Re: Wanted: pointer to FreeBSD Radeon expertise

From: John Kennedy <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:48:57 UTC
On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 11:29:27AM -0500, William Bulley wrote:
> Thank you.  I have come to understand that the more minimal my
> xorg.conf file is the better.  What sections should I include
> or should I avoid a single xorg.conf file, but instead use the
> /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directory with files like this:
> driver-radion.conf
> keyboard.conf
> server.conf
> trackball.conf

  Yeah, there is plenty of old info out there with old methodologies, but
these days you want to let it dynamically discover as much a possible and
put in the minimum you need to help it get over the finish line.

  On my system, at least at the time i was fighting it (~2021), it didn't
seem to behave well when dealing with two cards, so I had to help it
along.  But basically I needed to add a section like this for both my cards:

	Section "Device"
		Identifier	"oland1"
		Driver		"radeon"
		BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"
		Option		"DisplayPort-1"	"Monitor1"
		Option		"DVI-1"		"Monitor2"

  In my case, I was associating the BusIDs of the two cards with identifiers.
I don't know if you'll need to worry about Screen sections if you've helped
it by picking out the card and associating it with the right driver.

  In my case, I have extra stuff in there to help it with extra screens
and monitors, with was was part of my bigger than just getting one card
to work fight.