git: 6ee22804e409 - main - devel/libght: fix typos in pkg-descr and reformat.

From: Jimmy Olgeni <>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2021 07:48:44 UTC
The branch main has been updated by olgeni:


commit 6ee22804e40961be5d2243f3969f82bb1a91bfa2
Author:     Jimmy Olgeni <>
AuthorDate: 2021-10-15 22:13:32 +0000
Commit:     Jimmy Olgeni <>
CommitDate: 2021-10-16 07:09:27 +0000

    devel/libght: fix typos in pkg-descr and reformat.
 devel/libght/pkg-descr | 33 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devel/libght/pkg-descr b/devel/libght/pkg-descr
index 8461006eceb8..71d4200a95d6 100644
--- a/devel/libght/pkg-descr
+++ b/devel/libght/pkg-descr
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-A file format and library for storing and rapidly accessing point cloud data, in
- particular LIDAR data.
+A file format and library for storing and rapidly accessing point
+cloud data, in particular LIDAR data.
-GeoHashTree organizes points into a tree structure for fast spatial access. The 
-tree structure itself encodes the significant bits of at each node, so child nod
-es can omit them. The result is a smaller file than if all the points were store
-d with full precision. Each node includes statistical information about the chil
-dren below (e.g. average/median Z value) permitting fast overview generation. Ad
-ditional attributes are attached to the tree at parent nodes, below which all ch
-ildren share the attribute value. This reduces duplicate data storage further.
+GeoHashTree organizes points into a tree structure for fast spatial
+access. The tree structure itself encodes the significant bits of
+at each node, so child nodes can omit them. The result is a smaller
+file than if all the points were stored with full precision. Each
+node includes statistical information about the children below (e.g.
+average/median Z value) permitting fast overview generation.
+Additional attributes are attached to the tree at parent nodes,
+below which all children share the attribute value. This reduces
+duplicate data storage further.
-The advantage of a GeoHashTree file over a LAS file is fast access and filtering
-, since the tree encodes useful information at each node to speed searches over 
-the full set of points in the file. LASZ zipped files can be smaller, but will b
-e less efficient at overviews, searching and sub-setting. GHT is a good working 
-format for applications that will be filtering and querying large sets of LIDAR 
+The advantage of a GeoHashTree file over a LAS file is fast access
+and filtering, since the tree encodes useful information at each
+node to speed searches over the full set of points in the file.
+LASZ zipped files can be smaller, but will be less efficient at
+overviews, searching and sub-setting. GHT is a good working format
+for applications that will be filtering and querying large sets of
+LIDAR data.