++  bool unicodeStrings = true;
++  bool stringManagementEnabled = true;
+-using namespace TagLib;
++  char *stringToCharArray(const String &s)
++  {
++    const std::string str = s.to8Bit(unicodeStrings);
+-static List<char *> strings;
+-static bool unicodeStrings = true;
+-static bool stringManagementEnabled = true;
++    return ::_strdup(str.c_str());
++    return ::strdup(str.c_str());
++  }
++  String charArrayToString(const char *s)
++  {
++    return String(s, unicodeStrings ? String::UTF8 : String::Latin1);
++  }
++}  // namespace
+ void taglib_set_strings_unicode(BOOL unicode)
+ {
+-  unicodeStrings = bool(unicode);
++  unicodeStrings = (unicode != 0);
+ }
+ void taglib_set_string_management_enabled(BOOL management)
+ {
+-  stringManagementEnabled = bool(management);
++  stringManagementEnabled = (management != 0);
+ }
+ void taglib_free(void* pointer)
+@@ -64,69 +103,130 @@ void taglib_free(void* pointer)
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+-// TagLib::File wrapper
++// TagLib::IOStream wrapper
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++TagLib_IOStream *taglib_memory_iostream_new(const char *data, unsigned int size)
++  return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_IOStream *>(
++    new ByteVectorStream(ByteVector(data, size)));
++void taglib_iostream_free(TagLib_IOStream *stream)
++  delete reinterpret_cast<IOStream *>(stream);
++// TagLib::FileRef wrapper
+ TagLib_File *taglib_file_new(const char *filename)
+ {
+-  return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(FileRef::create(filename));
++  return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new FileRef(filename));
+ }
+ TagLib_File *taglib_file_new_type(const char *filename, TagLib_File_Type type)
+ {
++  File *file = NULL;
+   switch(type) {
+   case TagLib_File_MPEG:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new MPEG::File(filename));
++    file = new MPEG::File(filename);
++      break;
+   case TagLib_File_OggVorbis:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new Ogg::Vorbis::File(filename));
++    file = new Ogg::Vorbis::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_FLAC:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new FLAC::File(filename));
++    file = new FLAC::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_MPC:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new MPC::File(filename));
++    file = new MPC::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_OggFlac:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new Ogg::FLAC::File(filename));
++    file = new Ogg::FLAC::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_WavPack:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new WavPack::File(filename));
++    file = new WavPack::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_Speex:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new Ogg::Speex::File(filename));
++    file = new Ogg::Speex::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_TrueAudio:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new TrueAudio::File(filename));
++    file = new TrueAudio::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_MP4:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new MP4::File(filename));
++    file = new MP4::File(filename);
++    break;
+   case TagLib_File_ASF:
+-    return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new ASF::File(filename));
++    file = new ASF::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_AIFF:
++    file = new RIFF::AIFF::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_WAV:
++    file = new RIFF::WAV::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_APE:
++    file = new APE::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_IT:
++    file = new IT::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_Mod:
++    file = new Mod::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_S3M:
++    file = new S3M::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_XM:
++    file = new XM::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_Opus:
++    file = new Ogg::Opus::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_DSF:
++    file = new DSF::File(filename);
++    break;
++  case TagLib_File_DSDIFF:
++    file = new DSDIFF::File(filename);
++    break;
+   default:
+-    return 0;
++    break;
+   }
++  return file ? reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(new FileRef(file)) : NULL;
+-  return 0;
++TagLib_File *taglib_file_new_iostream(TagLib_IOStream *stream)
++  return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_File *>(
++    new FileRef(reinterpret_cast<IOStream *>(stream)));
+ }
+ void taglib_file_free(TagLib_File *file)
+ {
+-  delete reinterpret_cast<File *>(file);
++  delete reinterpret_cast<FileRef *>(file);
+ }
+ BOOL taglib_file_is_valid(const TagLib_File *file)
+ {
+-  return reinterpret_cast<const File *>(file)->isValid();
++  return !reinterpret_cast<const FileRef *>(file)->isNull();
+ }
+ TagLib_Tag *taglib_file_tag(const TagLib_File *file)
+ {
+-  const File *f = reinterpret_cast<const File *>(file);
++  auto f = reinterpret_cast<const FileRef *>(file);
+   return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_Tag *>(f->tag());
+ }
+ const TagLib_AudioProperties *taglib_file_audioproperties(const TagLib_File *file)
+ {
+-  const File *f = reinterpret_cast<const File *>(file);
++  auto f = reinterpret_cast<const FileRef *>(file);
+   return reinterpret_cast<const TagLib_AudioProperties *>(f->audioProperties());
+ }
+ BOOL taglib_file_save(TagLib_File *file)
+ {
+-  return reinterpret_cast<File *>(file)->save();
++  return reinterpret_cast<FileRef *>(file)->save();
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+@@ -135,8 +235,8 @@ char *taglib_tag_title(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ char *taglib_tag_title(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ {
+-  const Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
+-  char *s = ::strdup(t->title().toCString(unicodeStrings));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
++  char *s = stringToCharArray(t->title());
+   if(stringManagementEnabled)
+     strings.append(s);
+   return s;
+@@ -144,8 +244,8 @@ char *taglib_tag_artist(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ char *taglib_tag_artist(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ {
+-  const Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
+-  char *s = ::strdup(t->artist().toCString(unicodeStrings));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
++  char *s = stringToCharArray(t->artist());
+   if(stringManagementEnabled)
+     strings.append(s);
+   return s;
+@@ -153,8 +253,8 @@ char *taglib_tag_album(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ char *taglib_tag_album(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ {
+-  const Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
+-  char *s = ::strdup(t->album().toCString(unicodeStrings));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
++  char *s = stringToCharArray(t->album());
+   if(stringManagementEnabled)
+     strings.append(s);
+   return s;
+@@ -162,8 +262,8 @@ char *taglib_tag_comment(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ char *taglib_tag_comment(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ {
+-  const Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
+-  char *s = ::strdup(t->comment().toCString(unicodeStrings));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
++  char *s = stringToCharArray(t->comment());
+   if(stringManagementEnabled)
+     strings.append(s);
+   return s;
+@@ -171,8 +271,8 @@ char *taglib_tag_genre(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ char *taglib_tag_genre(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ {
+-  const Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
+-  char *s = ::strdup(t->genre().toCString(unicodeStrings));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
++  char *s = stringToCharArray(t->genre());
+   if(stringManagementEnabled)
+     strings.append(s);
+   return s;
+@@ -180,55 +280,55 @@ unsigned int taglib_tag_year(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ unsigned int taglib_tag_year(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ {
+-  const Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
+   return t->year();
+ }
+ unsigned int taglib_tag_track(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
+ {
+-  const Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<const Tag *>(tag);
+   return t->track();
+ }
+ void taglib_tag_set_title(TagLib_Tag *tag, const char *title)
+ {
+-  Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
+-  t->setTitle(String(title, unicodeStrings ? String::UTF8 : String::Latin1));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
++  t->setTitle(charArrayToString(title));
+ }
+ void taglib_tag_set_artist(TagLib_Tag *tag, const char *artist)
+ {
+-  Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
+-  t->setArtist(String(artist, unicodeStrings ? String::UTF8 : String::Latin1));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
++  t->setArtist(charArrayToString(artist));
+ }
+ void taglib_tag_set_album(TagLib_Tag *tag, const char *album)
+ {
+-  Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
+-  t->setAlbum(String(album, unicodeStrings ? String::UTF8 : String::Latin1));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
++  t->setAlbum(charArrayToString(album));
+ }
+ void taglib_tag_set_comment(TagLib_Tag *tag, const char *comment)
+ {
+-  Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
+-  t->setComment(String(comment, unicodeStrings ? String::UTF8 : String::Latin1));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
++  t->setComment(charArrayToString(comment));
+ }
+ void taglib_tag_set_genre(TagLib_Tag *tag, const char *genre)
+ {
+-  Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
+-  t->setGenre(String(genre, unicodeStrings ? String::UTF8 : String::Latin1));
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
++  t->setGenre(charArrayToString(genre));
+ }
+ void taglib_tag_set_year(TagLib_Tag *tag, unsigned int year)
+ {
+-  Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
+   t->setYear(year);
+ }
+ void taglib_tag_set_track(TagLib_Tag *tag, unsigned int track)
+ {
+-  Tag *t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
++  auto t = reinterpret_cast<Tag *>(tag);
+   t->setTrack(track);
+ }
+@@ -237,8 +337,8 @@ void taglib_tag_free_strings()
+   if(!stringManagementEnabled)
+     return;
+-  for(List<char *>::Iterator it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it)
+-    free(*it);
++  for(auto &string : std::as_const(strings))
++    free(string);
+   strings.clear();
+ }
+@@ -248,25 +348,25 @@ int taglib_audioproperties_length(const TagLib_AudioPr
+ int taglib_audioproperties_length(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
+ {
+-  const AudioProperties *p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
+-  return p->length();
++  auto p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
++  return p->lengthInSeconds();
+ }
+ int taglib_audioproperties_bitrate(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
+ {
+-  const AudioProperties *p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
++  auto p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
+   return p->bitrate();
+ }
+ int taglib_audioproperties_samplerate(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
+ {
+-  const AudioProperties *p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
++  auto p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
+   return p->sampleRate();
+ }
+ int taglib_audioproperties_channels(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
+ {
+-  const AudioProperties *p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
++  auto p = reinterpret_cast<const AudioProperties *>(audioProperties);
+   return p->channels();
+ }
+@@ -293,6 +393,423 @@ void taglib_id3v2_set_default_text_encoding(TagLib_ID3
+   ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance()->setDefaultTextEncoding(type);
+ }
++ * Properties API
++ ******************************************************************************/
++namespace {
++void _taglib_property_set(TagLib_File *file, const char* prop, const char* value, bool append)
++  if(file == NULL || prop == NULL)
++    return;
++  auto tfile = reinterpret_cast<FileRef *>(file);
++  PropertyMap map = tfile->tag()->properties();
++  if(value) {
++    auto property = map.find(prop);
++    if(property == map.end()) {
++      map.insert(prop, StringList(charArrayToString(value)));
++    }
++    else {
++      if(append) {
++        property->second.append(charArrayToString(value));
++      }
++      else {
++        property->second = StringList(charArrayToString(value));
++      }
++    }
++  }
++  else {
++    map.erase(prop);
++  }
++  tfile->setProperties(map);
++}  // namespace
++void taglib_property_set(TagLib_File *file, const char *prop, const char *value)
++  _taglib_property_set(file, prop, value, false);
++void taglib_property_set_append(TagLib_File *file, const char *prop, const char *value)
++  _taglib_property_set(file, prop, value, true);
++char** taglib_property_keys(const TagLib_File *file)
++  if(file == NULL)
++    return NULL;
++  const PropertyMap map = reinterpret_cast<const FileRef *>(file)->properties();
++  if(map.isEmpty())
++    return NULL;
++  auto props = static_cast<char **>(malloc(sizeof(char *) * (map.size() + 1)));
++  char **pp = props;
++  for(const auto &i : map) {
++    *pp++ = stringToCharArray(i.first);
++  }
++  *pp = NULL;
++  return props;
++char **taglib_property_get(const TagLib_File *file, const char *prop)
++  if(file == NULL || prop == NULL)
++    return NULL;
++  const PropertyMap map = reinterpret_cast<const FileRef *>(file)->properties();
++  auto property = map.find(prop);
++  if(property == map.end())
++    return NULL;
++  auto props = static_cast<char **>(malloc(sizeof(char *) * (property->second.size() + 1)));
++  char **pp = props;
++  for(const auto &i : property->second) {
++    *pp++ = stringToCharArray(i);
++  }
++  *pp = NULL;
++  return props;
++void taglib_property_free(char **props)
++  if(props == NULL)
++    return;
++  char **p = props;
++  while(*p) {
++    free(*p++);
++  }
++  free(props);
++ * Complex Properties API
++ ******************************************************************************/
++namespace {
++bool _taglib_complex_property_set(
++  TagLib_File *file, const char *key,
++  const TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute **value, bool append)
++  if(file == NULL || key == NULL)
++    return false;
++  auto tfile = reinterpret_cast<FileRef *>(file);
++  if(value == NULL) {
++    return tfile->setComplexProperties(key, {});
++  }
++  VariantMap map;
++  const TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute** attrPtr = value;
++  while(*attrPtr) {
++    const TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute *attr = *attrPtr;
++    String attrKey(attr->key);
++    switch(attr->value.type) {
++    case TagLib_Variant_Void:
++      map.insert(attrKey, Variant());
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_Bool:
++      map.insert(attrKey, attr->value.value.boolValue != 0);
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_Int:
++      map.insert(attrKey, attr->value.value.intValue);
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_UInt:
++      map.insert(attrKey, attr->value.value.uIntValue);
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_LongLong:
++      map.insert(attrKey, attr->value.value.longLongValue);
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_ULongLong:
++      map.insert(attrKey, attr->value.value.uLongLongValue);
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_Double:
++      map.insert(attrKey, attr->value.value.doubleValue);
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_String:
++      map.insert(attrKey, charArrayToString(attr->value.value.stringValue));
++      break;
++    case TagLib_Variant_StringList: {
++      StringList strs;
++      if(attr->value.value.stringListValue) {
++        char **s = attr->value.value.stringListValue;;
++        while(*s) {
++          strs.append(charArrayToString(*s++));
++        }
++      }
++      map.insert(attrKey, strs);
++      break;
++    }
++    case TagLib_Variant_ByteVector:
++      map.insert(attrKey, ByteVector(attr->value.value.byteVectorValue,
++                                     attr->value.size));
++      break;
++    }
++    ++attrPtr;
++  }
++  return append ? tfile->setComplexProperties(key, tfile->complexProperties(key).append(map))
++                : tfile->setComplexProperties(key, {map});
++}  // namespace
++BOOL taglib_complex_property_set(
++  TagLib_File *file, const char *key,
++  const TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute **value)
++  return _taglib_complex_property_set(file, key, value, false);
++BOOL taglib_complex_property_set_append(
++  TagLib_File *file, const char *key,
++  const TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute **value)
++  return _taglib_complex_property_set(file, key, value, true);
++char** taglib_complex_property_keys(const TagLib_File *file)
++  if(file == NULL) {
++    return NULL;
++  }
++  const StringList strs = reinterpret_cast<const FileRef *>(file)->complexPropertyKeys();
++  if(strs.isEmpty()) {
++    return NULL;
++  }
++  auto keys = static_cast<char **>(malloc(sizeof(char *) * (strs.size() + 1)));
++  char **keyPtr = keys;
++  for(const auto &str : strs) {
++    *keyPtr++ = stringToCharArray(str);
++  }
++  *keyPtr = NULL;
++  return keys;
++TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute*** taglib_complex_property_get(
++  const TagLib_File *file, const char *key)
++  if(file == NULL || key == NULL) {
++    return NULL;
++  }
++  const auto variantMaps = reinterpret_cast<const FileRef *>(file)->complexProperties(key);
++  if(variantMaps.isEmpty()) {
++    return NULL;
++  }
++  auto props = static_cast<TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute ***>(
++    malloc(sizeof(TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute **) * (variantMaps.size() + 1)));
++  TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute ***propPtr = props;
++  for(const auto &variantMap : variantMaps) {
++    if(!variantMap.isEmpty()) {
++      auto attrs = static_cast<TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute **>(
++        malloc(sizeof(TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute *) * (variantMap.size() + 1)));
++      auto attr = static_cast<TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute *>(
++        malloc(sizeof(TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute) * variantMap.size()));
++      TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute **attrPtr = attrs;
++      // The next assignment is redundant to silence the clang analyzer,
++      // it is done at the end of the loop, which must be entered because
++      // variantMap is not empty.
++      *attrPtr = attr;
++      for(const auto &[k, v] : variantMap) {
++        attr->key = stringToCharArray(k);
++        attr->value.size = 0;
++        switch(v.type()) {
++        case Variant::Void:
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_Void;
++          attr->value.value.stringValue = NULL;
++          break;
++        case Variant::Bool:
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_Bool;
++          attr->value.value.boolValue = v.value<bool>();
++          break;
++        case Variant::Int:
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_Int;
++          attr->value.value.intValue = v.value<int>();
++          break;
++        case Variant::UInt:
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_UInt;
++          attr->value.value.uIntValue = v.value<unsigned int>();
++          break;
++        case Variant::LongLong:
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_LongLong;
++          attr->value.value.longLongValue = v.value<long long>();
++          break;
++        case Variant::ULongLong:
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_ULongLong;
++          attr->value.value.uLongLongValue = v.value<unsigned long long>();
++          break;
++        case Variant::Double:
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_Double;
++          attr->value.value.doubleValue = v.value<double>();
++          break;
++        case Variant::String: {
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_String;
++          auto str = v.value<String>();
++          attr->value.value.stringValue = stringToCharArray(str);
++          attr->value.size = str.size();
++          break;
++        }
++        case Variant::StringList: {
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_StringList;
++          auto strs = v.value<StringList>();
++          auto strPtr = static_cast<char **>(malloc(sizeof(char *) * (strs.size() + 1)));
++          attr->value.value.stringListValue = strPtr;
++          attr->value.size = strs.size();
++          for(const auto &str : strs) {
++            *strPtr++ = stringToCharArray(str);
++          }
++          *strPtr = NULL;
++          break;
++        }
++        case Variant::ByteVector: {
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_ByteVector;
++          const ByteVector data = v.value<ByteVector>();
++          auto bytePtr = static_cast<char *>(malloc(data.size()));
++          attr->value.value.byteVectorValue = bytePtr;
++          attr->value.size = data.size();
++          ::memcpy(bytePtr,, data.size());
++          break;
++        }
++        case Variant::ByteVectorList:
++        case Variant::VariantList:
++        case Variant::VariantMap: {
++          attr->value.type = TagLib_Variant_String;
++          std::stringstream ss;
++          ss << v;
++          attr->value.value.stringValue = stringToCharArray(ss.str());
++          break;
++        }
++        }
++        *attrPtr++ = attr++;
++      }
++      *attrPtr = NULL;
++      *propPtr++ = attrs;
++    }
++  }
++  *propPtr = NULL;
++  return props;
++void taglib_picture_from_complex_property(
++  TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute*** properties,
++  TagLib_Complex_Property_Picture_Data *picture)
++  if(!properties || !picture) {
++    return;
++  }
++  std::memset(picture, 0, sizeof(*picture));
++  TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute*** propPtr = properties;
++  while(!picture->data && *propPtr) {
++    TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute** attrPtr = *propPtr;
++    while(*attrPtr) {
++      TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute *attr = *attrPtr;
++      switch(attr->value.type) {
++      case TagLib_Variant_String:
++        if(strcmp("mimeType", attr->key) == 0) {
++          picture->mimeType = attr->value.value.stringValue;
++        }
++        else if(strcmp("description", attr->key) == 0) {
++          picture->description = attr->value.value.stringValue;
++        }
++        else if(strcmp("pictureType", attr->key) == 0) {
++          picture->pictureType = attr->value.value.stringValue;
++        }
++        break;
++      case TagLib_Variant_ByteVector:
++        if(strcmp("data", attr->key) == 0) {
++          picture->data = attr->value.value.byteVectorValue;
++          picture->size = attr->value.size;
++        }
++        break;
++      default:
++        break;
++      }
++      ++attrPtr;
++    }
++    ++propPtr;
++  }
++void taglib_complex_property_free_keys(char **keys)
++  if(keys == NULL) {
++    return;
++  }
++  char **k = keys;
++  while(*k) {
++    free(*k++);
++  }
++  free(keys);
++void taglib_complex_property_free(
++  TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute ***props)
++  if(props == NULL) {
++    return;
++  }
++  TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute*** propPtr = props;
++  while(*propPtr) {
++    TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute** attrPtr = *propPtr;
++    while(*attrPtr) {
++      TagLib_Complex_Property_Attribute *attr = *attrPtr;
++      switch(attr->value.type) {
++      case TagLib_Variant_String:
++        free(attr->value.value.stringValue);
++        break;
++      case TagLib_Variant_StringList:
++        if(attr->value.value.stringListValue) {
++          char **s = attr->value.value.stringListValue;
++          while(*s) {
++            free(*s++);
++          }
++          free(attr->value.value.stringListValue);
++        }
++        break;
++      case TagLib_Variant_ByteVector:
++        free(attr->value.value.byteVectorValue);
++        break;
++      case TagLib_Variant_Void:
++      case TagLib_Variant_Bool:
++      case TagLib_Variant_Int:
++      case TagLib_Variant_UInt:
++      case TagLib_Variant_LongLong:
++      case TagLib_Variant_ULongLong:
++      case TagLib_Variant_Double:
++        break;
++      }
++      free(attr->key);
++      ++attrPtr;
++    }
++    free(**propPtr);
++    free(*propPtr++);
++  }
++  free(props);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TagLib::MPEG::File wrapper
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+@@ -302,15 +819,18 @@ TagLib_Mpeg_File *taglib_mpeg_file(TagLib_File *file)
+   return reinterpret_cast<TagLib_Mpeg_File *>(dynamic_cast<MPEG::File *>(reinterpret_cast<File *>(file)));
+ }
+-BOOL taglib_mpeg_file_save3(TagLib_Mpeg_File *file, int tags, BOOL stripOthers, int id3v2Version)
++BOOL taglib_mpeg_file_save3(TagLib_Mpeg_File *file, int tags, BOOL stripOthers, int id3v2Version, BOOL duplicateTags)
+ {
+   MPEG::File *f=reinterpret_cast<MPEG::File *>(file);
+-  return f->save(tags, (bool)stripOthers, id3v2Version);
++  return f->save(tags,
++                 stripOthers ? File::StripOthers : File::StripNone,
++                 id3v2Version == 3 ? ID3v2::v3 : ID3v2::v4,
++                 duplicateTags ? File::Duplicate : File::DoNotDuplicate);
+ }
+-BOOL taglib_mpeg_file_strip(TagLib_Mpeg_File *file, int tags)
++BOOL taglib_mpeg_file_strip(TagLib_Mpeg_File *file, int tags, BOOL freeMemory)
+ {
+   MPEG::File *f=reinterpret_cast<MPEG::File *>(file);
+-  return f->strip(tags);
++  return f->strip(tags, freeMemory);
+ }
diff --git a/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.h b/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d63029d25d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converters/gbsdconv/files/patch-taglib_tag__c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+--- taglib/tag_c.h.orig	2014-02-15 21:45:54 UTC
++++ taglib/tag_c.h
+@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ extern "C" {
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
++#if defined(TAGLIB_STATIC)
++#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
+ #define TAGLIB_C_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+ #else
+@@ -41,7 +43,10 @@ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+-#ifndef BOOL
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++/* minwindef.h contains typedef int BOOL */
++#include <windows.h>
++#elif !defined BOOL
+ #define BOOL int
+ #endif
+@@ -55,14 +60,15 @@ extern "C" {
+  *******************************************************************************/
+ /*
+- * These are used for type provide some type safety to the C API (as opposed to
+- * using void *, but pointers to them are simply cast to the corresponding C++
++ * These are used to give the C API some type safety (as opposed to
++ * using void * ), but pointers to them are simply cast to the corresponding C++
*** 395 LINES SKIPPED ***