git: 5c166cbc3178 - main - devel/py-grizzled: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+

From: Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:49:59 UTC
The branch main has been updated by sunpoet:


commit 5c166cbc3178a196217c899ee0a241d00022bc4e
Author:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-25 13:32:16 +0000
Commit:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-25 13:38:09 +0000

    devel/py-grizzled: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
    - Bump PORTREVISION for package change
    ez_setup is removed from installation since it is not needed (see
    With hat:       python
 devel/py-grizzled/Makefile         |    5 +-
 devel/py-grizzled/files/patch-2to3 | 1595 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1599 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/devel/py-grizzled/Makefile b/devel/py-grizzled/Makefile
index 71468a42eaec..49198372a40d 100644
--- a/devel/py-grizzled/Makefile
+++ b/devel/py-grizzled/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	grizzled
 CATEGORIES=	devel python
@@ -13,4 +13,7 @@ COMMENT=	The Grizzled Python Utility Library
 USES=		python:3.6+
 USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist
+	@${RM} ${WRKSRC}/
 .include <>
diff --git a/devel/py-grizzled/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-grizzled/files/patch-2to3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ab44ad5a115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-grizzled/files/patch-2to3
@@ -0,0 +1,1595 @@
+--- grizzled/collections/	2010-05-10 02:09:09 UTC
++++ grizzled/collections/
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class OrderedDict(dict):
+     def __str__(self):
+         s = '{'
+         sep = ''
+-        for k, v in self.iteritems():
++        for k, v in self.items():
+             s += sep
+             if type(k) == str:
+                 s += "'%s'" % k
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class OrderedDict(dict):
+             yield key
+     def update(self, d):
+-        for key, value in d.iteritems():
++        for key, value in d.items():
+             self[key] = value
+     def pop(self, key, default=None):
+@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class LRUList(object):
+         self.clear()
+     def __str__(self):
+-        return '[' + ', '.join([str(tup) for tup in self.items()]) + ']'
++        return '[' + ', '.join([str(tup) for tup in list(self.items())]) + ']'
+     def __repr__(self):
+         return self.__class__.__name__ + ':' + str(self)
+@@ -177,20 +177,20 @@ class LRUList(object):
+         entry = self.head
+         while entry:
+             yield entry.key
+-            entry =
++            entry = entry.__next__
+     def keys(self):
+         return [k for k in self]
+     def items(self):
+         result = []
+-        for key, value in self.iteritems():
++        for key, value in self.items():
+             result.append((key, value))
+         return result
+     def values(self):
+         result = []
+-        for key, value in self.iteritems():
++        for key, value in self.items():
+             result.append(value)
+         return result
+@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class LRUList(object):
+         entry = self.head
+         while entry:
+             yield (entry.key, entry.value)
+-            entry =
++            entry = entry.__next__
+     def iterkeys(self):
+         self.__iter__()
+@@ -207,12 +207,12 @@ class LRUList(object):
+         entry = self.head
+         while entry:
+             yield entry.value
+-            entry =
++            entry = entry.__next__
+     def clear(self):
+         while self.head:
+             cur = self.head
+-            next =
++            next = self.head.__next__
+    = cur.previous = cur.key = cur.value = None
+             self.head = next
+@@ -220,14 +220,14 @@ class LRUList(object):
+         self.size = 0
+     def remove(self, entry):
+-        if
++        if entry.__next__:
+    = entry.previous
+         if entry.previous:
+-   =
++   = entry.__next__
+         if entry == self.head:
+-            self.head =
++            self.head = entry.__next__
+         if entry == self.tail:
+             self.tail = entry.previous
+@@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ class LRUDict(dict):
+             max_capacity : int
+                 The maximum size of the dictionary
+         """
+-        if kw.has_key('max_capacity'):
++        if 'max_capacity' in kw:
+             self.__max_capacity = kw['max_capacity']
+             del kw['max_capacity']
+         else:
+-            self.__max_capacity = sys.maxint
++            self.__max_capacity = sys.maxsize
+         dict.__init__(self)
+         self.__removal_listeners = {}
+@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ class LRUDict(dict):
+         """
+         Clear all removal and ejection listeners from the list of listeners.
+         """
+-        for key in self.__removal_listeners.keys():
++        for key in list(self.__removal_listeners.keys()):
+             del self.__removal_listeners[key]
+     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ class LRUDict(dict):
+     def __str__(self):
+         s = '{'
+         sep = ''
+-        for k, v in self.iteritems():
++        for k, v in self.items():
+             s += sep
+             if type(k) == str:
+                 s += "'%s'" % k
+@@ -462,25 +462,25 @@ class LRUDict(dict):
+         return value
+     def keys(self):
+-        return self.__lru_queue.keys()
++        return list(self.__lru_queue.keys())
+     def items(self):
+-        return self.__lru_queue.items()
++        return list(self.__lru_queue.items())
+     def values(self):
+-        return self.__lru_queue.values()
++        return list(self.__lru_queue.values())
+     def iteritems(self):
+-        return self.__lru_queue.iteritems()
++        return iter(self.__lru_queue.items())
+     def iterkeys(self):
+-        return self.__lru_queue.iterkeys()
++        return iter(self.__lru_queue.keys())
+     def itervalues(self):
+-        return self.__lru_queue.itervalues()
++        return iter(self.__lru_queue.values())
+     def update(self, d):
+-        for key, value in d.iteritems():
++        for key, value in d.items():
+             self[key] = value
+     def pop(self, key, default=None):
+@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ class LRUDict(dict):
+         :raise KeyError: empty dictionary
+         """
+         if len(self) == 0:
+-            raise KeyError, 'Attempted popitem() on empty dictionary'
++            raise KeyError('Attempted popitem() on empty dictionary')
+         lru_entry = self.__lru_queue.remove_tail()
+         dict.__delitem__(self, lru_entry.key)
+@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ class LRUDict(dict):
+     def __notify_listeners(self, ejecting, key_value_pairs):
+         if self.__removal_listeners:
+             for key, value in key_value_pairs:
+-                for func, func_data in self.__removal_listeners.items():
++                for func, func_data in list(self.__removal_listeners.items()):
+                     on_eject_only, args = func_data
+                     if (not on_eject_only) or ejecting:
+                         func(key, value, *args)
+--- grizzled/collections/	2010-05-10 02:09:26 UTC
++++ grizzled/collections/
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def _local_namedtuple(typename, fieldnames, verbose=Fa
+     # generating informative error messages and preventing template injection
+     # attacks.
+-    if isinstance(fieldnames, basestring):
++    if isinstance(fieldnames, str):
+         # names separated by whitespace and/or commas
+         fieldnames = fieldnames.replace(',', ' ').split()
+@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ def _local_namedtuple(typename, fieldnames, verbose=Fa
+         template += '        %s = property(itemgetter(%d))\n' % (name, i)
+     if verbose:
+-        print template
++        print(template)
+     # Execute the template string in a temporary namespace
+     namespace = dict(itemgetter=_itemgetter)
+     try:
+-        exec template in namespace
+-    except SyntaxError, e:
++        exec(template, namespace)
++    except SyntaxError as e:
+         raise SyntaxError(e.message + ':\n' + template)
+     result = namespace[typename]
+--- grizzled/	2010-05-10 02:06:31 UTC
++++ grizzled/
+@@ -169,15 +169,15 @@ That will preprocess the enhanced configuration file, 
+ that is suitable for parsing by the standard Python ``config`` module.
+ '''
+-from __future__ import absolute_import
+ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Imports
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-import ConfigParser
++import configparser
+ import logging
+ import string
+ import os
+@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ __all__ = ['Configuration', 'preprocess',
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ log = logging.getLogger('grizzled.config')
+-NoOptionError = ConfigParser.NoOptionError
+-NoSectionError = ConfigParser.NoSectionError
++NoOptionError = configparser.NoOptionError
++NoSectionError = configparser.NoSectionError
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constants
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class NoVariableError(ExceptionWithMessage):
+     """
+     pass
+-class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
++class Configuration(configparser.SafeConfigParser):
+     """
+     Configuration file parser. See the module documentation for details.
+     """
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+                 substitute a non-existent variable. Otherwise, simple
+                 substitute an empty value.
+         """
+-        ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.__init__(self, defaults)
++        configparser.SafeConfigParser.__init__(self, defaults)
+         self.__permit_includes = permit_includes
+         self.__use_ordered_sections = use_ordered_sections
+         self.__strict_substitution = strict_substitution
+@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :rtype:  dict
+         :return: the instance-wide defaults, or ``None`` if there aren't any
+         """
+-        return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.defaults(self)
++        return configparser.SafeConfigParser.defaults(self)
+     @property
+     def sections(self):
+@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         Returns a list of sections.
+         """
+-        return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.sections(self)
++        return configparser.SafeConfigParser.sections(self)
+     def add_section(self, section):
+         """
+@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise DuplicateSectionError: section already exists
+         """
+-        ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.add_section(self, section)
++        configparser.SafeConfigParser.add_section(self, section)
+     def has_section(self, section):
+         """
+@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :return: ``True`` if the section exists in the configuration, ``False``
+                  if not.
+         """
+-        return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.has_section(self, section)
++        return configparser.SafeConfigParser.has_section(self, section)
+     def options(self, section):
+         """
+@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoSectionError: no such section
+         """
+-        return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.options(self, section)
++        return configparser.SafeConfigParser.options(self, section)
+     def has_option(self, section, option):
+         """
+@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :return: ``True`` if the section exists in the configuration and
+                  has the specified option, ``False`` if not.
+         """
+-        return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.has_option(self, section, option)
++        return configparser.SafeConfigParser.has_option(self, section, option)
+     def read(self, filenames):
+         """
+@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :rtype:  list
+         :return: list of successfully parsed filenames or URLs
+         """
+-        if isinstance(filenames, basestring):
++        if isinstance(filenames, str):
+             filenames = [filenames]
+         newFilenames = []
+@@ -446,9 +446,9 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoOptionError: no such option in the section
+         """
+         def do_get(section, option):
+-            val = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
++            val = configparser.SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
+             if len(val.strip()) == 0:
+-                raise ConfigParser.NoOptionError(option, section)
++                raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)
+             return val
+         if optional:
+@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoOptionError: no such option in the section
+         """
+         def do_get(section, option):
+-            return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.getint(self, section, option)
++            return configparser.SafeConfigParser.getint(self, section, option)
+         if optional:
+             return self.__get_optional(do_xget, section, option)
+@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoOptionError: no such option in the section
+         """
+         def do_get(section, option):
+-            return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.getfloat(self, section, option)
++            return configparser.SafeConfigParser.getfloat(self, section, option)
+         if optional:
+             return self.__get_optional(do_get, section, option)
+@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise ValueError: non-boolean value encountered
+         '''
+         def do_get(section, option):
+-            return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.getboolean(self,
++            return configparser.SafeConfigParser.getboolean(self,
+                                                             section,
+                                                             option)
+@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoOptionError: no such option in the section
+         '''
+         def do_get(section, option):
+-            value = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
++            value = configparser.SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
+             return value.split(sep)
+         if optional:
+@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoSectionError: no such section
+         """
+-        return ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.items(self, section)
++        return configparser.SafeConfigParser.items(self, section)
+     def set(self, section, option, value):
+         """
+@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoSectionError: no such section
+         """
+-        ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.set(self, section, option, value)
++        configparser.SafeConfigParser.set(self, section, option, value)
+     def write(self, fileobj):
+         """
+@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+             fileobj : file
+                 file-like object to which to write the configuration
+         """
+-        ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.write(self, fileobj)
++        configparser.SafeConfigParser.write(self, fileobj)
+     def remove_section(self, section):
+         """
+@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         :raise NoSectionError: no such section
+         """
+-        ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.remove_section(self, section)
++        configparser.SafeConfigParser.remove_section(self, section)
+     def optionxform(self, option_name):
+         """
+@@ -728,9 +728,9 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+     def __get_optional(self, func, section, option):
+         try:
+             return func(section, option)
+-        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
++        except configparser.NoOptionError:
+             return None
+-        except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
++        except configparser.NoSectionError:
+             return None
+     def __preprocess(self, fp, name):
+@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+         # Parse the resulting file into a local ConfigParser instance.
+-        parsedConfig = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
++        parsedConfig = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
+         if self.__use_ordered_sections:
+             parsedConfig._sections = OrderedDict()
+@@ -853,15 +853,15 @@ class _ConfigDict(dict):
+         except KeyError:
+             result = default
+-        except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
++        except configparser.NoSectionError:
+             result = default
+-        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
++        except configparser.NoOptionError:
+             result = default
+         if not result:
+             if self.__strict_substitution:
+-                raise NoVariableError, 'No such variable: "%s"' % key
++                raise NoVariableError('No such variable: "%s"' % key)
+             else:
+                 result = ''
+@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ class _ConfigDict(dict):
+         if section == 'env':
+             result = os.environ[option]
+             if len(result) == 0:
+-                raise KeyError, option
++                raise KeyError(option)
+         elif section == 'program':
+             result = self.__value_from_program_section(option)
+@@ -968,6 +968,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+         for var in sys.argv[2:]:
+             (section, option) = var.split(':')
+             val = config.get(section, option, optional=True)
+-            print '%s=%s' % (var, val)
++            print('%s=%s' % (var, val))
+     else:
+         config.write(sys.stdout)
+--- grizzled/db/	2009-10-24 15:46:15 UTC
++++ grizzled/db/
+@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ def add_driver(key, driver_class, force=False):
+     try:
+         drivers[key]
+         if not force:
+-            raise ValueError, 'A DB driver named "%s" is already installed' %\
+-                  key
++            raise ValueError('A DB driver named "%s" is already installed' %\
++                  key)
+     except KeyError:
+         pass
+@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def get_drivers():
+     :rtype:  list
+     :return: list of ``DBDriver`` class names
+     """
+-    return [str(d) for d in drivers.values()]
++    return [str(d) for d in list(drivers.values())]
+ def get_driver_names():
+     """
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def get_driver_names():
+     Each of the returned names may be used as the first parameter to
+     the ``get_driver()`` function.
+     """
+-    return drivers.keys()
++    return list(drivers.keys())
+ def get_driver(driver_name):
+     """
+@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ def get_driver(driver_name):
+     try:
+         o = drivers[driver_name]
+         if type(o) == str:
+-            exec 'd = %s()' % o
++            exec('d = %s()' % o)
+         else:
+             d = o()
+         return d
+     except KeyError:
+-        raise ValueError, 'Unknown driver name: "%s"' % driver_name
++        raise ValueError('Unknown driver name: "%s"' % driver_name)
+--- grizzled/db/	2009-10-24 15:45:34 UTC
++++ grizzled/db/
+@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return self.__cursor.close()
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def execute(self, statement, parameters=None):
+@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+                 self.__rowcount = -1
+             self.__description = self.__cursor.description
+             return result
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+         except:
+             raise Error(sys.exc_info()[1])
+@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+             self.__rowcount = self.__cursor.rowcount
+             self.__description = self.__cursor.description
+             return result
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     executeMany = executemany
+@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return self.__cursor.fetchone()
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def fetchall(self):
+@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return self.__cursor.fetchall()
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     fetchAll = fetchall
+@@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             self.__cursor.fetchmany(n)
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     fetchMany = fetchmany
+@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return self.__driver.get_rdbms_metadata(self.__cursor)
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def get_table_metadata(self, table):
+@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return self.__driver.get_table_metadata(table, self.__cursor)
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def get_index_metadata(self, table):
+@@ -355,9 +355,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return self.__driver.get_index_metadata(table, self.__cursor)
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def get_tables(self):
+@@ -376,9 +376,9 @@ class Cursor(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return self.__driver.get_tables(self.__cursor)
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+ class DB(object):
+@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ class DB(object):
+         dbi = driver.get_import()
+         for attr in ['BINARY', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', 'DATETIME', 'ROWID']:
+             try:
+-                exec 'self.%s = dbi.%s' % (attr, attr)
++                exec('self.%s = dbi.%s' % (attr, attr))
+             except AttributeError:
+-                exec 'self.%s = 0' % attr
++                exec('self.%s = 0' % attr)
+     def paramstyle(self):
+         """
+@@ -607,9 +607,9 @@ class DB(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             return Cursor(self.__db.cursor(), self.__driver)
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def commit(self):
+@@ -622,9 +622,9 @@ class DB(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             self.__db.commit()
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def rollback(self):
+@@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ class DB(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             self.__db.rollback()
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     def close(self):
+@@ -652,9 +652,9 @@ class DB(object):
+         dbi = self.__driver.get_import()
+         try:
+             self.__db.close()
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+ class DBDriver(object):
+@@ -734,9 +734,9 @@ class DBDriver(object):
+                                        password=password,
+                                        database=database)
+             return DB(self.__db, self)
+-        except dbi.Warning, val:
++        except dbi.Warning as val:
+             raise Warning(val)
+-        except dbi.Error, val:
++        except dbi.Error as val:
+             raise Error(val)
+     @abstract
+@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ class DBDriver(object):
+         :raise Error: bad table name
+         """
+         if not self._is_valid_table(cursor, table_name):
+-            raise Error, 'No such table: "%s"' % table_name
++            raise Error('No such table: "%s"' % table_name)
+     def _is_valid_table(self, cursor, table_name):
+         """
+--- grizzled/db/	2009-10-24 15:45:33 UTC
++++ grizzled/db/
+@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ class DummyCursor(object):
+         return None
+     def fetchone(self):
+-        raise ValueError, "No results"
++        raise ValueError("No results")
+     def fetchall(self):
+-        raise ValueError, "No results"
++        raise ValueError("No results")
+     def fetchmany(self, n):
+-        raise ValueError, "No results"
++        raise ValueError("No results")
+ class DummyDB(object):
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class DummyDriver(DBDriver):
+     """Dummy database driver, for testing."""
+     def get_import(self):
+-        import dummydb
++        from . import dummydb
+         return dummydb
+     def get_display_name(self):
+--- grizzled/	2010-05-10 02:06:50 UTC
++++ grizzled/
+@@ -177,5 +177,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     try:
+         assert False
+-    except NotImplementedError, ex:
+-        print ex.message
++    except NotImplementedError as ex:
++        print(ex.message)
+--- grizzled/file/	2010-05-10 02:04:49 UTC
++++ grizzled/file/
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ This module contains file- and path-related methods, classes, and modules.
+ """
+-from __future__ import with_statement, absolute_import
+ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def list_recursively(dir):
+                        but is not a directory.
+     """
+     if not _os.path.isdir(dir):
+-        raise ValueError, "%s is not a directory." % dir
++        raise ValueError("%s is not a directory." % dir)
+     for f in _os.listdir(dir):
+         if _os.path.isdir(f):
+@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def copy(files, target_dir, create_target=False):
+             _os.mkdir(target_dir)
+     if _os.path.exists(target_dir) and (not _os.path.isdir(target_dir)):
+-        raise OSError, 'Cannot copy files to non-directory "%s"' % target_dir
++        raise OSError('Cannot copy files to non-directory "%s"' % target_dir)
+     for f in files:
+         targetFile = _os.path.join(target_dir, _os.path.basename(f))
+@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def touch(files, times=None):
+     for f in files:
+         if _os.path.exists(f):
+             if not _os.path.isfile(f):
+-                raise OSError, "Can't touch non-file \"%s\"" % f
++                raise OSError("Can't touch non-file \"%s\"" % f)
+             _os.utime(f, times)
+         else:
+--- grizzled/file/	2010-05-10 02:05:02 UTC
++++ grizzled/file/
+@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ import sys
+ import re
+ import tempfile
+ import atexit
+-import urllib2
+-import urlparse
++import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
++import urllib.parse
+ import grizzled.exception
+ from grizzled.file import unlink_quietly
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class Includer(object):
+         self.__name = name
+         if output == None:
+-            from cStringIO import StringIO
++            from io import StringIO
+             output = StringIO()
+         self.__maxnest = max_nest_level
+@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class Includer(object):
+     def __iter__(self):
+         return self
+-    def next(self):
++    def __next__(self):
+         """A file object is its own iterator.
+         :rtype: string
+@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@ class Includer(object):
+     def truncate(self, size=None):
+         """Not supported, since ``Includer`` objects are read-only."""
+-        raise IncludeError, 'Includers are read-only file objects.'
++        raise IncludeError('Includers are read-only file objects.')
+     def write(self, s):
+         """Not supported, since ``Includer`` objects are read-only."""
+-        raise IncludeError, 'Includers are read-only file objects.'
++        raise IncludeError('Includers are read-only file objects.')
+     def writelines(self, iterable):
+         """Not supported, since ``Includer`` objects are read-only."""
+-        raise IncludeError, 'Includers are read-only file objects.'
++        raise IncludeError('Includers are read-only file objects.')
+     def flush(self):
+         """No-op."""
+@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@ class Includer(object):
+             match =
+             if match:
+                 if self.__nested >= self.__maxnest:
+-                    raise IncludeError, 'Exceeded maximum include recursion ' \
+-                                        'depth of %d' % self.__maxnest
++                    raise IncludeError('Exceeded maximum include recursion ' \
++                                        'depth of %d' % self.__maxnest)
+                 inc_name =
+                 logging.debug('Found include directive: %s' % line[:-1])
+@@ -351,12 +351,12 @@ class Includer(object):
+         is_url = False
+         openFunc = None
+-        parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(name_to_open)
++        parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(name_to_open)
+         # Account for Windows drive letters.
+         if (parsed_url.scheme != '') and (len(parsed_url.scheme) > 1):
+-            openFunc = urllib2.urlopen
++            openFunc = urllib.request.urlopen
+             is_url = True
+         else:
+@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ class Includer(object):
+             if enclosing_file_is_url:
+                 # Use the parent URL as the base URL.
+-                name_to_open = urlparse.urljoin(enclosing_file, name_to_open)
+-                open_func = urllib2.urlopen
++                name_to_open = urllib.parse.urljoin(enclosing_file, name_to_open)
++                open_func = urllib.request.urlopen
+                 is_url = True
+             elif not os.path.isabs(name_to_open):
+@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ class Includer(object):
+             log.debug('Opening "%s"' % name_to_open)
+             f = open_func(name_to_open)
+         except:
+-            raise IncludeError, 'Unable to open "%s" as a file or a URL' %\
+-                  name_to_open
++            raise IncludeError('Unable to open "%s" as a file or a URL' %\
++                  name_to_open)
+         return (f, is_url, name_to_open)
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ def preprocess(file_or_url, output=None, temp_suffix='
+ def _complain_if_closed(closed):
+     if closed:
+-        raise IncludeError, "I/O operation on closed file"
++        raise IncludeError("I/O operation on closed file")
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Main program (for testing)
+@@ -453,21 +453,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=format)
+     for file in sys.argv[1:]:
+-        import cStringIO as StringIO
++        import io as StringIO
+         out = StringIO.StringIO()
+         preprocess(file, output=out)
+         header = 'File: %s, via preprocess()'
+         sep = '-' * len(header)
+-        print '\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (sep, header, sep)
++        print('\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (sep, header, sep))
+         for line in out.readlines():
+             sys.stdout.write(line)
+-        print sep
++        print(sep)
+         inc = Includer(file)
+         header = 'File: %s, via Includer'
+         sep = '-' * len(header)
+-        print '\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (sep, header, sep)
++        print('\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (sep, header, sep))
+         for line in inc:
+             sys.stdout.write(line)
+-        print '%s' % sep
++        print('%s' % sep)
+--- grizzled/	2010-05-10 02:07:04 UTC
++++ grizzled/
+@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ To get the appropriate History implementation for the 
+ simply call the ``get_history()`` factory method.
+ """
+-from __future__ import with_statement
+ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -90,16 +90,16 @@ def get_history(verbose=True):
+     result = None
+     if _have_pyreadline:
+         if verbose:
+-            print 'Using pyreadline for history management.'
++            print('Using pyreadline for history management.')
+         result = PyReadlineHistory()
+     elif _have_readline:
+         if verbose:
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