Problem upgrading to 14

From: Doug Hardie <>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 03:23:05 UTC
I have a RaspberryPi 4 that was running 13.1 that I tried to upgrade to 14 using freebsd-update.  The first thing I did was a freebsd-update fetch and then install to get the latest.  Then the upgrade to 14.0.

I got the 3 messages about things not being a directory.  I thought that the latest update to freebsd-update would have fixed that.

After quite a while, everything appeared to be hung.  Upon plugging in a display, I got messages about ZFS.  This system is using UFS.  Nothing appeared to be going on.  I rebooted the system and reran the freebsd-update install.  Got the 3 previous messages again.  However, near the end I got a lot of messages:

/var/db/etcupdate/current/etc/rc.d/<filename> no such file or directory.

Install finished and the system seems to work.  I am wondering if install got partially complete and those last messages are for things that were installed the first time.  

After rebooting and running intstall again, I used the fix from Bug 273661 and that seems to work.  i don't use C++ so not sure.  I have a few more 13.1 systems to upgrade and would like to avoid these problems.

-- Doug