Re: I am sick and tired of the poor quality of documentation on FreeBSD

From: Olivier Certner <>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 08:01:27 UTC

> Another fun gotcha is if you use zpool send+zpool receive to write a 
> backup of a boot disk to removable media instead of writing the 
> datastream as a file to the backup media, you get to learn about the fun 
> of when your backup mounted in place of the live system because its 
> properties said for it to be mounted there. I make modifications to zfs 
> properties on the receiving side to fix that and some other 
> issues+desires but suspect there are more things I have to learn in this 
> space.

I've also been bitten by this a few times a while ago.  You may want to look at option '-R' in zpool-import(8), even if I agree it's not ideal since it has to be applied at each import, whereas we would like it to be so automatically to avoid foot-shooting.


Olivier Certner