git: 80d1af0de8d1 - main - ftp/py-parfive: Add new port

From: Wen Heping <>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 13:11:27 UTC
The branch main has been updated by wen:


commit 80d1af0de8d12ad794e71e864a4983ac86a22c0e
Author:     Wen Heping <>
AuthorDate: 2023-04-23 13:10:22 +0000
Commit:     Wen Heping <>
CommitDate: 2023-04-23 13:10:22 +0000

    ftp/py-parfive: Add new port
    A parallel file downloader using asyncio. parfive can handle downloading
    multiple files in parallel as well as downloading each file in a number
    of chunks.
 ftp/Makefile                                    |  1 +
 ftp/py-parfive/Makefile                         | 22 ++++++++
 ftp/py-parfive/distinfo                         |  3 +
 ftp/py-parfive/pkg-descr                        |  3 +
 ftp/py-parfive/predicted-sunspot-radio-flux.txt | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 102 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ftp/Makefile b/ftp/Makefile
index 02b7f836cfd0..f2767c41ca89 100644
--- a/ftp/Makefile
+++ b/ftp/Makefile
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
     SUBDIR += pure-ftpd
     SUBDIR += py-aioftp
     SUBDIR += py-ftputil
+    SUBDIR += py-parfive
     SUBDIR += py-pycurl
     SUBDIR += py-pyftpdlib
     SUBDIR += py-requests-ftp
diff --git a/ftp/py-parfive/Makefile b/ftp/py-parfive/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..99a355c47956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftp/py-parfive/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+PORTNAME=	parfive
+COMMENT=	HTTP and FTP parallel file downloader
+BUILD_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}setuptools_scm>=0:devel/py-setuptools_scm@${PY_FLAVOR} \
+		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}wheel>=0:devel/py-wheel@${PY_FLAVOR}
+		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}aiohttp>0:www/py-aiohttp@${PY_FLAVOR}
+USES=		python:3.7+
+USE_PYTHON=	autoplist pep517
+.include <>
diff --git a/ftp/py-parfive/distinfo b/ftp/py-parfive/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..94e256bcb650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftp/py-parfive/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+TIMESTAMP = 1682254265
+SHA256 (parfive-2.0.2.tar.gz) = 908211f9c5cb52dc8b279626872095f3cce15da86893f53b4176deceddcfc85d
+SIZE (parfive-2.0.2.tar.gz) = 31686
diff --git a/ftp/py-parfive/pkg-descr b/ftp/py-parfive/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1602f7b1f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftp/py-parfive/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+A parallel file downloader using asyncio. parfive can handle downloading
+multiple files in parallel as well as downloading each file in a number
+of chunks.
diff --git a/ftp/py-parfive/predicted-sunspot-radio-flux.txt b/ftp/py-parfive/predicted-sunspot-radio-flux.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7493be723c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftp/py-parfive/predicted-sunspot-radio-flux.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+:Predicted_Sunspot_Numbers_and_Radio_Flux: Predict.txt
+:Created: 2016 Jan 04 0500 UTC
+# Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC).
+# Please send comments and suggestions to
+# Sunspot Number: S.I.D.C. Brussels International Sunspot Number.
+# 10.7cm Radio Flux value: Penticton, B.C. Canada.
+# Predicted values are based on the consensus of the Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel.
+# See the README3 file for further information.
+# Missing or not applicable data:  -1
+#         Predicted Sunspot Number And Radio Flux Values
+#                     With Expected Ranges
+#         -----Sunspot Number------  ----10.7 cm Radio Flux----
+2015 07        41.6    42.6    40.6      116.1   117.1   115.1
+2015 08        41.9    43.9    39.9      113.6   114.6   112.6
+2015 09        43.0    46.0    40.0      111.7   113.7   109.7
+2015 10        43.7    48.7    38.7      109.6   112.6   106.6
+2015 11        43.5    48.5    38.5      107.6   111.6   103.6
+2015 12        43.3    49.3    37.3      105.7   109.7   101.7
+2016 01        43.5    50.5    36.5      104.3   109.3    99.3
+2016 02        43.7    50.7    36.7      103.5   109.5    97.5
+2016 03        43.4    51.4    35.4      102.7   109.7    95.7
+2016 04        43.1    52.1    34.1      101.9   109.9    93.9
+2016 05        43.0    52.0    34.0      100.7   108.7    92.7
+2016 06        42.9    52.9    32.9       99.0   108.0    90.0
+2016 07        42.1    52.1    32.1       97.3   106.3    88.3
+2016 08        40.4    50.4    30.4       95.8   104.8    86.8
+2016 09        38.8    48.8    28.8       94.3   103.3    85.3
+2016 10        37.3    47.3    27.3       92.9   101.9    83.9
+2016 11        35.7    45.7    25.7       91.5   100.5    82.5
+2016 12        34.3    44.3    24.3       90.2    99.2    81.2
+2017 01        32.8    42.8    22.8       88.8    97.8    79.8
+2017 02        31.4    41.4    21.4       87.5    96.5    78.5
+2017 03        30.0    40.0    20.0       86.3    95.3    77.3
+2017 04        28.7    38.7    18.7       85.0    94.0    76.0
+2017 05        27.4    37.4    17.4       83.8    92.8    74.8
+2017 06        26.1    36.1    16.1       82.6    91.6    73.6
+2017 07        24.9    34.9    14.9       81.5    90.5    72.5
+2017 08        23.7    33.7    13.7       80.4    89.4    71.4
+2017 09        22.5    32.5    12.5       79.3    88.3    70.3
+2017 10        21.4    31.4    11.4       78.3    87.3    69.3
+2017 11        20.3    30.3    10.3       77.3    86.3    68.3
+2017 12        19.2    29.2     9.2       76.4    85.4    67.4
+2018 01        18.2    28.2     8.2       75.4    84.4    66.4
+2018 02        17.2    27.2     7.2       74.5    83.5    65.5
+2018 03        16.3    26.3     6.3       73.7    82.7    64.7
+2018 04        15.4    25.4     5.4       72.8    81.8    63.8
+2018 05        14.5    24.5     4.5       72.1    81.1    63.1
+2018 06        13.7    23.7     3.7       71.3    80.3    62.3
+2018 07        12.9    22.9     2.9       70.6    79.6    61.6
+2018 08        12.2    22.2     2.2       69.9    78.9    60.9
+2018 09        11.5    21.5     1.5       69.2    78.2    60.2
+2018 10        10.8    20.8     0.8       68.6    77.6    60.0
+2018 11        10.1    20.1     0.1       68.0    77.0    60.0
+2018 12         9.5    19.5     0.0       67.4    76.4    60.0
+2019 01         8.9    18.9     0.0       66.9    75.9    60.0
+2019 02         8.3    18.3     0.0       66.3    75.3    60.0
+2019 03         7.8    17.8     0.0       65.9    74.9    60.0
+2019 04         7.3    17.3     0.0       65.4    74.4    60.0
+2019 05         6.8    16.8     0.0       65.0    74.0    60.0
+2019 06         6.4    16.4     0.0       64.5    73.5    60.0
+2019 07         5.9    15.9     0.0       64.1    73.1    60.0
+2019 08         5.5    15.5     0.0       63.8    72.8    60.0
+2019 09         5.1    15.1     0.0       63.4    72.4    60.0
+2019 10         4.8    14.8     0.0       63.1    72.1    60.0
+2019 11         4.4    14.4     0.0       62.8    71.8    60.0
+2019 12         4.1    14.1     0.0       62.5    71.5    60.0