git: 719e63e2fba2 - main - lang/seed7: update to 05_20211225

From: Pietro Cerutti <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 15:37:02 UTC
The branch main has been updated by gahr:


commit 719e63e2fba2b9996d88e36ee400ab73d908d4ac
Author:     Pietro Cerutti <>
AuthorDate: 2021-12-27 13:20:46 +0000
Commit:     Pietro Cerutti <>
CommitDate: 2021-12-27 15:36:38 +0000

    lang/seed7: update to 05_20211225
    - Support for syntax highlighting in vim has been added. Many thanks
      to Johannes Gritsch for providing the files doc/seed7.vim and
    - Chapters about ignoring values, bin64, bin32, bstring, fileSys,
      Transport Layer Security and the graphics library have been added
      to the manual. Many other chapters of the manual have been improved
      as well.
    - The new library imagefile.s7i has been added. This library supports
      various image file formats (PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, ICO, PPM).
    - The picture viewer program pv7.sd7 has been improved to use the
      function readImage() from the imagefile.s7i library.
    - The keyboard test program gkbd.sd7 has been improved to show more
      keys. These keys turn red when they are currently pressed.
    - The function equalFileContent() in sydir7.sd7 has been improved to
      use a reduced buffer size. A possible error that happens if just
      one file is at EOF after reading data into the buffers, has been
      fixed also.
    - In keybd.s7i, keydescr.s7i and kbd_drv.h definitions for KEY_CTL_0
      to KEY_CTL_9 have been added.
    - In png.s7i an error that happend when reading tiny interlaced PNG
      files has been fixed.
    - In boolean.s7i the functions succ(), pred() and boolean()
      (conversion from integer) have been improved to raise RANGE_ERROR
      if the resulting value would not be TRUE or FALSE.
    - Tests for the boolean succ() and pred() functions have been added
      to chkbool.sd7.
    - Tests for boolean for-loops have been added to chkprc.sd7.
    - The operator -:= has been added to bitset.s7i, bitsetof.s7i and
    - Tests for set difference assignment (operator -:=) have been added
      to chkset.sd7.
    - The program chk_all.sd7 has been adjusted to the changes in the
      check programs.
    - The function width(aCharacter) (defined in char.s7i) has been fixed
      to return 0 for curser and function keys. The change has been made
      in chr_rtl.c.
    - In file.s7i the function skip() has been improved to avoid a
      possible endless loop.
    - In null_file.s7i the function gets() has been improved to raise
      RANGE_ERROR if the parameter ''maxLength'' is negative.
    - In graph_file.s7i, pixmap_file.s7i and window.s7i, the scrolling
      has been fixed.
    - In bytedata.s7i the functions getUInt16Le(), getUInt32Le(),
      getUInt16Be() and getUInt32Be() have been improved to use
    - In filesys.s7i and osfiles.s7i the function readlink() is
      deprecated. The function readLink() should be used instead.
      The files cpio.s7i ftpserv.s7i, rpm.s7i, tar.s7i, find7.sd7 and
      sydir7.sd7 have been altered to use readLink().
    - In graph.s7i fhe function DRAW_FLUSH() is deprecated. The
      function flushGraphic() should be used instead.
    - The files dialog.s7i, graph_file.s7i, pixmap_file.s7i, bas7.sd7,
      bifurk.sd7, carddemo.sd7, castle.sd7, cellauto.sd7, clock3.sd7,
      dnafight.sd7, gkbd.sd7, klondike.sd7, lander.sd7, mahjong.sd7,
      mandelbr.sd7, mirror.sd7, pairs.sd7, panic.sd7, percolation.sd7,
      pv7.sd7, raytrace.sd7, shisen.sd7, sudoku7.sd7 and tetg.sd7 have
      been altered to use flushGraphic() instead of the deprecated
    - In draw.s7i  the put() functions with PSET and XOR parameter are
      deprecated. The functions without PSET respectively XOR should
      be used instead.
    - In graph.s7i the function setCloseAction() is deprecated.
      Instead of setCloseAction(popupWindow, RETURN_KEY); the statement
      selectInput(popupWindow, KEY_CLOSE, TRUE); should be used.
    - The files dialog.s7i, castle.sd7, klondike.sd7, lander.sd7,
      mahjong.sd7, mandelbr.sd7, pairs.sd7, panic.sd7, planets.sd7,
      shisen.sd7, sokoban.sd7, sudoku7.sd7, tetg.sd7 and wator.sd7 have
      been altered to use selectInput() instead of the deprecated
    - In gzip.s7i the functions openGunzipFile(aFile) and
      openGzipFile(aFile) are deprecated. Instead of
      openGunzipFile(aFile), use openGzipFile(aFile, READ), and instead
      of openGzipFile(aFile) use openGzipFile(aFile, WRITE). The files
      rpm.s7i and tar_cmds.s7i have been altered to use the new
    - In strifile.s7i the function openStrifile() is deprecated.
      The function openStriFile() should be used instead.
    - The files htmldom.s7i, rpm.s7i, xmldom.s7i and chkbitdata.sd7 have
      been altered to use openStriFile() instead of the deprecated
    - In stritext.s7i the function openStritext() is deprecated.
      The function openStriText() should be used instead.
    - A syntax error in the library stritext.s7i has been fixed.
    - In echo.s7i, dir.s7i, pixmap_file.s7i and shell.s7i internal
      indentifiers have been renamed to use camel case.
    - Interpreter and compiler have been improved to support the actions
      BLN_SUCC and BLN_PRED. Changes have been done in boolean.s7i,
      blnlib.c, blnlib.h, primitiv.c, comp/bln_act.s7i and
    - Interpreter and compiler have been improved to support the action
      SET_DIFF_ASSIGN. Changes have been done in bitset.s7i,
      bitsetof.s7i, set_rtl.c, set_rtl.h, setlib.c, setlib.h, primitiv.c,
      comp/set_act.s7i and comp/action.s7i.
    - In interpreter and compiler the actions BLN_ICONV1 and BLN_ICONV3
      have been improved to raise RANGE_ERROR if the value is not 0 or 1.
    - The interpreter has been improved (in s7.c) to write an error
      message if the declaration of main() is missing.
    - The graphic keyboard drivers in drw_win.c, gkb_win.c and gkb_x11.c
      have been improved. Minimizing, maximizing and restoring a window
      triggers a KEY_RESIZE only when it is necessary. Now it can be
      checked if the mouse forward and back buttons are currently
      pressed. The event tracing in the keyboard drivers has also been
    - The parameters of the function drwPut() have been altered in
      drw_dos.c, drw_emc.c, drw_win.c, drw_x11.c, drw_drv.h, drwlib.c
      and comp/drw_act.s7i.
    - The code generation for ENU_ICONV2 in the compiler has been
      improved (in comp/enu_act.s7i). Now it is similar to the code
      generated for BLN_ICONV1 and BLN_ICONV3.
    - The error logging in exec.c has been improved.
    - Several makefiles have been improved such that 'sudo make install'
      succeeds for an existing installation.
    - In blnlib.c the functions bln_pred() and bln_succ() have been
      added and the functions bln_iconv1() and bln_iconv3() have been
      adjusted. Now these functions raise RANGE_ERROR if the resulting
      value would not be TRUE or FALSE.
    - The function setDiffAssign() has been added to set_rtl.c.
    - In tim_win.c the function alternate_utime() has been improved to
      work more reliable (this is called by setMTime).
    - The function cmdReadlink has been renamed to cmdReadLink. Changes
      have been done in cmdlib.c, cmd_rtl.c, cmd_rtl.h and
    - Documentation comments have been added or improved in array.s7i,
      bigint.s7i, bin32.s7i, bin64.s7i, bitset.s7i, bitsetof.s7i,
      bmp.s7i, boolean.s7i, bstring.s7i, category.s7i, char.s7i,
      cpio.s7i, dir.s7i, draw.s7i, echo.s7i, file.s7i, filesys.s7i,
      float.s7i, forloop.s7i, gif.s7i, graph.s7i, graph_file.s7i,
      gzip.s7i, hashsetof.s7i, ico.s7i, integer.s7i, jpeg.s7i,
      keydescr.s7i, line.s7i, logfile.s7i, lzma.s7i, null_file.s7i,
      pixmap_file.s7i, png.s7i, ppm.s7i, progs.s7i, reference.s7i,
      ref_list.s7i, rpm.s7i, shell.s7i, stars.s7i, strifile.s7i,
      string.s7i, stritext.s7i, subfile.s7i, tar.s7i, text.s7i,
      tls.s7i, utf16.s7i, utf8.s7i, xz.s7i, zstd.s7i
      setlib.c and set_rtl.c.
 lang/seed7/Makefile  | 6 +++++-
 lang/seed7/distinfo  | 6 +++---
 lang/seed7/pkg-plist | 3 +++
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lang/seed7/Makefile b/lang/seed7/Makefile
index 7dd2e65d98e0..018815d78462 100644
--- a/lang/seed7/Makefile
+++ b/lang/seed7/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Created by: gahr
 PORTNAME=	seed7
-DISTVERSION=	05_20211114
+DISTVERSION=	05_20211225
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ do-install:
 	cd ${WRKSRC}/../lib/comp && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} '*.s7i' ${STAGEDIR}${SEED7_LIBRARY}/comp
 #	install static libraries
+#	install vim syntax files
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/../doc/seed7.vim ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/../doc/sd7.vim ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}
 .for s7_lib in ${S7_LIBS}
 	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/../bin/${s7_lib} ${STAGEDIR}${S7_LIB_DIR}
diff --git a/lang/seed7/distinfo b/lang/seed7/distinfo
index 0fa5cbd64cbf..b62cfaf0e6e7 100644
--- a/lang/seed7/distinfo
+++ b/lang/seed7/distinfo
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1638171785
-SHA256 (seed7_05_20211114.tgz) = 80d7e456b2ade2512a12fc2f19dd8ac47ae8fe6ef61f8557ab2a9ce6c3e0ffd3
-SIZE (seed7_05_20211114.tgz) = 3632041
+TIMESTAMP = 1640606968
+SHA256 (seed7_05_20211225.tgz) = f933aed2138aa5f6aaf4cc1073d7cde0b6981f8fe607e3fb6f859bb06f7b68f2
+SIZE (seed7_05_20211225.tgz) = 3669660
diff --git a/lang/seed7/pkg-plist b/lang/seed7/pkg-plist
index 6df81b70624c..1f328bfbb287 100644
--- a/lang/seed7/pkg-plist
+++ b/lang/seed7/pkg-plist
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
@@ -138,6 +140,7 @@ lib/seed7/lib/huffman.s7i