Re: I am sick and tired of the poor quality of documentation on FreeBSD

From: <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2023 23:22:45 UTC
> You didn't do the complete upgrade because you failed to read the
> release notes, as noted a couple of times so far.  You might have
> missed the part where you're upgrading major versions, where stuff
> like the above *does* happen and that's why you have to actually read
> the material presented to you that's discussing what's changed.
> We can't stop you from shooting yourself in the foot when it's so
> clearly written right there what to do on a UEFI system where it's
> less  straightforward, and given your apparent years of experience
> there's no  way you haven't had to deal with a gpart-bootcode update
> that hasn't changed in any material fashion in years.

Enough with the assumptions!

I did read ALL the release notes. Who wouldn't!?

In the section "Upgrading from Previous Releases of FreeBSD", where it
says "Note for systems that boot via EFI, using either binary or source

Well, guess what, I am not using EFI. I thought this was only related to
 EFI systems.

> Well then I guess we all know what you have to do: either use those
> systems, hire someone who understands more than you or just feel
> happily invited to improve the oh-so-bad documentation of FreeBSD.
> You better move to another OS, FBDS and you won't get compatible in
> the the future. And quite frankly, you should have done so 19 years
> ago, latest.
> Wow. Two decades of using FBSD and you don't know what the boot code
> is. That pretty much explains your current predicament.

Fuck you! All of you smug ass know it all pieces of shit.

> Strange that - I've been using FreeBSD since 1.1 came out in 1993
> both personally and professionally at Yahoo! and Isilon and I have
> very very rarely had to deal with problems for *any* reason.

What a fucking load of crap! But let me get you a medal of gold!