Re: git: 3426640f52e5 - main - mail/thunderbird: update to 115.10.0 (rc2)

From: Christoph Moench-Tegeder <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 21:21:27 UTC
## Cy Schubert (

> Ports already installs the latest rust-cbindgen available.

rust-cbindgen doesn't release that often anyways.

> I don't see any 
> llvm dependency in its Makefile. Does it implicitly rely on the LLVM 
> installed on the system? If it does, it makes sense that it would fail on 
> 15-CURRENT. If not, there must be some other explanation.

I'd rather suspect libc++ shenanigans (_Pred just sounds like that).
Also, the geckos generally build just fine with llvm 18 (but of
course the same old libc++ from the base system - except in your
case it's not that old maybe).


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