git: 4e62986e6e0c - main - science/py-veusz: Update 3.4 -> 3.5.3

From: Yuri Victorovich <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2022 21:58:37 UTC
The branch main has been updated by yuri:


commit 4e62986e6e0cad7a123de6d31f4c1941cd07edd0
Author:     Yuri Victorovich <>
AuthorDate: 2022-11-07 15:41:00 +0000
Commit:     Yuri Victorovich <>
CommitDate: 2022-11-07 21:58:34 +0000

    science/py-veusz: Update 3.4 -> 3.5.3
    Reported by:    portscout
 science/py-veusz/Makefile                     |  14 ++-
 science/py-veusz/distinfo                     |   6 +-
 science/py-veusz/files/ | 175 --------------------------
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)

diff --git a/science/py-veusz/Makefile b/science/py-veusz/Makefile
index 33b24d000ecd..095bdf382ca2 100644
--- a/science/py-veusz/Makefile
+++ b/science/py-veusz/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 PORTNAME=	veusz
 CATEGORIES=	science
@@ -12,7 +11,8 @@ WWW=
+		${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}tomli>0:textproc/py-tomli@${PY_FLAVOR}
 USES=		compiler:c++11-lang python:3.5+ pyqt:5 qt:5 shebangfix
@@ -20,10 +20,16 @@ USE_GITHUB=	yes
 USE_PYQT=	pyqt5 sip
 USE_PYTHON=	distutils concurrent autoplist
 USE_QT=		core gui xml widgets qmake:build
-SHEBANG_FILES=	examples/
+SHEBANG_FILES=	tests/ examples/
 	# strip
 	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/veusz/helpers/*.so
+	@cd ${WRKSRC}/tests && ${SETENV} ${TEST_ENV} ./
 .include <>
diff --git a/science/py-veusz/distinfo b/science/py-veusz/distinfo
index 0aa5d83eb242..c90eba7dcdea 100644
--- a/science/py-veusz/distinfo
+++ b/science/py-veusz/distinfo
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1635310052
-SHA256 (veusz-veusz-veusz-3.4_GH0.tar.gz) = 5892c65c0fadd923e676759f7f4ffd06816ae8fd2b1a3b4069f91e2a7bc055ac
-SIZE (veusz-veusz-veusz-3.4_GH0.tar.gz) = 2445793
+TIMESTAMP = 1667845583
+SHA256 (veusz-veusz-veusz-3.5.3_GH0.tar.gz) = 1459fd2f73209d96c25d47f009d34af8c7a9a689a22b998adac7d595bc15dff1
+SIZE (veusz-veusz-veusz-3.5.3_GH0.tar.gz) = 2445984
diff --git a/science/py-veusz/files/ b/science/py-veusz/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58268e720540..000000000000
--- a/science/py-veusz/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Obtained from AUR
----	2021-10-17 08:26:22 UTC
-@@ -5,18 +5,13 @@
- # Based on Pyrex.Distutils, written by Graham Fawcett and Darrel Gallion.
- import os
-+import shutil
- import subprocess
-+import toml
- from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler, get_python_lib
- import distutils.command.build_ext
--import toml
--from sipbuild.code_generator import set_globals, parse, generateCode
--from sipbuild.exceptions import UserException
--from sipbuild.module import copy_sip_h, resolve_abi_version
--from sipbuild.version import SIP_VERSION, SIP_VERSION_STR
- ##################################################################
- def replace_suffix(path, new_suffix):
-@@ -30,10 +25,9 @@ def find_on_path(names, mainname):
-     path = os.getenv('PATH', os.path.defpath)
-     pathparts = path.split(os.path.pathsep)
-     for cmd in names:
--        for dirname in pathparts:
--            cmdtry = os.path.join(dirname.strip('"'), cmd)
--            if os.path.isfile(cmdtry) and os.access(cmdtry, os.X_OK):
--                return cmdtry
-+        resolved = shutil.which(cmd)
-+        if resolved:
-+            return resolved
-     raise RuntimeError('Could not find %s executable' % mainname)
- def read_command_output(cmd):
-@@ -206,8 +200,8 @@ class build_ext(distutils.command.build_ext.build_ext)
-         # Collect the names of the source (.sip) files
-         sip_sources = []
-         sip_sources = [source for source in sources if source.endswith('.sip')]
--        other_sources = [source for source in sources
--                         if not source.endswith('.sip')]
-+        other_sources = [
-+            source for source in sources if not source.endswith('.sip')]
-         generated_sources = []
-         for sip in sip_sources:
-@@ -216,64 +210,79 @@ class build_ext(distutils.command.build_ext.build_ext)
-             if not os.path.exists(sip_builddir) or self.force:
-                 os.makedirs(sip_builddir, exist_ok=True)
-                 self._sip_compile(sip, sip_builddir)
--            out = [
--                os.path.join(sip_builddir, fn)
--                for fn in sorted(os.listdir(sip_builddir))
--                if fn.endswith(".cpp")
-+            # files get put in sip_builddir + modulename
-+            modulename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sip))[0]
-+            dirname = os.path.join(sip_builddir, 'output', modulename)
-+            source_files = [
-+                os.path.join(dirname, fn)
-+                for fn in sorted(os.listdir(dirname))
-+                if fn.endswith(".cpp") or fn.endswith(".c")
-             ]
--            generated_sources.extend(out)
-+            generated_sources.extend(source_files)
-         return generated_sources + other_sources
-     def _sip_compile(self, source, sip_builddir):
-         """Compile sip file to sources."""
--        sip_module = 'PyQt5.sip'
--        pyqt5_include_dir = os.path.join(get_python_lib(plat_specific=1),
--                                         'PyQt5', 'bindings')
-+        pyqt5_include_dir = os.path.join(
-+            get_python_lib(plat_specific=1), 'PyQt5', 'bindings')
-         pyqt5_toml = os.path.join(pyqt5_include_dir, 'QtCore', 'QtCore.toml')
-         pyqt5_cfg = toml.load(pyqt5_toml)
-         abi_version = pyqt5_cfg.get('sip-abi-version')
--        abi_major, abi_minor = abi_version.split('.')
--        # header file location changed to major version in sip-6.2.0
--        if SIP_VERSION >= 0x60200:
--            hdr_version = abi_major
--        else:
--            hdr_version = abi_version
--        copy_sip_h(hdr_version, sip_builddir, sip_module)
-+        modulename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0]
-+        srcdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(source))
--        sip_major_version = SIP_VERSION >> 16
--        common_args = [SIP_VERSION, SIP_VERSION_STR, int(abi_major), int(abi_minor)]
--        if sip_major_version >= 6:
--            set_globals(*common_args, sip_module, UserException, [pyqt5_include_dir])
--        else:
--            set_globals(*common_args, UserException, [pyqt5_include_dir])
-+        # location of sip output files
-+        output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sip_builddir, 'output'))
-+        os.makedirs(output_dir)
--        pt, _fq_name, _uses_limited_api, _sip_files, tags, disabled_features = parse(
--            source,
--            True,   # strict mode
--            [],     # list of additional version/platform tags
--            [],     # list of timeline backstops
--            [],     # list of disabled features
--            False,  # protected is public
--        )
-+        # generate a pyproject.toml to generate the sip source
-+        pyproject_data = {
-+            'build-system': {
-+                'requires': ['sip >=5.5.0, <7'],
-+                'build-backend': 'sipbuild.api',
-+            },
-+            'tool': {
-+                'sip': {
-+                    'metadata': {
-+                        'name': modulename,
-+                    },
-+                    'bindings': {
-+                        modulename: {
-+                            'pep484-pyi': False,
-+                            'protected-is-public': False
-+                        }
-+                    },
-+                    'project': {
-+                        'sip-include-dirs': [pyqt5_include_dir],
-+                        'abi-version': abi_version,
-+                        'build-dir': output_dir,
-+                        'sip-module': 'PyQt5.sip',
-+                        'sip-files-dir': srcdir,
-+                    }
-+                }
-+            }
-+        }
-+        pyproject_fname = os.path.join(sip_builddir, 'pyproject.toml')
-+        with open(pyproject_fname, 'w') as fout:
-+            toml.dump(pyproject_data, fout)
--        generate_args = [
--            pt,
--            sip_builddir,
--            None,   # source files suffix (default .c, .cpp)
--            False,  # whether to enable support for exceptions
--            False,  # whether to generate code with tracing enabled
--            False,  # whether to always release and reacquire the GIL
--            0,      # number of files to split the generated code into
--            tags,
--            disabled_features,
--            False,  # whether to enable the automatic generation of docstrings
--            False,  # whether to generate code for a debug build of Python
--        ]
--        if sip_major_version < 6:
--            generate_args.append(sip_module)
--        generateCode(*generate_args)
-+        # generate the source files for the bindings
-+        build_cmd = shutil.which('sip-build')
-+        if not build_cmd:
-+            raise RuntimeError('Could not find sip-build command on PATH')
-+        subprocess.check_call([build_cmd, '--no-compile'], cwd=sip_builddir)
-+        # put sip header in correct location
-+        shutil.copyfile(
-+            os.path.join(output_dir, 'sip.h'),
-+            os.path.join(output_dir, modulename, 'sip.h')
-+        )
-     def build_extensions(self):
-         # remove annoying flag which causes warning for c++ sources