Re: New iwlwifi driver seems to be good on AX200

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2022 01:05:34 UTC
On Mon, 28 Mar 2022, Kevin Oberman wrote:

> Updated to table/13-n250140-4cf0cc507f3 and the network seems good.
> A couple of oddities:
> First, the network is quite slow to start. The driver is loaded from
> rc.conf and seems to be up in about the same time as before the update. The

That should no longer be needed.  devmatch should do the right.

> ifconfig after the network start  looks good and I get:
> wlan0: Ethernet address: 6c:6a:77:ed:ce:d9
> wlan0: link state changed to UP
> on the console, but, after the startup completes and I have a login prompt,
> Mar 28 17:54:26 ptavv ntpd[1946]: error resolving pool
> Name does not resolve (8)
> Mar 28 17:54:26 ptavv dhclient[1335]: send_packet: No buffer space
> available                             Mar 28 17:54:26 ptavv syslogd: last
> message repeated 1 times
> I'm guessing that these messages were generated during the network startup,
> but no sent to the console until after getty started. This is not a
> problem, but seems odd and I have never seen it before.

dmesg -a   should show the order in which things appear more clearly
than syslog.

i'd also check wpa_supplicant logs to see if a deassoc/deauth happened
(still happens sometimes to me right after UP) which could explain why
packets do not immediately get out.

> Second, when the driver loads, I see failure to load both version 70 and 69
> of the firmware. 68 loads fine. I suspect that this is normal but it seemed
> odd that a newer version of firmware would not load on a fairly new device.
> (AX200)

That is normal as at the time of import the driver was aware of newer
firmware but the firmware wasn't released yet.
It is out now for some but I didn't want to update everything in one
go again as then we'd not know where problems come from.

The messages are harmless, very much like the yoyo you may or may not
see too failing to load.

> Neither of these impacts operation an everything seems to be running fine.
> Previously my system would crash on certain high data operations and I will
> be testing this later when I can deal with the system needing to reboot.

Glad to hear and thanks a lot for testing and reporting back.

Lots of health,

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7