git: fb487e6a5610 - main - x11/lumina-core: Expand battery icon notification

From: Jason W. Bacon <>
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2023 21:57:13 UTC
The branch main has been updated by jwb:


commit fb487e6a5610c48317b320ea961fc81b04eb77e3
Author:     Jason W. Bacon <>
AuthorDate: 2023-08-06 21:53:16 +0000
Commit:     Jason W. Bacon <>
CommitDate: 2023-08-06 21:57:11 +0000

    x11/lumina-core: Expand battery icon notification
    Add additional color changes to yellow and orange during discharge
    for earlier warning about low battery.
    Add change to green at 80% during charge to indicate optimal
    time to unplug for minimizing battery wear.
 x11/lumina-core/Makefile                           |   2 +-
 .../files/patch-lumina-desktop_LSession.cpp        | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ...mina-desktop_panel-plugins_battery_LBattery.cpp |  31 ++++++
 3 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/x11/lumina-core/Makefile b/x11/lumina-core/Makefile
index cecdd3d46352..6bc0f8b6d5dc 100644
--- a/x11/lumina-core/Makefile
+++ b/x11/lumina-core/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	lumina-core
diff --git a/x11/lumina-core/files/patch-lumina-desktop_LSession.cpp b/x11/lumina-core/files/patch-lumina-desktop_LSession.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1246116a3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11/lumina-core/files/patch-lumina-desktop_LSession.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+--- lumina-desktop/LSession.cpp.orig	2021-12-26 02:33:45 UTC
++++ lumina-desktop/LSession.cpp
+@@ -97,46 +97,96 @@ LSession::~LSession(){
+ //Static function so everything can get the same icon name
+ QString LSession::batteryIconName(int charge, bool charging){
+   int icon = -1;
+-  if (charge > 90) { icon = 4; }
+-  else if (charge > 70) { icon = 3; }
+-  else if (charge > 20) { icon = 2; }
+-  else if (charge > 5) { icon = 1; }
+-  else if (charge > 0 ) { icon = 0; }
+-  if(charging){ icon = icon+10; }
++  // Add 5% in order to round to nearest 10%
++  // E.g. 85% to 94% will show 90% icon
++  icon = (charge + 5) / 10;
++  //if (charge > 90) { icon = 4; }
++  //else if (charge > 70) { icon = 3; }
++  //else if (charge > 20) { icon = 2; }
++  //else if (charge > 5) { icon = 1; }
++  //else if (charge > 0 ) { icon = 0; }
++  if(charging){ icon += 11; }
++  // Some icons may not be available for some themes, so build a list
++  // of alternatives
+   QStringList iconList;
+     switch (icon) {
++      // Draining
+       case 0:
+-        iconList << "battery-20" << "battery-020" << "battery-empty" << "battery-caution";
++        iconList << "battery-00" << "battery-000" << "battery-empty" << "battery-caution";
+         break;
+       case 1:
+-        iconList << "battery-40" << "battery-040" << "battery-low" << "battery-caution";
++        iconList << "battery-10" << "battery-010" << "battery-low" << "battery-caution";
+         break;
+       case 2:
+-        iconList << "battery-60" << "battery-060" << "battery-good";
++        iconList << "battery-20" << "battery-020" << "battery-low" << "battery-caution";
+         break;
+       case 3:
+-        iconList << "battery-80" << "battery-080" << "battery-good";
++        iconList << "battery-30" << "battery-030" << "battery-low" << "battery-caution";
+         break;
+       case 4:
+-        iconList << "battery-100" << "battery-full";
++        iconList << "battery-40" << "battery-040" << "battery-good";
+         break;
++      case 5:
++        iconList << "battery-50" << "battery-050" << "battery-good";
++        break;
++      case 6:
++        iconList << "battery-60" << "battery-060" << "battery-good";
++        break;
++      case 7:
++        iconList << "battery-70" << "battery-070" << "battery-good";
++        break;
++      case 8:
++        iconList << "battery-80" << "battery-080" << "battery-good";
++        break;
++      case 9:
+       case 10:
++        iconList << "battery-100" << "battery-full";
++        break;
++      // Charging
++      case 11:
++        iconList << "battery-00-charging" << "battery-000-charging" << "battery-empty-charging" << "battery-caution-charging"
++		<< "battery-charging-00" << "battery-charging-000" << "battery-charging-empty" << "battery-charging-caution";
++        break;
++      case 12:
++        iconList << "battery-01-charging" << "battery-010-charging" << "battery-empty-charging" << "battery-caution-charging"
++		<< "battery-charging-01" << "battery-charging-010" << "battery-charging-empty" << "battery-charging-caution";
++        break;
++      case 13:
+         iconList << "battery-20-charging" << "battery-020-charging" << "battery-empty-charging" << "battery-caution-charging"
+ 		<< "battery-charging-20" << "battery-charging-020" << "battery-charging-empty" << "battery-charging-caution";
+         break;
+-      case 11:
++      case 14:
++        iconList << "battery-30-charging" << "battery-030-charging" << "battery-low-charging" << "battery-caution-charging"
++		<< "battery-charging-30" << "battery-charging-030" << "battery-charging-low" << "battery-charging-caution";
++        break;
++      case 15:
+         iconList << "battery-40-charging" << "battery-040-charging" << "battery-low-charging" << "battery-caution-charging"
+ 		<< "battery-charging-40" << "battery-charging-040" << "battery-charging-low" << "battery-charging-caution";
+         break;
+-      case 12:
++      case 16:
++        iconList << "battery-50-charging" << "battery-050-charging" << "battery-low-charging" << "battery-caution-charging"
++		<< "battery-charging-50" << "battery-charging-050" << "battery-charging-low" << "battery-charging-caution";
++        break;
++      case 17:
+         iconList << "battery-60-charging" << "battery-060-charging" << "battery-good-charging"
+ 		<< "battery-charging-60" << "battery-charging-060" << "battery-charging-good";
+         break;
+-      case 13:
++      case 18:
++        iconList << "battery-70-charging" << "battery-070-charging" << "battery-good-charging"
++		<< "battery-charging-70" << "battery-charging-070" << "battery-charging-good";
++        break;
++      case 19:
+         iconList << "battery-80-charging" << "battery-080-charging" << "battery-good-charging"
+ 		<< "battery-charging-80" << "battery-charging-080" << "battery-charging-good";
+         break;
+-      case 14:
++      case 20:
++      case 21:
+         if(charge==100){ iconList << "battery-full-charged"; }
+         iconList << "battery-100-charging" << "battery-full-charging"
+ 		<< "battery-charging-100" << "battery-charging-full";
diff --git a/x11/lumina-core/files/patch-lumina-desktop_panel-plugins_battery_LBattery.cpp b/x11/lumina-core/files/patch-lumina-desktop_panel-plugins_battery_LBattery.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2fdcf84b90c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11/lumina-core/files/patch-lumina-desktop_panel-plugins_battery_LBattery.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/battery/LBattery.cpp.orig	2021-12-26 02:33:45 UTC
++++ lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/battery/LBattery.cpp
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void LBattery::updateBattery(bool force){
+   QString batt_icon = LSession::batteryIconName(charge, charging);
+   if(iconOld != batt_icon){
+     label->setPixmap( QIcon::fromTheme(batt_icon).pixmap(label->size()) );
+-    if(charge <= 5 && !charging){
++    if(charge <= 10 && !charging){
+       //Play some audio warning chime when
+       bool playaudio = sessionsettings->value("PlayBatteryLowAudio",true).toBool();
+       if( playaudio ){
+@@ -47,8 +47,17 @@ void LBattery::updateBattery(bool force){
+     iconOld = batt_icon; //save for later
+   }
+-  if(charge<=5 && !charging){ label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{ background: red;}"); }
+-  else if(charge>98 && charging){ label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{ background: green;}"); }
++  /*
++   *  Use 40% - 80% rule for icon notifications.  Lithium batteries last
++   *  longer if kept between 40% and 80% charge as much as possible.
++   *  Turn icon yellow when charge drops to 40% and green when charge
++   *  rises to 80%.  This will help the user maintain their battery
++   *  in an optimal way.
++   */
++  if(charge<=20 && !charging){ label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{ background: red;}"); }
++  else if(charge<=30 && !charging){ label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{ background: orange;}"); }
++  else if(charge<=40 && !charging){ label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{ background: yellow;}"); }
++  else if(charge>80 && charging){ label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{ background: green;}"); }
+   else{ label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{ background: transparent;}"); }
+   //Now update the display