git: df8d6825dd35 - main - net/py-impacket: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+

From: Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2022 14:00:30 UTC
The branch main has been updated by sunpoet:


commit df8d6825dd3593830bc0cbbaab8305ba19f0bfa7
Author:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
AuthorDate: 2022-06-03 13:56:49 +0000
Commit:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
CommitDate: 2022-06-03 13:59:09 +0000

    net/py-impacket: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
    With hat:       python
 net/py-impacket/files/patch-2to3     | 6561 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 net/py-impacket/files/ |    8 +-
 2 files changed, 6565 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/net/py-impacket/files/patch-2to3 b/net/py-impacket/files/patch-2to3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0d68cfd1fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/py-impacket/files/patch-2to3
@@ -0,0 +1,6561 @@
+--- impacket/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class IP6_Address():
+         self.__scope_id = ""
+         #Invoke a constructor based on the type of the argument
+-        if type(address) is str or type(address) is unicode:
++        if type(address) is str or type(address) is str:
+             self.__from_string(address)
+         else:
+             self.__from_bytes(address)
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class IP6_Address():
+             #Capitalize on the constructor's ability to detect invalid text representations of an IP6 address            
+             ip6_address = IP6_Address(text_representation)
+             return True
+-        except Exception, e:
++        except Exception as e:
+             return False
+     def __is_a_scoped_address(self, text_representation):
+@@ -252,18 +252,18 @@ class IP6_Address():
+ #############################################################################################################
+ # Informal tests
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+-    print IP6_Address("A:B:C:D:E:F:1:2").as_string()
++    print(IP6_Address("A:B:C:D:E:F:1:2").as_string())
+ #    print IP6_Address("A:B:C:D:E:F:0:2").as_bytes()
+-    print IP6_Address("A:B:0:D:E:F:0:2").as_string()
++    print(IP6_Address("A:B:0:D:E:F:0:2").as_string())
+ #    print IP6_Address("A::BC:E:D").as_string(False)
+-    print IP6_Address("A::BC:E:D").as_string()
+-    print IP6_Address("A::BCD:EFFF:D").as_string()
+-    print IP6_Address("FE80:0000:0000:0000:020C:29FF:FE26:E251").as_string()
++    print(IP6_Address("A::BC:E:D").as_string())
++    print(IP6_Address("A::BCD:EFFF:D").as_string())
++    print(IP6_Address("FE80:0000:0000:0000:020C:29FF:FE26:E251").as_string())
+ #    print IP6_Address("A::BCD:EFFF:D").as_bytes()
+-    print IP6_Address("::").as_string()
+-    print IP6_Address("1::").as_string()
+-    print IP6_Address("::2").as_string()
++    print(IP6_Address("::").as_string())
++    print(IP6_Address("1::").as_string())
++    print(IP6_Address("::2").as_string())
+ #    bin = [
+ #           0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04,
+ #           0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04,
+--- impacket/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ #
+ import array
+-from ImpactPacket import Header, ImpactPacketException, PacketBuffer
++from .ImpactPacket import Header, ImpactPacketException, PacketBuffer
+ class IP6_Extension_Header(Header):
+ # --------------------------------- - - - - - - -
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class IP6_Extension_Header(Header):
+         for option in self._option_list:
+             option_str = str(option)
+             option_str = option_str.split('\n')
+-            option_str = map(lambda s: (' ' * 4) + s, option_str)
++            option_str = [(' ' * 4) + s for s in option_str]
+             s += '\n'.join(option_str) + '\n'
+         return s
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class IP6_Extension_Header(Header):
+         buffer = array.array('B', buffer[self.get_headers_field_size():])
+         if remaining_bytes > len(buffer):
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Cannot load options from truncated packet"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Cannot load options from truncated packet")
+         while remaining_bytes > 0:
+             option_type = buffer[0]
+@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class Extension_Option(PacketBuffer):
+     def __init__(self, option_type, size):
+         if size > Extension_Option.MAX_OPTION_LEN:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Option size of % is greater than the maximum of %d" % (size, Extension_Option.MAX_OPTION_LEN)
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Option size of % is greater than the maximum of %d" % (size, Extension_Option.MAX_OPTION_LEN))
+         PacketBuffer.__init__(self, size)
+         self.set_option_type(option_type)
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class Option_PADN(Extension_Option):
+     def __init__(self, padding_size):
+         if padding_size < 2:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "PadN Extension Option must be greater than 2 bytes"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("PadN Extension Option must be greater than 2 bytes")
+         Extension_Option.__init__(self, Option_PADN.OPTION_TYPE_VALUE, padding_size)
+         self.set_data('\x00' * (padding_size - 2))
+@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class Hop_By_Hop(Basic_Extension_Header):
+     @classmethod
+     def get_decoder(self):
+-        import ImpactDecoder
++        from . import ImpactDecoder
+         return ImpactDecoder.HopByHopDecoder
+ class Destination_Options(Basic_Extension_Header):
+@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class Destination_Options(Basic_Extension_Header):
+     @classmethod
+     def get_decoder(self):
+-        import ImpactDecoder
++        from . import ImpactDecoder
+         return ImpactDecoder.DestinationOptionsDecoder
+ class Routing_Options(IP6_Extension_Header):
+@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ class Routing_Options(IP6_Extension_Header):
+     @classmethod
+     def get_decoder(self):
+-        import ImpactDecoder
++        from . import ImpactDecoder
+         return ImpactDecoder.RoutingOptionsDecoder
+     def get_headers_field_size(self):
+--- impacket/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import socket
+ import string
+ import sys
+ from binascii import hexlify
++from functools import reduce
+ """Classes to build network packets programmatically.
+@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class ImpactPacketException(Exception):
+     def __init__(self, value):
+         self.value = value
+     def __str__(self):
+-        return `self.value`
++        return repr(self.value)
+ class PacketBuffer(object):
+     """Implement the basic operations utilized to operate on a
+@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ class ProtocolPacket(ProtocolLayer):
+ class Header(PacketBuffer,ProtocolLayer):
+     "This is the base class from which all protocol definitions extend."
+-    packet_printable = filter(lambda c: c not in string.whitespace, string.printable) + ' '
++    packet_printable = [c for c in string.printable if c not in string.whitespace] + ' '
+     ethertype = None
+     protocol = None
+@@ -650,7 +651,7 @@ class Ethernet(Header):
+     @staticmethod
+     def as_eth_addr(anArray):
+-        tmp_list = map(lambda x: x > 15 and '%x'%x or '0%x'%x, anArray)
++        tmp_list = [x > 15 and '%x'%x or '0%x'%x for x in anArray]
+         return '' + reduce(lambda x, y: x+':'+y, tmp_list)
+     def __str__(self):
+@@ -842,7 +843,7 @@ class IP(Header):
+         for op in self.__option_list:
+             sum += op.get_len()
+         if sum > 40:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Options overflowed in IP packet with length: %d" % sum
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Options overflowed in IP packet with length: %d" % sum)
+     def get_ip_v(self):
+@@ -1065,7 +1066,7 @@ class IP(Header):
+         opt_left = (self.get_ip_hl() - 5) * 4
+         opt_bytes = array.array('B', aBuffer[20:(20 + opt_left)])
+         if len(opt_bytes) != opt_left:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Cannot load options from truncated packet"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Cannot load options from truncated packet")
+         while opt_left:
+@@ -1076,7 +1077,7 @@ class IP(Header):
+             else:
+                 op_len = opt_bytes[1]
+                 if op_len > len(opt_bytes):
+-                    raise ImpactPacketException, "IP Option length is too high"
++                    raise ImpactPacketException("IP Option length is too high")
+                 new_option = IPOption(op_type, op_len)
+                 new_option.set_bytes(opt_bytes[:op_len])
+@@ -1111,7 +1112,7 @@ class IPOption(PacketBuffer):
+     def __init__(self, opcode = 0, size = None):
+         if size and (size < 3 or size > 40):
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "IP Options must have a size between 3 and 40 bytes"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("IP Options must have a size between 3 and 40 bytes")
+         if(opcode == IPOption.IPOPT_EOL):
+             PacketBuffer.__init__(self, 1)
+@@ -1153,7 +1154,7 @@ class IPOption(PacketBuffer):
+             self.set_flags(0)
+         else:
+             if not size:
+-                raise ImpactPacketException, "Size required for this type"
++                raise ImpactPacketException("Size required for this type")
+             PacketBuffer.__init__(self,size)
+             self.set_code(opcode)
+             self.set_len(size)
+@@ -1162,14 +1163,14 @@ class IPOption(PacketBuffer):
+     def append_ip(self, ip):
+         op = self.get_code()
+         if not (op == IPOption.IPOPT_RR or op == IPOption.IPOPT_LSRR or op == IPOption.IPOPT_SSRR or op == IPOption.IPOPT_TS):
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "append_ip() not support for option type %d" % self.opt_type
++            raise ImpactPacketException("append_ip() not support for option type %d" % self.opt_type)
+         p = self.get_ptr()
+         if not p:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "append_ip() failed, option ptr uninitialized"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("append_ip() failed, option ptr uninitialized")
+         if (p + 4) > self.get_len():
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "append_ip() would overflow option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("append_ip() would overflow option")
+         self.set_ip_address(p - 1, ip)
+         p += 4
+@@ -1185,12 +1186,12 @@ class IPOption(PacketBuffer):
+     def set_flags(self, flags):
+         if not (self.get_code() == IPOption.IPOPT_TS):
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Operation only supported on Timestamp option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Operation only supported on Timestamp option")
+         self.set_byte(3, flags)
+     def get_flags(self, flags):
+         if not (self.get_code() == IPOption.IPOPT_TS):
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Operation only supported on Timestamp option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Operation only supported on Timestamp option")
+         return self.get_byte(3)
+@@ -1218,7 +1219,7 @@ class IPOption(PacketBuffer):
+         tmp_str = "\tIP Option: "
+         op = self.get_code()
+-        if map.has_key(op):
++        if op in map:
+             tmp_str += map[op]
+         else:
+             tmp_str += "Code: %d " % op
+@@ -1327,7 +1328,7 @@ class TCP(Header):
+             sum += op.get_size()
+         if sum > 40:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Cannot add TCP option, would overflow option space"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Cannot add TCP option, would overflow option space")
+     def get_options(self):
+         return self.__option_list
+@@ -1509,7 +1510,7 @@ class TCP(Header):
+         opt_left = (self.get_th_off() - 5) * 4
+         opt_bytes = array.array('B', aBuffer[20:(20 + opt_left)])
+         if len(opt_bytes) != opt_left:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Cannot load options from truncated packet"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Cannot load options from truncated packet")
+         while opt_left:
+             op_kind = opt_bytes[0]
+@@ -1519,9 +1520,9 @@ class TCP(Header):
+             else:
+                 op_len = opt_bytes[1]
+                 if op_len > len(opt_bytes):
+-                    raise ImpactPacketException, "TCP Option length is too high"
++                    raise ImpactPacketException("TCP Option length is too high")
+                 if op_len < 2:
+-                    raise ImpactPacketException, "TCP Option length is too low"
++                    raise ImpactPacketException("TCP Option length is too low")
+                 new_option = TCPOption(op_kind)
+                 new_option.set_bytes(opt_bytes[:op_len])
+@@ -1655,12 +1656,12 @@ class TCPOption(PacketBuffer):
+     def set_len(self, len):
+         if self.get_size() < 2:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Cannot set length field on an option having a size smaller than 2 bytes"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Cannot set length field on an option having a size smaller than 2 bytes")
+         self.set_byte(1, len)
+     def get_len(self):
+         if self.get_size() < 2:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Cannot retrieve length field from an option having a size smaller than 2 bytes"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Cannot retrieve length field from an option having a size smaller than 2 bytes")
+         return self.get_byte(1)
+     def get_size(self):
+@@ -1669,42 +1670,42 @@ class TCPOption(PacketBuffer):
+     def set_mss(self, len):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_MAXSEG:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only set MSS on TCPOPT_MAXSEG option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only set MSS on TCPOPT_MAXSEG option")
+         self.set_word(2, len)
+     def get_mss(self):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_MAXSEG:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only retrieve MSS from TCPOPT_MAXSEG option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only retrieve MSS from TCPOPT_MAXSEG option")
+         return self.get_word(2)
+     def set_shift_cnt(self, cnt):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_WINDOW:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only set Shift Count on TCPOPT_WINDOW option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only set Shift Count on TCPOPT_WINDOW option")
+         self.set_byte(2, cnt)
+     def get_shift_cnt(self):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_WINDOW:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only retrieve Shift Count from TCPOPT_WINDOW option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only retrieve Shift Count from TCPOPT_WINDOW option")
+         return self.get_byte(2)
+     def get_ts(self):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only retrieve timestamp from TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only retrieve timestamp from TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option")
+         return self.get_long(2)
+     def set_ts(self, ts):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only set timestamp on TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only set timestamp on TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option")
+         self.set_long(2, ts)
+     def get_ts_echo(self):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only retrieve timestamp from TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only retrieve timestamp from TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option")
+         return self.get_long(6)
+     def set_ts_echo(self, ts):
+         if self.get_kind() != TCPOption.TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP:
+-            raise ImpactPacketException, "Can only set timestamp on TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option"
++            raise ImpactPacketException("Can only set timestamp on TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP option")
+         self.set_long(6, ts)
+     def __str__(self):
+@@ -1716,7 +1717,7 @@ class TCPOption(PacketBuffer):
+         tmp_str = "\tTCP Option: "
+         op = self.get_kind()
+-        if map.has_key(op):
++        if op in map:
+             tmp_str += map[op]
+         else:
+             tmp_str += " kind: %d " % op
+@@ -1779,7 +1780,7 @@ class ICMP(Header):
+     def get_header_size(self):
+-        if anamolies.has_key(self.get_icmp_type()):
++        if self.get_icmp_type() in anamolies:
+             return anamolies[self.get_icmp_type()]
+         else:
+             return 8
+@@ -1899,7 +1900,7 @@ class ICMP(Header):
+         tmp_code[11] = ['TIMXCEED INTRANS ', 'TIMXCEED REASS']
+-        if tmp_code.has_key(aType):
++        if aType in tmp_code:
+             tmp_list = tmp_code[aType]
+             if ((aCode + 1) > len(tmp_list)) or (not tmp_list[aCode]):
+                 return 'UNKNOWN'
+@@ -1937,7 +1938,7 @@ class ICMP(Header):
+     def isQuery(self):
+         tmp_dict = {8:'',  9:'',  10:'', 13:'', 14:'', 15:'', 16:'', 17:'', 18:''}
+-        return tmp_dict.has_key(self.get_icmp_type())
++        return self.get_icmp_type() in tmp_dict
+ class IGMP(Header):
+     protocol = 2
+@@ -2122,5 +2123,5 @@ def example(): #To execute an example, remove this lin
+     b.set_ar_tpa((192, 168, 66, 171))
+     a.set_ether_shost((0x0, 0xe0, 0x7d, 0x8a, 0xef, 0x3d))
+     a.set_ether_dhost((0x0, 0xc0, 0xdf, 0x6, 0x5, 0xe))
+-    print "beto %s" % a
++    print("beto %s" % a)
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class DCERPCSessionError(DCERPCException):
+         DCERPCException.__init__(self, error_string, error_code, packet)
+     def __str__( self ):
+-        if hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(self.error_code):
++        if self.error_code in hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][1] 
+             return 'OAUT SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+@@ -286,9 +286,9 @@ class FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB(NDRSTRUCT):
+         if msg is None: msg = self.__class__.__name__
+         ind = ' '*indent
+         if msg != '':
+-            print "%s" % (msg)
++            print("%s" % (msg))
+         value = ''
+-        print '%sasData: %s' % (ind,self['asData']),
++        print('%sasData: %s' % (ind,self['asData']), end=' ')
+ # BSTR Type Definition
+@@ -979,9 +979,9 @@ def enumerateMethods(iInterface):
+     for x in range(iTypeAttr['ppTypeAttr']['cFuncs']):
+         funcDesc = iTypeInfo.GetFuncDesc(x)
+         names = iTypeInfo.GetNames(funcDesc['ppFuncDesc']['memid'], 255)
+-        print names['rgBstrNames'][0]['asData']
++        print(names['rgBstrNames'][0]['asData'])
+         funcDesc.dump()
+-        print '='*80
++        print('='*80)
+         if names['pcNames'] > 0:
+             name = names['rgBstrNames'][0]['asData']
+             methods[name] = {}
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class DCERPCSessionError(DCERPCException):
+         DCERPCException.__init__(self, error_string, error_code, packet)
+     def __str__( self ):
+-        if hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(self.error_code):
++        if self.error_code in hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][1] 
+             return 'SCMP SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ class IVssSnapshotMgmt(IRemUnknown2):
+         req['ProviderId'] = providerId
+         try:
+             resp = self.request(req, self._iid, uuid = self.get_iPid())
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
+-            print e
++        except DCERPCException as e:
++            print(e)
+             from impacket.winregistry import hexdump
+             data = e.get_packet()
+             hexdump(data)
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class DCERPCSessionError(DCERPCException):
+         DCERPCException.__init__(self, error_string, error_code, packet)
+     def __str__( self ):
+-        if hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(self.error_code):
++        if self.error_code in hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][1] 
+             return 'VDS SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class IEnumVdsObject(IRemUnknown2):
+         request['celt'] = celt
+         try:
+             resp = self.request(request, uuid = self.get_iPid())
+-        except Exception, e:
++        except Exception as e:
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+             # If it is S_FALSE(1) means less items were returned
+             if resp['ErrorCode'] != 1:
+@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class IVdsService(IRemUnknown2):
+         request['ORPCthis']['flags'] = 0
+         try:
+             resp = self.request(request, uuid = self.get_iPid())
+-        except Exception, e:
++        except Exception as e:
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+         return resp 
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/dcom/
+@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ from impacket.structure import Structure
+ def format_structure(d, level=0):
+     x = ""
+     if isinstance(d, collections.Mapping):
+-        lenk = max(map(lambda x: len(str(x)), d.keys()))
+-        for k, v in d.items():
++        lenk = max([len(str(x)) for x in list(d.keys())])
++        for k, v in list(d.items()):
+             key_text = "\n" + " "*level + " "*(lenk - len(str(k))) + str(k)
+             x += key_text + ": " + format_structure(v, level=level+lenk)
+-    elif isinstance(d, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(d, basestring):
++    elif isinstance(d, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(d, str):
+         for e in d:
+             x += "\n" + " "*level + "- " + format_structure(e, level=level+4)
+     else:
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class DCERPCSessionError(DCERPCException):
+         DCERPCException.__init__(self, error_string, error_code, packet)
+     def __str__( self ):
+-        if hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(self.error_code):
++        if self.error_code in hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][1] 
+             return 'WMI SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ class PROPERTY_LOOKUP_TABLE(Structure):
+             propTable = propTable[self.PropertyLookupSize:]
+-        return OrderedDict(sorted(properties.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]['order']))
++        return OrderedDict(sorted(list(properties.items()), key=lambda x:x[1]['order']))
+         #return properties
+ # 2.2.66 Heap
+@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ class CLASS_PART(Structure):
+     def getProperties(self):
+         heap = self["ClassHeap"]["HeapItem"]
+         properties =  self["PropertyLookupTable"].getProperties(self["ClassHeap"]["HeapItem"])
+-        sorted_props = sorted(properties.keys(), key=lambda k: properties[k]['order'])
++        sorted_props = sorted(list(properties.keys()), key=lambda k: properties[k]['order'])
+         valueTableOff = (len(properties) - 1) / 4 + 1
+         valueTable = self['NdTable_ValueTable'][valueTableOff:]
+         for key in sorted_props:
+@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ class INSTANCE_TYPE(Structure):
+         heap = self["InstanceHeap"]["HeapItem"]
+         valueTableOff = (len(properties) - 1) / 4 + 1
+         valueTable = self['NdTable_ValueTable'][valueTableOff:]
+-        sorted_props = sorted(properties.keys(), key=lambda k: properties[k]['order'])
++        sorted_props = sorted(list(properties.keys()), key=lambda k: properties[k]['order'])
+         for key in sorted_props:
+             pType = properties[key]['type'] & (~(CIM_ARRAY_FLAG|Inherited))
+             if properties[key]['type'] & CIM_ARRAY_FLAG:
+@@ -868,11 +868,11 @@ class OBJECT_BLOCK(Structure):
+         qualifiers = pClass.getQualifiers()
+         for qualifier in qualifiers:
+-            print "[%s]" % qualifier
++            print("[%s]" % qualifier)
+         className = pClass.getClassName()
+-        print "class %s \n{" % className
++        print("class %s \n{" % className)
+         properties = pClass.getProperties()
+         if cInstance is not None:
+@@ -883,52 +883,52 @@ class OBJECT_BLOCK(Structure):
+                 qualifiers = properties[pName]['qualifiers']
+                 for qName in qualifiers:
+                     if qName != 'CIMTYPE':
+-                        print '\t[%s(%s)]' % (qName, qualifiers[qName])
+-                print "\t%s %s" % (properties[pName]['stype'], properties[pName]['name']),
++                        print('\t[%s(%s)]' % (qName, qualifiers[qName]))
++                print("\t%s %s" % (properties[pName]['stype'], properties[pName]['name']), end=' ')
+                 if properties[pName]['value'] is not None:
+                     if properties[pName]['type'] == CIM_TYPE_ENUM.CIM_TYPE_OBJECT.value:
+-                        print '= IWbemClassObject\n'
++                        print('= IWbemClassObject\n')
+                     elif properties[pName]['type'] == CIM_TYPE_ENUM.CIM_ARRAY_OBJECT.value:
+                         if properties[pName]['value'] == 0:
+-                            print '= %s\n' % properties[pName]['value']
++                            print('= %s\n' % properties[pName]['value'])
+                         else:
+-                            print '= %s\n' % list('IWbemClassObject' for _ in range(len(properties[pName]['value'])))
++                            print('= %s\n' % list('IWbemClassObject' for _ in range(len(properties[pName]['value']))))
+                     else:
+-                        print '= %s\n' % properties[pName]['value']
++                        print('= %s\n' % properties[pName]['value'])
+                 else:
+-                    print '\n'
++                    print('\n')
+-        print 
++        print() 
+         methods = pClass.getMethods()
+         for methodName in methods:
+             for qualifier in methods[methodName]['qualifiers']:
+-                print '\t[%s]' % qualifier
++                print('\t[%s]' % qualifier)
+             if methods[methodName]['InParams'] is None and methods[methodName]['OutParams'] is None: 
+-                print '\t%s %s();\n' % ('void', methodName)
++                print('\t%s %s();\n' % ('void', methodName))
+             if methods[methodName]['InParams'] is None and len(methods[methodName]['OutParams']) == 1:
+-                print '\t%s %s();\n' % (methods[methodName]['OutParams']['ReturnValue']['stype'], methodName)
++                print('\t%s %s();\n' % (methods[methodName]['OutParams']['ReturnValue']['stype'], methodName))
+             else:
+                 returnValue = ''
+                 if methods[methodName]['OutParams'] is not None:
+                     # Search the Return Value
+                     #returnValue = (item for item in method['OutParams'] if item["name"] == "ReturnValue").next()
+-                    if methods[methodName]['OutParams'].has_key('ReturnValue'):
++                    if 'ReturnValue' in methods[methodName]['OutParams']:
+                         returnValue = methods[methodName]['OutParams']['ReturnValue']['stype']
+-                print '\t%s %s(\n' % (returnValue, methodName),
++                print('\t%s %s(\n' % (returnValue, methodName), end=' ')
+                 if methods[methodName]['InParams'] is not None:
+                     for pName  in methods[methodName]['InParams']:
+-                        print '\t\t[in]    %s %s,' % (methods[methodName]['InParams'][pName]['stype'], pName)
++                        print('\t\t[in]    %s %s,' % (methods[methodName]['InParams'][pName]['stype'], pName))
+                 if methods[methodName]['OutParams'] is not None:
+                     for pName in methods[methodName]['OutParams']:
+                         if pName != 'ReturnValue':
+-                            print '\t\t[out]    %s %s,' % (methods[methodName]['OutParams'][pName]['stype'], pName)
++                            print('\t\t[out]    %s %s,' % (methods[methodName]['OutParams'][pName]['stype'], pName))
+-                print '\t);\n'
++                print('\t);\n')
+-        print "}"
++        print("}")
+     def parseClass(self, pClass, cInstance = None):
+         classDict = OrderedDict()
+@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ class IWbemClassObject(IRemUnknown):
+             # Let's see if there's a key property so we can ExecMethod
+             keyProperty = None
+             for pName in properties:
+-                if properties[pName]['qualifiers'].has_key('key'):
++                if 'key' in properties[pName]['qualifiers']:
+                     keyProperty = pName
+             if keyProperty is None:
+@@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@ class IWbemClassObject(IRemUnknown):
+                     classObject,_ = self.__iWbemServices.GetObject(self.getClassName())
+                     self.__methods = classObject.getMethods()
+-                if self.__methods.has_key(attr):
++                if attr in self.__methods:
+                     # Now we gotta build the class name to be called through ExecMethod
+                     if self.getProperties()[keyProperty]['stype'] != 'string':
+                         instanceName = '%s.%s=%s' % (
+@@ -2619,7 +2619,7 @@ class IWbemClassObject(IRemUnknown):
+                 ndTable = 0
+                 for i in range(len(args)):
+-                    paramDefinition = methodDefinition['InParams'].values()[i]
++                    paramDefinition = list(methodDefinition['InParams'].values())[i]
+                     inArg = args[i]
+                     pType = paramDefinition['type'] & (~(CIM_ARRAY_FLAG|Inherited)) 
+@@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ class IWbemClassObject(IRemUnknown):
+                             ndTable |= 3 << (2*i)
+                     else:
+                         strIn = ENCODED_STRING()
+-                        if type(inArg) is unicode:
++                        if type(inArg) is str:
+                             # The Encoded-String-Flag is set to 0x01 if the sequence of characters that follows
+                             # consists of UTF-16 characters (as specified in [UNICODE]) followed by a UTF-16 null
+                             # terminator.
+@@ -2729,7 +2729,7 @@ class IWbemClassObject(IRemUnknown):
+                 return self.__iWbemServices.ExecMethod(classOrInstance, methodDefinition['name'], pInParams = objRefCustomIn )
+                 #return self.__iWbemServices.ExecMethod('Win32_Process.Handle="436"', methodDefinition['name'],
+                 #                                       pInParams=objRefCustomIn).getObject().ctCurrent['properties']
+-            except Exception, e:
++            except Exception as e:
+                 if LOG.level == logging.DEBUG:
+                     import traceback
+                     traceback.print_exc()
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class DCERPCSessionError(DCERPCException):
+         DCERPCException.__init__(self, error_string, error_code, packet)
+     def __str__( self ):
+-        if hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(self.error_code):
++        if self.error_code in hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[self.error_code][1]
+             return 'DCOM SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+@@ -963,20 +963,20 @@ class DCOMConnection:
+     @classmethod
+     def addOid(cls, target, oid):
+-        if DCOMConnection.OID_ADD.has_key(target) is False:
++        if (target in DCOMConnection.OID_ADD) is False:
+             DCOMConnection.OID_ADD[target] = set()
+         DCOMConnection.OID_ADD[target].add(oid)
+-        if DCOMConnection.OID_SET.has_key(target) is False:
++        if (target in DCOMConnection.OID_SET) is False:
+             DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target] = {}
+             DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]['oids'] = set()
+             DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]['setid'] = 0
+     @classmethod
+     def delOid(cls, target, oid):
+-        if DCOMConnection.OID_DEL.has_key(target) is False:
++        if (target in DCOMConnection.OID_DEL) is False:
+             DCOMConnection.OID_DEL[target] = set()
+         DCOMConnection.OID_DEL[target].add(oid)
+-        if DCOMConnection.OID_SET.has_key(target) is False:
++        if (target in DCOMConnection.OID_SET) is False:
+             DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target] = {}
+             DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]['oids'] = set()
+             DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]['setid'] = 0
+@@ -991,18 +991,18 @@ class DCOMConnection:
+             for target in DCOMConnection.OID_SET:
+                 addedOids = set()
+                 deletedOids = set()
+-                if DCOMConnection.OID_ADD.has_key(target):
++                if target in DCOMConnection.OID_ADD:
+                     addedOids = DCOMConnection.OID_ADD[target]
+                     del(DCOMConnection.OID_ADD[target])
+-                if DCOMConnection.OID_DEL.has_key(target):
++                if target in DCOMConnection.OID_DEL:
+                     deletedOids = DCOMConnection.OID_DEL[target]
+                     del(DCOMConnection.OID_DEL[target])
+                 objExporter = IObjectExporter(DCOMConnection.PORTMAPS[target])
+                 if len(addedOids) > 0 or len(deletedOids) > 0:
+-                    if DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target].has_key('setid'):
++                    if 'setid' in DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]:
+                         setId = DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]['setid']
+                     else:
+                         setId = 0
+@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ class DCOMConnection:
+                     DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]['setid'] = resp['pSetId']
+                 else:
+                     objExporter.SimplePing(DCOMConnection.OID_SET[target]['setid'])
+-        except Exception, e:
++        except Exception as e:
+             # There might be exceptions when sending packets 
+             # We should try to continue tho.
+             LOG.error(str(e))
+@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ class DCOMConnection:
+         DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER = Timer(120,DCOMConnection.pingServer)
+         try:
+             DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER.start()
+-        except Exception, e:
++        except Exception as e:
+             if str(e).find('threads can only be started once') < 0:
+                 raise e
+@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ class DCOMConnection:
+                 DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER = Timer(120, DCOMConnection.pingServer)
+             try:
+                 DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER.start()
+-            except Exception, e:
++            except Exception as e:
+                 if str(e).find('threads can only be started once') < 0:
+                     raise e
+@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ class DCOMConnection:
+                 DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER.cancel()
+                 DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER.join()
+                 DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER = None
+-        if INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS.has_key(self.__target):
++        if self.__target in INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS:
+             del(INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target][currentThread().getName()])
+         self.__portmap.disconnect()
+@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ class INTERFACE:
+             self.__objRef = objRef
+             self.__ipidRemUnknown = ipidRemUnknown
+             # We gotta check if we have a container inside our connection list, if not, create
+-            if INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS.has_key(self.__target) is not True:
++            if (self.__target in INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS) is not True:
+                 INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target] = {}
+                 INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target][currentThread().getName()] = {}
+@@ -1213,9 +1213,9 @@ class INTERFACE:
+     def connect(self, iid = None):
+-        if INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS.has_key(self.__target) is True:
+-            if INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target].has_key(currentThread().getName()) and \
+-                            INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target][currentThread().getName()].has_key(self.__oxid) is True:
++        if (self.__target in INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS) is True:
++            if currentThread().getName() in INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target] and \
++                            (self.__oxid in INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target][currentThread().getName()]) is True:
+                 dce = INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target][currentThread().getName()][self.__oxid]['dce']
+                 currentBinding = INTERFACE.CONNECTIONS[self.__target][currentThread().getName()][self.__oxid]['currentBinding']
+                 if currentBinding == iid:
+@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ class INTERFACE:
+         dce = self.get_dce_rpc()
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(req, uuid)
+-        except Exception, e:
++        except Exception as e:
+             if str(e).find('RPC_E_DISCONNECTED') >= 0:
+                 msg = str(e) + '\n'
+                 msg += "DCOM keep-alive pinging it might not be working as expected. You can't be idle for more than 14 minutes!\n"
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/
+@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ class DCERPCSessionError(DCERPCException):
+     def __str__(self):
+         key = self.error_code
+-        if system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(key):
++        if key in system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[key][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[key][1]
+             return 'DHCPM SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+-        elif self.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(key):
++        elif key in self.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = self.ERROR_MESSAGES[key][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = self.ERROR_MESSAGES[key][1]
+             return 'DHCPM SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ def hDhcpGetOptionValue(dce, optionID, scopetype=DHCP_
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ def hDhcpEnumOptionValues(dce, scopetype=DHCP_OPTION_S
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ def hDhcpEnumOptionValuesV5(dce, flags=DHCP_FLAGS_OPTI
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ def hDhcpGetOptionValueV5(dce, option_id, flags=DHCP_F
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ def hDhcpGetAllOptionValues(dce, scopetype=DHCP_OPTION
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ def hDhcpEnumSubnets(dce, preferredMaximum=0xffffffff)
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ def hDhcpEnumSubnetClientsVQ(dce, preferredMaximum=0xf
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ def hDhcpEnumSubnetClientsV4(dce, preferredMaximum=0xf
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ def hDhcpEnumSubnetClientsV5(dce, subnetAddress=0, pre
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCSessionError, e:
++        except DCERPCSessionError as e:
+             if str(e).find('STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ def hDhcpEnumSubnetElementsV5(dce, subnet_address, ele
+     while status == system_errors.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+         try:
+             resp = dce.request(request)
+-        except DCERPCException, e:
++        except DCERPCException as e:
+             if str(e).find('ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS') < 0:
+                 raise
+             resp = e.get_packet()
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/
+@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ class DCERPCSessionError(DCERPCException):
+     def __str__( self ):
+         key = self.error_code
+-        if hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(key):
++        if key in hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[key][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = hresult_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[key][1]
+             return 'DRSR SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+-        elif system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES.has_key(key & 0xffff):
++        elif key & 0xffff in system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES:
+             error_msg_short = system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[key & 0xffff][0]
+             error_msg_verbose = system_errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[key & 0xffff][1]
+             return 'DRSR SessionError: code: 0x%x - %s - %s' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short, error_msg_verbose)
+@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ class EXOP_ERR(NDRENUM):
+     def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
+         if msg is None: msg = self.__class__.__name__
+         if msg != '':
+-            print msg,
++            print(msg, end=' ')
+         try:
+-            print " %s" % self.enumItems(self.fields['Data']).name,
++            print(" %s" % self.enumItems(self.fields['Data']).name, end=' ')
+         except ValueError:
+-            print " %d" % self.fields['Data']
++            print(" %d" % self.fields['Data'])
+ # EXOP_REQ Codes
+ EXOP_FSMO_REQ_ROLE = 0x00000001
+@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ class WCHAR_ARRAY(NDRUniConformantArray):
+                 # We might have Unicode chars in here, let's use unichr instead
+                 LOG.debug('ValueError exception on %s' % self.fields[key])
+                 LOG.debug('Switching to unichr()')
+-                return ''.join([unichr(i) for i in self.fields[key]])
++                return ''.join([chr(i) for i in self.fields[key]])
+         else:
+             return NDR.__getitem__(self,key)
+@@ -1488,22 +1488,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     oid4 = '1.2.840.113556.1.5.7000.53'
+     o0 = MakeAttid(prefixTable, oid0)
+-    print hex(o0)
++    print(hex(o0))
+     o1 = MakeAttid(prefixTable, oid1)
+-    print hex(o1)
++    print(hex(o1))
+     o2 = MakeAttid(prefixTable, oid2)
+-    print hex(o2)
++    print(hex(o2))
+     o3 = MakeAttid(prefixTable, oid3)
+-    print hex(o3)
++    print(hex(o3))
+     o4 = MakeAttid(prefixTable, oid4)
+-    print hex(o4)
++    print(hex(o4))
+     jj = OidFromAttid(prefixTable, o0)
+-    print jj
++    print(jj)
+     jj = OidFromAttid(prefixTable, o1)
+-    print jj
++    print(jj)
+     jj = OidFromAttid(prefixTable, o2)
+-    print jj
++    print(jj)
+     jj = OidFromAttid(prefixTable, o3)
+-    print jj
++    print(jj)
+     jj = OidFromAttid(prefixTable, o4)
+-    print jj
++    print(jj)
+--- impacket/dcerpc/v5/	2022-05-21 20:29:42 UTC
++++ impacket/dcerpc/v5/
+@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ class STR(NDRSTRUCT):
+     def dump(self, msg = None, indent = 0):
+         if msg is None: msg = self.__class__.__name__
+         if msg != '':
*** 5621 LINES SKIPPED ***