FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #19857 - Failure
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:10:13 UTC
FreeBSD-main-amd64-test - Build #19857 (bebff615877efdf549e5033b47ade4d8553f6a77) - Failure Build information: Full change log: Full build log: Status explanation: "Failure" - the build is suspected being broken by the following changes "Still Failing" - the build has not been fixed by the following changes and this is a notification to note that these changes have not been fully tested by the CI system Change summaries: (Those commits are likely but not certainly responsible) 15b5c347f1916d14e84765ae68921755ee930612 by gbe: sched_ule(4): Fix two typo in source code comments b4fbc855a518c2bcad60c66c8f4e149996033b10 by gbe: cc_newreno(4): Fix a typo in a source code comment bebff615877efdf549e5033b47ade4d8553f6a77 by gbe: ffs_softdep: Fix a typo in a source code comment The end of the build log: [...truncated 4.27 MB...] Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100260 td 0xfffffe00a6e36ac0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6daddc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6dadde0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6dade20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6dadec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6dadef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6dadf30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6dadf30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100261 td 0xfffffe00a6e363a0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6da8dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6da8de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6da8e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6da8ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6da8ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6da8f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6da8f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100262 td 0xfffffe00a6e35c80 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6da3dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6da3de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6da3e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6da3ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6da3ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6da3f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6da3f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100263 td 0xfffffe00a6e35560 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d9edc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d9ede0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d9ee20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d9eec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d9eef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d9ef30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d9ef30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100264 td 0xfffffe00a6b841e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d99dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d99de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d99e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d99ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d99ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d99f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d99f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100265 td 0xfffffe00a6b83ac0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d94dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d94de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d94e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d94ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d94ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d94f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d94f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100266 td 0xfffffe00a6b833a0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8fdc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8fde0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8fe20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8fec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8fef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8ff30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8ff30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100267 td 0xfffffe00a6b82c80 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8adc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8ade0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8ae20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8aec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8aef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8af30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d8af30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100268 td 0xfffffe00a6b82560 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d85dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d85de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d85e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d85ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d85ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d85f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d85f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100269 td 0xfffffe00a6b81e40 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d80dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d80de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d80e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d80ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d80ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d80f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d80f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100270 td 0xfffffe00a6b81720 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d7bdc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d7bde0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d7be20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d7bec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d7bef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d7bf30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d7bf30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100271 td 0xfffffe00a6b81000 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d76dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d76de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d76e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a6d76ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a6d76ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d76f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d76f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100272 td 0xfffffe00a6b8dc80 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a7c13dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a7c13de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a7c13e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a7c13ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a7c13ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a7c13f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a7c13f30 --- trap 0x5a5a5a5a, rip = 0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a, rsp = 0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a, rbp = 0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100273 td 0xfffffe00a6b8d560 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0ec20 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0ec40 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0ec80 sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0ecc0 _cv_timedwait_sbt() at _cv_timedwait_sbt+0x19a/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0ed40 l2arc_feed_thread() at l2arc_feed_thread+0x274/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0eef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0ef30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a7c0ef30 --- trap 0, rip = 0xa, rsp = 0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100274 td 0xfffffe00a6b8ce40 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a7c09dc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a7c09de0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a7c09e20 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2e7/frame 0xfffffe00a7c09ec0 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00a7c09ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a7c09f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a7c09f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command zfskern pid 58859 tid 100275 td 0xfffffe00a6b8c720 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04cc0 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04ce0 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04d20 sleepq_catch_signals() at sleepq_catch_signals+0x266/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04d70 sleepq_wait_sig() at sleepq_wait_sig+0x9/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04d80 _cv_wait_sig() at _cv_wait_sig+0x165/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04de0 zfs_zevent_wait() at zfs_zevent_wait+0x47/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04e00 sysevent_worker() at sysevent_worker+0x49/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a7c04f30 --- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- Tracing command aiod1 pid 58867 tid 100114 td 0xfffffe009dbf91e0 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8fd60 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8fd80 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8fdc0 sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8fe00 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2ce/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8fea0 aio_daemon() at aio_daemon+0x305/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8fef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8ff30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a5d8ff30 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0xfdd4b80d9a, rsp = 0x7fffff5f6358, rbp = 0x7fffff5f6370 --- Tracing command aiod2 pid 58868 tid 100119 td 0xfffffe009dbf6e40 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5d60 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5d80 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5dc0 sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5e00 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2ce/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5ea0 aio_daemon() at aio_daemon+0x305/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0078ff5f30 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0x2f0f1c107d9a, rsp = 0x7fffffcf2548, rbp = 0x7fffffcf2560 --- Tracing command aiod3 pid 58869 tid 100224 td 0xfffffe00a6ab3740 sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x559/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12d60 mi_switch() at mi_switch+0x157/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12d80 sleepq_switch() at sleepq_switch+0x107/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12dc0 sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x4b/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12e00 _sleep() at _sleep+0x2ce/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12ea0 aio_daemon() at aio_daemon+0x305/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12ef0 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x80/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12f30 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00a6d12f30 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0x191cf4b8fd9a, rsp = 0x7fffffd460b8, rbp = 0x7fffffd46100 --- Tracing command atf-sh pid 1721 tid 100179 td 0xfffffe00a6a573a0 (CPU 1) cpustop_handler() at cpustop_handler+0x28/frame 0xfffffe00097cbe00 ipi_nmi_handler() at ipi_nmi_handler+0x39/frame 0xfffffe00097cbe10 trap() at trap+0x56/frame 0xfffffe00097cbf20 nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe00097cbf20 --- trap 0x13, rip = 0x7f78cd0e07d, rsp = 0x7fffff7012c0, rbp = 0x7fffff701360 --- db:0:kdb.enter.panic> dump Dumping 490 out of 4058 MB:..4%..14%..23%..33%..43%..53%..63%..72%..82%..92% Dump complete db:0:kdb.enter.panic> reset + rc=0 + echo 'bhyve return code = 0' bhyve return code = 0 + sudo /usr/sbin/bhyvectl '--vm=testvm-main-amd64-19857' --destroy + sh -ex freebsd-ci/scripts/test/ + METAOUTDIR=meta-out + rm -fr meta-out + mkdir meta-out + tar xvf meta.tar -C meta-out x ./ x ./ x ./ x ./ x ./auto-shutdown x ./ x ./ + rm -f test-report.txt test-report.xml + mv 'meta-out/test-report.*' . mv: rename meta-out/test-report.* to ./test-report.*: No such file or directory + report=test-report.xml + [ -e freebsd-ci/jobs/FreeBSD-main-amd64-test/xfail-list -a -e test-report.xml ] + rm -f disk-cam + jot 5 + rm -f disk1 + rm -f disk2 + rm -f disk3 + rm -f disk4 + rm -f disk5 + rm -f disk-test.img [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts. [FreeBSD-main-amd64-test] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + ./freebsd-ci/artifact/ Post link: {'job_name': 'FreeBSD-main-amd64-test', 'commit': 'bebff615877efdf549e5033b47ade4d8553f6a77', 'branch': 'main', 'target': 'amd64', 'target_arch': 'amd64', 'link_type': 'latest_tested'} "Link created: main/latest_tested/amd64/amd64 -> ../../bebff615877efdf549e5033b47ade4d8553f6a77/amd64/amd64\n" Recording test results ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error? Checking for post-build Performing post-build step Checking if email needs to be generated Email was triggered for: Failure - Any Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any Sending mail from default account using System Admin e-mail address