git: 819355687fcc - main - textproc/py-pdfminer.six: Update to 20211012

From: Kai Knoblich <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 16:45:06 UTC
The branch main has been updated by kai:


commit 819355687fccbd95f5d4698e9aa43d0599a18d66
Author:     Kai Knoblich <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-21 16:40:31 +0000
Commit:     Kai Knoblich <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-21 16:40:31 +0000

    textproc/py-pdfminer.six: Update to 20211012
    * Switch back to PyPI as the sdist is there available again.
    * Remove the test suite as it makes only sense for upstream testing in
      its current condition and therefore isn't supplied with the sdist.
    * Update pkg-descr to match reality.
    PR:             262101
    Reported by:
 textproc/py-pdfminer.six/Makefile             | 16 +++++++---------
 textproc/py-pdfminer.six/distinfo             |  6 +++---
 textproc/py-pdfminer.six/files/ | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 textproc/py-pdfminer.six/pkg-descr            | 16 +++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/Makefile b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/Makefile
index 70b62e2e9c42..b02e9037a241 100644
--- a/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/Makefile
+++ b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	pdfminer.six
-PORTVERSION=	20201018
+PORTVERSION=	20211012
 CATEGORIES=	textproc python
@@ -10,19 +11,16 @@ LICENSE=	MIT
 RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}chardet>=0:textproc/py-chardet@${PY_FLAVOR} \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}cryptography>=0:security/py-cryptography@${PY_FLAVOR} \
-		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sortedcontainers>=0:devel/py-sortedcontainers@${PY_FLAVOR}
+		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}cryptography>=0:security/py-cryptography@${PY_FLAVOR}
-USES=		python:3.4+
-GH_ACCOUNT=	pdfminer
+USES=		python:3.6+
 USE_PYTHON=	distutils concurrent autoplist
 CONFLICTS_INSTALL=	py??-pdfminer py??-pdfminer3k
 NO_ARCH=		yes
-	@(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PYTHON_CMD} -m nose -v --nologcapture)
+	@cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MV} tools/ tools/dumppdf
+	@cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MV} tools/ tools/pdf2txt
 .include <>
diff --git a/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/distinfo b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/distinfo
index c5551eaef114..e5e589b680c4 100644
--- a/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/distinfo
+++ b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/distinfo
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1605973188
-SHA256 (pdfminer-pdfminer.six-20201018_GH0.tar.gz) = 0e9c8b0a9c40c2aee044c3091ad6b18b5e6279722e64b6b975f8aedc26bf8e38
-SIZE (pdfminer-pdfminer.six-20201018_GH0.tar.gz) = 10256409
+TIMESTAMP = 1645466224
+SHA256 (pdfminer.six-20211012.tar.gz) = 0351f17d362ee2d48b158be52bcde6576d96460efd038a3e89a043fba6d634d7
+SIZE (pdfminer.six-20211012.tar.gz) = 7350867
diff --git a/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/files/ b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b9363d6cc9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Provide the console scripts without their ".py" extension.
+See also:
+---	2022-02-21 17:52:51 UTC
+@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ setup(
+     author_email='',
+     url='',
+     scripts=[
+-        'tools/',
+-        'tools/',
++        'tools/pdf2txt',
++        'tools/dumppdf',
+     ],
+     keywords=[
+         'pdf parser',
diff --git a/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/pkg-descr b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/pkg-descr
index 5061956d85d0..ef9523a4d318 100644
--- a/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/pkg-descr
+++ b/textproc/py-pdfminer.six/pkg-descr
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
-PDFMiner.six is a fork of PDFMiner using six for Python 2 + 3 compatibility.
+We fathom PDF
-PDFMiner is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents. Unlike other
-PDF-related tools, it focuses entirely on getting and analyzing text data.
+Pdfminer.six is a community maintained fork of the original PDFMiner. It is a
+tool for extracting information from PDF documents. It focuses on getting and
+analyzing text data. Pdfminer.six extracts the text from a page directly from
+the sourcecode of the PDF. It can also be used to get the exact location, font
+or color of the text.
-PDFMiner allows one to obtain the exact location of text in a page, as well as
-other information such as fonts or lines. It includes a PDF converter that can
-transform PDF files into other text formats (such as HTML). It has an extensible
-PDF parser that can be used for other purposes than text analysis.
+It is built in a modular way such that each component of pdfminer.six can be
+replaced easily. You can implement your own interpreter or rendering device
+that uses the power of pdfminer.six for other purposes than text analysis.