git: dab6c99caa2b - main - biology/groopm: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+

From: Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:49:37 UTC
The branch main has been updated by sunpoet:


commit dab6c99caa2bdec4e6b38453068a7120e7208af9
Author:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-25 13:32:01 +0000
Commit:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-25 13:38:04 +0000

    biology/groopm: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
    With hat:       python
 biology/groopm/files/patch-2to3 | 3414 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 3414 insertions(+)

diff --git a/biology/groopm/files/patch-2to3 b/biology/groopm/files/patch-2to3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..365000a5d096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/groopm/files/patch-2to3
@@ -0,0 +1,3414 @@
+--- groopm/	2014-11-26 01:01:33 UTC
++++ groopm/
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class PCA:
+         try:
+             self.sumvariance /= self.sumvariance[-1]
+         except:
+-            print len(A), len(self.sumvariance), len(self.eigen)
++            print(len(A), len(self.sumvariance), len(self.eigen))
+             raise
+         self.npc = np.searchsorted( self.sumvariance, fraction ) + 1
+@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ class Center:
+     def __init__( self, A, axis=0, scale=True, verbose=1 ):
+         self.mean = A.mean(axis=axis)
+         if verbose:
+-            print "Center -= A.mean:", self.mean
++            print("Center -= A.mean:", self.mean)
+         A -= self.mean
+         if scale:
+             std = A.std(axis=axis)
+             self.std = np.where( std, std, 1. )
+             if verbose:
+-                print "Center /= A.std:", self.std
++                print("Center /= A.std:", self.std)
+             A /= self.std
+         else:
+             self.std = np.ones( A.shape[-1] )
+--- groopm/	2015-03-06 07:01:36 UTC
++++ groopm/
+@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ from numpy import (around as np_around,
+                    median as np_median,
+                    std as np_std)
+-from ellipsoid import EllipsoidTool
+-from groopmExceptions import ModeNotAppropriateException
++from .ellipsoid import EllipsoidTool
++from .groopmExceptions import ModeNotAppropriateException
+ np.seterr(all='raise')
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class Bin:
+         """Combine the contigs of another bin with this one"""
+         # consume all the other bins rowIndices
+         if(verbose):
+-            print "    BIN:",,"will be consumed by BIN:",
++            print("    BIN:",,"will be consumed by BIN:",
+         self.rowIndices = np.concatenate([self.rowIndices, deadBin.rowIndices])
+         self.binSize  = self.rowIndices.shape[0]
+@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class Bin:
+             try:
+                 return ET.getMinVolEllipse(bin_points, retA=retA)
+             except:
+-                print bin_points
++                print(bin_points)
+                 raise
+         else: # minimum bounding ellipse of a point is 0
+             if retA:
+@@ -474,13 +474,13 @@ class Bin:
+                 fig.set_size_inches(10,4)
+                 plt.savefig(fileName,dpi=300)
+             except:
+-                print "Error saving image:", fileName, sys.exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error saving image:", fileName, sys.exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         else:
+             try:
+             except:
+-                print "Error showing image:", sys.exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error showing image:", sys.exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         del fig
+@@ -504,13 +504,13 @@ class Bin:
+                 fig.set_size_inches(6,6)
+                 plt.savefig(fileName+".png",dpi=300)
+             except:
+-                print "Error saving image:", fileName, sys.exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error saving image:", fileName, sys.exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         elif(show):
+             try:
+             except:
+-                print "Error showing image:", sys.exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error showing image:", sys.exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         plt.close(fig)
+         del fig
+@@ -636,8 +636,8 @@ class Bin:
+         If you pass through an EllipsoidTool then it will plot the minimum bounding ellipse as well!
+         """
+-        disp_vals = np.array(zip([kPCA1[i] for i in self.rowIndices],
+-                                 [kPCA2[i] for i in self.rowIndices]))
++        disp_vals = np.array(list(zip([kPCA1[i] for i in self.rowIndices],
++                                 [kPCA2[i] for i in self.rowIndices])))
+         disp_lens = np.array([np.sqrt(contigLengths[i]) for i in self.rowIndices])
+         # reshape
+@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ class Bin:
+             data = [str(, str(isLikelyChimeric[]), str(self.totalBP), str(self.binSize), gcm_str, gcs_str]
+             cov_mean = np.mean(covProfiles[self.rowIndices], axis=0)
+             cov_std = np.std(covProfiles[self.rowIndices], axis=0)
+-            for i in xrange(0, len(cov_mean)):
++            for i in range(0, len(cov_mean)):
+                 data.append('%.4f' % cov_mean[i])
+                 data.append('%.4f' % cov_std[i])
+             stream.write(separator.join(data)+"\n")
+--- groopm/	2015-03-06 07:02:49 UTC
++++ groopm/
+@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ from scipy.stats import f_oneway, distributions
+ from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans,vq
+ # GroopM imports
+-from profileManager import ProfileManager
+-from bin import Bin, mungeCbar
+-import groopmExceptions as ge
+-from groopmUtils import makeSurePathExists
+-from ellipsoid import EllipsoidTool
++from .profileManager import ProfileManager
++from .bin import Bin, mungeCbar
++from . import groopmExceptions as ge
++from .groopmUtils import makeSurePathExists
++from .ellipsoid import EllipsoidTool
+ np_seterr(all='raise')
+@@ -182,15 +182,15 @@ class BinManager:
+                 if self.PM.numStoits == 3:
+                     self.PM.transformedCP = self.PM.covProfiles
+                 else:
+-                    print "Number of stoits != 3. You need to transform"
++                    print("Number of stoits != 3. You need to transform")
+                     self.PM.transformCP(timer, silent=silent)
+             if not silent:
+-                print "    Making bin objects"
++                print("    Making bin objects")
+             self.makeBins(self.getBinMembers())
+             if not silent:
+-                print "    Loaded %d bins from database" % len(self.bins)
++                print("    Loaded %d bins from database" % len(self.bins))
+         if not silent:
+-            print "    %s" % timer.getTimeStamp()
++            print("    %s" % timer.getTimeStamp())
+             sys_stdout.flush()
+     def getBinMembers(self):
+@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class BinManager:
+         # we need to get the largest BinId in use
+         if len(bin_members) > 0:
+-            self.nextFreeBinId = np_max(bin_members.keys())
++            self.nextFreeBinId = np_max(list(bin_members.keys()))
+         return bin_members
+     def makeBins(self, binMembers, zeroIsBin=False):
+@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ class BinManager:
+                     self.bins[bid] = Bin(np_array(binMembers[bid]), bid, self.PM.scaleFactor-1)
+                     self.bins[bid].makeBinDist(self.PM.transformedCP, self.PM.averageCoverages, self.PM.kmerNormPC1, self.PM.kmerPCs, self.PM.contigGCs, self.PM.contigLengths)
+         if len(invalid_bids) != 0:
+-            print "MT bins!"
+-            print invalid_bids
++            print("MT bins!")
++            print(invalid_bids)
+             exit(-1)
+     def saveBins(self, binAssignments={}, nuke=False):
+@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ class BinManager:
+                     all_links[key] = links[link]
+         # sort and return
+-        return sorted(all_links.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
++        return sorted(iter(all_links.items()), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+     def getWithinLinkProfiles(self):
+         """Determine the average number of links between contigs for all bins"""
+@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class BinManager:
+         (bin_assignment_update, bids) = self.getSplitties(bid, n, mode)
+         if(auto and saveBins):
+-            print 'here!!!!'
++            print('here!!!!')
+             # charge on through
+             self.deleteBins([bids[0]], force=True)  # delete the combined bin
+             # save new bins
+@@ -536,12 +536,12 @@ class BinManager:
+             parts = 0
+             while(not_got_parts):
+                 try:
+-                    parts = int(raw_input("Enter new number of parts:"))
++                    parts = int(input("Enter new number of parts:"))
+                 except ValueError:
+-                    print "You need to enter an integer value!"
++                    print("You need to enter an integer value!")
+                     parts = 0
+                 if(1 == parts):
+-                    print "Don't be a silly sausage!"
++                    print("Don't be a silly sausage!")
+                 elif(0 != parts):
+                     not_got_parts = False
+                     self.split(bid,
+@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ class BinManager:
+         F_cutoff =  distributions.f.ppf(confidence, 2, len(dist1)+len(dist2)-2)
+         F_value = f_oneway(dist1,dist2)[0]
+         if tag != "":
+-            print "%s [V: %f, C: %f]" % (tag, F_value, F_cutoff)
++            print("%s [V: %f, C: %f]" % (tag, F_value, F_cutoff))
+         return F_value < F_cutoff
+     def merge(self, bids, auto=False, manual=False, newBid=False, saveBins=False, verbose=False, printInstructions=True, use_elipses=True):
+@@ -715,11 +715,11 @@ class BinManager:
+                 self.deleteBins([], force=True)
+                 user_option = self.promptOnMerge(bids=[,])
+                 if(user_option == "N"):
+-                    print "Merge skipped"
++                    print("Merge skipped")
+                     ret_val = 1
+                     continue_merge=False
+                 elif(user_option == "Q"):
+-                    print "All mergers skipped"
++                    print("All mergers skipped")
+                     return 0
+                 else:
+                     ret_val = 2
+@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ class BinManager:
+                         try:
+                             del self.PM.binnedRowIndices[row_index]
+                         except KeyError:
+-                            print bid, row_index, "FUNG"
++                            print(bid, row_index, "FUNG")
+                         self.PM.binIds[row_index] = 0
+                         bin_assignment_update[row_index] = 0
+@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ class BinManager:
+ # UI
+     def printMergeInstructions(self):
+-        raw_input( "****************************************************************\n"
++        input( "****************************************************************\n"
+                    "****************************************************************\n"
+                    " The computer cannot always be trusted to perform bin mergers\n"
+@@ -836,10 +836,10 @@ class BinManager:
+                    " to continue with the merging operation.\n"
+                    " The image on the far right shows the bins after merging\n"
+                    " Press any key to produce plots...")
+-        print "****************************************************************"
++        print("****************************************************************")
+     def printSplitInstructions(self):
+-        raw_input( "****************************************************************\n"
++        input( "****************************************************************\n"
+                    "****************************************************************\n"
+                    " The computer cannot always be trusted to perform bin splits\n"
+@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ class BinManager:
+                    " be split. Look carefully at each plot and then close the plot\n"
+                    " to continue with the splitting operation.\n\n"
+                    " Press any key to produce plots...")
+-        print "****************************************************************"
++        print("****************************************************************")
+     def getPlotterMergeIds(self):
+         """Prompt the user for ids to be merged and check that it's all good"""
+@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ class BinManager:
+         ret_bids = []
+         while(input_not_ok):
+             ret_bids = []
+-            option = raw_input("Please enter 'space' separated bin Ids or 'q' to quit: ")
++            option = input("Please enter 'space' separated bin Ids or 'q' to quit: ")
+             if(option.upper() == 'Q'):
+                 return []
+             bids = option.split(" ")
+@@ -866,13 +866,13 @@ class BinManager:
+                     i_bid = int(bid)
+                     # check that it's in the bins list
+                     if(i_bid not in self.bins):
+-                        print "**Error: bin",bid,"not found"
++                        print("**Error: bin",bid,"not found")
+                         input_not_ok = True
+                         break
+                     input_not_ok = False
+                     ret_bids.append(i_bid)
+                 except ValueError:
+-                    print "**Error: invalid value:", bid
++                    print("**Error: invalid value:", bid)
+                     input_not_ok = True
+                     break
+         return ret_bids
+@@ -889,19 +889,19 @@ class BinManager:
+                 bin_str += " and "+str(bids[i])
+         while(input_not_ok):
+             if(minimal):
+-                option = raw_input(" Merge? ("+vrs+") : ")
++                option = input(" Merge? ("+vrs+") : ")
+             else:
+-                option = raw_input(" ****WARNING**** About to merge bins"+bin_str+"\n" \
++                option = input(" ****WARNING**** About to merge bins"+bin_str+"\n" \
+                                    " If you continue you *WILL* overwrite existing bins!\n" \
+                                    " You have been shown a 3d plot of the bins to be merged.\n" \
+                                    " Continue only if you're sure this is what you want to do!\n" \
+                                    " y = yes, n = no, q = no and quit merging\n" \
+                                    " Merge? ("+vrs+") : ")
+             if(option.upper() in valid_responses):
+-                print "****************************************************************"
++                print("****************************************************************")
+                 return option.upper()
+             else:
+-                print "Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'"
++                print("Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'")
+                 minimal = True
+     def promptOnSplit(self, parts, mode, minimal=False):
+@@ -911,9 +911,9 @@ class BinManager:
+         vrs = ",".join([str.lower(str(x)) for x in valid_responses])
+         while(input_not_ok):
+             if(minimal):
+-                option = raw_input(" Split? ("+vrs+") : ")
++                option = input(" Split? ("+vrs+") : ")
+             else:
+-                option = raw_input(" ****WARNING**** About to split bin into "+str(parts)+" parts\n" \
++                option = input(" ****WARNING**** About to split bin into "+str(parts)+" parts\n" \
+                                    " If you continue you *WILL* overwrite existing bins!\n" \
+                                    " You have been shown a 3d plot of the bin after splitting.\n" \
+                                    " Continue only if you're sure this is what you want to do!\n" \
+@@ -923,13 +923,13 @@ class BinManager:
+                                    " Split? ("+vrs+") : ")
+             if(option.upper() in valid_responses):
+                 if(option.upper() == 'K' and mode.upper() == 'KMER' or option.upper() == 'C' and mode.upper() == 'COV' or option.upper() == 'L' and mode.upper() == 'LEN'):
+-                    print "Error, you are already using that profile to split!"
++                    print("Error, you are already using that profile to split!")
+                     minimal=True
+                 else:
+-                    print "****************************************************************"
++                    print("****************************************************************")
+                     return option.upper()
+             else:
+-                print "Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'"
++                print("Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'")
+                 minimal = True
+     def promptOnDelete(self, bids, minimal=False):
+@@ -940,19 +940,19 @@ class BinManager:
+         bids_str = ",".join([str.lower(str(x)) for x in bids])
+         while(input_not_ok):
+             if(minimal):
+-                option = raw_input(" Delete? ("+vrs+") : ")
++                option = input(" Delete? ("+vrs+") : ")
+             else:
+-                option = raw_input(" ****WARNING**** About to delete bin(s):\n" \
++                option = input(" ****WARNING**** About to delete bin(s):\n" \
+                                    " "+bids_str+"\n" \
+                                    " If you continue you *WILL* overwrite existing bins!\n" \
+                                    " Continue only if you're sure this is what you want to do!\n" \
+                                    " y = yes, n = no\n"\
+                                    " Delete? ("+vrs+") : ")
+             if(option.upper() in valid_responses):
+-                print "****************************************************************"
++                print("****************************************************************")
+                 return option.upper()
+             else:
+-                print "Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'"
++                print("Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'")
+                 minimal = True
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -1039,10 +1039,10 @@ class BinManager:
+         # find the mean and stdev
+         if(not makeKillList):
+-            return (np_mean(np_array(Ms.values())), np_std(np_array(Ms.values())), np_median(np_array(Ss.values())), np_std(np_array(Ss.values())))
++            return (np_mean(np_array(list(Ms.values()))), np_std(np_array(list(Ms.values()))), np_median(np_array(list(Ss.values()))), np_std(np_array(list(Ss.values()))))
+         else:
+-            cutoff = np_mean(np_array(Ms.values())) + tolerance * np_std(np_array(Ms.values()))
++            cutoff = np_mean(np_array(list(Ms.values()))) + tolerance * np_std(np_array(list(Ms.values())))
+             kill_list = []
+             for bid in Ms:
+                 if(Ms[bid] > cutoff):
+@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ class BinManager:
+         return a list of potentially confounding kmer indices
+         """
+-        print "    Measuring kmer type variances"
++        print("    Measuring kmer type variances")
+         means = np_array([])
+         stdevs = np_array([])
+         bids = np_array([])
+@@ -1094,12 +1094,12 @@ class BinManager:
+                 return_indices.append(sort_within_indices[i])
+         if(plot):
+-            print "BETWEEN"
++            print("BETWEEN")
+             for i in range(0,number_to_trim):
+-                print names[sort_between_indices[i]]
+-            print "WITHIN"
++                print(names[sort_between_indices[i]])
++            print("WITHIN")
+             for i in range(0,number_to_trim):
+-                print names[sort_within_indices[i]]
++                print(names[sort_within_indices[i]])
+             plt.figure(1)
+             plt.subplot(211)
+@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ class BinManager:
+                 stdout = open(fileName, 'w')
+                 self.printInner(outFormat, stdout)
+             except:
+-                print "Error diverting stout to file:", fileName, exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error diverting stout to file:", fileName, exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         else:
+             self.printInner(outFormat)
+@@ -1139,14 +1139,14 @@ class BinManager:
+             stream.write(separator.join(["#\"bid\"","\"cid\"","\"length\"","\"GC\""])+"\n")
+         elif(outFormat == 'bins'):
+             header = ["\"bin id\"","\"Likely chimeric\"","\"length (bp)\"","\"# seqs\"","\"GC mean\"","\"GC std\""]
+-            for i in xrange(0, len(self.PM.covProfiles[0])):
++            for i in range(0, len(self.PM.covProfiles[0])):
+                 header.append("\"Coverage " + str(i+1) + " mean\"")
+                 header.append("\"Coverage " + str(i+1) + " std\"")
+             stream.write(separator.join(header) + "\n")
+         elif(outFormat == 'full'):
+             pass
+         else:
+-            print "Error: Unrecognised format:", outFormat
++            print("Error: Unrecognised format:", outFormat)
+             return
+         for bid in self.getBids():
+@@ -1224,13 +1224,13 @@ class BinManager:
+             try:
+                 plt.savefig(fileName,dpi=300)
+             except:
+-                print "Error saving image:", fileName, exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error saving image:", fileName, exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         else:
+             try:
+             except:
+-                print "Error showing image:", exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error showing image:", exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         plt.close(fig)
+@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ class BinManager:
+         try:
+         except:
+-            print "Error showing image:", exc_info()[0]
++            print("Error showing image:", exc_info()[0])
+             raise
+         plt.close(fig)
+@@ -1369,10 +1369,10 @@ class BinManager:
+             self.bins[bid].makeBinDist(self.PM.transformedCP, self.PM.averageCoverages, self.PM.kmerNormPC1, self.PM.kmerPCs, self.PM.contigGCs, self.PM.contigLengths)
+         if(sideBySide):
+-            print "Plotting side by side"
+-            self.plotSideBySide(self.bins.keys(), tag=FNPrefix, ignoreContigLengths=ignoreContigLengths)
++            print("Plotting side by side")
++            self.plotSideBySide(list(self.bins.keys()), tag=FNPrefix, ignoreContigLengths=ignoreContigLengths)
+         else:
+-            print "Plotting bins"
++            print("Plotting bins")
+             for bid in self.getBids():
+                 if folder != '':
+                     self.bins[bid].plotBin(self.PM.transformedCP, self.PM.contigGCs, self.PM.kmerNormPC1,
+@@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@ class BinManager:
+     def plotBinCoverage(self, plotEllipses=False, plotContigLengs=False, printID=False):
+         """Make plots of all the bins"""
+-        print "Plotting first 3 stoits in untransformed coverage space"
++        print("Plotting first 3 stoits in untransformed coverage space")
+         # plot contigs in coverage space
+         fig = plt.figure()
+@@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@ class BinManager:
+             plt.close(fig)
+         except:
+-            print "Error showing image", exc_info()[0]
++            print("Error showing image", exc_info()[0])
+             raise
+         del fig
+@@ -1504,13 +1504,13 @@ class BinManager:
+                 fig.set_size_inches(12,6)
+                 plt.savefig(fileName,dpi=300)
+             except:
+-                print "Error saving image:", fileName, exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error saving image:", fileName, exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         elif(show):
+             try:
+             except:
+-                print "Error showing image:", exc_info()[0]
++                print("Error showing image:", exc_info()[0])
+                 raise
+         plt.close(fig)
+         del fig
+@@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@ class BinManager:
+             plt.close(fig)
+         except:
+-            print "Error showing image", exc_info()[0]
++            print("Error showing image", exc_info()[0])
+             raise
+         del fig
+@@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ class BinManager:
+         (bin_centroid_points, _bin_centroid_colors, bin_centroid_gc, _bids) = self.findCoreCentres(processChimeric=showChimeric)
+         fig = plt.figure()
+         ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
+-        print bin_centroid_gc
++        print(bin_centroid_gc)
+         sc = ax.scatter(bin_centroid_points[:,0], bin_centroid_points[:,1], bin_centroid_points[:,2], edgecolors='k', c=bin_centroid_gc, cmap=self.PM.colorMapGC, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
+         sc.set_edgecolors = sc.set_facecolors = lambda *args:None # disable depth transparency effect
+@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ class BinManager:
+             plt.close(fig)
+         except:
+-            print "Error showing image", exc_info()[0]
++            print("Error showing image", exc_info()[0])
+             raise
+         del fig
+--- groopm/	2015-03-06 04:42:51 UTC
++++ groopm/
+@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform, 
+ from scipy.misc import imsave
+ # GroopM imports
+-from profileManager import ProfileManager
+-from binManager import BinManager
+-from refine import GrubbsTester, RefineEngine
+-from PCA import PCA, Center
+-from groopmExceptions import BinNotFoundException
++from .profileManager import ProfileManager
++from .binManager import BinManager
++from .refine import GrubbsTester, RefineEngine
++from .PCA import PCA, Center
++from .groopmExceptions import BinNotFoundException
+ np_seterr(all='raise')
+@@ -160,22 +160,22 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+                 vrs = ",".join([str.lower(str(x)) for x in valid_responses])
+                 while(input_not_ok):
+                     if(minimal):
+-                        option = raw_input(" Overwrite? ("+vrs+") : ")
++                        option = input(" Overwrite? ("+vrs+") : ")
+                     else:
+-                        option = raw_input(" ****WARNING**** Database: '"+self.PM.dbFileName+"' has already been clustered.\n" \
++                        option = input(" ****WARNING**** Database: '"+self.PM.dbFileName+"' has already been clustered.\n" \
+                                            " If you continue you *MAY* overwrite existing bins!\n" \
+                                            " Overwrite? ("+vrs+") : ")
+                     if(option.upper() in valid_responses):
+-                        print "****************************************************************"
++                        print("****************************************************************")
+                         if(option.upper() == "N"):
+-                            print "Operation cancelled"
++                            print("Operation cancelled")
+                             return False
+                         else:
+                             break
+                     else:
+-                        print "Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'"
++                        print("Error, unrecognised choice '"+option.upper()+"'")
+                         minimal = True
+-            print "Will Overwrite database",self.PM.dbFileName
++            print("Will Overwrite database",self.PM.dbFileName)
+         return True
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+         # get some data
+         self.PM.loadData(self.timer, "length >= "+str(coreCut))
+-        print "    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp()
++        print("    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp())
+         # transform the data
+-        print "    Loading transformed data"
++        print("    Loading transformed data")
+         self.PM.transformCP(self.timer)
+         # plot the transformed space (if we've been asked to...)
+         #if(self.debugPlots >= 3):
+@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+         # now we can make this guy
+         self.TSpan = np_mean([np_norm(self.PM.corners[i] - self.PM.TCentre) for i in range(self.PM.numStoits)])
+-        print "    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp()
++        print("    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp())
+         # cluster and bin!
+-        print "Create cores"
++        print("Create cores")
+         self.initialiseCores(kmerThreshold, coverageThreshold)
+-        print "    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp()
++        print("    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp())
+         # condense cores
+-        print "Refine cores [begin: %d]" % len(self.BM.bins)
++        print("Refine cores [begin: %d]" % len(self.BM.bins))
+         if self.finalPlot:
+             prfx = "CORE"
+         else:
+@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+         self.RE.refineBins(self.timer, auto=True, saveBins=False, plotFinal=prfx, gf=gf)
+         # Now save all the stuff to disk!
+-        print "Saving bins"
++        print("Saving bins")
+         self.BM.saveBins(nuke=True)
+-        print "    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp()
++        print("    %s" % self.timer.getTimeStamp())
+     def initialiseCores(self, kmerThreshold, coverageThreshold):
+         """Process contigs and form CORE bins"""
+@@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+         # We can make a heat map and look for hot spots
+         self.populateImageMaps()
+         sub_counter = 0
+-        print "     .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...."
+-        print "%4d" % sub_counter,
++        print("     .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....")
++        print("%4d" % sub_counter, end=' ')
+         new_line_counter = 0
+         num_bins = 0
+@@ -303,13 +303,13 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+                         self.updatePostBin(bin)
+                         new_line_counter += 1
+-                        print "% 4d" % bin.binSize,
++                        print("% 4d" % bin.binSize, end=' ')
+                         # make the printing prettier
+                         if(new_line_counter > 9):
+                             new_line_counter = 0
+                             sub_counter += 10
+-                            print "\n%4d" % sub_counter,
++                            print("\n%4d" % sub_counter, end=' ')
+                         if(self.debugPlots >= 1):
+                             #***slow plot!
+@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+                     except BinNotFoundException: pass
+-        print "\n     .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...."
++        print("\n     .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....")
+     def findNewClusterCenters(self, kmerThreshold, coverageThreshold):
+         """Find a putative cluster"""
+@@ -498,32 +498,32 @@ class ClusterEngine:
+                 k_dist_matrix = squareform(pdist(k_dat, 'cityblock'))
+                 k_radius = np_median(np_sort(k_dist_matrix)[:,eps_neighbours])
+             except MemoryError:
+-                print "\n"
+-                print '*******************************************************************************'
+-                print '*********************************    ERROR    *********************************'
+-                print '*******************************************************************************'
+-                print 'GroopM is attempting to do some maths on a putative bin which contains:'
+-                print
+-                print '\t\t%d contigs'  % (len(rowIndices))
+-                print
+-                print 'This has caused your machine to run out of memory.'
+-                print 'The most likely cause is that your samples are very different from each other.'
+-                print 'You can confirm this by running:'
+-                print
+-                print '\t\tgroopm explore -m allcontigs %s' % self.PM.dbFileName
+-                print
+-                print 'If you notice only vertical "spears" of contigs at the corners of the plot then'
+-                print 'this means that your samples are very different and you are not getting a good'
+-                print 'mapping from all samples to all contigs. You may get more mileage by assembling'
+-                print 'and binning your samples separately.'
+-                print
+-                print 'If you notice "clouds" of contigs then congratulations! You have found a bug.'
+-                print 'Please let me know at "%s or via' % __email__
+-                print
+-                print 'GroopM is aborting... sorry'
+-                print
+-                print '*******************************************************************************'
+-                print "\n"
++                print("\n")
++                print('*******************************************************************************')
++                print('*********************************    ERROR    *********************************')
++                print('*******************************************************************************')
++                print('GroopM is attempting to do some maths on a putative bin which contains:')
++                print()
++                print('\t\t%d contigs'  % (len(rowIndices)))
++                print()
++                print('This has caused your machine to run out of memory.')
++                print('The most likely cause is that your samples are very different from each other.')
++                print('You can confirm this by running:')
++                print()
++                print('\t\tgroopm explore -m allcontigs %s' % self.PM.dbFileName)
++                print()
++                print('If you notice only vertical "spears" of contigs at the corners of the plot then')
++                print('this means that your samples are very different and you are not getting a good')
++                print('mapping from all samples to all contigs. You may get more mileage by assembling')
++                print('and binning your samples separately.')
++                print()
++                print('If you notice "clouds" of contigs then congratulations! You have found a bug.')
++                print('Please let me know at "%s or via' % __email__)
++                print()
++                print('GroopM is aborting... sorry')
++                print()
++                print('*******************************************************************************')
++                print("\n")
+                 exit(-1)
+             # find nearest neighbours to each point in whitened coverage space,
+@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ class HoughPartitioner:
+         diffs *= (len(diffs)-1)
+         # make it 2D
+-        t_data = np_array(zip(diffs, np_arange(d_len)))
++        t_data = np_array(list(zip(diffs, np_arange(d_len))))
+         ###MMM FIX
+         #im_shape = (int(np_max(t_data, axis=0)[0]+1), d_len)
+         im_shape = (d_len, d_len)
+@@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ class HoughPartitioner:
+         if imgTag is not None:
+             # make a pretty picture
+             fff = np_ones(imShape) * 255
+-            for p in found_line.keys():
++            for p in list(found_line.keys()):
+                 fff[p[0],p[1]] = 220
+             for p in tData:
+                 fff[p[0],p[1]] = 0
+@@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@ class HoughPartitioner:
+                 if real_index not in assigned:
+                     tmp[real_index] = None
+                     assigned[real_index] = None
+-            centre = np_array(tmp.keys())
++            centre = np_array(list(tmp.keys()))
+             if len(centre) > 0:
+                 return np_array([centre])
+             # nuffin
+@@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ class HoughPartitioner:
+             if real_index not in assigned:
+                 tmp[real_index] = None
+                 assigned[real_index] = None
+-        centre = np_array(tmp.keys())
++        centre = np_array(list(tmp.keys()))
+         rets = []
+@@ -1609,8 +1609,8 @@ class HoughPartitioner:
+                         tmp[real_index] = None
+                         assigned[real_index] = None
+-                if len(tmp.keys()) > 0:
+-                    rets.append(np_array(tmp.keys()))
++                if len(list(tmp.keys())) > 0:
++                    rets.append(np_array(list(tmp.keys())))
+             else:
+                 # otherwise we keep working with ranges
+@@ -1643,8 +1643,8 @@ class HoughPartitioner:
+                         tmp[real_index] = None
+                         assigned[real_index] = None
+-                if len(tmp.keys()) > 0:
+-                    rets.append(np_array(tmp.keys()))
++                if len(list(tmp.keys())) > 0:
++                    rets.append(np_array(list(tmp.keys())))
+             else:
+                 right_p = self.recursiveSelect(tData,
+                                                imShape,
+@@ -1723,40 +1723,40 @@ class HoughPartitioner:
+                 iry = half_rows + int(r/dr)
+                 accumulator[iry, theta_index] -= 1
+         """
+-        cos_sin_array = np_array(zip([np_sin(dth * theta_index) for theta_index in range(cols)],
+-                                     [np_cos(dth * theta_index) for theta_index in range(cols)]))
++        cos_sin_array = np_array(list(zip([np_sin(dth * theta_index) for theta_index in range(cols)],
++                                     [np_cos(dth * theta_index) for theta_index in range(cols)])))
+         Rs = np_array(np_sum(np_reshape([p * cos_sin_array for p in data], (d_len*cols,2)),
+                              axis=1)/dr).astype('int') + half_rows
+-        Cs = np_array(range(cols)*d_len)
++        Cs = np_array(list(range(cols))*d_len)
+         try:
+             flat_indices = Rs * cols + Cs
+         except ValueError:
+-            print "\n"
+-            print '*******************************************************************************'
+-            print '*********************************    ERROR    *********************************'
+-            print '*******************************************************************************'
+-            print 'GroopM is attempting to do some maths on a putative bin which contains'
+-            print 'too many contigs.'
+-            print
+-            print 'This has resulted in a buffer overflow in the numpy library... oops.'
+-            print 'The most likely cause is that your samples are very different from each other.'
+-            print 'You can confirm this by running:'
+-            print
+-            print '\t\tgroopm explore -c 0 -m allcontigs <dbfilename>'
+-            print
+-            print 'If you notice only vertical "spears" of contigs at the corners of the plot then'
+-            print 'this means that your samples are very different and you are not getting a good'
+-            print 'mapping from all samples to all contigs. You may get more mileage by assembling'
+-            print 'and binning your samples separately.'
+-            print
+-            print 'If you notice "clouds" of contigs then congratulations! You have found a bug.'
+-            print 'Please let me know at "%s or via' % __email__
+-            print
+-            print 'GroopM is aborting... sorry'
+-            print
+-            print '*******************************************************************************'
+-            print "\n"
++            print("\n")
++            print('*******************************************************************************')
++            print('*********************************    ERROR    *********************************')
++            print('*******************************************************************************')
++            print('GroopM is attempting to do some maths on a putative bin which contains')
++            print('too many contigs.')
++            print()
++            print('This has resulted in a buffer overflow in the numpy library... oops.')
++            print('The most likely cause is that your samples are very different from each other.')
++            print('You can confirm this by running:')
++            print()
++            print('\t\tgroopm explore -c 0 -m allcontigs <dbfilename>')
++            print()
++            print('If you notice only vertical "spears" of contigs at the corners of the plot then')
++            print('this means that your samples are very different and you are not getting a good')
++            print('mapping from all samples to all contigs. You may get more mileage by assembling')
++            print('and binning your samples separately.')
++            print()
++            print('If you notice "clouds" of contigs then congratulations! You have found a bug.')
++            print('Please let me know at "%s or via' % __email__)
++            print()
++            print('GroopM is aborting... sorry')
++            print()
++            print('*******************************************************************************')
++            print("\n")
+             exit(-1)
+         # update the accumulator with integer decrements
+--- groopm/	2014-11-26 01:01:33 UTC
++++ groopm/
+@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ __status__ = "Released"
+ import matplotlib as mpl
+ # GroopM imports
+-import mstore
+-import cluster
+-import refine
+-import binManager
+-import groopmUtils
+-import groopmTimekeeper as gtime
+-from groopmExceptions import ExtractModeNotAppropriateException
+-from mstore import GMDataManager
++from . import mstore
++from . import cluster
++from . import refine
++from . import binManager
++from . import groopmUtils
++from . import groopmTimekeeper as gtime
++from .groopmExceptions import ExtractModeNotAppropriateException
++from .mstore import GMDataManager
+ ###############################################################################
+ ###############################################################################
+@@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ class GroopMOptionsParser():
+         timer = gtime.TimeKeeper()
+         if(options.subparser_name == 'parse'):
+             # parse raw input
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
+-            print " [[GroopM %s]] Running in data parsing mode..." % self.GMVersion
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
++            print(" [[GroopM %s]] Running in data parsing mode..." % self.GMVersion)
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
+             # check this here:
+             if len(options.bamfiles) < 3:
+-                print "Sorry, You must supply at least 3 bamFiles to use GroopM. (You supplied %d)\n Exiting..." % len(options.bamfiles)
++                print("Sorry, You must supply at least 3 bamFiles to use GroopM. (You supplied %d)\n Exiting..." % len(options.bamfiles))
+                 return
+             GMdata = mstore.GMDataManager()
+             success = GMdata.createDB(options.bamfiles,
+@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ class GroopMOptionsParser():
+                                       force=options.force,
+                                       threads=options.threads)
+             if not success:
+-                print options.dbname,"not updated"
++                print(options.dbname,"not updated")
+         elif(options.subparser_name == 'core'):
+             # make bin cores
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
+-            print " [[GroopM %s]] Running in core creation mode..." % self.GMVersion
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
++            print(" [[GroopM %s]] Running in core creation mode..." % self.GMVersion)
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
+             CE = cluster.ClusterEngine(options.dbname,
+                                        timer,
+                                        force=options.force,
+@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ class GroopMOptionsParser():
+         elif(options.subparser_name == 'refine'):
+             # refine bin cores
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
+-            print " [[GroopM %s]] Running in core refining mode..." % self.GMVersion
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
++            print(" [[GroopM %s]] Running in core refining mode..." % self.GMVersion)
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
+             bids = []
+             #if options.bids is not None:
+             #    bids = options.bids
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class GroopMOptionsParser():
+                 pfx="REFINED"
+             else:
+                 pfx=""
+-            print "Refine bins"
++            print("Refine bins")
+             RE.refineBins(timer,
+                           auto=auto,
+@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ class GroopMOptionsParser():
+         elif(options.subparser_name == 'recruit'):
+             # make bin cores
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
+-            print " [[GroopM %s]] Running in bin expansion mode..." % self.GMVersion
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
++            print(" [[GroopM %s]] Running in bin expansion mode..." % self.GMVersion)
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
+             RE = refine.RefineEngine(timer,
+                                      dbFileName=options.dbname,
+                                      getUnbinned=True,
+@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ class GroopMOptionsParser():
+         elif(options.subparser_name == 'extract'):
+             # Extract data
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
+-            print " [[GroopM %s]] Running in '%s' extraction mode..." % (self.GMVersion, options.mode)
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
++            print(" [[GroopM %s]] Running in '%s' extraction mode..." % (self.GMVersion, options.mode))
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
+             bids = []
+             if options.bids is not None:
+                 bids = options.bids
+@@ -220,35 +220,35 @@ class GroopMOptionsParser():
+                 raise ExtractModeNotAppropriateException("mode: "+ options.mode + " is unknown")
+         elif(options.subparser_name == 'merge'):
+             # make bin cores
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
+-            print " [[GroopM %s]] Running in bin merging mode..." % self.GMVersion
+-            print "*******************************************************************************"
++            print("*******************************************************************************")
*** 2450 LINES SKIPPED ***