Re: wireless interface does not come up on boot

From: marco <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 16:17:18 UTC
On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 09:26:28AM -0600, you (John J. Rushford) sent the following to [freebsd-wireless] :
> Greetings,
> I've properly configured wpa_supplicant to join an 
> AP in my home and I have the following options in /etc/rc.conf:
> wlans_iwlwifi0="wlan0"
> ifconfig_iwlwifi0="WPA DHCP"

> The interface does not come up after booting the laptop.  In 
> troubleshooting I've found that I can manualy bring the interface up 
> using the following commands:
> # ifconfig wlan0 up scan
> # wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf &
> # dhclient wlan0
> Once I bring up the interface, everything works as expected.  I'm 
> composing and sending this email from the machine now that I've manually 
> brought up the interface.

Can you please show the ifconfig output after boot plus kldstat output?
Could it be you perhaps need to add a 'create_args_wlan0 statement to

I currently use: create_args_wlan0="regdomain ETSI country NL authmode WPA powersave" where iwm(4) is the parent interface.

I'm using lagg(4) with failover with laggports em(4) and wlan(4) so my
config is a bit different but for the laggports I have a
create_args_iface  in rc.conf(5)
> I have no idea, why the interface does not come up automatically 
> following a boot.  I've noticed errors loading up firmware for the 
> adapter and was wondering if this could be throwing off the timing 
> during boot?
Couldn't say but sounds plausible.

Marco van Lienen -- FreeBSD enthusiast , GnuPG fingerprint: A025 D8AA AC1B D2FC 380D 4FC1 8EA0 0BA8 8580 E6CB
"The Tuck Pendleton defects."