git: 88e61376dbdf - 2023Q1 - security/zeek: Update to 5.0.6

From: Craig Leres <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 22:59:22 UTC
The branch 2023Q1 has been updated by leres:


commit 88e61376dbdfcb40d5454c1bc6e154835b8060a5
Author:     Craig Leres <>
AuthorDate: 2023-02-01 19:06:38 +0000
Commit:     Craig Leres <>
CommitDate: 2023-02-21 22:59:05 +0000

    security/zeek: Update to 5.0.6
    This release fixes the following potential DoS vulnerabilities:
     - A missing field in the SMB FSControl script-land record could
       cause a heap buffer overflow when receiving packets containing
       those header types.
     - Receiving a series of packets that start with HTTP/1.0 and then
       switch to HTTP/0.9 could cause Zeek to spend a large amount of
       time processing the packets.
     - Receiving large numbers of FTP commands sequentially from the
       network with bad data in them could cause Zeek to spend a large
       amount of time processing the packets, and generate a large
       amount of events.
    This release fixes the following bugs:
     - Zeek could throw a scripting error when receiving SMB1 packets
       containing connect_andx_response messages prior to receiving an
       associated request.
     - A performance regression from 4.2 to 5.0 when reading pcap files
       related to Broker's internal clock was fixed.
     - Notices created for files transferred over multiple connections
       will now be associated with one of the connections rather than
     - A new file_over_new_connection event was added to the Intel
       framework, for use when receiving files over established connections
       (for example, HTTP).
     - The error message returned when trying use invalid enums in
       scripts now correctly includes the script location.
    Reported by:    Tim Wojtulewicz
    Security:       2b5fc9c4-eaca-46e0-83d0-9b10c51c4b1b
    (cherry picked from commit 85faac2f4c4a9a545a15ffb797ecb41ea3d985e5)
 security/zeek/Makefile  | 2 +-
 security/zeek/distinfo  | 6 +++---
 security/zeek/pkg-plist | 1 +
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/security/zeek/Makefile b/security/zeek/Makefile
index 947b07007578..1f01fc9b8ff8 100644
--- a/security/zeek/Makefile
+++ b/security/zeek/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 CATEGORIES=	security
diff --git a/security/zeek/distinfo b/security/zeek/distinfo
index 0e73e546fd53..4de597e32031 100644
--- a/security/zeek/distinfo
+++ b/security/zeek/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1673303190
-SHA256 (zeek-5.0.5.tar.gz) = 3efed010ab2dcf623667d13b485dfec6d28f2b65f97e4c9f0f9192c37ace88d1
-SIZE (zeek-5.0.5.tar.gz) = 42718981
+TIMESTAMP = 1675274462
+SHA256 (zeek-5.0.6.tar.gz) = 8e09916c43beba457f76484be46dad2858a5983d95624e55a70e06a1c76ce2d2
+SIZE (zeek-5.0.6.tar.gz) = 42794815
 SHA256 (zeek-zeek-netmap-v2.0.0_GH0.tar.gz) = d37a69babfbb62a51a2413d6b83ae792ce1e7f1ccb1d51bd6b209a10fe5c4d75
 SIZE (zeek-zeek-netmap-v2.0.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 9100
diff --git a/security/zeek/pkg-plist b/security/zeek/pkg-plist
index 283d0503be86..687552ce21bc 100644
--- a/security/zeek/pkg-plist
+++ b/security/zeek/pkg-plist
@@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ include/broker/zeek.hh