Need help with Selenium, geckodriver and Firefox on FreeBSD

From: Jonathan Adams <>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 14:53:23 UTC
Hi folks,
  Before dumping the details of what I'm working on, I just wanted to ask if any one on the list has experience getting the geckodriver and firefox to work with the selenium webdriver in Python on FreeBSD.

  This might not be a FBSD specific issue, but I've had no luck with chromium, and am now trying firefox. Still nothing. Hours of Duckduckgo-ing and a ticket on the Selenium GitHub site have not helped, and most of the information out there is outdated and/or for Linux|Windows; not much info for FBSD.

  If any one is willing to lend a hand I have plenty more detail. We can take the conversation off-list if appropriate.


- Jonathan Adams
"Before Turing, things were done to numbers.
After Turing, numbers began doing things"
- George Dyson