Upcoming Xfce 4.18

From: Guido Falsi <mad_at_madpilot.net>
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2022 17:31:22 UTC

As you may know Xfce 4.18 is on track to be released in mid December.

Just yesterday the project released 4.18pre1 (with pakcages still 
versioned 4.17.x)

I've started working on the update  using the development packages and 
am experiment9ing with it here:


It's simply a fork of the FreeBSD ports tree repo, with some branches 
for things I'm working on (with variable levels of success).

At present the packages build successfully ion poudriere, but I have not 
run tested the thing, and I also need to check if any extra cleanup is 

Anyway if you are interested and would like to test things you can take 
a look there!


Guido Falsi <mad@madpilot.net>