git: 09c8412feede - main - mail/cyrus-imapd34: update to 3.4.8

From: Hajimu UMEMOTO <>
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:22:03 UTC
The branch main has been updated by ume:


commit 09c8412feede7a96b9fc14df16f8dd8730c61c84
Author:     Hajimu UMEMOTO <>
AuthorDate: 2024-06-05 12:18:30 +0000
Commit:     Hajimu UMEMOTO <>
CommitDate: 2024-06-05 12:21:54 +0000

    mail/cyrus-imapd34: update to 3.4.8
    Security:       CVE-2024-34055
 mail/cyrus-imapd34/Makefile                       |    6 +-
 mail/cyrus-imapd34/distinfo                       |    6 +-
 mail/cyrus-imapd34/files/v34-CVE-2024-34055.patch | 5815 ---------------------
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5822 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mail/cyrus-imapd34/Makefile b/mail/cyrus-imapd34/Makefile
index 35a8252929ee..8b82bfdc0088 100644
--- a/mail/cyrus-imapd34/Makefile
+++ b/mail/cyrus-imapd34/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 PORTNAME=	cyrus-imapd
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ http_PKGNAMESUFFIX=	${CYRUS_IMAPD_VER}-http
-EXTRA_PATCHES=		${FILESDIR}/v34-CVE-2024-34055.patch:-p1
diff --git a/mail/cyrus-imapd34/distinfo b/mail/cyrus-imapd34/distinfo
index 986ce4ee823f..9e3efd0bb118 100644
--- a/mail/cyrus-imapd34/distinfo
+++ b/mail/cyrus-imapd34/distinfo
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1710506943
-SHA256 (cyrus-imapd-3.4.7.tar.gz) = 8be5abdc8392de9e217a6c4c0b24132d16cf9f68e42c071ec9d4b9fdca44da38
-SIZE (cyrus-imapd-3.4.7.tar.gz) = 13411396
+TIMESTAMP = 1717583784
+SHA256 (cyrus-imapd-3.4.8.tar.gz) = 791258fae0bbfe6d39101a287910ec37368f454982d473b2ff93ab3ea91bf55a
+SIZE (cyrus-imapd-3.4.8.tar.gz) = 13428824
diff --git a/mail/cyrus-imapd34/files/v34-CVE-2024-34055.patch b/mail/cyrus-imapd34/files/v34-CVE-2024-34055.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c1719ea49b28..000000000000
--- a/mail/cyrus-imapd34/files/v34-CVE-2024-34055.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5815 +0,0 @@
-From b6682068bf8c754a87f98ee59d2616d48ed756c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Robert Stepanek <>
-Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2024 09:51:36 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 01/22] do not use non-standard XSNIPPETS
- command
-The XSNIPPETS and XCONVMULTISTANDARD commands in Cyrus got
-deprecated, so don't keep our test using it.
-Signed-off-by: Robert Stepanek <>
- cassandane/Cassandane/Cyrus/ | 344 +++++++++------------
- 1 file changed, 146 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cassandane/Cassandane/Cyrus/ b/cassandane/Cassandane/Cyrus/
-index 1ac00dc49..dd1a369bd 100644
---- a/cassandane/Cassandane/Cyrus/
-+++ b/cassandane/Cassandane/Cyrus/
-@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ use warnings;
- use Cwd qw(abs_path);
- use DateTime;
- use Data::Dumper;
-+use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
-+use Encode qw(decode encode);
- use lib '.';
- use base qw(Cassandane::Cyrus::TestCase);
-@@ -50,10 +52,19 @@ use Cassandane::Util::Log;
- sub new
- {
-     my ($class, @args) = @_;
-     my $config = Cassandane::Config->default()->clone();
--    $config->set(conversations => 'on');
--    return $class->SUPER::new({ config => $config }, @args);
-+    $config->set(
-+        conversations => 'on',
-+        httpallowcompress => 'no',
-+        httpmodules => 'jmap',
-+    );
-+    return $class->SUPER::new({
-+        config => $config,
-+        jmap => 1,
-+        services => [ 'imap', 'http' ]
-+    }, @args);
- }
- sub set_up
-@@ -134,6 +145,55 @@ sub create_testmessages
-     $self->{instance}->run_command({cyrus => 1}, 'squatter');
- }
-+sub get_snippets
-+    # Previous versions of this test module used XSNIPPETS to
-+    # assert snippets but this command got removed from Cyrus.
-+    # Use JMAP instead.
-+    my ($self, $folder, $uids, $filter) = @_;
-+    my $imap = $self->{store}->get_client();
-+    my $jmap = $self->{jmap};
-+    $self->assert_not_null($jmap);
-+    $imap->select($folder);
-+    my $res = $imap->fetch($uids, ['emailid']);
-+    my %emailIdToImapUid = map { $res->{$_}{emailid}[0] => $_ } keys %$res;
-+    $res = $jmap->CallMethods([
-+        ['SearchSnippet/get', {
-+            filter => $filter,
-+            emailIds => [ keys %emailIdToImapUid ],
-+        }, 'R1'],
-+    ]);
-+    my @snippets;
-+    foreach (@{$res->[0][1]{list}}) {
-+        if ($_->{subject}) {
-+            push(@snippets, [
-+                0,
-+                $emailIdToImapUid{$_->{emailId}},
-+                'SUBJECT',
-+                $_->{subject},
-+            ]);
-+        }
-+        if ($_->{preview}) {
-+            push(@snippets, [
-+                0,
-+                $emailIdToImapUid{$_->{emailId}},
-+                'BODY',
-+                $_->{preview},
-+            ]);
-+        }
-+    }
-+    return {
-+        snippets => [ sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @snippets ],
-+    };
- sub test_copy_messages
-     :needs_search_xapian
- {
-@@ -151,12 +211,13 @@ sub test_copy_messages
- }
- sub test_stem_verbs
--    :min_version_3_0 :needs_search_xapian
-+    :min_version_3_0 :needs_search_xapian :JMAPExtensions
- {
-     my ($self) = @_;
-     $self->create_testmessages();
-     my $talk = $self->{store}->get_client();
-+    $self->assert_not_null($self->{jmap});
-     xlog $self, "Select INBOX";
-     my $r = $talk->select("INBOX") || die;
-@@ -175,11 +236,8 @@ sub test_stem_verbs
-     $r = $talk->search('fuzzy', ['subject', { Quote => "runs" }]) || die;
-     $self->assert_num_equals(3, scalar @$r);
--    xlog $self, 'XSNIPPETS for FUZZY subject "runs"';
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'subject', { Quote => 'runs' }]
--    ) || die;
-+    xlog $self, 'Get snippets for FUZZY subject "runs"';
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { subject => 'runs' });
-     $self->assert_num_equals(3, scalar @{$r->{snippets}});
- }
-@@ -250,12 +308,8 @@ sub test_snippet_wildcard
-     $talk->select("INBOX") || die;
-     my $uidvalidity = $talk->get_response_code('uidvalidity');
--    xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for $term";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => "$term*" }]
--    ) || die;
--    xlog $self, Dumper($r);
-+    xlog $self, "Get snippets for $term";
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { 'text' => "$term*" });
-     $self->assert_num_equals(2, scalar @{$r->{snippets}});
- }
-@@ -358,13 +412,17 @@ sub test_normalize_snippets
-     my ($self) = @_;
-     # Set up test message with funny characters
--    my $body = "foo gären советской diĝir naïve léger";
--    my @terms = split / /, $body;
-+use utf8;
-+    my @terms = ( "gären", "советской", "diĝir", "naïve", "léger" );
-+no utf8;
-+    my $body = encode_base64(encode('UTF-8', join(' ', @terms)));
-+    $body =~ s/\r?\n/\r\n/gs;
-     xlog $self, "Generate and index test messages.";
-     my %params = (
-         mime_charset => "utf-8",
--        body => $body
-+        mime_encoding => 'base64',
-+        body => $body,
-     );
-     $self->make_message("1", %params) || die;
-@@ -380,24 +438,20 @@ sub test_normalize_snippets
-     # Assert that diacritics are matched and returned
-     foreach my $term (@terms) {
--        xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
--        $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--            [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--            ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => $term }]
--        ) || die;
--        $self->assert_num_not_equals(index($r->{snippets}[0][3], "<b>$term</b>"), -1);
-+        $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { text => $term });
-+        $self->assert_num_not_equals(index($r->{snippets}[0][3], "<mark>$term</mark>"), -1);
-     }
-     # Assert that search without diacritics matches
-     if ($self->{skipdiacrit}) {
-         my $term = "naive";
--        xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
--        $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--            [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--            ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => $term }]
--        ) || die;
--        $self->assert_num_not_equals(index($r->{snippets}[0][3], "<b>naïve</b>"), -1);
-+        xlog $self, "Get snippets for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
-+        $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { 'text' => $term });
-+use utf8;
-+        $self->assert_num_not_equals(index($r->{snippets}[0][3], "<mark>naïve</mark>"), -1);
-+no utf8;
-     }
- }
- sub test_skipdiacrit
-@@ -499,38 +553,23 @@ sub test_snippets_termcover
-     my $r = $talk->select("INBOX") || die;
-     my $uidvalidity = $talk->get_response_code('uidvalidity');
-     my $uids = $talk->search('1:*', 'NOT', 'DELETED');
--    my $want = "<b>favourite</b> <b>cereal</b>";
-+    my $want = "<mark>favourite</mark> <mark>cereal</mark>";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [
--           'fuzzy', 'text', 'favourite',
--           'fuzzy', 'text', 'cereal',
--           'fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => 'bogus gnarly' }
--        ]
--    ) || die;
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, {
-+        operator => 'AND',
-+        conditions => [{
-+            text => 'favourite',
-+        }, {
-+           text => 'cereal',
-+        }, {
-+           text => '"bogus gnarly"'
-+        }],
-+    });
-     $self->assert_num_not_equals(-1, index($r->{snippets}[0][3], $want));
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [
--           'fuzzy', 'text', 'favourite cereal'
--        ]
--    ) || die;
--    $self->assert_num_not_equals(-1, index($r->{snippets}[0][3], $want));
--    # Regression - a phrase is treated as a loose term
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [
--           'fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => 'favourite nope cereal' },
--           'fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => 'bogus gnarly' }
--        ]
--    ) || die;
--    $self->assert_num_not_equals(-1, index($r->{snippets}[0][3], $want));
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [
--           'fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => 'favourite cereal' }
--        ]
--    ) || die;
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, {
-+        text => 'favourite cereal',
-+    });
-     $self->assert_num_not_equals(-1, index($r->{snippets}[0][3], $want));
- }
-@@ -542,18 +581,28 @@ sub test_cjk_words
-     xlog $self, "Generate and index test messages.";
-+use utf8;
-     my $body = "明末時已經有香港地方的概念";
-+no utf8;
-+    $body = encode_base64(encode('UTF-8', $body));
-+    $body =~ s/\r?\n/\r\n/gs;
-     my %params = (
-         mime_charset => "utf-8",
--        body => $body
-+        mime_encoding => 'base64',
-+        body => $body,
-     );
-     $self->make_message("1", %params) || die;
-     # Splits into the words: "み, 円, 月額, 申込
-+use utf8;
-     $body = "申込み!月額円";
-+no utf8;
-+    $body = encode_base64(encode('UTF-8', $body));
-+    $body =~ s/\r?\n/\r\n/gs;
-     %params = (
-         mime_charset => "utf-8",
--        body => $body
-+        mime_encoding => 'base64',
-+        body => $body,
-     );
-     $self->make_message("2", %params) || die;
-@@ -569,50 +618,45 @@ sub test_cjk_words
-     my $term;
-     # Search for a two-character CJK word
-+use utf8;
-     $term = "已經";
--    xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => $term }]
--    ) || die;
--    $self->assert_num_not_equals(index($r->{snippets}[0][3], "<b>$term</b>"), -1);
-+no utf8;
-+    xlog $self, "Get snippets for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { text => $term });
-+    $self->assert_num_not_equals(index($r->{snippets}[0][3], "<mark>$term</mark>"), -1);
-     # Search for the CJK words 明末 and 時, note that the
-     # word order is reversed to the original message
-+use utf8;
-     $term = "時明末";
--    xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => $term }]
--    ) || die;
-+no utf8;
-+    xlog $self, "Get snippets for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { text => $term });
-     $self->assert_num_equals(scalar @{$r->{snippets}}, 1);
-     # Search for the partial CJK word 月
-+use utf8;
-     $term = "月";
--    xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => $term }]
--    ) || die;
-+no utf8;
-+    xlog $self, "Get snippets for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { text => $term });
-     $self->assert_num_equals(scalar @{$r->{snippets}}, 0);
-     # Search for the interleaved, partial CJK word 額申
-+use utf8;
-     $term = "額申";
--    xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => $term }]
--    ) || die;
-+no utf8;
-+    xlog $self, "Get snippets for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { text => $term });
-     $self->assert_num_equals(scalar @{$r->{snippets}}, 0);
-     # Search for three of four words: "み, 月額, 申込",
-     # in different order than the original.
-+use utf8;
-     $term = "月額み申込";
--    xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'text', { Quote => $term }]
--    ) || die;
-+no utf8;
-+    xlog $self, "Get snippets for FUZZY text \"$term\"";
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { text => $term });
-     $self->assert_num_equals(scalar @{$r->{snippets}}, 1);
- }
-@@ -805,86 +849,6 @@ sub test_xattachmentname
- }
--sub test_xapianv2
--    :min_version_3_0 :needs_search_xapian
--    my ($self) = @_;
--    my $talk = $self->{store}->get_client();
--    # This is a smallish regression test to check if we break something
--    # obvious by moving Xapian indexing from folder:uid to message guids.
--    #
--    # Apart from the tests in this module, at least also the following
--    # imodules are relevant: Metadata for SORT, Thread for THREAD.
--    xlog $self, "Generate message";
--    my $r = $self->make_message("I run", body => "Run, Forrest! Run!" ) || die;
--    my $uid = $r->{attrs}->{uid};
--    xlog $self, "Copy message into INBOX";
--    $talk->copy($uid, "INBOX");
--    xlog $self, "Run squatter";
--    $self->{instance}->run_command({cyrus => 1}, 'squatter');
--    $r = $talk->xconvmultisort(
--        [ qw(reverse arrival) ],
--        [ 'conversations', position => [1,10] ],
--        'utf-8', 'fuzzy', 'text', "run",
--    );
--    $self->assert_num_equals(2, scalar @{$r->{sort}[0]} - 1);
--    $self->assert_num_equals(1, scalar @{$r->{sort}});
--    xlog $self, "Create target mailbox";
--    $talk->create("");
--    xlog $self, "Copy message into";
--    $talk->copy($uid, "");
--    xlog $self, "Run squatter";
--    $self->{instance}->run_command({cyrus => 1}, 'squatter');
--    $r = $talk->xconvmultisort(
--        [ qw(reverse arrival) ],
--        [ 'conversations', position => [1,10] ],
--        'utf-8', 'fuzzy', 'text', "run",
--    );
--    $self->assert_num_equals(3, scalar @{$r->{sort}[0]} - 1);
--    $self->assert_num_equals(1, scalar @{$r->{sort}});
--    xlog $self, "Generate message";
--    $self->make_message("You run", body => "A running joke" ) || die;
--    xlog $self, "Run squatter";
--    $self->{instance}->run_command({cyrus => 1}, 'squatter');
--    $r = $talk->xconvmultisort(
--        [ qw(reverse arrival) ],
--        [ 'conversations', position => [1,10] ],
--        'utf-8', 'fuzzy', 'text', "run",
--    );
--    $self->assert_num_equals(2, scalar @{$r->{sort}});
--    xlog $self, "SEARCH FUZZY";
--    $r = $talk->search(
--        "charset", "utf-8", "fuzzy", "text", "run",
--    ) || die;
--    $self->assert_num_equals(3, scalar @$r);
--    xlog $self, "Select INBOX";
--    $r = $talk->select("INBOX") || die;
--    my $uidvalidity = $talk->get_response_code('uidvalidity');
--    my $uids = $talk->search('1:*', 'NOT', 'DELETED');
--    xlog $self, "XSNIPPETS";
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets(
--        [['INBOX', $uidvalidity, $uids]], 'utf-8',
--        ['fuzzy', 'body', 'run'],
--    ) || die;
--    $self->assert_num_equals(3, scalar @{$r->{snippets}});
- sub test_snippets_escapehtml
-     :min_version_3_0 :needs_search_xapian
- {
-@@ -914,21 +878,15 @@ sub test_snippets_escapehtml
-     my $uids = $talk->search('1:*', 'NOT', 'DELETED');
-     my %m;
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [ 'fuzzy', 'text', 'test1' ]
--    ) || die;
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { 'text' => 'test1' });
-     %m = map { lc($_->[2]) => $_->[3] } @{ $r->{snippets} };
--    $self->assert_str_equals("<b>Test1</b> body with the same tag as snippets", $m{body});
--    $self->assert_str_equals("<b>Test1</b> subject with an unescaped &amp; in it", $m{subject});
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [ 'fuzzy', 'text', 'test2' ]
--    ) || die;
-+    $self->assert_str_equals("<mark>Test1</mark> body with the same tag as snippets", $m{body});
-+    $self->assert_str_equals("<mark>Test1</mark> subject with an unescaped &amp; in it", $m{subject});
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { 'text' => 'test2' });
-     %m = map { lc($_->[2]) => $_->[3] } @{ $r->{snippets} };
--    $self->assert_str_equals("<b>Test2</b> body with a &lt;tag/&gt;, although it's plain text", $m{body});
--    $self->assert_str_equals("<b>Test2</b> subject with a &lt;tag&gt; in it", $m{subject});
-+    $self->assert_str_equals("<mark>Test2</mark> body with a &lt;tag/&gt;, although it's plain text", $m{body});
-+    $self->assert_str_equals("<mark>Test2</mark> subject with a &lt;tag&gt; in it", $m{subject});
- }
- sub test_search_exactmatch
-@@ -963,13 +921,10 @@ sub test_search_exactmatch
-     $self->assert_num_equals(1, scalar @$uids);
-     my %m;
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [ 'fuzzy', 'body', $query ]
--    ) || die;
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { body => $query });
-     %m = map { lc($_->[2]) => $_->[3] } @{ $r->{snippets} };
--    $self->assert(index($m{body}, "<b>some text</b>") != -1);
--    $self->assert(index($m{body}, "<b>some</b> long <b>text</b>") == -1);
-+    $self->assert(index($m{body}, "<mark>some text</mark>") != -1);
-+    $self->assert(index($m{body}, "<mark>some</mark> long <mark>text</mark>") == -1);
- }
- sub test_search_subjectsnippet
-@@ -1004,10 +959,7 @@ sub test_search_subjectsnippet
-     $self->assert_num_equals(1, scalar @$uids);
-     my %m;
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [ 'fuzzy', 'text', $query ]
--    ) || die;
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { text => $query });
-     %m = map { lc($_->[2]) => $_->[3] } @{ $r->{snippets} };
-     $self->assert_matches(qr/^\[plumbing\]/, $m{subject});
- }
-@@ -1317,11 +1269,10 @@ sub test_detect_language
-     $self->assert_deep_equals([1], $uids);
-     my $r = $talk->select("INBOX") || die;
--    my $uidvalidity = $talk->get_response_code('uidvalidity');
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [ 'fuzzy', 'body', 'atmet' ]
--    ) || die;
--    $self->assert_num_not_equals(-1, index($r->{snippets}[0][3], ' Höhe <b>atmeten</b>.'));
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { body => 'atmet' });
-+use utf8;
-+    $self->assert_num_not_equals(-1, index($r->{snippets}[0][3], ' Höhe <mark>atmeten</mark>.'));
-+no utf8;
- }
- sub test_detect_language_subject
-@@ -1377,12 +1328,9 @@ sub test_detect_language_subject
-     $self->assert_deep_equals([1], $uids);
-     my $r = $talk->select("INBOX") || die;
--    my $uidvalidity = $talk->get_response_code('uidvalidity');
--    $r = $talk->xsnippets( [ [ 'inbox', $uidvalidity, $uids ] ],
--       'utf-8', [ 'fuzzy', 'subject', 'Landschaft' ]
--    ) || die;
-+    $r = $self->get_snippets('INBOX', $uids, { subject => 'Landschaft' });
-     $self->assert_str_equals(
--        'A subject with the German word <b>Landschaften</b>',
-+        'A subject with the German word <mark>Landschaften</mark>',
-         $r->{snippets}[0][3]
-     );
- }
-From 00aafb0fd51aaac1badc3370a250605cff4313b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Bron Gondwana <>
-Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 11:24:58 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH 02/22] imapd: maxsize for appends
- imap/imapd.c    | 4 ++++
- lib/imapoptions | 4 ++++
- 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/imap/imapd.c b/imap/imapd.c
-index a617ff80c..48055ccce 100644
---- a/imap/imapd.c
-+++ b/imap/imapd.c
-@@ -3829,6 +3829,8 @@ static void cmd_append(char *tag, char *name, const char *cur_name)
-     const char *parseerr = NULL, *url = NULL;
-     struct appendstage *curstage;
-     mbentry_t *mbentry = NULL;
-+    size_t maxsize = config_getint(IMAPOPT_APPEND_MAXSIZE) * 1024;
-+    if (!maxsize) maxsize = UINT32_MAX;
-     memset(&appendstate, 0, sizeof(struct appendstate));
-@@ -4004,12 +4006,14 @@ static void cmd_append(char *tag, char *name, const char *cur_name)
-             size = 0;
-             r = append_catenate(curstage->f, cur_name, &size,
-                                 &(curstage->binary), &parseerr, &url);
-+            if (!r && size > maxsize) r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
-             if (r) goto done;
-         }
-         else {
-             /* Read size from literal */
-             r = getliteralsize(arg.s, c, &size, &(curstage->binary), &parseerr);
-             if (!r && size == 0) r = IMAP_ZERO_LENGTH_LITERAL;
-+            if (!r && size > maxsize) r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
-             if (r) goto done;
-             /* Copy message to stage */
-diff --git a/lib/imapoptions b/lib/imapoptions
-index 5cb8ef7b8..786b288fe 100644
---- a/lib/imapoptions
-+++ b/lib/imapoptions
-@@ -296,6 +296,10 @@ Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' are ignored.
-    but might be useful in the meantime for supporting old clients that
-    do not implement the RFC 5464 IMAP METADATA extension. */
-+{ "append_maxsize", 0, INT, "3.3.2" }
-+/* The size in kilobytes of the largest message that can be appended
-+   via IMAP.  If zero, no limit (i.e UINT32_MAX) */
- { "aps_topic", NULL, STRING, "3.0.0" }
- /* Topic for Apple Push Service registration. */
- { "aps_topic_caldav", NULL, STRING, "3.0.0" }
-From 02f158782578d4d99e0915c317ffe9d339180cca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Bron Gondwana <>
-Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 12:54:58 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH 03/22] imapd: push the maxsize down into each parser to avoid
- spooling
- imap/imap_proxy.c |  7 ++++++-
- imap/imap_proxy.h |  2 +-
- imap/imapd.c      | 42 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- imap/index.c      |  7 ++++++-
- imap/index.h      |  2 +-
- 5 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/imap/imap_proxy.c b/imap/imap_proxy.c
-index fb585e680..2dac80455 100644
---- a/imap/imap_proxy.c
-+++ b/imap/imap_proxy.c
-@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ void proxy_copy(const char *tag, char *sequence, char *name, int myrights,
- /* xxx  end of separate proxy-only code */
- int proxy_catenate_url(struct backend *s, struct imapurl *url, FILE *f,
--                       unsigned long *size, const char **parseerr)
-+                       size_t maxsize, unsigned long *size, const char **parseerr)
- {
-     char mytag[128];
-     int c, r = 0, found = 0;
-@@ -1309,6 +1309,11 @@ int proxy_catenate_url(struct backend *s, struct imapurl *url, FILE *f,
-                     if (c == '}') c = prot_getc(s->in);
-                     if (c == '\r') c = prot_getc(s->in);
-                     if (c != '\n') c = EOF;
-+                    if (sz > maxsize) {
-+                        r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
-+                        eatline(s->in, c);
-+                        goto next_resp;
-+                    }
-                 }
-                 else if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') {
-                     c = chomp(s->in, "il");
-diff --git a/imap/imap_proxy.h b/imap/imap_proxy.h
-index aa2170960..89cb02002 100644
---- a/imap/imap_proxy.h
-+++ b/imap/imap_proxy.h
-@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void proxy_copy(const char *tag, char *sequence, char *name, int myrights,
-                 int usinguid, struct backend *s);
- int proxy_catenate_url(struct backend *s, struct imapurl *url, FILE *f,
--                       unsigned long *size, const char **parseerr);
-+                       size_t maxsize, unsigned long *size, const char **parseerr);
- int annotate_fetch_proxy(const char *server, const char *mbox_pat,
-                          const strarray_t *entry_pat,
-diff --git a/imap/imapd.c b/imap/imapd.c
-index 48055ccce..2e55a6285 100644
---- a/imap/imapd.c
-+++ b/imap/imapd.c
-@@ -3534,7 +3534,7 @@ static int isokflag(char *s, int *isseen)
-     }
- }
--static int getliteralsize(const char *p, int c,
-+static int getliteralsize(const char *p, int c, size_t maxsize,
-                           unsigned *size, int *binary, const char **parseerr)
- {
-@@ -3573,6 +3573,9 @@ static int getliteralsize(const char *p, int c,
-         return IMAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
-     }
-+    if (num > maxsize)
-+        return IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
-     if (!isnowait) {
-         /* Tell client to send the message */
-         prot_printf(imapd_out, "+ go ahead\r\n");
-@@ -3584,7 +3587,7 @@ static int getliteralsize(const char *p, int c,
-     return 0;
- }
--static int catenate_text(FILE *f, unsigned *totalsize, int *binary,
-+static int catenate_text(FILE *f, size_t maxsize, unsigned *totalsize, int *binary,
-                          const char **parseerr)
- {
-     int c;
-@@ -3597,11 +3600,9 @@ static int catenate_text(FILE *f, unsigned *totalsize, int *binary,
-     c = getword(imapd_in, &arg);
-     /* Read size from literal */
--    r = getliteralsize(arg.s, c, &size, binary, parseerr);
-+    r = getliteralsize(arg.s, c, maxsize - *totalsize, &size, binary, parseerr);
-     if (r) return r;
--    if (*totalsize > UINT_MAX - size) r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
-     /* Catenate message part to stage */
-     while (size) {
-         n = prot_read(imapd_in, buf, size > 4096 ? 4096 : size);
-@@ -3629,7 +3630,7 @@ static int catenate_text(FILE *f, unsigned *totalsize, int *binary,
- }
- static int catenate_url(const char *s, const char *cur_name, FILE *f,
--                        unsigned *totalsize, const char **parseerr)
-+                        size_t maxsize, unsigned *totalsize, const char **parseerr)
- {
-     struct imapurl url;
-     struct index_state *state;
-@@ -3668,11 +3669,8 @@ static int catenate_url(const char *s, const char *cur_name, FILE *f,
-                                  proxy_userid, &backend_cached,
-                                  &backend_current, &backend_inbox, imapd_in);
-             if (be) {
--                r = proxy_catenate_url(be, &url, f, &size, parseerr);
--                if (*totalsize > UINT_MAX - size)
--                    r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
--                else
--                    *totalsize += size;
-+                r = proxy_catenate_url(be, &url, f, maxsize - *totalsize, &size, parseerr);
-+                *totalsize += size;
-             }
-             else
-                 r = IMAP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE;
-@@ -3727,14 +3725,12 @@ static int catenate_url(const char *s, const char *cur_name, FILE *f,
-         struct protstream *s = prot_new(fileno(f), 1);
-         r = index_urlfetch(state, msgno, 0, url.section,
--                           url.start_octet, url.octet_count, s, &size);
-+                           url.start_octet, url.octet_count, s,
-+                           maxsize - *totalsize, &size);
-         if (r == IMAP_BADURL)
-             *parseerr = "No such message part";
-         else if (!r) {
--            if (*totalsize > UINT_MAX - size)
--                r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
--            else
--                *totalsize += size;
-+            *totalsize += size;
-         }
-         prot_flush(s);
-@@ -3751,7 +3747,7 @@ static int catenate_url(const char *s, const char *cur_name, FILE *f,
-     return r;
- }
--static int append_catenate(FILE *f, const char *cur_name, unsigned *totalsize,
-+static int append_catenate(FILE *f, const char *cur_name, size_t maxsize, unsigned *totalsize,
-                            int *binary, const char **parseerr, const char **url)
- {
-     int c, r = 0;
-@@ -3765,7 +3761,7 @@ static int append_catenate(FILE *f, const char *cur_name, unsigned *totalsize,
-         }
-         if (!strcasecmp(arg.s, "TEXT")) {
--            int r1 = catenate_text(f, totalsize, binary, parseerr);
-+            int r1 = catenate_text(f, maxsize, totalsize, binary, parseerr);
-             if (r1) return r1;
-             /* if we see a SP, we're trying to catenate more than one part */
-@@ -3781,7 +3777,7 @@ static int append_catenate(FILE *f, const char *cur_name, unsigned *totalsize,
-             }
-             if (!r) {
--                r = catenate_url(arg.s, cur_name, f, totalsize, parseerr);
-+                r = catenate_url(arg.s, cur_name, f, maxsize, totalsize, parseerr);
-                 if (r) {
-                     *url = arg.s;
-                     return r;
-@@ -4004,16 +4000,14 @@ static void cmd_append(char *tag, char *name, const char *cur_name)
-             /* Catenate the message part(s) to stage */
-             size = 0;
--            r = append_catenate(curstage->f, cur_name, &size,
-+            r = append_catenate(curstage->f, cur_name, maxsize, &size,
-                                 &(curstage->binary), &parseerr, &url);
--            if (!r && size > maxsize) r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
-             if (r) goto done;
-         }
-         else {
-             /* Read size from literal */
--            r = getliteralsize(arg.s, c, &size, &(curstage->binary), &parseerr);
-+            r = getliteralsize(arg.s, c, maxsize, &size, &(curstage->binary), &parseerr);
-             if (!r && size == 0) r = IMAP_ZERO_LENGTH_LITERAL;
--            if (!r && size > maxsize) r = IMAP_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE;
-             if (r) goto done;
-             /* Copy message to stage */
-@@ -14010,7 +14004,7 @@ static void cmd_urlfetch(char *tag)
-         } else {
-             r = index_urlfetch(state, msgno, params, url.section,
-                                url.start_octet, url.octet_count,
--                               imapd_out, NULL);
-+                               imapd_out, UINT32_MAX, NULL);
-         }
-     err:
-diff --git a/imap/index.c b/imap/index.c
-index ef537aa55..35ca866aa 100644
---- a/imap/index.c
-+++ b/imap/index.c
-@@ -4550,7 +4550,7 @@ static int index_fetchreply(struct index_state *state, uint32_t msgno,
- EXPORTED int index_urlfetch(struct index_state *state, uint32_t msgno,
-                    unsigned params, const char *section,
-                    unsigned long start_octet, unsigned long octet_count,
--                   struct protstream *pout, unsigned long *outsize)
-+                   struct protstream *pout, size_t maxsize, unsigned long *outsize)
- {
-     /* dumbass eM_Client sends this:
-      * A4 APPEND "INBOX.Junk Mail" () "14-Jul-2013 17:01:02 +0000"
-@@ -4723,6 +4723,11 @@ EXPORTED int index_urlfetch(struct index_state *state, uint32_t msgno,
-         n = size - start_octet;
-     }
-+    if (n > maxsize) {
-+        goto done;
-+    }
-     if (outsize) {
-         /* Return size (CATENATE) */
-         *outsize = n;
-diff --git a/imap/index.h b/imap/index.h
-index 196607f3f..bf8006d9b 100644
---- a/imap/index.h
-+++ b/imap/index.h
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ extern struct seqset *index_vanished(struct index_state *state,
- extern int index_urlfetch(struct index_state *state, uint32_t msgno,
-                           unsigned params, const char *section,
-                           unsigned long start_octet, unsigned long octet_count,
--                          struct protstream *pout, unsigned long *size);
-+                          struct protstream *pout, size_t maxsize, unsigned long *size);
- extern char *index_get_msgid(struct index_state *state, uint32_t msgno);
- extern struct nntp_overview *index_overview(struct index_state *state,
-                                             uint32_t msgno);
-From 133a11ebfd9e3f659da3081d8e7c9f416c8ead3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Bron Gondwana <>
-Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 08:11:31 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH 04/22] use maxmessagesize rather than our own config option
- imap/imapd.c    | 2 +-
- lib/imapoptions | 4 ----
- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/imap/imapd.c b/imap/imapd.c
-index 2e55a6285..d9a9dd776 100644
---- a/imap/imapd.c
-+++ b/imap/imapd.c
-@@ -3825,7 +3825,7 @@ static void cmd_append(char *tag, char *name, const char *cur_name)
-     const char *parseerr = NULL, *url = NULL;
-     struct appendstage *curstage;
-     mbentry_t *mbentry = NULL;
--    size_t maxsize = config_getint(IMAPOPT_APPEND_MAXSIZE) * 1024;
-+    size_t maxsize = config_getint(IMAPOPT_MAXMESSAGESIZE) * 1024;
-     if (!maxsize) maxsize = UINT32_MAX;
-     memset(&appendstate, 0, sizeof(struct appendstate));
-diff --git a/lib/imapoptions b/lib/imapoptions
-index 786b288fe..5cb8ef7b8 100644
---- a/lib/imapoptions
-+++ b/lib/imapoptions
-@@ -296,10 +296,6 @@ Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' are ignored.
-    but might be useful in the meantime for supporting old clients that
-    do not implement the RFC 5464 IMAP METADATA extension. */
--{ "append_maxsize", 0, INT, "3.3.2" }
--/* The size in kilobytes of the largest message that can be appended
--   via IMAP.  If zero, no limit (i.e UINT32_MAX) */
- { "aps_topic", NULL, STRING, "3.0.0" }
- /* Topic for Apple Push Service registration. */
- { "aps_topic_caldav", NULL, STRING, "3.0.0" }
-From ddc431769b61eef06550da624c1c99a2fd620dbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: ellie timoney <>
-Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 11:31:58 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH 05/22] imapd: read maxmsgsize once at startup
-Based on:
-40793dfde8c96797d86f80e9f461bea61bca3bc9 imapd.c: Advertise APPENDLIMIT= capability
-but without introducing the APPENDLIMIT= capability
- imap/imapd.c | 6 ++++--
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/imap/imapd.c b/imap/imapd.c
-index d9a9dd776..e7cf600c7 100644
---- a/imap/imapd.c
-+++ b/imap/imapd.c
-@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ static int imaps = 0;
- static sasl_ssf_t extprops_ssf = 0;
- static int nosaslpasswdcheck = 0;
- static int apns_enabled = 0;
-+static size_t maxsize = 0;
- /* we want a list of our outgoing connections here and which one we're
-@@ -908,6 +909,9 @@ int service_init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
-     prometheus_increment(CYRUS_IMAP_READY_LISTENERS);
-+    maxsize = config_getint(IMAPOPT_MAXMESSAGESIZE) * 1024;
-+    if (!maxsize) maxsize = UINT32_MAX;
-     return 0;
- }
-@@ -3825,8 +3829,6 @@ static void cmd_append(char *tag, char *name, const char *cur_name)
-     const char *parseerr = NULL, *url = NULL;
-     struct appendstage *curstage;
-     mbentry_t *mbentry = NULL;
--    size_t maxsize = config_getint(IMAPOPT_MAXMESSAGESIZE) * 1024;
--    if (!maxsize) maxsize = UINT32_MAX;
-     memset(&appendstate, 0, sizeof(struct appendstate));
-From a32fe042bc503a36393e7d888b26b6c1759cf6b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matthew Horsfall <>
-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 14:57:02 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 06/22] imap/imapd.c: IMAPOPT_MAXMESSAGESIZE is bytes, not
- kilobytes
-I think this was a mistake added in bf28aa3fb6 when replacing
*** 4888 LINES SKIPPED ***