git: 352c3d7a34e2 - 2024Q4 - x11/pixman: fix build on armv7

From: Robert Clausecker <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 09:39:29 UTC
The branch 2024Q4 has been updated by fuz:


commit 352c3d7a34e27533e03a675e12fb53ccb0d24439
Author:     Robert Clausecker <>
AuthorDate: 2024-10-18 09:32:12 +0000
Commit:     Robert Clausecker <>
CommitDate: 2024-10-21 09:38:51 +0000

    x11/pixman: fix build on armv7
     - due to a regression in some binutils>2.40 version, the assembly code
       no longer assembles.  Remove leading zeros from local labels to fix
     - the arm64 assembly code has some other issue which appears to have
       been fixed upstream in 0.43.0, so don't bother with that; PR 276296
       will address this.
    See also:
    MFH:            2024Q4
    (cherry picked from commit b751d1071c3656d2afd58a5b79acad287b1eb233)
 .../files/patch-pixman_pixman-arm-simd-asm.S       | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+)

diff --git a/x11/pixman/files/patch-pixman_pixman-arm-simd-asm.S b/x11/pixman/files/patch-pixman_pixman-arm-simd-asm.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..be8be516ba3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11/pixman/files/patch-pixman_pixman-arm-simd-asm.S
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+--- pixman/pixman-arm-simd-asm.S.orig	2024-10-18 09:27:57 UTC
++++ pixman/pixman-arm-simd-asm.S
+@@ -818,13 +818,13 @@ generate_composite_function \
+ .macro over_white_8888_8888_ca_1pixel_tail
+         mvn     TMP0, WK1
+         teq     WK1, WK1, asr #32
+-        bne     01f
+-        bcc     03f
++        bne     1f
++        bcc     3f
+         mov     WK3, WK1
+-        b       02f
+-01:     over_white_8888_8888_ca_combine WK1, WK3
+-02:     pixst   , 4, 3, DST
++        b       2f
++1:      over_white_8888_8888_ca_combine WK1, WK3
++2:      pixst   , 4, 3, DST
+ .endm
+ .macro over_white_8888_8888_ca_2pixels_head
+@@ -835,21 +835,21 @@ generate_composite_function \
+         pixld   , 8, 3, DST
+         mvn     TMP0, WK1
+         teq     WK1, WK1, asr #32
+-        bne     01f
++        bne     1f
+         movcs   WK3, WK1
+-        bcs     02f
++        bcs     2f
+         teq     WK2, #0
+-        beq     05f
+-        b       02f
+-01:     over_white_8888_8888_ca_combine WK1, WK3
+-02:     mvn     TMP0, WK2
++        beq     5f
++        b       2f
++1:      over_white_8888_8888_ca_combine WK1, WK3
++2:      mvn     TMP0, WK2
+         teq     WK2, WK2, asr #32
+-        bne     03f
++        bne     3f
+         movcs   WK4, WK2
+-        b       04f
+-03:     over_white_8888_8888_ca_combine WK2, WK4
+-04:     pixst   , 8, 3, DST
++        b       4f
++3:     over_white_8888_8888_ca_combine WK2, WK4
++4:     pixst   , 8, 3, DST
+ .endm
+ .macro over_white_8888_8888_ca_process_head  cond, numbytes, firstreg, unaligned_src, unaligned_mask, preload
+@@ -1065,9 +1065,9 @@ generate_composite_function \
+   .if offset != 0
+         ldrb    ORIG_W, [SRC, #offset]
+   .endif
+-        beq     01f
++        beq     1f
+         teq     STRIDE_M, #0xFF
+-        beq     02f
++        beq     2f
+  .endif
+         uxtb16  SCRATCH, d                 /* rb_dest */
+         uxtb16  d, d, ror #8               /* ag_dest */
+@@ -1077,13 +1077,13 @@ generate_composite_function \
+         uxtab16 d, d, d, ror #8
+         mov     SCRATCH, SCRATCH, ror #8
+         sel     d, SCRATCH, d
+-        b       02f
++        b       2f
+  .if offset == 0
+ 48:     /* Last mov d,#0 of the set - used as part of shortcut for
+          * source values all 0 */
+  .endif
+-01:     mov     d, #0
++1:     mov     d, #0
+ .endm
+ .macro in_reverse_8888_8888_tail  numbytes, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4