[Bug 271931] The C++20 feature 'std::ranges::copy' is missing

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023 05:17:41 UTC

--- Comment #5 from Mark Millard <marklmi26-fbsd@yahoo.com> ---
FYI: https://libcxx.llvm.org//Status/Cxx20.html#cxx20-status
documents the following as being completed in llvm 16 for
C++20 Ranges (I omitted the "ranges" row labels from the
right hand sides of the rows in order to have shorter lines):

P1035R7 LWG     Input Range Adaptors    Cologne Complete        16.0

P1638R1 LWG     basic_istream_view::iterator should not be copyable     Cologne
Complete        16.0

P1862R1 LWG     Ranges adaptors for non-copyable iterators      Belfast
Complete        16.0

P1994R1 LWG     elements_view needs its own sentinel    Prague  Complete       

P2325R3 LWG     Views should not be required to be default constructible       
June 2021       Complete        16.0

P2210R2 LWG     Superior String Splitting       June 2021       Complete       

P2432R1 LWG     Fix istream_view        October 2021    Complete        16.0

3302    Range adaptor objects keys and values are unspecified   Prague 
Complete        16.0

3323    *has-tuple-element* helper concept needs convertible_to Prague 
Complete        16.0

3364    Initialize data members of ranges and their iterators   Prague 
Complete        16.0

3388    view iterator types have ill-formed <=> operators       Prague 
Complete        16.0

3397    ranges::basic_istream_view::iterator should not provide
iterator_category       Prague  Complete        16.0

These were apparently enough for them to have classified LLVM 15's
of C++20 Ranges as experimental.

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