Re: Version of OpenSSH in FreeBSD 14.0

From: Pete French <>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 09:45:36 UTC
On 28/10/2023 09:30, Roger Marsh wrote:
> Does 14.0 have OpenSSH 9.3 or OpenSSH 9.4?
> This thread:
> Delay in starting programs on FreeBSD via ssh after upgrade OpenBSD from 7.3 to 7.4 >
> on

This one ?

Just looking at that thread and not being able to quite work out what
the solution was there (it refers to another thread I cant find). But
it seems to be ObscureKeystrokeTiming, yes ?

There are no references to that in the config on FreeBSD 14, so I assume
it stays on, and at the default. Did this turn out to be the cause of
the issue, and did disabling it fix the problem ?

I have to admit I hadn't tried ssh'ing *out* of my test 14 box
until today, but a quick try doesnt show any delays to anything.
However I don't have anything running OpenBSD.


PS: I did see an upgraded ssh cause delays in login a while ago. But
that turned out to be dropping support for old key exchange algorithms.
If the box you are sshing into is somewhat underpowered then it can
take longer to do the key echange, as the newer algorithms are far
slower. In my case the delay was 30 seconds to login.