FreeBSD-stable-14-amd64-test - Build #249 - Failure
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 07:16:24 UTC
FreeBSD-stable-14-amd64-test - Build #249 (431d8b78ed262af910656930d96088f5a1d90485) - Failure Build information: Full change log: Full build log: Status explanation: "Failure" - the build is suspected being broken by the following changes "Still Failing" - the build has not been fixed by the following changes and this is a notification to note that these changes have not been fully tested by the CI system Change summaries: (Those commits are likely but not certainly responsible) a9262d053b6322155fe844e798cab35cc8ed0c2e by ken: Add IBM TS1170 density codes and specs. bd1739a707ff0bda50dedb8aa58b2b26254bdda3 by christos: sort: test against all month formats in month-sort 431d8b78ed262af910656930d96088f5a1d90485 by christos: sort: Only build FreeBSD-specific ALTMON_x stuff when ATLMON_1 is The end of the build log: [...truncated 4.02 MB...] lib/librt/sem_test:basic -> passed [0.013s] lib/librt/sem_test:child -> passed [2.110s] lib/librt/sem_test:clockwait_absolute_intr_remaining -> passed [0.056s] lib/librt/sem_test:clockwait_monotonic_absolute -> passed [0.104s] lib/librt/sem_test:clockwait_monotonic_relative -> passed [0.105s] lib/librt/sem_test:clockwait_relative_intr_remaining -> passed [0.058s] lib/librt/sem_test:timedwait -> passed [0.158s] lib/csu/dynamic/cxx_constructors:cxx_constructor -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamic/cxx_constructors:cxx_destructor -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamic/fini_test:dso_handle_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamic/fini_test:dtors_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamic/fini_test:fini_array_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamic/init_test:ctors_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamic/init_test:init_array_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/dynamic/init_test:jcr_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamic/init_test:preinit_array_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/cxx_constructors:cxx_constructor -> passed [0.005s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/cxx_constructors:cxx_destructor -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/fini_test:dso_handle_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/fini_test:dtors_test -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/fini_test:fini_array_test -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/init_test:ctors_test -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/init_test:init_array_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/init_test:jcr_test -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamiclib/init_test:preinit_array_test -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/cxx_constructors:cxx_constructor -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/cxx_constructors:cxx_destructor -> passed [0.004s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/fini_test:dso_handle_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/fini_test:dtors_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/fini_test:fini_array_test -> passed [0.006s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/init_test:ctors_test -> passed [0.006s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/init_test:init_array_test -> passed [0.007s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/init_test:jcr_test -> passed [0.006s] lib/csu/dynamicpie/init_test:preinit_array_test -> passed [0.006s] lib/csu/static/cxx_constructors:cxx_constructor -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/static/cxx_constructors:cxx_destructor -> passed [0.003s] lib/csu/static/fini_test:dso_handle_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/static/fini_test:dtors_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/static/fini_test:fini_array_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/static/init_test:ctors_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/static/init_test:init_array_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/static/init_test:jcr_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/csu/static/init_test:preinit_array_test -> passed [0.002s] lib/libcam/cam_test:cam_strmatch -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_close_device_negative_test_NULL -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_freeccb_negative_test_NULL -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_get_device_negative_test_NULL_path -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_get_device_negative_test_bad_path -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_get_device_negative_test_nul_path -> passed [0.002s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_get_device_negative_test_root -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_get_device_positive_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_get_device_sa_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_getccb_positive_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_open_device_negative_test_O_RDONLY -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_open_device_negative_test_nonexistent -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_open_device_negative_test_unprivileged -> passed [0.003s] lib/libcam/libcam_test:cam_open_device_positive_test -> passed [0.003s] lib/libregex/exhaust_test:regcomp_too_big -> passed [0.593s] lib/libregex/libregex_test:gnuext -> passed [0.028s] lib/libregex/regex_att_test:basic -> passed [0.006s] lib/libregex/regex_att_test:categorization -> passed [0.003s] lib/libregex/regex_att_test:forcedassoc -> passed [0.003s] lib/libregex/regex_att_test:leftassoc -> expected_failure: Reason for breakage unknown: 12 checks failed as expected; see output for more details [0.003s] lib/libregex/regex_att_test:nullsubexpr -> passed [0.003s] lib/libregex/regex_att_test:repetition -> passed [0.003s] lib/libregex/regex_att_test:rightassoc -> passed [0.003s] lib/libregex/regex_test:anchor -> passed [0.028s] lib/libregex/regex_test:backref -> passed [0.027s] lib/libregex/regex_test:basic -> passed [0.026s] lib/libregex/regex_test:bracket -> passed [0.026s] lib/libregex/regex_test:c_comments -> passed [0.024s] lib/libregex/regex_test:complex -> passed [0.028s] lib/libregex/regex_test:error -> passed [0.024s] lib/libregex/regex_test:meta -> passed [0.024s] lib/libregex/regex_test:nospec -> passed [0.027s] lib/libregex/regex_test:paren -> passed [0.024s] lib/libregex/regex_test:regress -> passed [0.024s] lib/libregex/regex_test:repet_bounded -> passed [0.031s] lib/libregex/regex_test:repet_multi -> passed [0.025s] lib/libregex/regex_test:repet_ordinary -> passed [0.026s] lib/libregex/regex_test:startend -> passed [0.026s] lib/libregex/regex_test:subexp -> passed [0.027s] lib/libregex/regex_test:subtle -> passed [0.026s] lib/libregex/regex_test:word_bound -> passed [0.026s] lib/libregex/regex_test:zero -> passed [0.023s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__E -> passed [0.049s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__H -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__HIPx -> passed [0.021s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__HP -> passed [0.021s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__J -> passed [0.021s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__JP -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__T -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__X -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_01__XP -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__E -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__H -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__HIPx -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__HP -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__J -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__JP -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__T -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__X -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_02__XP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__E -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__H -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__HIPx -> passed [0.017s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__HP -> passed [0.017s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__J -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__JP -> passed [0.017s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__T -> passed [0.017s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__X -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_03__XP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__E -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__H -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__HIPx -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__HP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__J -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__JP -> passed [0.021s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__T -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__X -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_04__XP -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__E -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__H -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__HIPx -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__HP -> passed [0.021s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__J -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__JP -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__T -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__X -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_05__XP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__E -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__H -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__HIPx -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__HP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__J -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__JP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__T -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__X -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_06__XP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__E -> passed [0.021s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__H -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__HIPx -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__HP -> passed [0.021s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__J -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__JP -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__T -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__X -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_07__XP -> passed [0.022s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__E -> passed [0.035s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__H -> passed [0.037s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__HIPx -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__HP -> passed [0.020s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__J -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__JP -> passed [0.019s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__T -> passed [0.018s] lib/libxo/functional_test:test_08__X -> *** /usr/src/contrib/kyua/utils/process/executor.cpp:779: Invariant check failed: PID 61949 already in all_exec_handles; not properly cleaned up or reused too fast *** Fatal signal 6 received *** Log file is /.kyua/logs/kyua.20231215-065045.log *** Please report this problem to detailing what you were doing before the crash happened; if possible, include the log file mentioned above pid 786 (kyua), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped) Abort trap (core dumped) + rc=134 + set -e + [ 134 -ne 0 ] + [ 134 -ne 1 ] + exit 134 + tar cvf /dev/vtbd1 -C /meta . a . a ./auto-shutdown a ./ a ./ a ./ a ./ a ./ + [ -f /meta/auto-shutdown ] + uname -p + shutdown -p now Shutdown NOW! shutdown: [pid 61967] + startmsg . + check_startmsgs + [ -n yes ] + checkyesno rc_startmsgs + eval '_value=$rc_startmsgs' + _value=YES + debug 'checkyesno: rc_startmsgs is set to YES.' + return 0 + echo . . + _return=0 + umask 0022 + [ 0 -ne 0 ] + return 0 + _run_rc_postcmd + [ -n '' ] + return 0 + return 0 2023-12-15T07:16:16.595672+00:00 - shutdown 61962023-12-15T07:16:16.596483+00:00 - auditd 711 - - auditd_wait_for_events: SIGTERM 2023-12-15T07:16:16.597928+00:00 - auditd 711 - - Auditing disabled 2023-12-15T07:16:16.599346+00:00 - auditd 711 - - renamed /var/audit/20231215065045.not_terminated to /var/audit/20231215065045.20231215071616 2023-12-15T07:16:16.601880+00:00 - auditd 711 - - Finished Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop... done Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop... Syncing disks, vnodes remaining... 0 0 done All buffers synced. Uptime: 25m35s acpi0: Powering system off + rc=0 + echo 'bhyve return code = 0' bhyve return code = 0 + sudo /usr/sbin/bhyvectl '--vm=testvm-14-amd64-249' --destroy + sh -ex freebsd-ci/scripts/test/ + METAOUTDIR=meta-out + rm -fr meta-out + mkdir meta-out + tar xvf meta.tar -C meta-out x ./ x ./auto-shutdown x ./ x ./ x ./ x ./ x ./ + rm -f test-report.txt test-report.xml + mv 'meta-out/test-report.*' . mv: rename meta-out/test-report.* to ./test-report.*: No such file or directory + report=test-report.xml + [ -e freebsd-ci/jobs/FreeBSD-stable-14-amd64-test/xfail-list -a -e test-report.xml ] + rm -f disk-cam + jot 5 + rm -f disk1 + rm -f disk2 + rm -f disk3 + rm -f disk4 + rm -f disk5 + rm -f disk-test.img [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts. [FreeBSD-stable-14-amd64-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + ./freebsd-ci/artifact/ Post link: {'job_name': 'FreeBSD-stable-14-amd64-test', 'commit': '431d8b78ed262af910656930d96088f5a1d90485', 'branch': 'stable-14', 'target': 'amd64', 'target_arch': 'amd64', 'link_type': 'latest_tested'} "Link created: stable-14/latest_tested/amd64/amd64 -> ../../431d8b78ed262af910656930d96088f5a1d90485/amd64/amd64\n" Recording test results ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error? Checking for post-build Performing post-build step Checking if email needs to be generated Email was triggered for: Failure - Any Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any Sending mail from default account using System Admin e-mail address