git: 81c4ecd37c4a - main - cleanup: Remove expired GhostScript 7 ports:

From: Rene Ladan <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 21:54:59 UTC
The branch main has been updated by rene:


commit 81c4ecd37c4a21200f1989d043d23354f28ff7d7
Author:     Rene Ladan <>
AuthorDate: 2023-06-30 21:38:40 +0000
Commit:     Rene Ladan <>
CommitDate: 2023-06-30 21:54:46 +0000

    cleanup: Remove expired GhostScript 7 ports:
    2023-06-30 print/ghostscript7-base: Obsolete and unsupported upstream, consider using a more recent version
    2023-06-30 print/ghostscript7-commfont: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
    2023-06-30 print/ghostscript7-korfont: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
    2023-06-30 print/ghostscript7-x11: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
    2023-06-30 print/ghostscript7-jpnfont: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
 MOVED                                              |   5 +
 print/Makefile                                     |   5 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile                   | 127 ---
 print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile.drivers           | 759 ----------------
 print/ghostscript7-base/distinfo                   |  38 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.alps        |  21 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.bj10v       |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.bjc250      |  21 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.cdj880      |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.cdj970      |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.cpca        |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.dmprt       |  27 -
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.drivers_post  | 233 -----
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.epag        |  37 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.eplaser     |  25 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.gdi         |  17 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.gprint      |  41 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.lex7000     |  18 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.lips        |  27 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.lx5000      |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.lxm3200     |  22 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.md2k        |  23 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.mjc         |  26 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/Makefile.pcl3        |  36 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/bjc250.contrib.mak   |  31 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/cdj850.contrib.mak   |  21 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/epag.contrib.mak     |   8 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/lex7000.contrib.mak  |  21 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/lqx70ch.upp          |  26 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/lqx70cl.upp          |  26 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/lqx70cm.upp          |  25 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/lx5000.contrib.mak   |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/lxm3200.contrib.mak  |  10 -
 .../files/patch-alps_gdevalps.mak                  |  25 -
 .../files/patch-eplaser_gdevescv.c                 |  84 --
 .../files/patch-eplaser_gdevesmv.c                 |  84 --
 .../files/patch-gdev10v_gdev10v.mak                |  22 -
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/  |  51 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/ |  27 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/  |  13 -
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/  |  98 --
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/  |  23 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/  | 198 ----
 .../files/         |  40 -
 .../files/patch-lib_ps2epsi.CAN-2004-0967          |  12 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-lib_ps2pdfwr   | 173 ----
 .../files/            |  16 -
 .../files/        |  29 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-lips_gdevl4r.c |  97 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-lips_gdevl4v.c | 154 ----
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-lips_gdevlips.c  |  18 -
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-lips_gdevlips.h  |  17 -
 .../files/patch-lips_gdevlips.mak                  |  61 --
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-lips_gdevlprn.h  |  16 -
 .../files/patch-md2k_gdevmd2k.mak                  |  19 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-mjc_gdevmjc.c  | 335 -------
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-mjc_gdevmjc.mak  |  43 -
 .../files/patch-pcl3-src-contrib.mak-7.00.add      |  70 --
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/  | 170 ----
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/ | 172 ----
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_contrib.mak  |  17 -
 .../files/patch-src_cpca__gdev.mak                 |  15 -
 .../files/patch-src_cpca_mk_cmd.c                  | 270 ------
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_devs.mak   |  65 --
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/  |  10 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_dviprlib.c |  13 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gconf.c    |  43 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevdmpr.c |  11 -
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevdmpr.mak |  21 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevgdi.c  | 983 --------------------
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevhl12.c |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevijs.c  | 659 --------------
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevl256.c |  15 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevlbp8.c |  70 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevpdff.c |  59 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevpdff.h |  37 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevpdfs.c |  41 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevpdfw.c |  60 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevpng.c  | 187 ----
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevvglb.c |  15 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gdevxalt.c |  31 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_genarch.c  |  34 -
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gnudevs.mak  |  67 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gp__unix.c |  80 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gs.mak     |  19 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gsalloc.c  |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gsmalloc.c |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gxclrast.c |  15 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gxfixed.h  |  46 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_gxobj.h    |  17 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_ibnum.c    |  49 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_ibnum.h    |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_icclib.mak |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_idebug.c   |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_idparam.c  |  21 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_ijs.mak    |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_int.mak    |  24 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_iparam.c   |  33 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_iref.h     |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_iscan.c    |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_iscanbin.c |  83 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_iscannum.c | 203 -----
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_iutil.c    |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_lib.mak    |  46 -
 .../files/patch-src_smartgdi-contrib.mak           |  16 -
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_unix-dll.mak |  87 --
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_unix-gcc.mak | 133 ---
 .../ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_unixinst.mak | 122 ---
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zarith.c   |  48 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zcontrol.c |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zdict.c    |  29 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zdps.c     |  25 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zfunc4.c   |  13 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zgeneric.c |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_ziodev.c   |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zmath.c    |  18 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zmedia2.c  |  25 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_zstack.c   |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/patch-src_ztype.c    |  34 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/stc740ih.upp         |  60 --
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/stc740p.upp          |  36 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/stc740pl.upp         |  32 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/files/stp.contrib.mak      |  14 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/pkg-descr                  |  23 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/pkg-message                |   7 -
 print/ghostscript7-base/pkg-plist                  | 367 --------
 print/ghostscript7-commfont/Makefile               |  40 -
 print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/      | 139 ---
 print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/   |  17 -
 .../files/                      |   9 -
 print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/ |  11 -
 .../files/                    |   9 -
 print/ghostscript7-commfont/pkg-descr              |   2 -
 print/ghostscript7-commfont/pkg-plist              | 995 ---------------------
 print/ghostscript7-jpnfont/Makefile                |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-jpnfont/pkg-descr               |   1 -
 print/ghostscript7-korfont/Makefile                |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-korfont/pkg-descr               |   1 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/Makefile                    |  54 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/distinfo                    |  38 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/ | 166 ----
 .../ghostscript7-x11/files/  | 199 -----
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_devs.mak    |  65 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gconf.c     |  43 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevhl12.c  |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevijs.c   | 659 --------------
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevl256.c  |  15 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevlbp8.c  |  69 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevpdff.c  |  58 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevpdff.h  |  36 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevpdfs.c  |  41 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevpdfw.c  |  59 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevpng.c   | 187 ----
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevvglb.c  |  15 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gdevxalt.c  |  31 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_genarch.c   |  34 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gnudevs.mak |  67 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gp__unix.c  |  83 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gs.mak      |  19 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gsalloc.c   |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gsmalloc.c  |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gxclrast.c  |  15 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gxfixed.h   |  46 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_gxobj.h     |  17 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_ibnum.c     |  49 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_ibnum.h     |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_icclib.mak  |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_idebug.c    |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_idparam.c   |  21 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_ijs.mak     |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_int.mak     |  24 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_iparam.c    |  33 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_iref.h      |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_iscan.c     |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_iscanbin.c  |  83 --
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_iscannum.c  | 203 -----
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_iutil.c     |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_lib.mak     |  46 -
 .../ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_unix-dll.mak  |  87 --
 .../ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_unixinst.mak  | 122 ---
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zarith.c    |  48 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zcontrol.c  |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zdict.c     |  29 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zdps.c      |  25 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zfunc4.c    |  13 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zgeneric.c  |  20 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_ziodev.c    |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zmath.c     |  18 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zmedia2.c   |  25 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_zstack.c    |  11 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/files/patch-src_ztype.c     |  34 -
 print/ghostscript7-x11/pkg-descr                   |   7 -
 192 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 12770 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED
index c761531a13cd..c630bb3a7a9a 100644
--- a/MOVED
+++ b/MOVED
@@ -7747,3 +7747,8 @@ devel/libdlna||2023-06-30|Has expired: Abandonware, development discontinued
 textproc/rubygem-ferret||2023-06-30|Has expired: Broken with all supported Ruby versions
 databases/py-pg8000-112|databases/py-pg8000|2023-06-30|Has expired: EOLd, use www/py-pg8000 instead
 databases/caterva|archivers/c-blosc2|2023-06-30|Has expired: Use archivers/c-blosc2 instead. All the features of Caterva have been included in the C-Blosc2 NDim object
+print/ghostscript7-base||2023-06-30|Has expired: Obsolete and unsupported upstream, consider using a more recent version
+print/ghostscript7-commfont||2023-06-30|Has expired: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
+print/ghostscript7-korfont||2023-06-30|Has expired: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
+print/ghostscript7-x11||2023-06-30|Has expired: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
+print/ghostscript7-jpnfont||2023-06-30|Has expired: Obsolete and unsupported upstream
diff --git a/print/Makefile b/print/Makefile
index c9e88310e4e4..8c36fbf04a30 100644
--- a/print/Makefile
+++ b/print/Makefile
@@ -57,11 +57,6 @@
     SUBDIR += freetype2
     SUBDIR += ft2demos
     SUBDIR += ghostscript10
-    SUBDIR += ghostscript7-base
-    SUBDIR += ghostscript7-commfont
-    SUBDIR += ghostscript7-jpnfont
-    SUBDIR += ghostscript7-korfont
-    SUBDIR += ghostscript7-x11
     SUBDIR += ghostscript8-base
     SUBDIR += ghostscript8-x11
     SUBDIR += ghostscript9-agpl-base
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile b/print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d5135ff2ee50..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-PORTNAME=	ghostscript
-MASTER_SITES=	SF/ghostscript/gnu-gs/${PORTVERSION}:gs_srcs \
-		PORTS_JP:ports_jp,ports_jp_gs
-COMMENT=	Ghostscript 7.x PostScript interpreter
-DEPRECATED=	Obsolete and unsupported upstream, consider using a more recent version
-FORBIDDEN=	CVE-2023-28879
-RUN_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/share/ghostscript/fonts/a010013l.pfb:print/gsfonts
-CONFLICTS_INSTALL=	ghostscript*-base # CHECK
-USES=		autoreconf cpe gmake jpeg shebangfix tar:bzip2
-CPE_VENDOR=	artifex
-# normazile WRKSRC so things like cups-pstoraster may work
-CONFIGURE_ARGS=	--disable-compile-inits \
-		--enable-dynamic \
-		--with-ijs \
-		--without-x
-		-I${WRKSRC}/gimp-print \
-		-I${LOCALBASE}/include
-XLDFLAGS=	-lpthread \
-		-L${LOCALBASE}/lib \
-		-L${WRKSRC}/gimp-print
-INSTALL_TARGET=	soinstall
-post-extract: post-extract-all
-.include "Makefile.drivers"
-.include <>
-.include "files/Makefile.drivers_post"
-.for D in ${OPTIONS_DEFINE:MGS_*:S/^GS_//} \
-PLIST_SUB+=	GS_${D}=""
-PLIST_SUB+=	GS_${D}="@comment "
-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGS_pcl3}
-ALL_TARGET+=	pcl3opts
-# contributed uniprint profiles
-CONTRIB_UPP=	lqx70ch.upp lqx70cl.upp lqx70cm.upp \
-		stc740ih.upp stc740p.upp stc740pl.upp
-	    ${WRKSRC}/lib/
-	@${ECHO_CMD} '# automatically generated' > ${WRKSRC}/src/drivers.mak
-.for N in ${DEVS_LIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} 'DEVICE_${N}=' >> ${WRKSRC}/src/drivers.mak
-.for D in ${OPTIONS_DEFINE:MGS_*:S/^GS_//} \
-	${OPTIONS_MULTI_X11:MGS_*:S/^GS_//} \
-.for N in ${DEVS_LIST}
-.if !defined(OPTIONS_UNSET) || !${OPTIONS_UNSET:MGS_${D}}
-.for X in ${DEVICE_${N}:M${D}.dev}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} 'DEVICE_${N}+= $$(DD)${D}.dev'  >> ${WRKSRC}/src/drivers.mak
-	${CAT} /dev/null ${EXTRADEVMKFILE} > ${WRKSRC}/src/contrib_extra.mak
-	${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/obj ${WRKSRC}/bin
-pre-build: pre-build-all pre-build-drivers.mak pre-build-contrib_extra.mak
-	${LN} -sf gsc ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/gs
-post-install-DOCS-on: post-install-docs
-.include <>
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile.drivers b/print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile.drivers
deleted file mode 100644
index 721d9b497d91..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-base/Makefile.drivers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
-	GS_lvga256 \
-	GS_vgalib
-	GS_md2k \
-	GS_md5k \
-	GS_md50Mono \
-	GS_md50Eco \
-	GS_md1xMono \
-	GS_appledmp \
-	GS_iwhi \
-	GS_iwlo \
-	GS_iwlq \
-	GS_hl7x0 \
-	GS_hl1240 \
-	GS_hl1250 \
-	GS_bj10e \
-	GS_bj10v \
-	GS_bj10vh \
-	GS_bj200 \
-	GS_bjc600 \
-	GS_bjc800 \
-	GS_bjccmyk \
-	GS_bjccolor \
-	GS_bjcgray \
-	GS_bjcmono \
-	GS_lbp8 \
-	GS_lbp1310 \
-	GS_lbp1510 \
-	GS_lbp1610 \
-	GS_lbp1710 \
-	GS_lbp1810 \
-	GS_lbp1910 \
-	GS_lips2p \
-	GS_lips3 \
-	GS_lips4 \
-	GS_bjc880j \
-	GS_lips4v \
-	GS_m8510 \
-	GS_coslw2p \
-	GS_coslwxl \
-	GS_stp \
-	GS_uniprint \
-	GS_dmprt \
-	GS_lj250 \
-	GS_declj250 \
-	GS_ap3250 \
-	GS_epson \
-	GS_eps9mid \
-	GS_eps9high \
-	GS_lp8000 \
-	GS_epag \
-	GS_escpage \
-	GS_lp2000 \
-	GS_alc8600 \
-	GS_alc8500 \
-	GS_alc2000 \
-	GS_alc4000 \
-	GS_alc1900 \
-	GS_alc4100 \
-	GS_lp9800c \
-	GS_lp9000c \
-	GS_lp9500c \
-	GS_lp8800c \
-	GS_lp8300c \
-	GS_lp8500c \
-	GS_lp3000c \
-	GS_lp8200c \
-	GS_lp8000c \
-	GS_epl6100 \
-	GS_epl5900 \
-	GS_epl5800 \
-	GS_epl2050 \
-	GS_epl2050p \
-	GS_epl2120 \
-	GS_epl2500 \
-	GS_epl2750 \
-	GS_lp9000b \
-	GS_lp2500 \
-	GS_lp9100 \
-	GS_lp7900 \
-	GS_lp7500 \
-	GS_lp2400 \
-	GS_lp2200 \
-	GS_lp9400 \
-	GS_lp8900 \
-	GS_lp8700 \
-	GS_lp8100 \
-	GS_lp7700 \
-	GS_lp8600f \
-	GS_lp8400f \
-	GS_lp8300f \
-	GS_lp1900 \
-	GS_lp9600s \
-	GS_lp9300 \
-	GS_lp9600 \
-	GS_lp8600 \
-	GS_lp1800 \
-	GS_lq850 \
-	GS_epsonc \
-	GS_mjc180 \
-	GS_mjc360 \
-	GS_mjc720 \
-	GS_mj500c \
-	GS_st800 \
-	GS_stcolor \
-	GS_photoex \
-	GS_lp2563 \
-	GS_dnj650c \
-	GS_deskjet \
-	GS_djet500 \
-	GS_cdeskjet \
-	GS_djet500c \
-	GS_cdjcolor \
-	GS_cdjmono \
-	GS_cdj500 \
-	GS_cdj550 \
-	GS_cdj670 \
-	GS_cdj850 \
-	GS_cdj880 \
-	GS_cdj890 \
-	GS_cdj1600 \
-	GS_cdj970 \
-	GS_laserjet \
-	GS_ljetplus \
-	GS_ljet2p \
-	GS_ljet3 \
-	GS_ljet3d \
-	GS_ljet4 \
-	GS_ljet4d \
-	GS_lj4dith \
-	GS_cljet5 \
-	GS_cljet5c \
-	GS_cljet5pr \
-	GS_lj5mono \
-	GS_lj5gray \
-	GS_pj \
-	GS_pjetxl \
-	GS_pjxl \
-	GS_paintjet \
-	GS_pjxl300 \
-	GS_pxlmono \
-	GS_pxlcolor \
-	GS_pcl3 \
-	GS_ijs \
-	GS_ibmpro \
-	GS_jetp3852 \
-	GS_imagen \
-	GS_fs600 \
-	GS_lxm5700m \
-	GS_lxm3200 \
-	GS_lx5000 \
-	GS_lex2050 \
-	GS_lex3200 \
-	GS_lex5700 \
-	GS_lex7000 \
-	GS_cp50 \
-	GS_necp6 \
-	GS_npdl \
-	GS_oce9050 \
-	GS_oki182 \
-	GS_okiibm \
-	GS_atx23 \
-	GS_atx24 \
-	GS_atx38 \
-	GS_r4081 \
-	GS_rpdl \
-	GS_gdi \
-	GS_sj48 \
-	GS_t4693d2 \
-	GS_t4693d4 \
-	GS_t4693d8 \
-	GS_tek4696 \
-	GS_bmpmono \
-	GS_bmpgray \
-	GS_bmp16 \
-	GS_bmp256 \
-	GS_bmp16m \
-	GS_bmp32b \
-	GS_bmpsep1 \
-	GS_bmpsep8 \
-	GS_ccr \
-	GS_cgmmono \
-	GS_cgm8 \
-	GS_cgm24 \
-	GS_cif \
-	GS_dfaxhigh \
-	GS_dfaxlow \
-	GS_faxg3 \
-	GS_faxg32d \
-	GS_faxg4 \
-	GS_miff24 \
-	GS_inferno \
-	GS_jpeg \
-	GS_jpeggray \
-	GS_mgrmono \
-	GS_mgrgray2 \
-	GS_mgrgray4 \
-	GS_mgrgray8 \
-	GS_mgr4 \
-	GS_mgr8 \
-	GS_pcxmono \
-	GS_pcxgray \
-	GS_pcx16 \
-	GS_pcx256 \
-	GS_pcx24b \
-	GS_pcxcmyk \
-	GS_pdfwrite \
-	GS_bit \
-	GS_bitrgb \
-	GS_bitcmyk \
-	GS_plan9bm \
-	GS_pam \
-	GS_pbm \
-	GS_pbmraw \
-	GS_pgm \
-	GS_pgmraw \
-	GS_pgnm \
-	GS_pgnmraw \
-	GS_pnm \
-	GS_pnmraw \
-	GS_ppm \
-	GS_ppmraw \
-	GS_pkm \
-	GS_pkmraw \
-	GS_pksm \
-	GS_pksmraw \
-	GS_pngmono \
-	GS_pnggray \
-	GS_png16 \
-	GS_png256 \
-	GS_png16m \
-	GS_pngalpha \
-	GS_psmono \
-	GS_psgray \
-	GS_psrgb \
-	GS_pswrite \
-	GS_epswrite \
-	GS_sgirgb \
-	GS_sunhmono \
-	GS_tiffcrle \
-	GS_tiffg3 \
-	GS_tiffg32d \
-	GS_tiffg4 \
-	GS_tiff12nc \
-	GS_tiff24nc \
-	GS_tifflzw \
-	GS_tiffpack \
-	GS_bbox
-	GS_md2k \
-	GS_md5k \
-	GS_md50Mono \
-	GS_md50Eco \
-	GS_md1xMono \
-	GS_appledmp \
-	GS_iwhi \
-	GS_iwlo \
-	GS_iwlq \
-	GS_hl7x0 \
-	GS_hl1240 \
-	GS_hl1250 \
-	GS_bj10e \
-	GS_bj10v \
-	GS_bj10vh \
-	GS_bj200 \
-	GS_bjc600 \
-	GS_bjc800 \
-	GS_bjccmyk \
-	GS_bjccolor \
-	GS_bjcgray \
-	GS_bjcmono \
-	GS_lbp8 \
-	GS_lbp1310 \
-	GS_lbp1510 \
-	GS_lbp1610 \
-	GS_lbp1710 \
-	GS_lbp1810 \
-	GS_lbp1910 \
-	GS_lips2p \
-	GS_lips3 \
-	GS_lips4 \
-	GS_bjc880j \
-	GS_lips4v \
-	GS_m8510 \
-	GS_coslw2p \
-	GS_coslwxl \
-	GS_stp \
-	GS_uniprint \
-	GS_dmprt \
-	GS_lj250 \
-	GS_declj250 \
-	GS_ap3250 \
-	GS_epson \
-	GS_eps9mid \
-	GS_eps9high \
-	GS_lp8000 \
-	GS_epag \
-	GS_escpage \
-	GS_lp2000 \
-	GS_alc8600 \
-	GS_alc8500 \
-	GS_alc2000 \
-	GS_alc4000 \
-	GS_alc1900 \
-	GS_alc4100 \
-	GS_lp9800c \
-	GS_lp9000c \
-	GS_lp9500c \
-	GS_lp8800c \
-	GS_lp8300c \
-	GS_lp8500c \
-	GS_lp3000c \
-	GS_lp8200c \
-	GS_lp8000c \
-	GS_epl6100 \
-	GS_epl5900 \
-	GS_epl5800 \
-	GS_epl2050 \
-	GS_epl2050p \
-	GS_epl2120 \
-	GS_epl2500 \
-	GS_epl2750 \
-	GS_lp9000b \
-	GS_lp2500 \
-	GS_lp9100 \
-	GS_lp7900 \
-	GS_lp7500 \
-	GS_lp2400 \
-	GS_lp2200 \
-	GS_lp9400 \
-	GS_lp8900 \
-	GS_lp8700 \
-	GS_lp8100 \
-	GS_lp7700 \
-	GS_lp8600f \
-	GS_lp8400f \
-	GS_lp8300f \
-	GS_lp1900 \
-	GS_lp9600s \
-	GS_lp9300 \
-	GS_lp9600 \
-	GS_lp8600 \
-	GS_lp1800 \
-	GS_lq850 \
-	GS_epsonc \
-	GS_mjc180 \
-	GS_mjc360 \
-	GS_mjc720 \
-	GS_mj500c \
-	GS_st800 \
-	GS_stcolor \
-	GS_photoex \
-	GS_lp2563 \
-	GS_dnj650c \
-	GS_deskjet \
-	GS_djet500 \
-	GS_cdeskjet \
-	GS_djet500c \
-	GS_cdjcolor \
-	GS_cdjmono \
-	GS_cdj500 \
-	GS_cdj550 \
-	GS_cdj670 \
-	GS_cdj850 \
-	GS_cdj880 \
-	GS_cdj890 \
-	GS_cdj1600 \
-	GS_cdj970 \
-	GS_laserjet \
-	GS_ljetplus \
-	GS_ljet2p \
-	GS_ljet3 \
-	GS_ljet3d \
-	GS_ljet4 \
-	GS_ljet4d \
-	GS_lj4dith \
-	GS_cljet5 \
-	GS_cljet5c \
-	GS_cljet5pr \
-	GS_lj5mono \
-	GS_lj5gray \
-	GS_pj \
-	GS_pjetxl \
-	GS_pjxl \
-	GS_paintjet \
-	GS_pjxl300 \
-	GS_pxlmono \
-	GS_pxlcolor \
-	GS_pcl3 \
-	GS_ijs \
-	GS_ibmpro \
-	GS_jetp3852 \
-	GS_imagen \
-	GS_fs600 \
-	GS_lxm5700m \
-	GS_lxm3200 \
-	GS_lx5000 \
-	GS_lex2050 \
-	GS_lex3200 \
-	GS_lex5700 \
-	GS_lex7000 \
-	GS_cp50 \
-	GS_necp6 \
-	GS_npdl \
-	GS_oce9050 \
-	GS_oki182 \
-	GS_okiibm \
-	GS_atx23 \
-	GS_atx24 \
-	GS_atx38 \
-	GS_r4081 \
-	GS_rpdl \
-	GS_gdi \
-	GS_sj48 \
-	GS_t4693d2 \
-	GS_t4693d4 \
-	GS_t4693d8 \
-	GS_tek4696 \
-	GS_bmpmono \
-	GS_bmpgray \
-	GS_bmp16 \
-	GS_bmp256 \
-	GS_bmp16m \
-	GS_bmp32b \
-	GS_bmpsep1 \
-	GS_bmpsep8 \
-	GS_ccr \
-	GS_cgmmono \
-	GS_cgm8 \
-	GS_cgm24 \
-	GS_cif \
-	GS_dfaxhigh \
-	GS_dfaxlow \
-	GS_faxg3 \
-	GS_faxg32d \
-	GS_faxg4 \
-	GS_miff24 \
-	GS_inferno \
-	GS_jpeg \
-	GS_jpeggray \
-	GS_mgrmono \
-	GS_mgrgray2 \
-	GS_mgrgray4 \
-	GS_mgrgray8 \
-	GS_mgr4 \
-	GS_mgr8 \
-	GS_pcxmono \
-	GS_pcxgray \
-	GS_pcx16 \
-	GS_pcx256 \
-	GS_pcx24b \
-	GS_pcxcmyk \
-	GS_pdfwrite \
-	GS_bit \
-	GS_bitrgb \
-	GS_bitcmyk \
-	GS_plan9bm \
-	GS_pam \
-	GS_pbm \
-	GS_pbmraw \
-	GS_pgm \
-	GS_pgmraw \
-	GS_pgnm \
-	GS_pgnmraw \
-	GS_pnm \
-	GS_pnmraw \
-	GS_ppm \
-	GS_ppmraw \
-	GS_pkm \
-	GS_pkmraw \
-	GS_pksm \
-	GS_pksmraw \
-	GS_pngmono \
-	GS_pnggray \
-	GS_png16 \
-	GS_png256 \
-	GS_png16m \
-	GS_pngalpha \
-	GS_psmono \
-	GS_psgray \
-	GS_psrgb \
-	GS_pswrite \
-	GS_epswrite \
-	GS_sgirgb \
-	GS_sunhmono \
-	GS_tiffcrle \
-	GS_tiffg3 \
-	GS_tiffg32d \
-	GS_tiffg4 \
-	GS_tiff12nc \
-	GS_tiff24nc \
-	GS_tifflzw \
-	GS_tiffpack \
-	GS_bbox
-GS_x11_DESC=		D: X Window System version 11, release >=4
-GS_x11alpha_DESC=	D: X Window System masquer. alpha capability
-GS_x11cmyk_DESC=	D: X Window System masquer. 1bit/plane CMYK
-GS_x11cmyk2_DESC=	D: X Window System 2-bit-per-plane CMYK
-GS_x11cmyk4_DESC=	D: X Window System 4-bit-per-plane CMYK
-GS_x11cmyk8_DESC=	D: X Window System 8-bit-per-plane CMYK
-GS_x11gray2_DESC=	D: X Window System 2-bit gray-scale
-GS_x11gray4_DESC=	D: X Window System 4-bit gray-scale
-GS_x11mono_DESC=	D: X Window System masquer. black-and-white
-GS_x11rg16x_DESC=	D: X Window System G5/B5/R6 pixel layout
-GS_x11rg32x_DESC=	D: X Window System G11/B10/R11 pixel layout
-GS_lvga256_DESC=	D: SVGAlib, 256-color VGA modes
-GS_vgalib_DESC=		D: SVGAlib, 16-color VGA modes
-GS_md2k_DESC=		D: ALPS MD-2000/2010/4000/1300/1500/5000
-GS_md5k_DESC=		D: ALPS MD-5000 Eco Mode
-GS_md50Mono_DESC=	D: ALPS MD-5000 Monochrome
-GS_md50Eco_DESC=	D: ALPS MD-5000 Eco Mode
-GS_md1xMono_DESC=	D: ALPS MD-1x00 Monochrome
-GS_appledmp_DESC=	D: Apple Dot Matrix Printer/Imagewriter
-GS_iwhi_DESC=		D: Apple Imagewriter, high-resolution mode
-GS_iwlo_DESC=		D: Apple Imagewriter, low-resolution mode
-GS_iwlq_DESC=		D: Apple Imagewriter LQ in 320x216dpi mode
-GS_hl7x0_DESC=		D: Brother HL-720/730/760(=PCL), MFC6550MC
-GS_hl1240_DESC=		D: Brother HL-1030/1240
-GS_hl1250_DESC=		D: Brother HL-1050/1070/1250/1270N
-GS_bj10e_DESC=		D: Canon BJ-10e
-GS_bj10v_DESC=		D: Canon BJ-10v
-GS_bj10vh_DESC=		D: Canon BJ-10v, high-mergin
-GS_bj200_DESC=		D: Canon BJ-200/BJC-240(mono)
-GS_bjc600_DESC=		D: Canon BJC-600/4xxx/70, StyleWriter 2x00
-GS_bjc800_DESC=		D: Canon BJC-240/800
-GS_bjccmyk_DESC=	D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000
-GS_bjccolor_DESC=	D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 truecolor
-GS_bjcgray_DESC=	D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 grayscale
-GS_bjcmono_DESC=	D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 monochrome
-GS_lbp8_DESC=		D: Canon LBP-8II
-GS_lbp1310_DESC=	D: Canon LBP-1310
-GS_lbp1510_DESC=	D: Canon LBP-1510
-GS_lbp1610_DESC=	D: Canon LBP-1610
-GS_lbp1710_DESC=	D: Canon LBP-1710
-GS_lbp1810_DESC=	D: Canon LBP-1810
-GS_lbp1910_DESC=	D: Canon LBP-1910
-GS_lips2p_DESC=		D: Canon LIPS II+
-GS_lips3_DESC=		D: Canon LIPS III
-GS_lips4_DESC=		D: Canon LIPS IV
-GS_bjc880j_DESC=	D: Canon LIPS IVc, BJC-680J/880J
-GS_lips4v_DESC=		D: Canon LIPS IV, vector output mode
-GS_m8510_DESC=		D: C.Itoh M8510 printer
-GS_coslw2p_DESC=	D: CoStar LabelWriter II II/Plus
-GS_coslwxl_DESC=	D: CoStar LabelWriter XL
-GS_stp_DESC=		D: Configurable Canon/Epson/Lexmark/HP driver
-GS_uniprint_DESC=	D: Configurable ESC/P,ESC/P2,HP-RTL/PCL,P2X
-GS_dmprt_DESC=		D: Configurable dot matrix printer driver
-GS_lj250_DESC=		D: DEC LJ250 Companion color printer
-GS_declj250_DESC=	D: DEC LJ250 driver (alternate)
-GS_ap3250_DESC=		D: Epson ActionPrinter 3250
-GS_epson_DESC=		D: Epson dot matrix, 9/24-pin
-GS_eps9mid_DESC=	D: Epson 9-pin, interleaved lines, medium res
-GS_eps9high_DESC=	D: Epson 9-pin, interleaved lines, triple res
-GS_lp8000_DESC=		D: Epson LP-8000 line printer
-GS_epag_DESC=		D: Epson ESC/Page laser printer (generic)
-GS_escpage_DESC=	D: Epson ESC/Page laser printer (generic)
-GS_lp2000_DESC=		D: Epson LP-2000/3000/7000/7000G laser printer
-GS_alc8600_DESC=	D: Epson AL-C8600 color laser printer
-GS_alc8500_DESC=	D: Epson AL-C8500 color laser printer
-GS_alc2000_DESC=	D: Epson AL-C2000 color laser printer
-GS_alc4000_DESC=	D: Epson AL-C4000 color laser printer
-GS_alc1900_DESC=	D: Epson AL-C1900 color laser printer
-GS_alc4100_DESC=	D: Epson AL-C4100 color laser printer
-GS_lp9800c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-9800C color laser printer
-GS_lp9000c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-9000C color laser printer
-GS_lp9500c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-9500C color laser printer
-GS_lp8800c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8800C color laser printer
-GS_lp8300c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8300C color laser printer
-GS_lp8500c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8500C color laser printer
-GS_lp3000c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-3000C color laser printer
-GS_lp8200c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8200C color laser printer
-GS_lp8000c_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8000C color laser printer
-GS_epl6100_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-6100 laser printer
-GS_epl5900_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-5900 laser printer
-GS_epl5800_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-5800 laser printer
-GS_epl2050_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-N2050 laser printer
-GS_epl2050p_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-N2050+ laser printer
-GS_epl2120_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-N2120 laser printer
-GS_epl2500_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-N2500 laser printer
-GS_epl2750_DESC=	D: Epson EPL-N2750 laser printer
-GS_lp9000b_DESC=	D: Epson LP-9000B laser printer
-GS_lp2500_DESC=		D: Epson LP-2500 laser printer
-GS_lp9100_DESC=		D: Epson LP-9100(R) laser printer
-GS_lp7900_DESC=		D: Epson LP-7900(R) laser printer
-GS_lp7500_DESC=		D: Epson LP-7500(R) laser printer
-GS_lp2400_DESC=		D: Epson LP-2400 laser printer
-GS_lp2200_DESC=		D: Epson LP-2200 laser printer
-GS_lp9400_DESC=		D: Epson LP-9400(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8900_DESC=		D: Epson LP-8900(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8700_DESC=		D: Epson LP-8700(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8100_DESC=		D: Epson LP-8100(R) laser printer
-GS_lp7700_DESC=		D: Epson LP-7700(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8600f_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8600FX(N) laser printer
-GS_lp8400f_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8400FX(N) laser printer
-GS_lp8300f_DESC=	D: Epson LP-8300F laser printer
-GS_lp1900_DESC=		D: Epson LP-1900(N) laser printer
-GS_lp9600s_DESC=	D: Epson LP-9600S laser printer
-GS_lp9300_DESC=		D: Epson LP-9300 laser printer
-GS_lp9600_DESC=		D: Epson LP-9600 laser printer
-GS_lp8600_DESC=		D: Epson LP-8600FX(N) laser printer
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