Re: git: cd10bd6a3e14 - main - net/libngtcp2: Update to 1.0.1

From: Daniel Engberg <>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2023 18:51:54 UTC
On 2023-11-02T08:40:55.000+01:00, Po-Chuan Hsieh <>

> The branch main has been updated by sunpoet:
> URL:
> commit cd10bd6a3e14c5bee93de5963efb40ffe6fd00c3
> Author:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
> AuthorDate: 2023-11-02 07:34:08 +0000
> Commit:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
> CommitDate: 2023-11-02 07:37:20 +0000
>     net/libngtcp2: Update to 1.0.1
>     Changes:
> ---
>  net/libngtcp2/Makefile  | 2 +-
>  net/libngtcp2/distinfo  | 6 +++---
>  net/libngtcp2/pkg-plist | 4 ++--
>  3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/net/libngtcp2/Makefile b/net/libngtcp2/Makefile
> index 4aa3037c44fb..9b67762daef4 100644
> --- a/net/libngtcp2/Makefile
> +++ b/net/libngtcp2/Makefile
> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
>  PORTNAME=    ngtcp2
> -PORTVERSION=    0.19.1
> +PORTVERSION=    1.0.1
>  CATEGORIES=    net
> diff --git a/net/libngtcp2/distinfo b/net/libngtcp2/distinfo
> index e7ab0663882c..b53d4074b77e 100644
> --- a/net/libngtcp2/distinfo
> +++ b/net/libngtcp2/distinfo
> @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
> -TIMESTAMP = 1695143233
> -SHA256 (ngtcp2-0.19.1.tar.xz) = 597d29f2f72e63217a0c5a8b6d1b04c994cf011564bf9f94142701edb977bf6e
> -SIZE (ngtcp2-0.19.1.tar.xz) = 590532
> +TIMESTAMP = 1698848710
> +SHA256 (ngtcp2-1.0.1.tar.xz) = 21c898fa5543d3f2dc203fd0a300a8a7cb70fec21ad7f7a3ec6e119ba4850451
> +SIZE (ngtcp2-1.0.1.tar.xz) = 590100
> diff --git a/net/libngtcp2/pkg-plist b/net/libngtcp2/pkg-plist
> index 1c532a7b4b9c..e75f3d855c2b 100644
> --- a/net/libngtcp2/pkg-plist
> +++ b/net/libngtcp2/pkg-plist
> @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ include/ngtcp2/ngtcp2.h
>  include/ngtcp2/version.h
>  lib/libngtcp2.a
>  lib/ []
> -lib/ []
> -lib/ []
> +lib/ []
> +lib/ []
>  libdata/pkgconfig/libngtcp2.pc


Can we adopt
as it builds quicker and reduces patching? Even on a rather fast box
we can shave off a bit of the build time and it also helps slow multi
core systems. We already have people with concerns about build times
and everyone benefits if we can reduce them.

Best regards,
