FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #25000 - Failure
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 04:43:30 UTC
FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #25000 (1c7307cf6763a295ea9896be9f197d40511c77ed) - Failure Build information: Full change log: Full build log: Status explanation: "Failure" - the build is suspected being broken by the following changes "Still Failing" - the build has not been fixed by the following changes and this is a notification to note that these changes have not been fully tested by the CI system Change summaries: (Those commits are likely but not certainly responsible) 1c7307cf6763a295ea9896be9f197d40511c77ed by zlei: kern linker: Make linker_file_add_dependency() void The end of the build log: [...truncated 4.20 MiB...] epair19b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.010s] sys/netinet/output:output_raw_success -> epair20a: Ethernet address: 02:c7:9e:89:c2:0a epair20b: Ethernet address: 02:c7:9e:89:c2:0b epair20a: link state changed to UP epair20b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet/output:output_tcp_flowid_mpath_success -> epair21a: Ethernet address: 02:b9:15:71:2e:0a epair21b: Ethernet address: 02:b9:15:71:2e:0b epair21a: link state changed to UP epair21b: link state changed to UP epair22a: Ethernet address: 02:04:c3:1a:3a:0a epair22b: Ethernet address: 02:04:c3:1a:3a:0b epair22a: link state changed to UP epair22b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.002s] sys/netinet/output:output_tcp_setup_success -> epair23a: Ethernet address: 02:dd:58:93:3c:0a epair23b: Ethernet address: 02:dd:58:93:3c:0b epair23a: link state changed to UP epair23b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet/output:output_udp_flowid_mpath_success -> epair24a: Ethernet address: 02:fd:72:ab:2f:0a epair24b: Ethernet address: 02:fd:72:ab:2f:0b epair24a: link state changed to UP epair24b: link state changed to UP epair25a: Ethernet address: 02:e2:db:1b:99:0a epair25b: Ethernet address: 02:e2:db:1b:99:0b epair25a: link state changed to UP epair25b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet/output:output_udp_setup_success -> epair26a: Ethernet address: 02:3e:9e:4e:e0:0a epair26b: Ethernet address: 02:3e:9e:4e:e0:0b epair26a: link state changed to UP epair26b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet/redirect:valid_redirect -> epair27a: Ethernet address: 02:02:b1:1a:10:0a epair27b: Ethernet address: 02:02:b1:1a:10:0b epair27a: link state changed to UP epair27b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.008s] sys/netinet/so_reuseport_lb_test:basic_ipv4 -> Limiting closed port RST response from 13390 to 197 packets/sec passed [1.237s] sys/netinet/so_reuseport_lb_test:basic_ipv6 -> Limiting closed port RST response from 15782 to 203 packets/sec passed [0.951s] sys/netinet/socket_afinet:socket_afinet -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/socket_afinet:socket_afinet_bind_ok -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/socket_afinet:socket_afinet_bind_zero -> skipped: doesn't work when mac_portacl(4) loaded ( [0.005s] sys/netinet/socket_afinet:socket_afinet_poll_no_rdhup -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/socket_afinet:socket_afinet_poll_rdhup -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/socket_afinet:socket_afinet_stream_reconnect -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/tcp_connect_port_test:basic_ipv4 -> Limiting closed port RST response from 16749 to 191 packets/sec Limiting closed port RST response from 18199 to 189 packets/sec Limiting closed port RST response from 17945 to 194 packets/sec passed [3.614s] sys/netinet/tcp_connect_port_test:basic_ipv6 -> Limiting closed port RST response from 14828 to 189 packets/sec Limiting closed port RST response from 11886 to 195 packets/sec Limiting closed port RST response from 15326 to 193 packets/sec Limiting closed port RST response from 17785 to 211 packets/sec Limiting closed port RST response from 15182 to 190 packets/sec passed [4.382s] sys/netinet/tcp_implied_connect:tcp_implied_connect -> passed [0.004s] sys/netinet/tcp_md5_getsockopt:tcp_md5_getsockopt_v4 -> skipped: Test requires the tcpmd5 kernel module to be loaded [0.005s] sys/netinet/tcp_md5_getsockopt:tcp_md5_getsockopt_v6 -> skipped: Test requires the tcpmd5 kernel module to be loaded [0.004s] sys/netinet/udp_io:peek -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/udp_io:trunc -> passed [0.004s] sys/netinet/libalias/1_instance:1_singleinit -> passed [0.007s] sys/netinet/libalias/1_instance:2_destroynull -> pid 13661 (1_instance), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped) expected_failure: Code expects valid pointer. [0.015s] sys/netinet/libalias/1_instance:3_multiinit -> passed [0.014s] sys/netinet/libalias/1_instance:4_multiinstance -> passed [0.089s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:1_simplemasq -> passed [0.006s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:2_unregistered -> passed [0.007s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:3_cgn -> passed [0.006s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:4_udp -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:5_sameport -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:6_cleartable -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:7_stress -> passed [0.086s] sys/netinet/libalias/2_natout:8_portrange -> passed [0.006s] sys/netinet/libalias/3_natin:1_portforward -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/libalias/3_natin:2_portoverlap -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/libalias/3_natin:3_redirectany -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/libalias/3_natin:4_redirectaddr -> passed [0.005s] sys/netinet/libalias/3_natin:5_lsnat -> passed [0.006s] sys/netinet/libalias/3_natin:6_oneshot -> passed [0.006s] sys/netinet6/divert:ipdivert_ip6_output_remote_success -> epair28a: Ethernet address: 02:c9:de:42:ac:0a epair28b: Ethernet address: 02:c9:de:42:ac:0b epair28a: link state changed to UP epair28b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.001s] sys/netinet6/exthdr:exthdr -> epair29a: Ethernet address: 02:41:f0:57:80:0a epair29b: Ethernet address: 02:41:f0:57:80:0b epair29a: link state changed to UP epair29b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.006s] sys/netinet6/fibs6:fibs6_ifroutes1_success -> epair30a: Ethernet address: 02:c9:6f:46:9c:0a epair30b: Ethernet address: 02:c9:6f:46:9c:0b epair30a: link state changed to UP epair30b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/forward6:fwd_ip6_gu_icmp_gw_gu_fast_success -> epair31a: Ethernet address: 02:6c:0c:f3:22:0a epair31b: Ethernet address: 02:6c:0c:f3:22:0b epair31a: link state changed to UP epair31b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.008s] sys/netinet6/forward6:fwd_ip6_gu_icmp_gw_gu_slow_success -> epair32a: Ethernet address: 02:21:e9:de:66:0a epair32b: Ethernet address: 02:21:e9:de:66:0b epair32a: link state changed to UP epair32b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/forward6:fwd_ip6_gu_icmp_gw_ll_fast_success -> epair33a: Ethernet address: 02:0e:fe:fc:cb:0a epair33b: Ethernet address: 02:0e:fe:fc:cb:0b epair33a: link state changed to UP epair33b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.003s] sys/netinet6/forward6:fwd_ip6_gu_icmp_gw_ll_slow_success -> epair34a: Ethernet address: 02:ae:0c:9f:c5:0a epair34b: Ethernet address: 02:ae:0c:9f:c5:0b epair34a: link state changed to UP epair34b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/forward6:fwd_ip6_gu_icmp_iface_fast_success -> epair35a: Ethernet address: 02:c6:a6:2f:e7:0a epair35b: Ethernet address: 02:c6:a6:2f:e7:0b epair35a: link state changed to UP epair35b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/forward6:fwd_ip6_gu_icmp_iface_slow_success -> epair36a: Ethernet address: 02:ad:4d:e4:4f:0a epair36b: Ethernet address: 02:ad:4d:e4:4f:0b epair36a: link state changed to UP epair36b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/lpm6:lpm6_test1_success -> epair37a: Ethernet address: 02:2a:94:ec:18:0a epair37b: Ethernet address: 02:2a:94:ec:18:0b epair37a: link state changed to UP epair37b: link state changed to UP epair38a: Ethernet address: 02:cf:21:e8:ed:0a epair38b: Ethernet address: 02:cf:21:e8:ed:0b epair38a: link state changed to UP epair38b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.002s] sys/netinet6/lpm6:lpm6_test2_success -> epair39a: Ethernet address: 02:09:9f:c8:39:0a epair39b: Ethernet address: 02:09:9f:c8:39:0b epair39a: link state changed to UP epair39b: link state changed to UP epair40a: Ethernet address: 02:7c:c4:3e:70:0a epair40b: Ethernet address: 02:7c:c4:3e:70:0b epair40a: link state changed to UP epair40b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/mld:mldraw01 -> epair41a: Ethernet address: 02:3e:4f:42:3f:0a epair41b: Ethernet address: 02:3e:4f:42:3f:0b epair41a: link state changed to UP epair41b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.005s] sys/netinet6/mld:pr233683 -> epair42a: Ethernet address: 02:b2:cc:2e:d2:0a epair42b: Ethernet address: 02:b2:cc:2e:d2:0b epair42a: link state changed to UP epair42b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/ndp:ndp_add_gu_success -> epair43a: Ethernet address: 02:3c:75:97:4e:0a epair43b: Ethernet address: 02:3c:75:97:4e:0b epair43a: link state changed to UP epair43b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.010s] sys/netinet6/ndp:ndp_del_gu_success -> epair44a: Ethernet address: 02:fe:2e:df:54:0a epair44b: Ethernet address: 02:fe:2e:df:54:0b epair44a: link state changed to UP epair44b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/output6:output6_raw_flowid_mpath_success -> epair45a: Ethernet address: 02:50:98:13:91:0a epair45b: Ethernet address: 02:50:98:13:91:0b epair45a: link state changed to UP epair45b: link state changed to UP epair46a: Ethernet address: 02:12:03:fe:95:0a epair46b: Ethernet address: 02:12:03:fe:95:0b epair46a: link state changed to UP epair46b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.005s] sys/netinet6/output6:output6_raw_success -> epair47a: Ethernet address: 02:66:74:b6:fd:0a epair47b: Ethernet address: 02:66:74:b6:fd:0b epair47a: link state changed to UP epair47b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.003s] sys/netinet6/output6:output6_tcp_flowid_mpath_success -> epair48a: Ethernet address: 02:d9:24:63:2f:0a epair48b: Ethernet address: 02:d9:24:63:2f:0b epair48a: link state changed to UP epair48b: link state changed to UP epair49a: Ethernet address: 02:45:a9:89:2a:0a epair49b: Ethernet address: 02:45:a9:89:2a:0b epair49a: link state changed to UP epair49b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.004s] sys/netinet6/output6:output6_tcp_setup_success -> epair50a: Ethernet address: 02:5b:d8:09:fb:0a epair50b: Ethernet address: 02:5b:d8:09:fb:0b epair50a: link state changed to UP epair50b: link state changed to UP broken: Test case body timed out [300.003s] sys/netinet6/output6:output6_udp_flowid_mpath_success -> epair51a: Ethernet address: 02:91:a0:6a:90:0a epair51b: Ethernet address: 02:91:a0:6a:90:0b epair51a: link state changed to UP epair51b: link state changed to UP epair52a: Ethernet address: 02:6c:06:17:b7:0a epair52b: Ethernet address: 02:6c:06:17:b7:0b epair52a: link state changed to UP epair52b: link state changed to UP Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop... done Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop... Syncing disks, vnodes remaining... 0 0 done All buffers synced. + rc=0 + echo 'bhyve return code = 0' bhyve return code = 0 + sudo /usr/sbin/bhyvectl '--vm=testvm-main-amd64-25000' --destroy + sh -ex freebsd-ci/scripts/test/ + METAOUTDIR=meta-out + rm -fr meta-out + mkdir meta-out + tar xvf meta.tar -C meta-out x ./ x ./ x ./ x ./ x ./auto-shutdown x ./ x ./ + rm -f test-report.txt test-report.xml + mv 'meta-out/test-report.*' . mv: rename meta-out/test-report.* to ./test-report.*: No such file or directory + report=test-report.xml + [ -e freebsd-ci/jobs/FreeBSD-main-amd64-test/xfail-list -a -e test-report.xml ] + rm -f disk-cam + jot 5 + rm -f disk1 + rm -f disk2 + rm -f disk3 + rm -f disk4 + rm -f disk5 + rm -f disk-test.img [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts. [FreeBSD-main-amd64-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + ./freebsd-ci/artifact/ Post link: {'job_name': 'FreeBSD-main-amd64-test', 'commit': '1c7307cf6763a295ea9896be9f197d40511c77ed', 'branch': 'main', 'target': 'amd64', 'target_arch': 'amd64', 'link_type': 'latest_tested'} "Link created: main/latest_tested/amd64/amd64 -> ../../1c7307cf6763a295ea9896be9f197d40511c77ed/amd64/amd64\n" Recording test results ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error? Checking for post-build Performing post-build step Checking if email needs to be generated Email was triggered for: Failure - Any Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any Sending mail from default account using System Admin e-mail address