Re: Out of order posting (was:: Load 0.20 on a freshly installed idle system)

From: Michael Schuster <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 06:52:07 UTC
Late to the party (I admit it), still...

On Sun, Jan 22, 2023, 07:37 Paul Procacci <> wrote:

> .
> Unless I'm using an email client where I can move a cursor to the position
> needed to tip me off what kind of posting is required for said email (like
> Mutt), then the steps necessary to conform to various `rules'  on various
> forms/lists/work emails/etc is simply too much work.

In my opinion, if this little piece of effort (which is just a few clicks
in my experience on both phone or desktop computer) is more effort than
what you're trying to say... Well, you get the idea.

Also (and this has been written many times), by you avoiding the effort
once of streamlining your response, you're putting that effort on every one
of your readers.

Also a fact: not once has anyone complained to me about top posting until
> now.
> Also a fact: I was asked not to bottom post elsewhere albeit quite a long
> time ago.

Just as you need to know the different rules for driving in different
countries or for speaking different languages (sensibly), there are also
slightly different rules on "moving" in different circles.
The fact that one community (or was it perhaps a single individual? )
frowns on top posting is just that - one fact. So?

[ previous stuff omitted]