Re: ping acting strangely on 13.3

From: Andrea Venturoli <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 09:18:01 UTC
On 3/10/24 22:42, Dewayne Geraghty wrote:
> Andrea, you mentioned commenting "options INET6" from the kernel, but do 
> you also have WITHOUT_INET6 in /etc/src.conf, as this will take care of 
> userland?  It might help to review the ref below. If not, then you 
> probably need to add it and perform a "make world".
> Ref: man src.conf | col -b | grep -A3 -iE "INET6|IPV6"
> Regards, Dewayne.

Hello and thanks for answering.

Is this officially needed?
That would be a problem, since I build world on one single box, then 
install on different boxes which might have INET6 or not in the kernel.

If it's compulsory, I'll see what I can do, but I find it strange, since 
I never used this before (and I still don't with 14.0).
