git: fdb010a8d793 - main - cleanup: Remove expired ports:

From: Rene Ladan <>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2022 01:28:34 UTC
The branch main has been updated by rene:


commit fdb010a8d793a5356a58659206182490c8f0b80d
Author:     Rene Ladan <>
AuthorDate: 2022-12-31 01:28:18 +0000
Commit:     Rene Ladan <>
CommitDate: 2022-12-31 01:28:18 +0000

    cleanup: Remove expired ports:
    2022-12-31 www/varnish4: End of life upstream, users are recommended to upgrade to 6.x or higher
 MOVED                                              |   1 +
 www/Makefile                                       |   1 -
 www/varnish4/Makefile                              |  57 ----------
 www/varnish4/distinfo                              |   3 -
 www/varnish4/files/no-inet6.patch                  |   8 --
 ...patch-lib_libvmod__std_vmod__std__conversions.c |  42 -------
 www/varnish4/files/                  |  18 ---
 www/varnish4/files/                     | 125 ---------------------
 www/varnish4/files/                   |  62 ----------
 www/varnish4/files/                  |  67 -----------
 www/varnish4/pkg-descr                             |  10 --
 www/varnish4/pkg-plist                             | 101 -----------------
 12 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 494 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED
index c3e55a482d38..fddbea019219 100644
--- a/MOVED
+++ b/MOVED
@@ -17718,3 +17718,4 @@ games/scorched3d||2022-12-31|Has expired: Abandoned project and use deprecated w
 comms/hylafax||2022-12-31|Has expired: dead upstream, someone port hylafax+ from instead
 comms/tkhylafax||2022-12-31|Has expired: Depends on expired comms/hylafax
 lang/ponyc||2022-12-31|Has expired: Very outdated and unsupported upstream, depends on end of life devel/llvm70
+www/varnish4|www/varnish6|2022-12-31|Has expired: End of life upstream, users are recommended to upgrade to 6.x or higher
diff --git a/www/Makefile b/www/Makefile
index a05b55b8b6fe..03f35d7bfd2f 100644
--- a/www/Makefile
+++ b/www/Makefile
@@ -2341,7 +2341,6 @@
     SUBDIR += varnish-libvmod-redis
     SUBDIR += varnish-modules
     SUBDIR += varnish-nagios
-    SUBDIR += varnish4
     SUBDIR += varnish6
     SUBDIR += varnish7
     SUBDIR += varnish_exporter
diff --git a/www/varnish4/Makefile b/www/varnish4/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6087afc57e57..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-PORTNAME=	varnish
-COMMENT=	High-performance HTTP accelerator
-DEPRECATED=	End of life upstream, users are recommended to upgrade to 6.x or higher
-BUILD_DEPENDS=	rst2man:textproc/py-docutils
-CONFLICTS=	varnish6 varnish7
-USES=		autoreconf:2.69 cpe gmake libedit libtool ncurses pathfix \
-		pkgconfig python:build readline shebangfix
-SHEBANG_FILES=	lib/libvcc/
-CPE_VENDOR=	varnish-cache
-CPE_PRODUCT=	varnish_cache
-CFLAGS+=	-I${LOCALBASE}/include -Wno-error
-CONFIGURE_ARGS=	--localstatedir=${PREFIX} --enable-tests
-INSTALL_TARGET=	install-strip
-TEST_TARGET=	check  # some tests fail
-GH_ACCOUNT=	varnishcache
-GH_PROJECT=	varnish-cache
-USERS=		varnish varnishlog
-GROUPS=		varnish
-USE_RC_SUBR=	varnishd varnishlog varnishncsa
-SUB_FILES=	pkg-message
-.if defined(NO_INET6) || defined(WITHOUT_INET6)
-BAD_TESTS+=	r00832
-EXTRA_PATCHES+=	${FILESDIR}/no-inet6.patch
-.if defined(BAD_TESTS)
-	${RM} ${BAD_TESTS:C|.+|${WRKSRC}/bin/varnishtest/tests/\0.vtc|}
-.include <>
diff --git a/www/varnish4/distinfo b/www/varnish4/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 241af5597e21..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1589821255
-SHA256 (varnishcache-varnish-cache-varnish-4.1.11_GH0.tar.gz) = eb2ad84cc1fb8d2a0e80cb4d9c43b1b79cd56b839440258de9f3d10854564cab
-SIZE (varnishcache-varnish-cache-varnish-4.1.11_GH0.tar.gz) = 956466
diff --git a/www/varnish4/files/no-inet6.patch b/www/varnish4/files/no-inet6.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d16e63b100..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/files/no-inet6.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---- bin/varnishtest/tests/c00005.vtc	2012-08-20 05:20:39.000000000 -0400
-+++ bin/varnishtest/tests/c00005.vtc	2012-09-26 12:09:59.000000000 -0400
-@@ -32,5 +32,4 @@
- 		! "localhost";
- 		"" / 0;
--		"::" / 0;
- 	}
diff --git a/www/varnish4/files/patch-lib_libvmod__std_vmod__std__conversions.c b/www/varnish4/files/patch-lib_libvmod__std_vmod__std__conversions.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69bb4ada710f..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/files/patch-lib_libvmod__std_vmod__std__conversions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
---- lib/libvmod_std/vmod_std_conversions.c.orig	2019-02-11 14:06:27 UTC
-+++ lib/libvmod_std/vmod_std_conversions.c
-@@ -45,6 +45,21 @@
- #include "vtim.h"
- #include "vcc_if.h"
-+ * technically, as our VCL_INT is int64_t, its limits are INT64_MIN/INT64_MAX.
-+ *
-+ * Yet, for conversions, we use VNUMpfx with a double intermediate, so above
-+ * 2^53 we see rounding errors. In order to catch a potential floor rounding
-+ * error, we make our limit 2^53-1
-+ *
-+ * Ref:
-+ */
-+#define VCL_INT_MAX ((INT64_C(1)<<53)-1)
-+#define VCL_INT_MIN (-VCL_INT_MAX)
-+#define VCL_BYTES_MIN 0
- VCL_DURATION __match_proto__(td_std_duration)
- vmod_duration(VRT_CTX, VCL_STRING p, VCL_DURATION d)
- {
-@@ -195,7 +210,7 @@ vmod_real2integer(VRT_CTX, VCL_REAL r, VCL_INT i)
- 	if (!isfinite(r))
- 		return (i);
- 	r = round(r);
--	if (r > LONG_MAX || r < LONG_MIN)
-+	if (r > VCL_INT_MAX || r < VCL_INT_MIN)
- 		return(i);
- 	return ((long)r);
- }
-@@ -219,7 +234,7 @@ vmod_time2integer(VRT_CTX, VCL_TIME t, VCL_INT i)
- 	if (!isfinite(t))
- 		return (i);
- 	t = round(t);
--	if (t > LONG_MAX || t < LONG_MIN)
-+	if (t > VCL_INT_MAX || t < VCL_INT_MIN)
- 		return(i);
- 	return ((long)t);
- }
diff --git a/www/varnish4/files/ b/www/varnish4/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a90ea1f5c63..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-{ type: install
-  message: <<EOM
-It's two in the morning and someone posted a link to your website on
-slashdot.  Don't panic, it takes only a minute to set up Varnish in
-front of your web server:
-1) Install Varnish
-2) Reconfigure your web server to listen on localhost:8080
-3) echo 'varnishd_enable="YES"' >>/etc/rc.conf
-4) %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/varnishd start
-Refer to the documentation for more advanced configuration.
diff --git a/www/varnish4/files/ b/www/varnish4/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53ba7d80c4da..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# PROVIDE: varnishd
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable varnishd:
-# varnishd_enable="YES"
-# Configuration variables and their default values:
-# varnishd_pidfile - full path to the PID file.
-#	default: "/var/run/"
-# varnishd_listen - address and port at which varnishd will listen for
-#	client requests.
-#	default: ":80"
-# varnishd_admin - address and port at which varnishd will listen for
-#	administrative commands.
-#	default: "localhost:81"
-# varnishd_backend - address of the backend server.
-#	default: "localhost:8080"
-# varnishd_config - name of the varnishd config file.
-#	default: unset.
-# varnishd_hash - hash algorithm
-#       default: "critbit"
-# varnishd_storage - storage method and parameters.
-#	default: "file,/tmp,100M"
-# varnishd_jailuser - unprivileged user for the child process.
-#	default: "varnish"
-# varnishd_flags - complete command line arguments.
-#	default if varnishd_config is unset: "-j unix,user=${varnishd_jailuser} -P ${varnishd_pidfile} -a ${varnishd_listen} -T ${varnishd_admin} -b ${varnishd_backend} -s ${varnishd_storage} -h ${varnishd_hash} ${varnishd_extra_flags}"
-#	default if varnishd_config is set: "-j unix,user=${varnishd_jailuser} -P ${varnishd_pidfile} -a ${varnishd_listen} -T ${varnishd_admin} -f ${varnishd_config} -s ${varnishd_storage} -h ${varnishd_hash} ${varnishd_extra_flags}"
-# See varnishd(1) for a detailed overview of command-line options.
-. /etc/rc.subr
-load_rc_config ${name}
-: ${varnishd_enable:=NO}
-: ${varnishd_pidfile=/var/run/${name}.pid}
-: ${varnishd_listen=:80}
-: ${varnishd_admin=localhost:81}
-: ${varnishd_backend=localhost:8080}
-: ${varnishd_storage=file,/tmp,100M}
-: ${varnishd_hash=critbit}
-: ${varnishd_jailuser=varnish}
-extra_commands="status reload configtest"
-if [ -n "${varnishd_config}" ] ; then
-	: ${varnishd_flags:="-j unix,user=${varnishd_jailuser} -P ${varnishd_pidfile} -a ${varnishd_listen} -T ${varnishd_admin} -f ${varnishd_config} -s ${varnishd_storage} -h ${varnishd_hash} ${varnishd_extra_flags}"}
-	: ${varnishd_flags:="-j unix,user=${varnishd_jailuser} -P ${varnishd_pidfile} -a ${varnishd_listen} -T ${varnishd_admin} -b ${varnishd_backend} -s ${varnishd_storage} -h ${varnishd_hash} ${varnishd_extra_flags}"}
-	if [ -z "${varnishd_config}" ]; then
-		echo "${name}: nothing to check, no configuration file defined, builtin VCL used"
-	else
-		echo "Performing sanity check on ${name} configuration:"
-		if eval ${command} -C -f "${varnishd_config}" 2> /dev/null ; then
-			echo "${name}: the configuration file ${varnishd_config} syntax is ok"
-		else
-			err 1 "${name}: the configuration file ${varnishd_config} syntax is NOT ok"
-		fi
-	fi
-# Adapted from work done by Ingvar Hagelund <> (see redhat/varnish_reload_vcl)
-	local _current_config_name _new_config_name _varnishadm_cmd
-	if [ -z "${varnishd_config}" ]; then
-		echo "${name}: nothing to reload, no configuration file defined, builtin VCL used"
-	else
-		_new_config_name="rc.d_reloaded@$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
-		_varnishadm_cmd="%%PREFIX%%/bin/varnishadm ${varnish_cli_flags}"
-		if ! eval ${_varnishadm_cmd} vcl.list > /dev/null; then
-			err 1 "${name}: can't connect to varnishadm"
-		fi
-		_current_config_name=$(${_varnishadm_cmd} vcl.list | awk ' /^active/ { print $3 } ')
-		if ! eval ${_varnishadm_cmd} vcl.load ${_new_config_name} ${varnishd_config} > /dev/null; then
-			err 1 "${name}: vcl.load failed, you're still using previous rules (${_current_config_name})"
-		fi
-		if eval ${_varnishadm_cmd} vcl.use ${_new_config_name} > /dev/null; then
-			echo "VCL file \"${varnishd_config}\" has been successfully loaded as \"${_new_config_name}\""
-			echo "To remove previous loaded configurations, you should run \"${_varnishadm_cmd} vcl.discard <configname>\" by yourself"
-		else
-			err 1 "${name}: vcl.use failed, you're still using previous rules (${_current_config_name})"
-		fi
-	fi
-	return 0
-	# Check config before starting
-	varnishd_checkconfig
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/www/varnish4/files/ b/www/varnish4/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 619ca7e9030b..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# PROVIDE: varnishlog
-# REQUIRE: DAEMON varnishd
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable varnishlog:
-# varnishlog_enable="YES"
-# Configuration variables and their default values:
-# varnishlog_pidfile - full path to the PID file.
-#	default: "/var/run/"
-# varnishlog_file - full path to the log file.
-#	default: "/var/log/varnish.log"
-# varnishlog_flags - command line arguments.
-#	default: "-t off -P ${varnishlog_pidfile} -D -a -A -w ${varnishlog_file}"
-# Add the following line to /etc/newsyslog.conf to rotate the log file
-# once a day:
-# /var/log/varnish.log varnishlog:varnish 640 7 * @T00 JB /var/run/
-# See varnishlog(1) for a detailed overview of command-line options.
-. /etc/rc.subr
-load_rc_config ${name}
-: ${varnishlog_enable:=NO}
-: ${varnishlog_pidfile=/var/run/${name}.pid}
-: ${varnishlog_file=/var/log/varnish.log}
-: ${varnishlog_flags="-t off -P ${varnishlog_pidfile} -D -a -A -w ${varnishlog_file}"}
-command_args="-f -u varnishlog ${procname} ${varnishlog_flags}"
-        # varnishlog_flags gets applied too early if we don't do this.
-        rc_flags=""
-	if [ ! -e ${pidfile} ]; then
-		install -o varnishlog -g varnish -m 644 /dev/null ${pidfile};
-	fi
-	if [ ! -e ${varnishlog_file} ]; then
-		install -o varnishlog -g varnish -m 640 /dev/null ${varnishlog_file};
-	fi
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/www/varnish4/files/ b/www/varnish4/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index f4ead0d6bb67..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# PROVIDE: varnishncsa
-# REQUIRE: DAEMON varnishd
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable varnishncsa:
-# varnishncsa_enable="YES"
-# Configuration variables and their default values:
-# varnishncsa_pidfile - full path to the PID file.
-#	default: "/var/run/"
-# varnishncsa_file - full path to the log file.
-#	default: "/var/log/varnishncsa.log"
-# varnishncsa_flags - command line arguments.
-#	default: "-t off -P ${varnishncsa_pidfile} -D -a -w ${varnishncsa_file}${varnishncsa_logformat:+ -F \"$varnishncsa_logformat\"}"
-# varnishncsa_logformat - log file format.
-#       default: "" (uses varnishncsa's default format)
-#       example: "%h %l %u %t %r %s %b %{Referer}i %{User-agent}i"
-# Add the following line to /etc/newsyslog.conf to rotate the log file
-# once a day:
-# /var/log/varnishncsa.log varnishlog:varnish 640 7 * @T00 JB /var/run/
-# See varnishncsa(1) for a detailed overview of command-line options.
-. /etc/rc.subr
-load_rc_config ${name}
-: ${varnishncsa_enable:=NO}
-: ${varnishncsa_pidfile=/var/run/${name}.pid}
-: ${varnishncsa_file=/var/log/${name}.log}
-: ${varnishncsa_flags="-t off -P ${varnishncsa_pidfile} -D -a -w ${varnishncsa_file} ${varnishncsa_logformat:+-F \"$varnishncsa_logformat\"}"}
-command_args="-f -u varnishlog ${procname} ${varnishncsa_flags}"
-        # $varnishncsa_flags gets applied too early if we don't do this.
-        rc_flags=""
-	if [ ! -e ${pidfile} ]; then
-		install -o varnishlog -g varnish -m 644 /dev/null ${pidfile};
-	fi
-	if [ ! -e ${varnishncsa_file} ]; then
-		install -o varnishlog -g varnish -m 640 /dev/null ${varnishncsa_file};
-	fi
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/www/varnish4/pkg-descr b/www/varnish4/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index f14445905db0..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-This is the Varnish high-performance HTTP accelerator.
-Documentation and additional information about Varnish is available on
-Technical questions about Varnish and this release should be addressed
-to <>
-Questions about commercial support and services related to Varnish
-can be directed here:
diff --git a/www/varnish4/pkg-plist b/www/varnish4/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index b38d0e43b4ad..000000000000
--- a/www/varnish4/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-@dir varnish