FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #26079 - Still Unstable

From: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:03:01 UTC
FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #26079 (80b64ef0a10b87ff2f79d1a6e18ecdf3e3bee1b1) - Still Unstable

Build information:
Full change log:
Full build log:

Status explanation:
"Unstable" - some tests are suspected being broken by the following changes
"Still Unstable" - the failing test cases have not been fixed by these
                   following changes and this is a notification to note that
                   these changes have not been fully tested by the CI system

Change summaries:
(Those commits are likely but not certainly responsible)

d1a37f280be46a707b42c3eca5f8b6a38ecf726b by bz:
LinuxKPI: 802.11: remove ieee80211_node_get_txrate_dot11rate()

3816452ecac64dcd2708c67fe0a1193d5e06feac by mhorne:
Revert "riscv: enable allwinner RTC"

394a9a5b1c2ad7b679a00c3087c41378abfa74a1 by bz:
net80211: LinuxKPI 802.11: clean up MIC vs. MMIC rx flags

80b64ef0a10b87ff2f79d1a6e18ecdf3e3bee1b1 by kp:
pf: don't assert on address family in pf_addrcpy()

The failed test cases:

4 tests failed.
FAILED:  sys.kern.ktrace_test.ktrace__cap_sockaddr

Error Message:
/usr/src/tests/sys/kern/ktrace_test.c:133: WEXITSTATUS(error) != status

FAILED:  sys.netinet.broadcast.INADDR_BROADCAST

Error Message:
/usr/src/tests/sys/netinet/broadcast.c:65: sending of broadcast failed: 51

FAILED:  sys.netinet.carp.unicast_v4

Error Message:
atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details

FAILED:  sys.netinet.fibs_test.same_ip_multiple_ifaces_fib0

Error Message:
atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details