Re: git: d128a409234d - main - editors/xed: update to 3.2.4
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2022 14:20:54 UTC
Alexey Dokuchaev wrote: > The Ports Tree is a collective work, an iterative, ongoing development. > Various people bring their bits here and there, some of those people lay > the first stone, and had the right to mark it as such. Even if someone > decides to replace their work later on, the stone stays still. But then > again: we don't just throw away prior work and replace it with our own; > this is rude, disrespectful to previous contributors, and could easily > turn people from making new ports. > As a non-committer back then, actions like yours that completely ignored prior (by years) art, that was worked on in an official project workspace, certainly deterred me from continuing to contribute to the "collective work" for a bit. These feelings of deterrence will not necessarily get verbalised, especially not in the moment. This is exactly one of the reasons why portmgr@ decided to eliminate "Created by:" on a blanket basis. The commit history still exists. -- Charlie Li …nope, still don't have an exit line.